Sample Answer for NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios Included After Question
In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products.
Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand by developing and maintaining an academic portfolio. Such an activity can help share the results of your efforts and contribute to your success. This week’s Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio.
To Prepare:
- Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
- Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.
By Day 3
Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.
Support main post with 3 of more current, credible sources and cite source within content of posting and on a reference list in proper APA.
By Day 6
Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days, by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.
Be sure to offer support from at least 2 current, credible sources in each required response to classmates’ main post and cite per APA.
A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
As a critical care nurse advancing my career to becoming an acute care nurse practitioner, it is necessary to take a second to reflect on goal setting because it’s essential to choose the ones that I want to achieve. Therefore, the first step to developing a professional plan is to take a serious look at what I would like my nursing philosophy to be. This plan would include a complete understanding of what my values, beliefs, and inspirations are and what motivates me to want to be in this specific field of nursing. In addition, It is also necessary to conduct extensive research on the particular advanced nursing position I would be considering. Finally, when looking into a job opportunity, it’s essential to understand the qualifications required, such as education and certification, years of experience, and the cost of tuition and books.
As we experience social change, knowledge is most useful when used for the greater good. Students, alumni, and faculty dedicate themselves to improving the human and social situation by developing and implementing ideas that benefit individuals, communities, organizations, and society as a whole (Walden University, n.d.). As nurses make advancements in their careers, it is important to remember this because it will pave our future paths as nurse practitioners. Furthermore, there are many academic activities to take advantage of to help us accomplish this. Some of these activities include leadership education, team-building, and advanced simulations. I would consider these are transferable skills that will help me during my time here at Walden and beyond. As I prepare my professional development goals, it would also be beneficial to find a mentor to help guide me, someone whose career I have admired and who can offer unbiased advice along the way. The Institute of Physics informs us that having a mentor not only helps you develop new skills and have a better grasp of your career path. It also gives us stability, constructive feedback, and an objective view of our goals, strengths, and obstacles (Robbins, 2021).
Healthcare is getting more complex and demanding every day, so the importance of being a certified nurse is becoming more necessary because it indicates a higher level of understanding. One of the professional Organizations I affiliate with is the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). Being board certified will not only strengthen us into being ethical scholar-practitioners, but it also proves to patients, employers, and the general public that a nurse’s knowledge meets national requirements and demonstrates a solid commitment to patient safety. (AACN, 2021).

American Association Of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). (2021). Board Certification.
Robbins, T. (2021). 8 Effective Professional Development Strategies. Robbins Research International, Inc.
Walden University. (n.d.). Vision, Mission, and Goals.
A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Kelly: You made some great points in your post! Where (which website) would you display your portfolio for maximum viewing? I look forward to your response! Susan
Thank you for your question! One of the websites I could use to display my professional portfolio is LinkedIn. LinkedIn (n.d.) is a professional networking site designed to help people make business connections, share their experiences and resumes, and find jobs. An area of a LinkedIn profile is devoted to showcasing a person’s work is referred to as a LinkedIn portfolio. Viewers of my profile can explore my portfolio, which includes samples of my work. This gives them an opportunity to better understand my personality. I can also share various media types, including photographs, audio illustrations, videos, presentations, and reports. When I link to my work, I can import content from a web page or various content sources, including Twitter, YouTube, Sound Cloud, Scribd, and Slide Share. Additionally, I can upload any files I wish to share with the public, including PDF, Power Point, Word, and Open Office files.
Many users use the site to expand their professional networks and seek out career prospects. As a result, the jobs area of the site is a beneficial resource for locating and applying for jobs. Furthermore, there are settings on LinkedIn that allow me to notify recruiters that I am actively job seeking.
LinkedIn (n.d.) Convert Your LinkedIn Profile Into An Online Portfolio.
A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
I think sharing your portfolio on Linkedin is a wonderful way to “introduce” yourself to potential colleagues and managers. As nurses, we don’t often think it’s necessary to promote ourselves, but as we to advance our education, we have to be willing to showcase our strengths and accomplishments (Wittman-Price, 2012). In this dayand age, I think designing an e-portfolio is the best way to market yourself. An e-portfolio can be apersonal blog, a website that highlights your work, or even a PowerPoint. If you’re like me this can seem daunting! I’m not technically advanced at all. on top of Linkedin there are other websites too like it is so simple to use and navigate. Designing an e-portfolio can be as simple or as creative as we want, and Wix makes it so fun.Great post!
References Wittman-Price, R. (2012) Fast facts for developing a nursing academic portfolio: What you really need to know in a nutshell .Springer Pub. Co. Retrieved from
A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
This is insightful. Professional development in nursing refers to the entire process of improving practice through continuing education and training. Being current in terms of the provision of healthcare services is a key component of professional development. Professional development entails different approaches including enhancement of educational and work experiences (Robbins, 2021). For acute care nurses professional development should involve understanding of personal values, inspirations, and beliefs. Besides, it is necessary for the healthcare professionals to conduct extensive research on their particular areas of practice. Delivery of quality care requires adjustment in knowledge and skills, this calls for professional adjustments in different areas of practice (Walden University, n.d). To enhance competency in the provision of healthcare services, there is the need for nurses to advance their educational qualification in order to gain relevant certifications (McCoy, 2019). Educational processes should also involve engagement in research and evidence-based practice. While advancing educational processes, it is necessary for the nurses to maintain high level of academic integrity.
McCoy, C. (2019). Professional development in rural nursing: Challenges and opportunities. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(3), 128-131.
Robbins, T. (2021). 8 Effective Professional Development Strategies. Robbins Research International, Inc.
Walden University. (n.d.). Vision, Mission, and Goals.
A Sample Answer 5 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Understanding your personal strengths, weaknesses, and most importantly your values are the foundation upon which you build your professional goals. These help you to make the right professional decisions. When you chose a career path that you like it makes performing your tasks more fulfilling and less stressful. The shortage of healthcare professionals especially doctors and nurses makes it imperative for nurses to achieve a higher level of education that allows nurses to assume more responsibilities and are allowed to practice to the full extent of their education and training. This will help to decrease the impact of the shortage of health care providers, especially in rural and low-income communities as recommended by the Institute of Medicine 2010 study” future of nursing”. Nurses should be fully engaged with other health professionals and assume leadership roles in redesigning care in the United States. (IOM, 2010). Health care organizations in the U.S must tackle primary care shortages to meet the health care needs of a rising elderly population (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2020)
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, (2020). What is Advance Nursing Practice?
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine. (2011). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. National Academies Press (US).
A Sample Answer 6 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Advancing one’s career is indeed a priority for many nurses. It all starts with goal setting and deciding what you want to pursue. Whatever career path one decides to pursue, it should be guided by values, beliefs, and inspirations(Robbins, 2021). For me, pursuing further studies is motivated by a desire to advance my career and grow my competence. As you have mentioned, healthcare is becoming more complex by the day. For a nurse to remain relevant in the profession, they have to keep up with the complexity that the job demands. The only way to remain relevant is through advancing one’s learning (Miranda et al., 2018).
Miranda, M. V. D., Rewa, T., Leonello, V. M., & Oliveira, M. A. D. C. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: a possibility for Primary Health Care?. 71, 716-721.
Robbins, T. (2021). 8 Effective Professional Development Strategies. Robbins Research International, Inc.
A Sample Answer 7 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
I think having a professional portfolio assist in career development. In addition professional portfolio can help determines ones readiness and skill set for a specific career choice. Obtaining further eduction by certification is a wonderful idea as it will enhance your knowledge and be an asset to your portfolio. Obtaining further certification in a professional nursing organization is a plan for me in the future as well. Nursing Organizations promote nursing development and assist nurses to stay current with evidence based practice.
Hannas, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio.
American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48-49. Retrieved October 20, 2021 from
A Sample Answer 8 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
It is evident that you have your goals clearly set out before you and that is very admirable. As we climb up the clinical ladder from student nurse, to novice, to an expert, the importance of lifelong learning cannot be emphasized enough. Training and education, as well as a healthy work environment, have been directly linked to a nurses’ career satisfaction (Price & Reichert, 2017). Building a portfolio provides a roadmap of all these accomplishments. I believe a well-organized portfolio can also serve as a good mentor. Mentors show us not just our strengths but also our weaknesses. By showcasing a nurse’s accomplishments, portfolios provide a glimpse of a nurse’s academic and professional growth over time, but at the same time, portfolios can also serve as a guide and steer us in the right direction, pointing us to areas of practice that need attention (Burns, 2018).
Burns, M. K. (2018, May 1). Creating a Nursing Portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review, 93(3), 16-17.
Price, S., & Reichert, C. (2017). The Importance of Continuing Professional Development to
Career Satisfaction and Patient Care: Meeting the Needs of Novice to Mid- to Late-Career Nurses throughout Their Career Span. Administrative Sciences, 7(2), 17. doi:10.3390/admsci7020017
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A Sample Answer 9 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Another avenue you can utilize is uploading your portfolio on search engines like Monster, career builder and LinkedIn. Putting together your educational and professional accomplishments acts as your brand to the world (Davis, 2015). A brand needs to be marketed so your portfolio needs to be seen and one way can be through search engines and LinkedIn.
Davis, C. (2015). Developing a professional nursing portfolio: Nursing made incredibly easy. LWW. Retrieved October 25, 2021, from
In this discussion post, two strategies will be identified for including academic activities and accomplishments in my professional development goals. In addition, an explanation of the goals provided will explain how they align with the University’s emphasis on social change.
One strategy I plan to include for academic activities and accomplishments into my professional development goal is to continue education and become certified in the area of nursing practice I choose to do. According to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, certified nurses have shown to benefit patients, employers, and patient families. Certified professionals make decisions with assurance and enable them to experience personal growth and satisfaction in their work (American Association of Critical Care Nurses, n.d.). The second strategy I plan to include for academic activities and accomplishments into my professional development goal is focusing on growth and development by seeking advancement opportunities in my career. According to Sadler, seeking advancement opportunities is one of the key examples of professional development. Professional development ensures quality care, career satisfaction, and a proficient workforce (2018).
These goals align with the University’s emphasis on social change because it revolves around expanding values, skills, and capabilities to relate to social change. By getting certified and seeking advancement opportunities, I contribute to better patient care and increasing outcomes in communities. Also, by contributing to social change and development, I am expanding my scope of practice. As per Walden’s beliefs in social change, their foundation is embracing new ways to learn and better the world (Walden University, n.d.). My goal is to improve myself once becoming a nurse practitioner through evidence practice and to expand my knowledge.
American Association of Critical Care Nurses. (n.d.). Certification Benefits Patients, Employers, and Nurses. resource-center/nurse-certification-benefits-patients-employers-and-nurses.
Sadler, F. (2018). 3 critical components of nursing professional development across the care continuum. RELIAS. professionaldevelopment-for-nurses.
Walden University. (n.d.). Walden 2020 A Vision For Social Change. e4a0096d02c9ec0f458af&hash=3CBA4D20AF7FA7F3BC21D69B2A9EB37
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A Sample Answer 10 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Professional portfolios are becoming a very popular way for employers to evaluate a nurse is experience and progress. They are considered structured evidence that demonstrate an individual is ability to meet their profession’s standards for practice, including an indication of the professional’s vision of future growth and capacity building (Walden University, 2018)). Because of its growing importance, nurses should ensure that they keep their portfolio current and up to date. Every nursing scholar must first create a professional portfolio before moving from student to professional graduate roles. For the purpose of showcasing their accomplishments and scholarly pursuits, students must have an academic portfolio.
One of the strategic I intent to use in enhancing my portfolio is to show materials that highlight my academic achievements. Nursing scholars must incorporate their existing skills and knowledge into the development of their professional portfolios (Henderson, Davis, & Day, 2018, p.353). As a Walden master’s degree student, I would love to showcase the projects and assignments that would help show my academic activities and accomplishments that I completed so far in the program of study. The plans and tasks that would be shown would be divided into sections of individual assignments, professional development (which includes development projects and specialized research), classroom involvement, and research. It is essential that, as a scholar, I do research and understand the professional practitioner market to build a portfolio that reflects any changes in the market (Jung & Kim, 2017, p.765).
Another strategy I will employ for my professional portfolio is to keep track of all my academic achievements and activities online. According to research, using an online or electronic portfolio can help students achieve more in the classroom (Ahmed & Ward, 2019). To achieve this, I will put everything for my portfolio together in a Google Doc. With Google Doc, I can use a computer to review various parts of my documents whenever and wherever I want. Google Doc regularly saves work, so I don’t have to worry if my computer’s battery runs out of power or if my internet connection is interrupted. In all, using the strategies mentioned above will be helpful because it will show what I have accomplished and what I can contribute in any given professional situation.
Ahmed, E., & Ward, R. (2019). Analysis of factors influencing acceptance of personal, academic professional development e-portfolios. Computers in Human Behavior, 63.
Henderson, J., Davis, R., & Day, T. (2018). Developing portfolios to document student performance and accomplishments. NACTA Journal, 59(4), 353.
Jung, J., Kim, S. (2017) Developing a dynamic portfolio selection model with a self-adjusted rebalancing method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68, 765.
Walden University. (2018). Curriculum vitae guide: Build your curriculum vitae.
A Sample Answer 11 For the Assignment: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
Title: NURS 6003 Week 8 Discussion Strategies for Academic Portfolios
I thoroughly liked reading your discussion post. You said something in your discussion that I did not focus on while doing my discussion. Work experience and achievement is always a best seller. We, as students and professional nurses, work hard to ensure that our tasks and works are completed in other for us to be accomplished in all we do. A portfolio should always include documents from outside of the classroom environment (Hannas & Olivo, 2020), which you clearly stated that it should be more personal and creative as it is wanted. Another good point you mentioned was networking, which is vital in professional growth. Networking helps link people together for them to benefit from each other (Kakushi & Evora, 2021). You are right that having a good network connection helps one attain their goal. When greater numbers unite in one voice, stronger and more powerful arguments can be advanced to achieve advocacy outcomes. Accolades and kudos to the professional registered nurses who are engaged, involved, and contributing members of our associations, these nurses are advocating for and advancing the profession of nursing and the healthcare we offer to our patients.
Grading Rubric Guidelines
Performance Category | 10 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 0 |
Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic decisions. |
Performance Category | 10 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 0 |
Application of Course Knowledge –
Demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lesson and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations |
Performance Category | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Interactive Dialogue
Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days. (5 points possible per graded thread) |
Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week. |
Minus 1 Point | Minus 2 Point | Minus 3 Point | Minus 4 Point | Minus 5 Point | |
Grammar, Syntax, APA
Note: if there are only a few errors in these criteria, please note this for the student in as an area for improvement. If the student does not make the needed corrections in upcoming weeks, then points should be deducted. Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing. The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition |
0 points lost | -5 points lost | ||||
Total Participation Requirements
per discussion thread |
The student answers the threaded discussion question or topic on one day and posts a second response on another day. | The student does not meet the minimum requirement of two postings on two different days | |||
Early Participation Requirement
per discussion thread |
The student must provide a substantive answer to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course instructor (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week. | The student does not meet the requirement of a substantive response to the stated question or topic by Wednesday at 11:59 pm MT. |