NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2

Sample Answer for NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2  Included After Question

 Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public’s perception of nursing? Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurse’s role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system. 

In your opinion, how has COVID changed the perception of nurses? There have been many ups and downs in the last 2 years in the perception that the public has of nurses. 

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

Title: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

In my opinion I have found working as a ER nurse throughout COVID that people and the general public are very thankful for nurses and their everyday work. I think COVID has opened the eye of the general public about what nurses do and what our day to day work is. I think people were able to see just how real COVID was based off of the news and information they learned throughout the COVID pandemic. I have found that overall people are grateful and I have even earned a couple of “front line worker” discounts in my day to take life which is pleasant. I think that COVID was a window for the public to see what its like to care for somebody that is ill or dying. I found that the public had a new appreciation for what we do. 

In my opinion, COVID has changed the perception of nurses. There were many situations where nurses had to endure up to 24 hours of continuous work while the general public were not allowed to be in contact with the patient due to fear of transmission and death. Nurses contributed much more in caring for the sick compared to other professions. Some nurses remained at the hospital for several days to avoid spreading the virus to their family members. In many countries, nurses were considered essential front-line workers. Some were awarded for their dedicated services by higher authorities. 

I think that COVID has increased the awareness of importance of nurses and health care in general. The impact the virus has had would have been so much worse if the healthcare system, including nurses, didn’t react the way we did. Being flexible, dedicated and simply showing up for our patients in a time of such uncertainty, while managing life in a pandemic, shows how strong and essential nurses are. One out of every 100 people in the United States is a nurse adding up to over 4 million nurses nation wide (American Nurses Association, 2022). Since nurses are so common in our communities, I think our friends, family and neighbors were able to see how the nurses role changed and became so important when visitations became minimal. Nurses because not only the eyes and ears for the doctors, but for the patient and their loved ones as well. Although I do think the community values and appreciates nurses a bit more due to the pandemic, I don’t think they understand the impact the pandemic had on nurses mentally, emotionally and physically.

American Nurses Association (2022). What is Nursing? 

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

Title: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

 You put into words exactly what I have been feeling. Yes, the public genuinely appreciates us as nurses but no, they really do not have a clue what the pandemic has done to us mentally and emotionally. I can remember getting a SOS call from another manager one night d/t multiple impending codes and not enough nurses to handle them! I spent I don’t know how many hours running from one code blue to another, consoling staff nurses and just feeling helpless. I will never forget that when I finally left the hospital that night, when I got to my car in the parking lot I looked back at the hospital and what I realized was how calm it looked from the outside. Our small community had no idea the chaos that was ensuing on the inside, and to be honest, a lot of them would not want to hear about it much less believe it. 

I agree, you have a very valid point about how the pandemic has affected nurses mentally and emotionally and overall had a large effect on the mental wellness of nurses. Yes, the general public was able to see a small window into what we did every day and they had an appreciation for our work, but what they didn’t see was the hours on end in full isolation gear, working in understaffed environments, overtime shifts and seeing people in severe health states without their family support at the bedside to help give history and support for the patient, the walls lined with chairs to accommodate more patients than we had ever seen, a military tent outside that we worked in 85 degree weather in the day and 40 degree weather in the night, thats what the public didn’t see, and how that could have taken a toll on our mental wellbeing.

Thank god for vaccinations, and thank you for all you do as a nurse. I do believe the perception of nurses has changed since COVID. In my own experience, we went from being frontline heroes who go above and beyond, to something a tad different as the pandemic continued. I’ve heard it all, from “nurses are exaggerating the numbers” to “people really aren’t as sick as what is portrayed on the news”. My own experiences in the hospital were being questioned as “untruths” by people in my own community. My family on the other hand, saw what the pandemic was doing to me on a personal level so they completely understood. I will never understand how the public can go to supposedly “trusting” a group of professionals to questioning everything we do…of course everything “COVID” related. 

Regardless of which side of the political fence one is on, the fact that COVID has become a political issue should never have happened. Many nurses are not experiencing PTSD due to what occurred during COVID. 

I feel COVID has created a window into the world of what we do as nurses and the trauma we experience but in the eyes of healthcare professionals. The nurses can see a newsreel displaying an ICU full of covid patients or regular patients, and it doesn’t take a pandemic to know what we are seeing. I feel the publics’ ability to make an educated view on the same clip is greatly fogged by disinformation, the newfound confidence they got when they Googled the “real” information, and political identity.  

We are in great turmoil with the general public, politics, media, and science, and it will take years to re-establish trust in medical science.  

NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 
NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2

It’s hard on a personal level for all of us. I have a friend that refuses my knowledge, expertise, and experience as a nurse during covid. She doesn’t want the vaccine, fine, we all have our opinions and principles views, but she also goes out in public with no regard to protecting herself or others. I want to mention she had five people in her circle die from covid. At what point did we stop caring about our community, our neighbor, a little extra compassion for the person next to us? Why is it so hard these days to make a little sacrifice for the common good these days? 


Thank you for your post. You bring up quite a valid point…at what point did we, as a society, stop caring about our communities. I am not sure I have the answer for this. I do hope that someday, with God’s guidance, we can get back to caring for others. 

In my opinion, the COVID-19 pandemic had a huge significance for everyone both within and outside the health section. It is one disease that leaves an indelible mark on the world especially the health care system. 


The pandemic actually brought to light the hidden potentials of the nursing profession. Nurses who were once relegated and regarded as a subservient role with limited or no education in most part of the world became heros who responded by standing in the gap as frontliners for terribly sick and the dying. 


The perception of those who had a first hand encounter with nurses at the peak of the pandemic gave the world a clearer view of what nursing really is. The stereotypical idea of nursing held for years changed over the course of the pandemic. 

Nurses are now seen as life savers who abandon their loved ones to care for others. It is often said that nurses remain and continue to care for the sick when other health care workers leave. 


The world was thrilled by the courage and bravery exhibited by healthcare workers particularly nurses. Most parts of the world showed their appreciation in varying ways at the peak of the pandemic and even now, 

I believe the pandemic shaped the world in some ways and revealed the hidden potentials of the nursing professional. 

I think the nursing profession is generally viewed positively by the general public. According to the American Nurses Association (2022), “21st Century nursing is the glue that holds a patient’s health care journey together. Nurses work tirelessly to identify and protect the needs of the individual.” I could not agree more. Nurses take care of individuals in all aspects of care from the moment they are born to the moment they die. We, nurses, are the eyes and ears of health care and I think the general public knows and feels this through our care. In the hospital setting, patients generally see their nurse more than any other person or department in the hospital. During their time in the hospital, unable to connect with loved ones, they connect and rely on their nurse for emotional and physical comfort and care. An engaged, thoughtful, and knowledgeable nurse can influence the patient, and thus, the public’s perception of nursing. Word of mouth and reviews are a few ways my hospital continues to work at an increased patient capacity. Many of my own patients have stated they prefer to come to my hospital for our excellent care, food, and private rooms.  


A few ways we can connect to the public and discuss the nurse’s role and scope within the health care could be during admission education and media outlets. During admission the nurse should be clearly explaining the nurse’s role in and throughout their care. This way, boundaries can be set, and the patient can know what to expect from their nurse. This can spread from word of mouth. This can also spread through social media. There are many videos, blogs, pictures, and articles both good, bad, true and false that show light on the nursing profession and role. We need to work on portraying a more accurate description of a nurse and the nursing role in media and television. Media portrays inconsistent images for the role of a nurse and often displays the nurse in inaccurate, highly varied or in extreme cases (Godsey, Houghton, Hayes 2020). By setting a clear and accurate image of the current nurse through social media and television, the general public can have an educated and true understanding of the nurse and their role in health care.  


Nursing is one of the most important specialties in the healthcare system.  From the public perception, nursing involves caring for people indeed regardless of the personal, environmental, racial, color, and socioeconomic status.  The public sees nursing as a profession that requires knowledge to handle patients in the right way. Furthermore, the public has not appreciated the good job done by nurses across the globe (Rubbi et al., 2017). They perceive a nurse as just someone who assists the clinicians and physicians. Nurses are known to help patients keep up personal hygiene, dressing wounds, and administer medications as prescribed by the doctor. Furthermore, nurses are perceived by the public as medical professionals who have received little education compared to doctors and clinicians.

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Certain factors have influenced the public perception of nursing, for instance, the nursing curriculum has greatly contributed to this issue. The nursing curriculum restricts nurses to work under the instruction of a collaborating physician (Rubbi et al., 2017). Nurses only perform what doctors recommend. Another factor is inadequate knowledge among the general population regarding nursing. People do not understand that nursing is broad and that it is a distinguished profession. The training received by nurses is not insufficient as one might think. There are some things done by nurses that cannot be performed by clinicians and vice versa.  

The best way to change public perception of nursing is through education. The public must be educated about the roles and scope of nursing to enhance their knowledge. Different ways can be used to educate the public including the use of social media, billboards, community leaders and community health workers, and hospital-based education (Rubbi et al., 2017). Patients may hold brief lessons regarding nursing roles when they attend a healthcare facility. Social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and TVs can be used. Billboards that reflect the importance of nurses and their knowledge can be even more helpful.  


Rubbi, I., Cremonini, V., Artioli, G., Lenzini, A., Talenti, I., Caponnetto, V., … & Lancia, L. (2017). The public perception of nurses. An Italian cross-sectional study. Acta bio-medica: Atenei Parmensis, 88(Suppl 5), 31. doi: 10.23750/abm.v88i5-S.6884. 

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

Title: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

I also agree that the Coronavirus pandemic was one of the most significant and impactful global health issues of recent times. In fact, it drastically changed me and my family’s life (e.g., father losing his job, my mother experiencing health complications due to COVID). An important role that the health care delivery had was that it collaborated with government officials in order to provide free vaccines and tests for people of the community. This limited the spread of the virus and mitigated the effects that it had on one’s body, which led to decreased hospitalizations related to COVID-19 (Rahmani et al., 2022). As such, this also alleviated the workload and burden of healthcare workers who were at the forefront of this pandemic (Rahmani et al., 2022). However, it is important to note that COVID-19 also affected the healthcare delivery system by causing high rates of mortality with healthcare workers, which were one of the factors that led to a shortage of healthcare staff during the pandemic (Haileamlak, 2021).



Haileamlak, A. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on health and health systems. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences31(6), 1073–1074., K., Shavaleh, R., Forouhi, M., Disfani, H. F., Kamandi, M., Oskooi, R. K., Foogerdi, M., Soltani, M., Rahchamani, M., Mohaddespour, M., & Dianatinasab, M. (2022). The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in reducing the incidence, hospitalization, and mortality from COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Public Health10, 873596.

A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

Title: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2 

One significant global health issue affecting the international health community is infectious disease outbreaks, with a particular focus on pandemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic. These events have far-reaching implications for public healthcare systems on various scales, from local to international.

Infectious disease outbreaks, exemplified by COVID-19, are not constrained by borders, and their impacts are felt across the globe. They place immense stress on local healthcare systems, resulting in shortages of crucial healthcare resources like hospital beds, ventilators, and medical personnel. Routine healthcare services are disrupted, affecting individuals with non-communicable diseases. The enormous efforts required for contact tracing and testing further strain the system.

On a broader scale, these outbreaks affect regional and continental public healthcare systems. Regional organizations and collaborations, such as the European Union, African Union, and WHO regions, become vital in coordinating responses, sharing critical information, and facilitating the allocation of resources during global outbreaks. Their role involves harmonizing policies and guidelines to ensure a coordinated response across nations.

At the international level, global health threats necessitate cooperation and diplomacy. International organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) play a central role in guiding countries, sharing data, providing technical expertise, and supporting research and vaccine distribution. International funding mechanisms and humanitarian aid can be mobilized to provide resources and support to affected regions.

Collaborative efforts to address global health concerns involve a multi-pronged approach. Healthcare delivery systems work together through research and development initiatives, surveillance and early warning systems, capacity-building efforts, public-private partnerships, and a multitude of stakeholders. These stakeholders include governments, international organizations (such as WHO and UNICEF), non-governmental organizations (e.g., Médecins Sans Frontières and Red Cross), research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and dedicated healthcare workers. Addressing global health concerns necessitates a multifaceted and collaborative approach at all levels, from local healthcare facilities to international organizations. This collaborative effort is essential for effective preparation, response, and recovery from infectious disease outbreaks that impact the world at large.


Jecker NS. Achieving Global Vaccine Equity: The Case for an International Pandemic Treaty. Yale J Biol Med. 2022 Jun 30;95(2):271-280. PMID: 35782474; PMCID: PMC9235252.

Hilken, L., Dickson, A., & Sidley, C. (2017). Nurse infection prevention champions: A model for success. American Journal of Infection Control, 45(6), S107.

Social determinants of health | Healthy people 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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