Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Sample Answer for Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050 Included After Question

As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger both share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within. Honey badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot always find them. However, these two honey-loving species have learned to collaborate on an effective means to meet their objectives. The honeyguide bird guides honey badgers to newly discovered hives. Once the honey badger has ransacked the hive, the honey guide bird safely enters to enjoy the leftover honey.

Much like honeyguide birds and honey badgers, nurses and health professionals from other specialty areas can—and should—collaborate to design effective programs. Nurses bring specialties to the table that make them natural partners to professionals with different specialties. When nurses take the requisite leadership in becoming involved throughout the healthcare system, these partnerships can better design and deliver highly effective programs that meet objectives.

In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program. To do this, assume you are preparing to be interviewed by a professional organization/publication regarding your thoughts on the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
  • Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program.
  • Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.

The Assignment: (2–4 pages)

In a 2- to 4-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions:

  • Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
  • Who is your target population?
  • What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
  • What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
  • What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
  • Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

By Day 7 of Week 8

Submit your interview transcript.

Submission and Grading Information

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  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK8Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
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A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Title: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

The involvement of nurses is indispensable in the design and implementation of healthcare initiatives. By actively participating in program development and execution, nurses contribute to the success of initiatives that aim to improve healthcare outcomes within the community. This collaborative and patient-centered approach ensures that healthcare programs are not only well-designed but also effectively implemented to benefit individuals struggling with health challenges. I bring a wealth of experience as a nurse, actively engaged in the implementation of a community-based vaccination program in the United States of America.

Interviewer: Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

Responder: To build community demand for vaccinations and expand access to vaccine services, community organizations, local governments, and vaccine providers collaborate with the community-based vaccination program. The projected outcomes include a decrease in the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases, improved community immunity,  a reduction in healthcare costs associated with treating preventable illnesses, maintaining the vaccination coverage level of 1 dose of the MMR vaccine in children by age 2 years and 2 doses for children in kindergarten (Guide to Community Preventive  Services, 2014). The costs of these programs can vary, but it’s estimated that for every $1 spent on childhood vaccinations, the country saves $10.90 (The Economic Burden of Vaccine preventable diseases, n.d).

Interviewer: Who is your target population?

Responder: Community-based vaccination programs typically includes specific populations that have lower vaccination rates. These include children, the elderly, and underserved communities.

Interviewer: What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?

Responder: Nurses bring their intimate knowledge of patient care environments to the design process and this shows how essential they are. They play a crucial role in designing the vaccination program by contributing their expertise in immunization protocols, patient education, and community engagement. For instance, nurses may propose strategies to address vaccine hesitancy, develop culturally sensitive educational materials, and design efficient clinic workflows to maximize vaccination coverage. According to Health Facilities Management 2016, the inclusion of nursing staff in the design of a health program led to a reduction in departmental size and this resulted in saving more than a million dollars in cost.

Interviewer: What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

Responder: As an advocate, I champion the importance of vaccinations in preventing diseases within the community. I contribute to design decisions such as tailoring educational materials to address community concerns, collaborating with local organizations for outreach, and ensuring that vaccination clinics are conveniently located and accessible to all. With this, I’m able to provide valuable perspective on the distinct healthcare requirement of the intended population.

Interviewer: What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

Responder: During program implementation, the nurse’s role involves executing the care plan, coordinating services, providing direct patient care, and facilitating health promotion and disease prevention activities. They serve as frontline caregivers administering vaccines, providing education on vaccination schedules, and addressing individual concerns. In the design phase, nurses contribute their expertise to shape the structure and content of the program based on their understanding of patient needs (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2021). In the implementation of healthcare programs, nurses are expected to deliver patient-centred care. The transition from design to implementation involves coordinating vaccination clinics, monitoring community engagement, and adapting strategies based on real-time feedback. For instance, nurses may identify trends in vaccine uptake and adjust outreach efforts accordingly to ensure maximum community coverage.

Interviewer: Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Responder: A multidisciplinary healthcare team is crucial for successful program implementation. Alongside nurses, key team members include public health officials, physicians, community outreach coordinators, and data analysts. Public health officials provide guidance on vaccination protocols, physicians offer medical oversight, community outreach coordinators facilitate engagement, and data analysts assess program efficacy. This collaborative effort ensures a comprehensive and data-driven approach to vaccination program implementation.


In summary, nurses play a pivotal role in the design and implementation of healthcare programs, such as community-based vaccination initiatives. By leveraging their expertise, nurses contribute to the success of programs that aim to improve community health outcomes and foster preventive care within diverse populations. This collaborative and patient-centered approach ensures that healthcare programs are not only well-conceived but also effectively implemented to benefit the broader community. 


Guide to Community Preventive  Services (2014). Vaccination Programs: Community-Based Interventions Implemented in combination. Retrieved from on January 19th, 2024

Health Facilities Management (2016). Nurses make their rounds in health care design | HFM

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021). The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

The Economic Burden of Vaccine preventable diseases (n.d) Retrieved from on January 19th, 2024

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Title: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Are you able to provide examples?

The nurse’s role in health care program utilization is viewed as the program that focuses on weaning the patient off of inappropriate antibiotics, which can develop resistance. To achieve this result, nursing will play a significant role by collaborating with other social insurance experts to ensure that the patient receives the appropriate antibiotic.

The nurse’s staff will adhere to the toolkit Suspected UTI SBAR for implementation and implementation by nurses. The toolkit calculation has minimum criteria for initiating antibiotics. For example, a patient without an indwelling catheter may exhibit signs and symptoms such as fever, and in any case, one of the accompanying new or worsening criticality, recurrence, suprapubic net hematuria, urinary incontinence, or cost vertebral angledelicacy with an indwelling catheter (Beahm, Nicolle, & Bursey, 2017). We will look for fever, or at the very least one of the accompanying new costs vertebral delicacy, rigors, and a new beginning of daze. Anti-infection agents that appear to be safe can be dangerous.

Tell us about a healthcare program within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?

The most commonly diagnosed infections in nursing home residents are urinary tract infection (UTI), but it poses difficulty in adequate diagnosis. Being members of an organization, they do not operate the same way in 28 long-term care institutions with the same upper management. For the last three years, I have been controlling control infections in my facility. I see how many infections I receive each month, and 60% come from illnesses of the urinary tract. Our emphasis is to establish a patient care program to enhance the use of inappropriate antibiotics and reduce its use. In my agency, this health system has been highly successful, and the levels of infection have fallen. All 28 facilities must be introduced to me. The program seeks to reduce urinary tract infections by ensuring that patients obtain the correct antibiotic and avoid unwanted ones by utilizing the device (medicalnewstoday, 2020). The plan would cost travel expenses to all the facilities to teach staff to clinicians in all 28 facilities and pays for instruction and equipment from the different facilities.

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Who is your target population?

The target populate is older in long haul care facilities contemplates shows that the number of population in long haul care resident

Assignment Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050
Assignment Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

who has a high instance of UTI.

What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?

The role of the nurse in the program is to use the “Situation, Background, Assessment and Request” (SBAR) for suspected UTI instead of arbitrarily ask doctors for urinalysis. This program will eliminate inadequate antibiotics that improve antibiotic use. Nursing is essential to make sure the patient has drugs that they need while collaborating with the other practitioners (Achrekar & Vedang Murthy, 2016).

Example give as follows

Nursing staff will publicize themselves with the definitive sign and indications of UTI at least one of the following

New Flank pain/tenderness

Fever 100 degrees F or 2.4-degree increase above baseline


New onset of delirium

Each type can come to me as the infection control nurse, and before the nurses tell clinicians, I want to ensure that all the criteria are met.

What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

As an advocate, my target population of nursing homes will be aged because long-term institutions have the most prominent breeding grounds with antibiotic resistance that can be extremely harmful. We aim to eliminate antibiotics that people do not require and to give them enough antibiotics to enable them to become resistant (Shahid & Thomas, 2018). Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Each type of tool kit for suspected UTI will come to me, and I will discuss the necessary follow-up with members of the health team. For example, if the resident behavior is not UTI, I am taking care to ensure that all suspected urinary tract diseases are implemented, evaluated, and correctly applied. We will perform a thorough assessment and discuss their implementation before we contact the physicians.

What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between the design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

The nurse’s role in health care program usage is thought of as the program that centers on getting off improper antibiotics, which can get resistant to the patient. To come to this result, nursing will assume a significant role by working with other social insurance experts to make that the patient gets the correct antibiotic that he or she needs.

The staff of the nurse will follow the toolkit Suspected UTI SBAR to be implemented and implemented by nurses. For the initiated antibiotics, the toolkit calculation has minimum criteria.  For instance, a patient without inhabiting catheter signs and indications as fever, in any event, one of the accompanying new or intensifying criticalness, recurrence, suprapubic net hematuria urinary incontinence, cost vertebral angledelicacy with Indwelling catheter (Beahm, Nicolle, & Bursey, 2017). We will search for fever, at any rate, one of the accompanying new cost vertebral delicacy, rigors, a new beginning of daze. Safe anti-infection agents can be unsafe.

Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Practitioners are the primary focus since they are the ones prescribing the antibiotics. A letter will be conveyed to each practitioner telling that dependent on clinical rules created with the nursing home. The facility has chosen to alter protocol around urinalysis to upgrade antibiotic use for urinary tract infections. We will make up a toolbox SBAR that the nurses need to follow before reaching clinicians. It is an exploration-based, and it is affection for suspected urinary tract disease. SBAR is a type of communication among nurses and clinicians to get necessary data (Beahm, Nicolle, & Bursey, 2017). Executives nursing care group enrolled nurses authorized useful nurses s and nursing associates.


Achrekar, M. S., & Vedang, Murthy. (2016). Introduction of Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation into Nursing Practice: A Prospective Study. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs.

Beahm, N. P., Nicolle, L. E., & Bursey, A. (2017). The assessment and management of urinary tract infections in adults: Guidelines for pharmacists. Can Pharm J (Ott).

medicalnewstoday. (2020). What to know about urinary tract infections. Retrieved from medicalnewstoday:

Shahid, S., & Thomas, S. (2018). The situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) Communication Tool for Handoff in Health Care – A Narrative Review. Safety in Health. Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Title: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Program design is a repetitive process that entails research, consultation, initial design, testing, and redesign in developing a program. Program implementation entails all the steps required to put the program’s strategies and interventions into place and make them available to the target population. This assignment outlines an interview transcript with responses to questions about a healthcare program in my practice. 

Interviewer: Tell us about a healthcare program within your practice.  

Me: The Youth HIV prevention program is one of the healthcare programs in my organization. The program was established to reduce HIV infection rates among youths. Strategies implemented to achieve this goal include HIV counseling and testing, condom distribution, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), social media, and social marketing campaigns. These strategies seek to support healthy youth development.  

The program connects youth at risk for HIV to testing, medical, and social services. Furthermore, we implement evidence-based interventions for various at-risk populations to reduce HIV infection rates. For instance, we implement community-and group-level interventions such as Defend Yourself! Black homosexual men; Community PROMISE that uses role model stories and peer advocates; Many Men, Many Voices for Black homosexual men; Mpowerment for young gay and bisexual men to reduce sexual risk-taking; and Project AIM for middle school youth.  

Interviewer: What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program? 

Me: The Youth HIV prevention program was established at a total cost of $ 950,000. The cost included medical equipment, PrEP and PEP drugs, condoms, diagnostic materials, stationery, health education materials, and recruiting HIV peer counselors. It has an annual operational cost of $ 550,000. The program’s projected outcomes include reducing HIV infection rates among the youth, promoting healthy sexual behaviors, increasing the population of youths who are aware of their HIV status, and reducing HIV stigma in society. 

Interviewer: Who is your target population? 

Me: Our target population is youths aged 15-24 years. We also target young homosexuals since they are at a high risk of HIV infection. 

Interviewer: What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program?  

Me: The nurse’s role in providing input for the program’s design includes providing professional advice on evidence-based interventions that can be implemented to reduce HIV infection rates.  A nurse is well-versed with behaviors that put the youth at risk of HIV infection and youth populations with a high risk of contracting HIV (Dumitru et al., 2017). The nurse also has vast knowledge on HIV prevention strategies and thus provides professional input on services that should be included in the program to achieve its goals (Dumitru et al., 2017). For instance,  I advise the organization’s management on the strategies that should be implemented to reach the target population.  

Interviewer: What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program?  

Me: My role as a youth advocate in the HIV prevention program is to ensure that the services provided meet the youths’ needs. I ensure that all youths receive high-quality services and there is no discrimination due to sex, race, religion, or sexual preferences (Gerber, 2018). Besides, I advocate for youths who test positive for HIV to be provided appropriate counseling and initiated on treatment immediately to promote better health outcomes. Furthermore, I evaluate the services to ensure that they do not pose a risk of harm to the youth, including psychological harm, limiting them from accessing the services.   

Interviewer: Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design? 

Me: I have significant input in the program’s design based on my knowledge and experience caring for HIV-infected patients.  I advise the program’s committee on evidence-based interventions that effectively increase HIV testing rates and promote health-seeking behaviors among youths (Rouleau et al., 2019). Furthermore, I provide professional input on conducting community outreach programs, including services that should be provided to increase HIV screening and reduce infection rates. 

Interviewer: What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation?

Me: Me: The nurses’ role in the implementation of a healthcare program is ensuring that the team delivers high quality and ethical care that meets patients’ needs (Gerber, 2018). The nurse also ensures that patient safety is upheld when implementing the interventions and that culturally appropriate care is provided. Besides, the nurse is tasked with executing the interventions by adhering to the organization’s standards and policy. 

How does this role vary between the design and implementation of healthcare programs?  

Me: The nurse’s role in designing and implementing a program differ since, in design, the nurse offers ideas on how the program should be developed to meet goals. Conversely, in implementation, the nurse executes the interventions and evaluates their impact (Rouleau et al., 2019). For instance,  in design, the nurse proposes strategies to reduce HIV infections among youth, such as distributing condoms. In the implementation, the nurse distributes the condoms and educates the youth on how to use them. 

Interviewer: Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? 

Me: All members of the healthcare team are equally important in implementing the HIV prevention program. Each member has an important role to play, either in screening, treatment, health education, or community outreach. Besides, each member has unique knowledge, skills, and experience that support the team in implementing the program.  


Dumitru, G., Irwin, K., & Tailor, A. (2017). Updated Federal Recommendations for HIV Prevention With Adults and Adolescents With HIV in The United States: The Pivotal Role of Nurses. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 28(1), 8–18. 

Gerber, L. (2018). Understanding the nurse’s role as a patient advocate. Nursing2020, 48(4), 55-58. 

Rouleau, G., Richard, L., Côté, J., Gagnon, M. P., & Pelletier, J. (2019). Nursing Practice to Support People Living With HIV With Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence: A Qualitative Study. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 30(4), e20–e37. 

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Important information for writing discussion questions and participation

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Your initial discussion post should be a minimum of 200 words and response posts should be a minimum of 150 words. Be advised that I grade based on quality and not necessarily the number of words you post. A minimum of TWO references should be used for your initial post. For your response post, you do not need references as personal experiences would count as response posts. If you however cite anything from the literature for your response post, it is required that you cite your reference. You should include a minimum of THREE references for papers in this course. Please note that references should be no more than 5 years old except recommended as a resource for the class. Furthermore, for each discussion board question, you need ONE initial substantive response and TWO substantive responses to either your classmates or your instructor for a total of THREE responses. There are TWO discussion questions each week, hence, you need a total minimum of SIX discussion posts for each week. I usually post a discussion question each week. You could also respond to these as it would count towards your required SIX discussion posts for the week.

I understand this is a lot of information to cover in 5 weeks, however, the Bible says in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. Even in times like this, we are encouraged by God’s word that we have that ability in us to succeed with His strength. I pray that each and every one of you receives strength for this course and life generally as we navigate through this pandemic that is shaking our world today. Relax and enjoy the course!

Hi Class,

Please read through the following information on writing a Discussion question response and participation posts.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Important information on Writing a Discussion Question

  • Your response needs to be a minimum of 150 words (not including your list of references)
  • There needs to be at least TWO references with ONE being a peer reviewed professional journal article.
  • Include in-text citations in your response
  • Do not include quotes—instead summarize and paraphrase the information
  • Follow APA-7th edition
  • Points will be deducted if the above is not followed

Participation –replies to your classmates or instructor

  • A minimum of 6 responses per week, on at least 3 days of the week.
  • Each response needs at least ONE reference with citations—best if it is a peer reviewed journal article
  • Each response needs to be at least 75 words in length (does not include your list of references)
  • Responses need to be substantive by bringing information to the discussion or further enhance the discussion. Responses of “I agree” or “great post” does not count for the word count.
  • Follow APA 7th edition
  • Points will be deducted if the above is not followed
  • Remember to use and follow APA-7th edition for all weekly assignments, discussion questions, and participation points.
  • Here are some helpful links
  • Student paper example
  • Citing Sources
  • The Writing Center is a great resource

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Title: Assignment: Advocating for the Nursing Role in Program Design and Implementation NURS 6050

Registered nurses make up the largest group of the health care workforce in the United States. There are more than 3 million active registered nurses who provide frontline treatment to people throughout the lifespan (Lewinski & Simmons, n.d.). RNs and APRNs both play a great role in actively participating in policy making by advocating for the care and improvement of patients. Through policy work, nurses can and should influence practice standards and processes to assure quality of care. Nurses who influence policy help shape the care that will be provided today and tomorrow. More than ever, nurses are present in every healthcare setting and possess a unique role in formulating policies.

Through education and nursing organizations, RNs and APRNs can seek opportunities in participating in policy making. Nurses need, but do not always get, training in translating their clinical knowledge to serve as effective policy advocates. Nursing organizations work to increase individual nurse engagement in policy advocacy activities by providing face-to-face and online educational opportunities. According to Lewinski & Simmons (n.d.), nursing’s increased engagement in health policy advocacy can positively influence the role of nurses in the United States, as well as the health care provided to patients and communities. Continuing education programs are one way that nurses obtain up-to-date information, skills, and knowledge about topics following completion of their clinical degrees. Practicing nurses may not get training in health policy advocacy beyond their formal coursework because institutions and professional organizations do not work together to educate nurses to develop health policy skills.

According to Falk (2014), one of the most evident ways to influence health policy is through participation in coalitions. More than one million voices of nurses, health care providers, consumers, businesses, and educators coalesce via “The Nursing Community,” a coalition dedicated to a coordinated effort to advocate and influence the legislative process and the development of regulations that impact societal health and well-being and the future of nursing and patient care. Joining professional organization groups such as ANA and AANP can help “inform about grassroots, state, and federal policy initiatives and issues, spearheading opportunities for members to meet with leaders to engage nurses in informing policy development and decision making” (Falk, 2014). At the state level, nurses have been instrumental in influencing change in scope of practice, allowing expanded roles for advanced practice nurses. Second, at the federal level, nurse efforts continually influence appropriation of funds to support nursing workforce efforts and programs through Title VIII of the Public Health Services Act (Falk, 2014).

According to Milestead & Short (2019), today’s nurses have a much clearer understanding of what constitutes nursing and how nurses must integrate political processes into their practices to further the decisions made by policymakers. Advanced practice nurses have a foundation in expert clinical practice and can translate that knowledge into understandable language for elected and appointed officials as the officials respond to problems that are beyond the scale or impact of individual healthcare providers (Milestead & Short, 2019). Nurses working together can help shape the healthcare policy through furthering education, coalitions, joining professional organizations and being the voice heard advocating for patients.