NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University

Sample Answer for NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University Included After Question

Health Promotion Plan

Health or care coordination is a broader term, with various perspectives. Generally, it refers to the involvement of participants in patient care and the provision of health care services to the patients. According to the Patient-family perspective, care coordination means any activity that is carried out to meet the needs of a patient, providing better health services and sharing relevant and purposeful information. Care coordination, in the views of healthcare professionals, refers to teamwork based on assessment and provision of needs. It is a patient and family-centered activity and involves clinical coordination. It is an evidence-based activity carried out by a lead care coordinator and is person-centered and involves the assessment of patients’ priorities along with social support. This process ensures that the basic facilities are provided and the needs are met. Care coordination is considered the solution to all the issues prevailing in healthcare (Kuo et al., 2018).

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan

Health coordination plans are necessary for the prevention of health-associated risks. Teenage pregnancy is one of the most concerning public health issues worldwide with serious social, economic, and health issues. Teenage pregnancy prevails globally with alternate levels. It is more common in regions with low educational and economic standards i.e., higher rates in developing countries as compared to developed ones (World Health Organization, 2022).

So, today, we will design and implement a health promotion plan to reduce the impact of adolescent pregnancy through effective decision-making and a variety of other strategies. It will target the audience which includes parents, family members, teachers, healthcare practitioners, community stakeholders, religious and political leaders, and other service providers to assess the factors associated with the high prevalence of teenage pregnancy and how this might be reduced.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1: Health Promotion Plan

Hypothetical Health Promotion Plan for Teenage Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon, associated with joy and brings positive impacts to the lives of people however an unplanned pregnancy can have adverse effects. Teenage pregnancies are mostly unplanned and bring devastating social, health, educational and economic consequences not only to the individuals but also to their families and the entire community.

In this scanerio, Cristy, a 15 years old high school student who contacted the Family and Children’s Services, and Unmarried Parent services. She found that she and her partner of 4 months are expecting a child.  Because of the low standard of education and poor economic conditions, she falls prey to this social victim and now she is suffering from various health concerns. So, for her treatment and getting the adverse effects of teenage pregnancy highlighted, Sexual and Reproductive health and rights Experts play a key role. Through effective decision-making and strategic approach, they provide awareness to the individual and the community to get rid of this socioeconomic issue (Nabugoomu et al., 2020).

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University

Title: NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University

Nurses are critical in promoting children’s mental health and well-being. Nurses fight for the establishment of circumstances that foster the mental health and well-being of school-aged children, both in and out of the classroom. However, the existence of vices such as bullying impairs the achievement of intended mental health and wellbeing goals among school-aged children in their communities and at school. Bullying, data indicates, continues to be a troubling and pervasive phenomena both in and out of schools, affecting not only school-aged children but also other stakeholders such as healthcare providers and parents. As such, this document is a health promotion plan that will be implemented to combat bullying among school-aged children. The study discusses bullying, its prevalence, and the agreed-upon health goals for addressing it.

An Examination of a Public Health Issue

Bullying has been selected as a community health risk for analysis in this research. Bullying is a prevalent health problem among school-aged children. Bullying, as defined by Menesini and Salmivalli (2017), is the systematic misuse of power by school-aged children or peers. Bullying is frequently associated with deliberate, recurrent, and unbalanced power. The power disparity is due to a variety of reasons, including social position, group size, physical strength, and the vulnerability of the bullied. Bullying among school-aged children can occur both within and outside of the classroom (de Wet & Jacobs, 2021). Bullying takes many forms, including physical, verbal, relational, and social assault, as well as cyberbullying. According to statistics, approximately 4-9 percent of adolescents in developed nations engage in bullying activities, whereas 9-25 percent of school-aged children are bullied (Menesini & Salmivalli, 2017). However, the accuracy of statistics on bullying prevalence cannot be guaranteed in the majority of communities due to variance in the operationalization and assessment of the bullying construct. FPX4060 FPX4060 FPX4060 FPX4060 FPX4060 FPX40

A number of factors predispose school going children to bullying. According to Muijs (2017), bullying among school-going children may be attributed to school factors such as schools with negative atmosphere, teacher-student relationships, policies, and esteem issues among students. There is also the influence of factors beyond those related to the school environment on bullying among school going children. The factors include externalizing behaviors, poor psycho-social adjustment, lack of self-esteem, inadequate or lack of parental support and social competence issues (Fisher et al., 2017). Nurses therefore have a role of examining the school and non-school related factors that predispose children to bullying to enable the development of responsive interventions to address the problem. NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment

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Why the Health Concern is Important for Health Promotion within a Group

Bullying among school going children is an important issue for health promotion due to the health effects that it has on the victims.

According to evidence, bullying has been shown to have adverse health effects on the victims in any society or social setting. According to a research conducted by Tanga and Hendricks (2019), bullying was found to have a negative effect of the academic progress and psychological functioning of the learners. The study obtained from 40 participants showed that bullying impaired the cognition and emotions of the learners. The consequences of cognition and emotional impairment were found to be increased levels of depression and anxiety, which affect the academic performance of the learners (Tanga & Hendricks , 2019). Bullying is also associated with significant short as well as long-term physical damage to the bullies and the victims. The physical damages are largely attributed to the harm caused by the physical forms of aggression towards the victims and bullies (Fisher et al., 2017). Prolonged exposure of bullying to school aged children has also been shown to predispose them to sleep disturbances, low self-esteem, and increased risk of suicide. The persistent exposure to bullying experience affects the socio-cognitive functioning of the children, which impairs their ability to function optimally in their social activities (Prino et al., 2019). The effects of bullying in childhood has been shown to extend to adulthood. For example, adults aged between 18 and 50 years who were bullied in their childhood have been found to be highly at a risk of developing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations, attempts and successful suicides. The adults also report difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships alongside poor general health (Fisher et al., 2017).

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University
NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University

A number of factors influence the health of school going children who are subjected to bullying. One of them is the availability of social support. Children who are victims of bullying require social, emotional and physical support from peers, parents, teachers, and healthcare providers. A lack of adequate social support predisposes them to the health effects of bullying that include depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. The other determinant of health of children who are bullied is access to their needed healthcare services. As noted initially, bullying has social, emotional and physical health effects. The cumulative effects of bullying may require children to be provided care by healthcare givers (Nickerson, 2019). Issues such as limited access to care by the children due to the influence of factors such as socioeconomic status, affordability and availability of care may affect adversely the health outcomes of children who are victims of bullying. Health disparities due to the influence of factors such as race, ethnicity, employment status, and health insurance coverage may also affect the access of the affected children to the care that they need (Brewer, 2017; Njelesani et al., 2020). Therefore, nurses should play a proactive role in ensuring that the factors that determine the health of school going children affected by bullying are addressed to promote their mental health and overall wellbeing. NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment

Agreed-upon Health Goals

In a bid to address the above health concern, a meeting was convened among teachers, parents, guardians, and nurses to examine the interventions that should be adopted to minimize and prevent bullying. The following goals were agreed upon during the meeting:

  1. Health education to be provided to the students within the next one month to raise their level of awareness about bullying, its effects and prevention
  2. School to implement policies against bullying among students within the next one month to lower the current rate of student bullying from 9.8% to 3% by the end of the year
  3. School to adopt interventions that create safe environment for the students within the next one month to lower the current rate of bullying among students from 9.8% to 3% by the end of the year
  4. Parents and guardians to advocate and empower their children to stand against any behaviors that contribute to bullying in and outside the school environment

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University Conclusion

Overall, bullying among school going children has negative health consequences. Bullying predisposes school going children to depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, low self-esteem, poor academic performance. Factors within and outside school environment influence the predisposition of the school going children to bullying. Therefore, nurses and other educational stakeholders should work together in exploring effective interventions that can be adopted to address the issue.

NURS FPX4060 Health Promotion Plan Assignment Capella University References

Brewer, Jr., Steven L. (2017). Addressing Youth Bullying through the Whole Child Model. Education, 138(1), 41–46.

de Wet, C., & Jacobs, L. (2021). Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment in Schools. In P. D’Cruz, E. Noronha, L. Keashly, & S. Tye-Williams (Eds.), Special Topics and Particular Occupations, Professions and Sectors (pp. 187–219). Springer.

Fisher, K., Cassidy, B., & Mitchell, A. M. (2017). Bullying: Effects on School-Aged Children, Screening Tools, and Referral Sources. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 34(4), 171–179.

Menesini, E., & Salmivalli, C. (2017). Bullying in schools: The state of knowledge and effective interventions. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(sup1), 240–253.

Muijs, D. (2017). Can schools reduce bullying? The relationship between school characteristics and the prevalence of bullying behaviours. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 255–272.

Nickerson, A. B. (2019). Preventing and Intervening with Bullying in Schools: A Framework for Evidence-Based Practice. School Mental Health, 11(1), 15–28.

Njelesani, J., Attard, K., Duimstra, A., & Zenderman, N. (2020). Addressing School Bullying with a Multi-tiered System of Support Approach. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 0(0), 1–16.

Prino, L. E., Longobardi, C., Fabris, M. A., Parada, R. H., & Settanni, M. (2019). Effects of Bullying Victimization on Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(9), 2586–2593.

Tanga Pius T., & Hendricks Eleanor A. (2019). Effects of bullying on the psychological functioning of victims. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development, 31(1), 1–17.