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NR 599 Week 4: MidWeek Comprehension Questions
Sample Answer for NR 599 Week 4: MidWeek Comprehension Questions Included After Question
NR 599 Week 4: Mid Week Comprehension Questions
Information literacy is critically important for all nurses, especially APNs. APNs must be able to determine what information is needed, find the information, critique the information, provide care based on this information, and evaluate the outcomes of the process. Sound challenging? Continue to reflect upon strategies to facilitate this process. Provide a brief response (100 words or less)
Week 4 Midweek Comprehensive Question
Regarding the information literacy competency, I will be expected to access the needed information effectively and efficiently. I will achieve this competency by adopting appropriate information behavior, which will enable me to obtain, through various channels or mediums, information well-fitted to information needs (Chipps et al., 2022). In addition, I will critically examine the importance of prudent and ethical use of information in healthcare. To be an information-literate APN, I am working on increasing my knowledge of how information can be culturally sensitive or politically meaningful (Chipps et al., 2022). Furthermore, I am improving my skills to use information effectively in planning and creating a product to improve healthcare delivery.
Chipps, J., Le Roux, L., Agabus, J., & Bimerew, M. (2022). Nursing informatics skills relevance and competence for final year nursing students. Curationis, 45(1), e1–e8.
A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 599 Week 4: MidWeek Comprehension Questions
Title: NR 599 Week 4: MidWeek Comprehension Questions
Thanks for your post. You might think of information literacy as “doing research” or “using the library.” Information literacy does include those things, but it goes beyond a simple set of skills. It helps to develop a process of lifelong learning that is applicable outside of the classroom or library. Think, for example, about buying yourself a new car. First you would probably want to know the different types and styles available. Then you would want to know how much each one costs. You might search the Internet or go to local stores to browse. Once you decide to purchase, you want to make sure that you are purchasing from a reputable dealer. Finally, in telling people about your great new car, you would never claim to have built it yourself, you would tell everyone exactly where you got it! This process is just as important when finding evidence to support your practice.
I agree that information literacy surpasses having a simple set of skills like researching or using the library to acquire knowledge. Indeed, information literacy helps in developing a process of lifelong learning that can be applied outside of the classroom or library. Information literacy can be described as a set of abilities required to identify a health information need and recognize prospective information sources and utilize them to retrieve pertinent information. It is needed to evaluate the quality of the information and its relevance to a particular situation (Chipps et al., 2022). Information literacy is important for the APRN to analyze and utilize information to make appropriate health decisions.
Chipps, J., Le Roux, L., Agabus, J., & Bimerew, M. (2022). Nursing informatics skills relevance and competence for final year nursing students. Curationis, 45(1), e1–e8.
Knowing how to find credible information from credible, peer reviewed sources is important. I feel that we get a strong foundation doing this through our Bachelors, and then our Masters program. We then apply this information to care delivery in order to improve patient care for our future practice. We should continue to build on these foundations throughout our career as we grow as Advanced Practice Providers.
Information literacy and evidence-based practice (EBP) are important concepts in current nursing education and practice. When I looked up one, I found the other. I think that workshops and training are effective ways to help nurses with literacy skills. Looking up what is offered for classes I found most through university or learning sites. Since this is something I know I need work on I am going to look into further training. I love to research, but I would also love to know how to be better and how to put it to use.
Thanks for your post. Health literacy refers to the skills that enable one to search, understand, assess, and apply health concepts or facts to make informed decisions, minimize health risks, and increase patients’ quality of life. Arguably, these skills are integral and foundational to information literacy. Additional examples of information literacy specific to APN practice include conducting evidence-based research, participating in critical thinking processes, and engaging in problem-solving and decision-making during clinical practice. Continue to reflect on this.
The APNs’ knowledge of health literacy, their experiences with health literacy strategies, and their intention to use them affect their patient-provider interactions and the overall healthcare delivery systems (Cafiero, 2013).
CAFIERO. (2013). Nurse Practitioners’ Knowledge, Experience, and Intention to Use Health Literacy Strategies in Clinical Practice: Promoting Health Literacy Research to Advance the Field. Journal of Health Communication, 18, 70–81.
looking at the process on developing lnformation literacy as a future APN is challenging. Healthcare is constantly evolving but having resources such as the five information literacy competency standard for nursing, gives APNs a guide to caring for their patients and the public. Another strategy will be using databases with EBP resources to increase Knowledge in information literacy and put it into practice .
An APN should use their best judgement and wisdom to decipher what information can play an important role in patient care and what information does not benefit the development of the patient’s plan of care to ensure positive outcomes for the patient. However, the APN cannot fully rely on the presented patient information but must complete a subjective assessment with the patient as well as a physical assessment to develop a better understanding of the patient’s condition and what is needed to ensure a successful plan of care and positive patient outcomes.
APNs utilize information literacy to properly evaluate relevant health information and determine whether it will be beneficial and optimal for their patient’s care. To facilitiate this process, APNs must assess their patient’s health literacy to decide whether they are able to make informed decisions about their health. APNs can provide targeted education and resources to help improve their health literacy. APNs should also promote evidence-based practice. Using evidenced based practice will allow the APN to teach best practices for optimal health outcomes. APNs should also be able to collaborate with other healthcare professions to ensure that patients are receiving accurate and reliable information for their care. These tools can facilitate proper information literacy for the APN.
Thanks for your post and sharing your thoughts. You might be interested in knowing that health literacy is integral to the Healthy People 2030 initiative, with the goal to “attain health literacy to improve the health and well-being of all.” As a future APN, you will be a positive force in helping this goal come to fruition. Keep up the good work.
Information literacy is an essential component of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). As nurse practitioners, it is important to develop information literacy skills to enhance the best patient outcome. Because research and EBP are the professional standards, the ability to identify patient needs, find and evaluate information, access information, and use the information for the best practice.
In the nursing profession, new knowledge is expanding every day. Therefore, nurse practitioners must be competent in computers, informatics, and information literacy to use technology for practice, education, and continued research. To facilitate informatics literacy, informatics competencies, continuing education, and regular training courses would be strategies to provide APNs information skills so they can apply them to their future practice, providing high-quality, safe nursing care in clinical settings.
Nurse practitioners should stay up to date on evidence-based practices. In order to do so providers must complete their Continued Medical Education determined by their state. Often these are completed online with appropriate courses. Providers can also utilize appropriate websites such as the CDC or Medline. Some EHRs allow providers to apply tags to patient’s charts that they can later use to pull data. Once data is pulled providers can then determine if their patient treatments are effective. If not effective to the providers desire, they can determine what changes could be made to assist them with improving patient outcomes.
Think of information literacy as “doing research” or “using the library.” Information literacy does include those things, but it goes beyond a simple set of skills. It helps to develop a process of lifelong learning. This process is important when finding evidence to support your practice and collaborate with peers.