NR 512 Week 3 Assignment

NR 512 Week 3 Assignment

Sample Answer for NR 512 Week 3 Assignment Included After Question

NR 512 Week 3 Assignment

The Scavenger Hunt assignment must be completed during Weeks 3 & 4 in Second Life. The worksheet must be submitted by Sunday 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 4. The worksheet is located in the course resource section. The guidelines for this assignment are listed below as well as located in the course resource section. 


This assignment is designed to help students:  

Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings. Students will follow the VLE Course Guide by clicking on the link ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) found in Course Resources.  Follow the tabs in the VLE for explanations of course assignments and documents needed to complete the activities. This guide helps the student navigate through the steps to complete Week 3 and 4 Scavenger hunt activities using the Scavenger Hunt Worksheet. 

Course Outcomes 

CO 2: Demonstrate synthesis of nursing and non-nursing science with information and computer technologies through collaborative advanced nursing practice. (PO 3, 5) 

CO 5: Explore the roles, competencies and skills, including cultural humility, associated with nursing informatics while collaborating as part of the healthcare team. (PO 3, 5) 

CO 7: Explore trends and issues in NI and their impact on nursing practice in all domains, including cultural humility and person-centered care. (PO 1, 3)

NR 512 Week 3 Assignment
NR 512 Week 3 Assignment

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4. 

Total Points Possible:  200 

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 512 Week 3 Assignment

Title: NR 512 Week 3 Assignment

Second Life (SL) Scavenger Hunt Responsibilities 

Following the VLE Orientation Guide for SL – Tabs 3 and 4 

Week 3 and Week 4 – Scavenger Hunt    

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS:NR 512 Week 3 Assignment 

Students should have viewed the Orientation video, created their account and avatar and gone through the Orientation Area. Week 3 and Week 4 log into Second Life to complete the Scavenger Hunt activities listed below.  The assignment will be completed in Second Life by the end of week 4. 

Student Responsibilities:

1. Go to the assigned web site for Second Life listed in your course materials and follow all of the directions to access Second Life. Follow the VLE Guide provided in Course Resource. 

The Scavenger Hunt: Locate and download a copy of the Scavenger Hunt worksheet in your course web page or you can download it from the link at the top of this page. You will be logging into Second Life to complete this task.  

  1. As students complete each station in the Scavenger Hunt, they are to write answers to the questions on the worksheet provided. 
  1. Save it as a MS Word document in the following format:  YourName_NR512_ScavengerHunt NR 512 Week 3 Assignment
  1. Upload the worksheet to the Dropbox in your course page by the end on Week 4 on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.   
  1. Understand that the time your avatar is present in Second Life is recorded and this information can be reviewed by faculty and Second Life mentors. 
  1. You will always log out of Second Life when your session is complete. 

Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills, and knowledge required in practice settings. Students will select a “hot” or popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss


This assignment is designed to help students

  • Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills, and knowledge required in practice settings. Students will select a “hot” or popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss. The topic will be selected from the website using the link provided in the course Assignments section.


Students will log in to Fierce EMR and Fierce Health IT using the link provided in the reading assignment module for Week 5 and select a (“current/popular” topic of the week that may impact their practice). The topic chosen is:- Industry Voices—5 things we need to fix in healthcare now. Visit the following site (Links to an external site.) Students, in a professionally developed paper, will discuss the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner, citing pros and cons. Include a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process of relevance to developing the assignment. In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future.

Preparing the paper

1) The Fierce EMR and Fierce Health IT Current/Popular Topic of the Week assignment must be a professional, scholarly prepared paper. See the guidelines for writing a professional, scholarly paper in the Course Resources. The professional paper will have an introduction, body of the paper to explain what you are doing, summary/conclusion, and at least three scholarly references.

2) Required texts may be used as references, but a minimum of three sources must be from outside of course readings.

3) All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the current edition.

4) The paper (excluding the title page, introduction, and reference page) is 5 pages in length.

5) Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.

6) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.
Category Points % Description
Introduction 20 11.4 The introduction presents a brief overview of the parts of the paper.
Selects relevant HealthIT Topic to discuss; provides a rationale for selecting a topic 30 17 Provides convincing rationale for topic selection
Convincing arguments of how the topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner citing pros and cons. 40 23 Convincing arguments of how topic impacts practice in a positive or negative manner; the pros and cons are presented
Discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process of relevance to developing the assignment 30 17 Provides a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process to develop the assignment
Conclusion 20 11.4 Concluding statements summarize insights about the key elements of the paper gained during the assignment. Recommendations for the future are provided
APA Style 20 11.4 Text, title page, the body of the paper, summary, and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format.
Citations 7 4 Ideas and information from sources are cited correctly. There is a minimum of three scholarly, current (5 years or less) references.
Writing Mechanics 8 4.5 Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage and punctuation are consistent with formal written work,
Total  175 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Grading Rubric
Assignment Criteria Exceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds Very good or high level of performance Meets Competent or satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement Poor or failing level of performance Developing Unsatisfactory level of performance
Content Possible Points =  140 Points
Introduction 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 14 Points 0 Points
Introduction presents a brief overview all parts of the paper. Introduction presents one of the two required elements. Introduction does not include either of the two required elements. Minimal attempt at introduction. No introduction is present.
Selects relevant HealthIT Topic to discuss; provides rationale for selecting topic 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 21 Points 0 Points
Successfully selects relevant HealthIT Topic to discuss; provides rationale for selecting topic Selects relevant HealthIT Topic to discuss; provides minimal rationale for selecting topic Selects  HealthIT Topic to discuss; not related to practice; provides minimal rationale for selecting topic Selects  HealthIT Topic to discuss; not related to practice; provides no rationale for selecting topic Does not complete assignment
Convincing arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner citing pros and cons. 40 Points 36 Points 32 Points   0 Points
Provides convincing arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons  presented. Some arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons  presented, but are not convincing in nature. Minimal arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons presented. No discussion of positive or negative impact presented
30 points 26 points 24 points 0 Points
Discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment Discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment is presented Some discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment. Minimal discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used  presented No discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used
Conclusion 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 14 Points 0 Points
Concluding statements summarize insights about the key elements of the paper gained during the assignment. Recommendations for the future are provided Provides a summary of key points and a partial summary of insights gained during the assignment. Includes some recommendations for future related to topic. Concluding statements are present but do not address insights and/or includes minimal recommendations for future related to topic Minimal concluding statements present but no insight or recommendations for future are presented. No conclusion.
Content Subtotal_____/140 Points Minimal concluding statement.
Format Possible Points =  35 Points
APA Style 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 14 Points 0 Points
0–1 APA format errors in text, title, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format. 2-3 APA format errors in text, title page, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format. 4-6 APA format errors in text, title page, in text, title page, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format. 7-9 APA format errors in text, title page, in text, title page, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format 10 or more APA format errors in text, title page, in text, title page, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format.
Citations 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 4 Points 0 Points
0–1 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited correctly. There are a minimum of three scholarly, current (5 years or less) references. 2-3 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited. 4-6 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited. 7-9 errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited. 10 or more errors in identifying ideas, and information from other sources are cited.
Writing Mechanics 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 3 Points 0 Points
0–3 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing 4–5 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing 6-7 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing 8-9 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing 10 or more errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing.
Format Subtotal_____/35 Points 8–9 errors in grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other elements of formal academic writing
Total Points____/175 Points

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