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Sample Answer for NR 505 Week 1 Discussion Included After Question
NR 505 Week 1 Discussion
NR 505 Week 1 Discussion
Week 1: Identification of Area of Interest
For this discussion the focus is on presenting the area of interest for the evidence-based practice proposal that is required for this course.
- State your area of research or evidence-based practice (EBP) interest from NR 500; remember that the topic must be consistent with your specialty track.
- State your MSN program specialty track and defend how your selected area of research or EBP interest from NR 500 is consistent with your selected MSN program track.
- Would you like to change your area of research or EBP interest from NR 500? Why or why not?
- If you changed or modified your area of research or EBP interest, please identify the revised area of research.
- Defend how your area of research/EBP interest is of importance to the MSN program specialty track you have selected—scholarly references are required.
- Identify an initial PICOT/PICo question that reflects you area of interest for the evidence-based practice proposal that is required for this course.
Evidence-Based Practice Interest from NR500
A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 505 Week 1 Discussion
Title: NR 505 Week 1 Discussion
In NR 500 the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) interest that was chosen was research of healthcare interventions and how it can lower the rates of unplanned healthcare in the rural population. The use of emergency and unplanned care in rural communities have long been increasing. Unplanned care is defined as the use of healthcare to include all care sought without an advance appointment, such as visits to emergency rooms, unscheduled hospital admissions, and drop-in clinics (Brainard, et, al., 2016). Patients in the rural areas seek unplanned healthcare due to their decreased involvement with health prevention programs, low socioeconomic statuses, decreased health education, delayed diagnosis of diseases, and decreased support from caregivers who assist with chronic illnesses (Brainard, et. al., 2016).
Specialty Track and Evidence-Based Interest from NR500
The FNP specialty track will assist with obtaining advance knowledge that can be used to educate patients in the rural population about ways to improve their health. The quality of health in rural areas suffers due to the lack of exposure to proper healthcare, which includes health education, preventative programs, and confusion about the proper healthcare regimen (Brainard, et, al., 2016). This area of specialty will allow research of evidence-based practices that will be the driving force for many quality improvement initiatives, creation of standardized practices, and development of new or improved healthcare policies (Brainard, et. al, 2016). Compared to the urban population, patients in the rural population seek care that is in the chronic states instead of the initial occurrence of symptoms. This is due in part to their low socioeconomic status and less health education. As a FNP who plans to provide care in rural areas, the opportunity to initiate care, education, and provide preventative measures is great. Evidence-based information can be given to patients in the rural population in order to prevent unplanned healthcare. The use of interventions to improve the populations’ health status can be the main focus of healthcare. For example, the encouragement of self-care, compliance, symptom management, and the adoption of health related behaviors can be key to the prevention of unplanned healthcare.
NR500 Evidence-Based Interest
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My area of EBP interest will remain the same. As a FNP, the focus will be to utilize advance studies and guidelines into practice. These interventions will decrease health disparities and reduce the incidence of unplanned healthcare for the rural population, along with the improvement of healthcare cost. With the planned format of health education and preventative measures, patients can become more familiar with their required medical regimen, thus a reduction of unplanned healthcare can occur.
Evidence-Based Interest Importance to Specialty Track
The research of EBP interest is of importance to the FNP specialty track because new approaches and interventions to reduce unplanned healthcare due to chronic disease and illnesses is needed. The FNP specialty track will promote an advancement in advance knowledge, allowing the future FNP to use evidence- based practices to guide decisions in the practice setting. As a FNP, advance knowledge can be used to create interventions that can introduce ways to improve health and ensure consistency in treatment within the rural communities. For example, encouraging patients to use technology to gain increase education about diagnoses and interventions to prevent further health complications. The recipe for moving toward health in rural, underserved areas will need to include a focus of innovation and outcomes using evidence-based practice and technology (Brainard, et, al., 2016). This will assist the rural communities with an improved state of health, decreasing mortality, morbidity, improving healthcare cost, and lowering the rates of unplanned healthcare.
In the rural population (P) does health education, early diagnosis, and health care programs (I) compared to deploying health resources geographically (C) reduce the incidence of unplanned healthcare (O)?
Brainard, J.S., Ford, J.A., Steel, N. & Jones, A.P. (2016). A systemic review of health service interventions to reduce use of unplanned healthcare in rural areas. Journal of Evaluations in Clinical practice, 22(2), 145-155. doi: 10.111/jep.12470
What a very fine post, indeed, as this sounds like a quantitative inquiry! Great job! You have chosen a very important topic to address as an fnp.
As you review the two worlds of research (quantitative and qualitative), what are your thoughts about these inquiries for your project?
The use of both qualitative and quantitative inquiries are important when it comes to research. I think that for my project, the use of qualitative research will be more suitable. The way questions guide selection of research methods and how to analyze the collected data can be challenging (Park & Park, 2016). My project is focused on a particular population and gaining opinions about the topic will be beneficial with group discussions. The use of a semi-structured, smaller groups will allow group discussions and a chance to gather accurate data. The qualitative research will also allow a deeper discussion on the topic and deeper insight into the problems. From the gathered information, collected data can begin the formulation of a hypotheses. This method will allow an hypothese to be formed that is more geared toward the issue and may potentially lead to quantitative research. The integration of both qualitative and quantitative research will allow a better statistical analysis framework and a greater chance for resolution. Even though, both qualitative and quantitative research are different, both play an crucial role in healthcare and in improving evidence-based practices. Dr. L, thanks again for your response.
Park, J., & Park, M. (2016). Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Methods: Discovery or Justification? Journal Of Marketing Thought, 3(1), 1-7, doi: 10.15577/jet.2016.03.01.1
I think your passion for battling health disparities in rural areas is very awesome. I come from a very rural part of North Carolina, and they need someone like you to help them. One segment of our population, the migrant population, have big issues with health disparities. There is a lot of diabetes and hypertension in these populations. Because many of our healthcare professionals do not serve this population, they come into our hospitals in ketoacidosis or hypertensive crisis. There is also a lack of Spanish speaking healthcare professionals as well, which could help to educate them. I do see the importance of reducing health disparities through education and healthcare prevention. But, how can we as healthcare professionals not only educate but follow up on these populations and healthcare prevention? We already have issues with healthcare prevention in populations without such deep health disparities. As well, the population you write about having health disparities may not have the ability to afford such technology? They have issues just affording day to day needs.
The issues with unplanned health care and health disparities among the rural population has been ongoing. I know that many before myself, have attempted to combat these issues. In the rural areas for which I work, there are home health services, where patients who have chronic illnesses or are at risk for developing a chronic illness are given the opportunity to receive the services. As a home health nurse, there are challenges with patients who have a lack of knowledge and resources to improve their health. This gives me the opportunity to provide the needed imformation and resources to patients that are in need.
See Also: NR 505 Week 5 Assignment