NRS 433 Topic 5 DQ 2 

NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Sample Answer for NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded) Included After Question


This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs). 

  • CO2: Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice. (PO2) 
  • CO4: Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO4) 

Due Date 

  • Answer post due by Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT in Week 3 
  • Two replies to classmates and/or instructor due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3 


It is essential for professional nurses to be skilled in collaborating with professionals from other healthcare disciplines to plan the best patient care. What collaboration strategies can professional nurses use to specifically promote collaboration with other healthcare disciplines and professionals? 

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Title: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

There have been many efforts to promote collaboration and communication in health care teams and disciplines. Off the top of my head, communication tools such as an SBAR (a ,technique of delivering information of: situation, background, assessment, recommendation to develop a multidisciplinary decision and treatment), contribute significantly to collaboration. When used in a consistent matter with all members of the health care team, it can help to ensure everyone is on the same page with addressing concerns and safety of the patient.

“Collaboration in health care is defined as health care professionals assuming complementary roles and cooperatively working together, sharing responsibility for problem-solving and making decisions to formulate and carry out plans for patient care” (O’Daniel, Rosenstein, 2008). Collaboration and communication must co-exist in the health care setting in order to deliver and provide best patient outcomes.  I strongly feel that collaboration with other health care disciplines and professionals needs to have a strong foundation of communication to be able to build upon that. Developing a strong skill for communication is something that is practiced daily and improved over time.

One of the strategies that I appreciated, besides communication, that would help promote collaboration with our health care team and professionals was to be able to identify and be accountable for your limitations, strengths and weaknesses as a member of a team (Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, 2016 ). I feel that our discussions thus far have helped us all in this strategy already and it makes it very relatable. This strategy of recognizing within one’s self can help nurses recognize their responsibilities, contributions and role in the team and be able to collaborate with other professionals with respect, honesty and integrity (Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, 2016). All of which are key components to promote healthy, strong collaboration in a team setting.

In the article “Professional Communication and Team Collaboration” by Michelle O’Daniel and Alan Rosenstein, it is noted that poor communication or a lack of communication have a higher incidence of causing medical errors (p 271). According to the Joint Commission, if medical errors were considered a cause of death in national health statistics, it would rank as number 5 in the United States (O’Daniel, Rosenstein, 2008).  Health care teams can consist of multiple members in different modalities of care and because this creates a level of diversity, respect and thorough communication are key. With good and frequent communication between individuals, understanding others’ knowledge and skill set in their practice helps to establish familiarity, trust and respect for the individuals (O’Daniel, Rosenstein, 2008). These components help contribute to improve collaboration in health care teams, improve patient safety and outcomes, and decrease the incidence of medical errors.

O’Daniel, M., Rosenstein, A., (2008). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses, 2nd Edition. Retrieved from to an external site..

Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies: Registered Nurse. (Revised March 2016). Retrieved from to an external site.

NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)


This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs). 

  • CO2: Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice. (PO2) 
  • CO4: Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO4) 

Due Date 

  • Answer post due by Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT in Week 3 
  • Two replies to classmates and/or instructor due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3 


It is essential for professional nurses to be skilled in collaborating with professionals from other healthcare disciplines to plan the best patient care. What collaboration strategies can professional nurses use to specifically promote collaboration with other healthcare disciplines and professionals? 


To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric. 

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Class, you may begin posting in this discussion on Sunday March. 14th, 2020, which is Preview Day for Week 3. 

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Title: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Collaboration among different healthcare professions is important in providing quality patient-centered care. The term interprofessional has largely replaced the term interdisciplinary, although you may see both terms used. 

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative (2016) stated that understanding “the impact of effective collegial communication on patient outcomes” (p. 39) is essential in professional nursing. While we sometimes collaborate with patients and their families in planning nursing care (Hood, 2018), in this week’s discussion we are considering collaboration between and among different healthcare professions (or disciplines). Since nurses are coordinators of care (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2016), we need to become experts in the use of communication strategies that enhance and promote interprofessional collaboration. 

Class, please return to the original assigned discussion topic above. Clearly and thoroughly address the assigned question. Remember to use your assigned readings or the Week 3 online lesson PLUS a scholarly outside source to support your statements. APA format for citations and references is strongly encouraged. 

We look forward to your contributions! 


Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2016). NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing: Week 3 lesson. Downers Grove, IL:Online Publication. 

Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (9th edition). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative. (2010). Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies© Registered Nurse. Retrieved from 

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Title: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

 Nursing as a health care science focuses on serving the needs of humans as a biophychosocial and spiritual being.  Its practice requires not only scientific knowledge, but also interpersonal, intellectual and technical abilities and skills.  This means a composition of knowledge, clinical work and interpersonal communication.  Communication is a vital element in nursing in all areas of activity and in all its interventions such as prevention, treatment, therapy, rehabilitation, education and health promotion.  Good Communication also improves the quality of care provided  to patients, which is observed in the results.  Additionally, it is considered an inalienable right and a prerequisite for building a genuine and meaningful relationship between patients and nurses and other health professionals.  Kourkouta (2014). Effective communication between nurses and physicians is extremely important to patient safety.  The Joint Commission reports that communication errors contribute to the majority of sentinel events reported.  Thomas (2009) 

 I would like to share an experience I had recently involving poor communication, teamwork and collaboration.  It involved a scheduled procedure on a patient’s left hand.  This patient was evaluated and diagnosed by her surgeon, seen by him the morning of the procedure, completed all the pre-operative assessments and was ready to be transported to the operating room. 

 While performing my assessment and interview, I noticed a bangle bracelet on her left wrist, the operative limb.  I kindly asked her to remove the bracelet.  Patient stated that the bracelet has been on for the past 20 years and she was physically unable to remove it.  She became emotional and tears begin to flow.  She shared with me how special the bracelet was to her and if it must be removed she would not proceed with her surgery.  By taking the time to listen and sympathize with my patient, I recommended that she reconsider her decision.  I pointed out that she had mentally and physically prepared for the procedure.  She would still have the pain and problems that she had previously. Upon further dialogue, it was discovered that the bracelet was actually made of glass and therefore, could not be removed safely in the hospital setting. I explained that we would try to figure out a solution together. 

I contact the surgeon and he said he would not perform the procedure if the bracelet was not removed.  At this point, I communicated the situation to my supervisor.  My supervisor consulted the surgeon and explained the predicament.  At this point, he decided to perform the procedure with the bracelet left in place but secured and kept out of the sterile field.   NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

 Again, I returned to the patient and explained what the plan was moving forward. She was to immediately seek treatment in the emergency department should swelling occur because the bracelet could cause harm and increase the risk for potential loss of hand/limb.  She understood and agreed to use ice and elevation to minimize the swelling.  I also spoke to the husband and explained the events, the delay and the importance of monitoring for swelling.  

 My patient was relieved, the procedure safely performed and her bracelet remained in place.  The roles assumed by nurses require that they have a repertoire of clinical, cognitive and communication skills.  Adaptation to situa

ions is necessary as nurses often encounter complicated patient situations.  Hood ( 2018). This event included communication, teamwork and collaboration, safety, patient centered care, quality improvement, leadership and professionalism on my part as a nurse.  These core competencies came together to allow me to provide excellent patient care. 

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Hood, L. J. Leddy and Pepper’s Professional Nursing (9th ed.).  Philadelphia, PA Wolters Kluwer  

 Kourkouta, L. Communication in Nursing Practice (February 2014).  https://www.ncbi.nlm/ 

A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Title: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

That incidence with the bracelet happens all too often. So many times a patient will come in with a piece of jewelry or something that they just can not part with. It was so kind of you to find a way around all of this so that she would be comfortable proceeding on with the surgery. Its so important to build up that good rapport with patients while you care for them and I bet your patient was truly thankful for your genuineness regarding this situation. I think removing her bracelet would’ve led to increased anxiety. Anxiety has been known to use up vital energy in stressful situations, that the patient could instead be, using to heal (Hood, 2018). I am so glad your patient was able to go through with the surgery. I feel like as nurses, our job is to get on the patients level and try to understand what they are truly going through. All too often nurses get “cold” to situations and we forget that we are taking care of human lives and we need to slow down and remind ourselves that to the patient, this is not just another day at work, this has to do with their health, well being, and future. 

Do any of you have sentimental value on something you have that could be detrimental to your recovery? 

I find that building rapport with my patients allows them to move forward with their procedure in a comfortable setting.  Treating each patient as if they were a member of my family is something that I strive to do each day.  I constantly remind myself that this patient is someone’s loved one and I strive to provide excellent patient care in all aspects of their journey from pre-op to recovery. 

I have a two special pieces of jewelry that are sentimental to me.  My daughter  chose them and I luckily, they are charms on a necklace that can be easily removed!  Thanks for your comment and question.   

This is a great example of collaboration. Would you have been able to support the patient if she would have refused the surgery?  I am not sure what the surgery was but I am surprised the surgeon allowed it to stay. You certainly were a patient advocate. In your APA citations, the period belongs after the citation and not after the last word of the sentence. With your Kourkouta citation, it is not clear which sentence the citation belongs to. 🙂 In your reference that you added below, the name of the article should be in all small case and not in italics. The name of the journal along with the volume number belongs in italics. Great effort. 

If the patient refused to proceed with the case, I might have been able to support her decision and offer that she could try PT and meeting with the surgeon for additional advice.   Also, she could have the bracelet removed at a jeweler and return at a later date for the surgery.  

I love your example, sometimes we get so caught up in the clinical aspect of things that we forget that there’s more to it, your efforts made all the difference. 

ring the story with us. I learn one thing in your story and that is you took your time to listen and you also empathize and sympathize with the patient and took a step ahead to meet the patient’s need. this is what some of use are lacking as nurses, not because we are not good nurses but because we are so much in a rush to get so much done that we forget to connect to the patient on the level you did. We worry about charting, giving medications, prepping the patient for the procedure and much more but we hardly take time to talk with the patient.Don’t get me wrong I am not saying charting is not important but I am saying what you did for the patient will have a lasting impression on her than charting. 

Nurses need all three skills listed, “interpersonal, Intellectual and Technical skills” to provide a safe environment for all patients. Health care professionals have to create a collaborative relationship so that they can share decision making, improve patient experience, and patients outcomes. Sometimes the patient is more comfortable interacting and speaking to their nurse about critical information; then, the nurse has to convey the information to the physician; therefore, nurses have to be able to communicate effectively. 

I enjoyed reading your experience; you were a patient advocate, because of your communication, collaboration, and teamwork with other healthcare professionals, the patient was allowed to have the surgery. What could have turned out as an unpleasant experience for the patient had a good outcome. 

I failed to include a reference at the end of my post for week 3.   

I’d like to provide it here, please forgive me. 


Thomas, C., Bertram, E. and Johnson, D. (2009) The SBAR Communication Technique.  Teaching Nursing Students Professional Communication Skills.  Nurse Educator, Volume 34, Number 4, July/August 2009 

A Sample Answer 5 For the Assignment: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Title: NR 351 Week 3 Discussion: Collaborative Strategies With Other Professions (Graded)

Since “quality and safety for patients rely on effective communication among all health team members” (Hood, 2018, p. 108) professional nurses should identify their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as what they, as nurses, can add to the healthcare team (Massachusetts Department Of Higher Education Nursing Core Competencies, Revised 2016) to promote collaboration with other healthcare disciplines and professionals. To achieve this mean, Cummings et al. (2015) encourages all healthcare professionals to “have the confidence and courage” to work in an interdisciplinary fashion to achieve our patients’ best outcomes.

Over the years, I have become quite confident in my nursing abilities, allowing me to display the courage necessary to advocate for my patients. Through “clear, concise, and effective written, electronic, and verbal communications,” (Massachusetts Department Of Higher Education Nursing Core Competencies, Revised 2016) I have earned the respect of those with which I collaborate. They too, have earned my respect in a similar fashion. From that, mutual respect fosters excellent communication, collaboration, trust, and teamwork. We all have our jobs… our specialties, and trusting the skills and capacities of each member of the team, in addition to valuing their senses is, in my opinion, the essence of collaboration. 


Cummings, J., Clarke, J., & Evans, J. (2015). The importance of showing courage in delivering effective health care. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 9(6), 295-296. 

Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (9th edition). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative. (2010). Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies© Registered Nurse. Retrieved from 

I find your post very interesting.  Having confidence and courage in our collaboration can not only increase the respect of our peers but gain re