HRM 635 Week 8 Assignment Final Project Reflection

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: HRM 635 Week 8 Assignment Final Project Reflection

Title: HRM 635 Week 8 Assignment Final Project Reflection

HRM 635 Week 8 Assignment Final Project Reflection


Sample Answer for HRM 635 Week 8 Assignment Final Project Reflection Included After Question

Final Project Reflection

Section 1- Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to provide the final reflection of the project.  The reflection will encompass a synopsis of my outcome for acquiring employees, selection of process, training and development, employees’ appraisal, and leveraging on human capital within my organization. To realize this objective, the paper will be organized into different sections including lessons learned from the assignment, areas of strength, opportunities for improvement, and application to HR. Finally, a list of references will be provided to indicate where the outside sources were obtained.

Section 2- Lessons Learned

Indeed, this assignment has provided valuable lessons regarding acquiring, training, development, and leveraging on human capital in the organization. Concerning acquiring employees, I realized that it is imperative to conduct needs analysis to help the company to reduce the gap between the skills possessed by the employee and that which is required by the job. Besides, needs analysis can also be used to enhance quality of program decisions which in turn, lead to upgrade in performance and realization of the desired goals. Similarly, I learned that training and development play important roles in the development of the organization. To begin with, training enhances the performance of employees by strengthening specific skills or knowledge needed by every employee to enhance performance in their current roles. Besides, training is essential in increasing the efficiency of employees. On the other hand, development mostly emphasizes on the growth of employees and their future performance but not immediate job roles. Employee development is important to the organization because it strives to elevate workers to a higher level and try to standardize skills and knowledge among employees.

Regarding leveraging on human capital, it is undeniable that employees are the primary engine for growth and success of any organization. I, therefore, realized that massive focus should be placed on leveraging human capital by focusing mostly on employees and their capabilities that may help in developing the organization. Essentially, after hiring the best talents, it is important keep them and motivate them to aspire for greater things to benefit the organization.

Section 3- Strengths 

Based on the feedback from the instructor, it is evident that I have outstanding strengths in the area of employee appraisal. In this area, the major objective was to conduct a case study on an organization called Telespazio with the aim of aligning strategic goals to people development. This area was particularly crucial because it appeared as an opportunity to translate evidence into practice. Therefore, the exceptional performance is an inspiration that I can perform better in an organizational setting. However, I equally performed better in other areas such as leveraging human capital and the selection process. However, there is still need to improve certain aspects in these two areas to achieve the maximum score as indicated by the instructor.

Section 4- Opportunities for Improvement

Based on the feedback, the major areas where I performed dismally include acquisition of employee and employees training and development. After analysis, I have realized that this poor performance is attributed to failure to follow the instructions strictly. For instance, under acquiring employees, there are sections such as provision of job descriptions and utilization of template that were required but I failed to incorporate them. Similarly, under training and development, some section headers did not match the requirements and visual was missing. Taken together, it is likely that I failed to strictly follow the instruction, leading to this poor outcome. Therefore, as an opportunity for improvement, I look forward to strictly following the instructor’s instruction to ensure that every assignment requirement is met.

Section 5- Application to HR 

Essentially, the previous assignments have been crucial in building credibility and skills in human resource management. Although hiring new employees and handling personnel matters are typically the major responsibilities of HR managers, I have been challenged by the previous assignments that there is more to HR management. In the current society, the HR managers should acknowledge the reality that hiring new employees is time consuming and cost intensive, which is also marred with uncertainty of positive outcomes such as success and longevity. As such, it is imperative for HR managers to emphasize more on workforce development, managing, and leveraging human capital in the organization (Cascio, 2014).

Typically, this entails perceiving employees as individuals with different competencies, interests, skill set, and needs that may surpass the scope of their current job description. Therefore, an effective HR manager needs to understand the essence of formulating a detailed workforce development strategy that enables real investment in employees through training, development, and opportunity internal upgrading (Schiemann, 2014). That is, rather than struggling to bring in new employees from outside, the HR managers need to consider the existing talents in the organization and provide them with necessary tools to develop new skills and enable to grow both as individuals and employees.

HRM 635 Week 8 Assignment Final Project Reflection References

Cascio, W. F. (2014). Leveraging employer branding, performance management and human resource development to enhance employee retention.

Schiemann, W. A. (2014). From talent management to talent optimization. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 281-288.