Assignment: Becoming Familiar with the DNP Scholarly Project and PhD Dissertation
The successful completion of the DNP project or dissertation will entail the consideration of a number of steps as well as outline. One of the steps is brainstorming researchable ideas. Brainstorming enables the identification of critical issues in nursing practice that can be addressed through DNP project or dissertation. The second step is performing literature review where one critiques the existing evidence to identify gaps that the DNP project should address. The third step entails the presentation of the proposal to the faculty team (Roush, 2019). The project or dissertation development follows once the proposal is approved. The step that follows is the submission of the project for institutional review board approval. The approval leads to data collection from the participants or subjects in a project or dissertation. Data analysis is the next step to determine the impact of the project. The DNP nurse presents data and its implications to the institutional committee for approval. One then graduates after completing the above processes (Moran et al., 2019). The area of interest for DNP scholarly project is reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections among hospitalized patients. The expected timeline for completing the project is six months.
I will use scholarly sources of evidence to complete the DNP project or dissertation. The scholarly sources will include journals, books, government websites and websites of authoritative organizations such as the World Health Organization. The documents will provide evidence-based information that relate to the focus of the project or dissertation (Bradshaw & Vitale, 2020). The guide document by Walden University will be used in undertaking the project or dissertation activities. The document provides guidelines on the expected deliverables that the students must achieve in the project.
Bradshaw, M., & Vitale, T. (2020). The Dnp Project Workbook: A Step-By-Step Process for Success. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.
Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2019). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Roush, K. (2019). A Nurse’s Step-By-Step Guide to Publishing a Dissertation or DNP Project. Sigma.
As a doctoral candidate, you will complete either a DNP Scholarly Project or a PhD Dissertation. Are you curious about what will be required of you? For this Assignment, you locate and read materials that pertain to your doctoral program at Walden University, and begin thinking about your DNP Scholarly Project or PhD Dissertation.
To prepare:
DNP students:
- Review the DNP section of the Walden University website (
- Carefully review the requirements for the DNP Scholarly Project process.
- Consider the steps and timeline you will work through to complete the DNP Scholarly project.
PhD students:
- Review the information presented at the Walden University Writing Center PhD Dissertation website (
- Carefully review the requirements for the Premise, Prospectus, and Dissertation process.
- Consider the steps you will work through to complete the Premise, Prospectus, and Dissertation process and the timeline for completing each step.
To complete:
Write a 1-page paper outlining the steps, timeline for completing the project / dissertation, and the documents you will use for either the DNP Scholarly Project or the PhD Dissertation. Include the main guide document that identifies the processes and procedures for the appropriate doctoral project.
DNP students:
- Summarize the purpose of the DNP Scholarly Project.
- Briefly describe a project that would be of interest to you and how you might go about completing that project.
Due by Day 7 of Week 5.
Week in Review
This week, you evaluated professional opportunities for intra- and interdisciplinary collaborative practice available to nurses with a doctoral degree.
Next week, you will explore the various resources provided by Walden University to assist you in becoming a critical and scholarly reader, thinker, and writer.
The Assignment that you began working on in Week 3 is due by Day 7 of this week.

Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:
- Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
- Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
- Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
- Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
- If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
- Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria
To access your rubric:
Week 5 Assignment Rubric
Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity
To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:
Submit your Week 5 Assignment draft and review the originality report.
Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 5
To submit your Assignment:
Week 5 Assignment
- Grid View
- List View
Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor | ||
Discussion post minimum requirements: *The original posting must be completed by Wednesday, Day 3, at 11:59pm MST. Two response postings to two different peer original posts, on two different days, are required by Saturday, Day 6, at 11:59pm MST. Faculty member inquiries require responses, which are not included in the minimum number of posts. Your Discussion Board postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA style for format and grammar as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support the postings with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources as well as resources available through the Walden University online databases. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. |
Points Range: 8 (26.67%) – 8 (26.67%)
Discussion postings and responses exceed the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: Respond to the question being asked or the prompt provided; – Go beyond what is required in some meaningful way (e.g., the post contributes a new dimension, unearths something unanticipated); -Are substantive, reflective, with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings and current credible evidence. – Demonstrate significant ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning -Resources as well as additional resources and has read, viewed, or considered a sampling of colleagues’ postings; -Exceed the minimum requirements for discussion posts*. |
Points Range: 7 (23.33%) – 7 (23.33%)
Discussion postings and responses meet the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: -Respond to the question being asked or the prompt provided; -Are substantive, reflective, with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings and current credible -Demonstrate ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources and has read, viewed, or considered a sampling of colleagues’ postings -Meet the minimum requirements for discussion posts*. |
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses are minimally responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: – do not clearly address the objectives of the discussion or the question or prompt; and/or -May (lack) lack in depth, reflection, analysis, or synthesis but rely more on anecdotal than scholarly evidence; and/or -Do not adequately demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning -Resources and/or a sampling of colleagues’ postings; and/or has posted by the due date at least in part. – Lack ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Do not meet the minimum requirements for discussion posts*. |
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses are unresponsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions. They: – do not clearly address the objectives of the discussion or the question or prompt; and/or – Lack in substance, reflection, analysis, or synthesis but rely more on anecdotal than scholarly evidence. – Lack ability to generalize and extend thinking and evaluate theories or concepts within the topic or context of the discussion. -Do not demonstrate that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources and/or a sampling of colleagues’ postings; and/or does not meet the minimum requirements for discussion posts*. |
CONTENT KNOWLEDGE | Points Range: 8 (26.67%) – 8 (26.67%)
Discussion postings and responses: -demonstrate in-depth understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course (e.g., insightful interpretations including analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation of topic; – are well supported by pertinent research/evidence from a variety of and multiple peer- reviewed books and journals, where appropriate; -Demonstrate significant mastery and thoughtful/accurate application of content, applicable skills or strategies presented in the course. |
Points Range: 7 (23.33%) – 7 (23.33%)
Discussion postings and responses: -demonstrate understanding and application of the concepts and issues presented in the course, presented with some understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course (e.g., insightful interpretations including analysis, synthesis and/or evaluation of topic; -are supported by research/evidence from peer-reviewed books and journals, where appropriate; and · demonstrate some mastery and application of content, applicable skills, or strategies presented in the course. |
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses: – demonstrate minimal understanding of concepts and issues presented in the course, and, although generally accurate, display some omissions and/or errors; –lack support by research/evidence and/or the research/evidence is inappropriate or marginal in quality; and/or lack of analysis, synthesis or evaluation of topic – demonstrate minimal content, skills or strategies presented in the course. ——-Contain numerous errors when using the skills or strategies presented in the course |
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses demonstrate: -A lack of understanding of the concepts and issues presented in the course; and/or are inaccurate, contain many omissions and/or errors; and/or are not supported by research/evidence; and/or lack of analysis, synthesis or evaluation of topic -Many critical errors when discussing content, applicable skills or strategies presented in the course. |
CONTRIBUTION TO THE DISCUSSION | Points Range: 8 (26.67%) – 8 (26.67%)
Discussion postings and responses significantly contribute to the quality of the discussion/interaction and thinking and learning by: -providing Rich and relevant examples; discerning and thought-provoking ideas; and stimulating thoughts and probes; – -demonstrating original thinking, new perspectives, and extensive synthesis of ideas supported by the literature. |
Points Range: 7 (23.33%) – 7 (23.33%)
Discussion postings and responses contribute to the quality of the discussion/interaction and thinking and learning by -providing relevant examples; thought-provoking ideas – Demonstrating synthesis of ideas supported by the literature |
Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses minimally contribute to the quality of discussion/interaction and thinking and learning by: – providing few and/or irrelevant examples; and/or – providing few if any thought- provoking ideas; and/or -. Information that is restated from the literature with no/little demonstration of critical thinking or synthesis of ideas. |
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses do not contribute to the quality of interaction/discussion and thinking and learning as they do not: -Provide examples (or examples are irrelevant); and/or -Include interesting thoughts or ideas; and/or – Demonstrate of critical thinking or synthesis of ideas |
QUALITY OF WRITING | Points Range: 6 (20%) – 6 (20%)
Discussion postings and responses exceed doctoral -level writing expectations. They: · Use grammar and syntax that is clear, concise, and appropriate to doctoral level writing; · Make few if any errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; · Use original language and refrain from directly quoting original source materials; -provide correct APA · Are positive, courteous, and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints. |
Points Range: 5 (16.67%) – 5 (16.67%)
Discussion postings and responses meet doctoral -level writing expectations. They: ·Use grammar and syntax that is clear and appropriate to doctoral level writing; ; · Make a few errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; · paraphrase but refrain from directly quoting original source materials; Provide correct APA format · Are courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints;. |
Points Range: 4 (13.33%) – 4 (13.33%)
Discussion postings and responses are minimally below doctoral-level writing expectations. They: · Make more than occasional errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; · Directly quote from original source materials and/or paraphrase rather than use original language; lack correct APA format; and/or · Are less than courteous and respectful when offering suggestions, feedback, or opposing viewpoints. |
Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (10%)
Discussion postings and responses are well below doctoral -level writing expectations. They: · Use grammar and syntax that is that is unclear · Make many errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; and –use incorrect APA format · Are discourteous and disrespectful when offering suggestions, feedback, or opposing viewpoints. |
Total Points: 30 |
Assignment: Becoming Familiar with the DNP Scholarly Project and PhD Dissertation
The successful completion of the DNP project or dissertation will entail the consideration of a number of steps as well as outline. One of the steps is brainstorming researchable ideas. Brainstorming enables the identification of critical issues in nursing practice that can be addressed through DNP project or dissertation. The second step is performing literature review where one critiques the existing evidence to identify gaps that the DNP project should address. The third step entails the presentation of the proposal to the faculty team (Roush, 2019). The project or dissertation development follows once the proposal is approved. The step that follows is the submission of the project for institutional review board approval. The approval leads to data collection from the participants or subjects in a project or dissertation. Data analysis is the next step to determine the impact of the project. The DNP nurse presents data and its implications to the institutional committee for approval. One then graduates after completing the above processes (Moran et al., 2019). The area of interest for DNP scholarly project is reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections among hospitalized patients. The expected timeline for completing the project is six months.
I will use scholarly sources of evidence to complete the DNP project or dissertation. The scholarly sources will include journals, books, government websites and websites of authoritative organizations such as the World Health Organization. The documents will provide evidence-based information that relate to the focus of the project or dissertation (Bradshaw & Vitale, 2020). The guide document by Walden University will be used in undertaking the project or dissertation activities. The document provides guidelines on the expected deliverables that the students must achieve in the project.
Bradshaw, M., & Vitale, T. (2020). The Dnp Project Workbook: A Step-By-Step Process for Success. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.
Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2019). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Roush, K. (2019). A Nurse’s Step-By-Step Guide to Publishing a Dissertation or DNP Project. Sigma.