Assignment 6.1: Patient Outcomes Project Part I: Aggregating and Displaying Data

Assignment 6.1: Patient Outcomes Project Part I: Aggregating and Displaying Data


In this two-part assignment, you will be boiling down large amounts of data: to information and to usable knowledge. You will be analyzing data in two ways: First by creating a chart, then by performing aggregate analyses (average, sum, and min/max) on the data. Finally, you will use this information to inform a decision.


Your institution has taken an interest in nurse staffing and patient outcomes. On reflection, you believe that your patients seem to have better care when there is a higher percentage of BSN nurses staffed on the skilled nursing unit. You decide to investigate this quality matter by looking at the data.

Assignment Guidelines

You begin your investigation by gathering data from electronic medical records for each month from the last calendar year. You have organized and saved the data in Sheet #1 “Pt Outcomes | BSN” of your Excel file

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Displaying Data

  1. Download the Patient Outcomes Project (Excel)
  • Links to an external site. file and save it to your computer with your last name in the filename.
  • Use the data in Sheet #1 “Pt Outcomes | BSN” to develop a run chart showing the percentage of BSNs, the number of falls, and the number of pressure ulcers. Use a style 2 line graph with the numbers of the vertical axis in the bubbles. (See Example Chart and Bullets (Word)
  1. Links to an external site..)
  2. Create a new sheet in the file and move the embedded chart to its own tab titled “Monthly Chart.” This will be Sheet 2.

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Aggregating Data

  1. Use the appropriate aggregate functions in Excel to determine the average of the % BSNs, as well as the average, sum, min/max for the number of falls, and the number of pressure ulcers.
  2. Document this data on a fourth tab titled “Descriptive Stats” in the Excel file. Order it so that this sheet is the third sheet of the four.

Formatting and Mechanics

Submit one Excel file with four sheets:

  • Sheet 1: Pt Outcomes | BSN
  • Sheet 2: Monthly Chart
  • Sheet 3: Descriptive Stats
  • Sheet 4: Scores | # BSN (this sheet will be used in the next assignment)

Important Notes:

  • After the submission due date, an answer key will be provided in the Instructor Announcements for you to check your work. Because of this, late work for this assignment will be given a zero.
  • This scenario continues in the next assignment. Save your file so that you can use it again.


Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 6.1: Patient Outcomes Project Part I: Aggregating and Displaying Data page.

Assignment 6.1: Patient Outcomes Project Part I: Aggregating and Displaying Data

Week 6 Patient Outcomes Project Part I Rubric
Week 6 Patient Outcomes Project Part I Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Run graph (chart)
10 to >9 pts
Meets Expectations (>9 to 10 points)

Run chart with the numbers of the vertical axis in the bubbles. Three lines present.

9 to >7 pts
Nearly Meets Expectations (>7 to 9 points)

Line chart without numbers in the bubbles.

7 to >5 pts
Barely Meets Expectations (>5 to 7 points)

Line chart without bubbles or errors in graph.

5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations (0 to 5 points)

Is not a line chart or is missing data.

10 / 10 pts
Descriptive data
10 to >9 pts
Meets Expectations (>9 to 10 points)

Descriptive data is present using the Excel formulas.

9 to >7 pts
Nearly Meets Expectations (>7 to 9 points)

Descriptive data is present, but the formulas from Excel are not present.

7 to >5 pts
Barely Meets Expectations (>5 to 7 points)

Descriptive data is missing one of the six required answers.

5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations (0 to 5 points)

More than two of the descriptive data points are not present.

10 / 10 pts
0 pts
20 point deduction

Assignment is late. Maximum point deduction: -20 Points

0 pts
No deduction

Assignment is turned in on time. No point deduction. 0 Points

0 / 0 pts
Total Points: 20