WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses

WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses

Sample Answer for WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses Included After Question


Respond  to at least two different colleagues’ postings



A Sample Answer For the Assignment: WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses

Title: WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses

The emergency department (ED) is a specialized unit in the hospital setting.The ED is usually the first place that patients receive treatment in the hospital (Healy, 1981, p. 36; in Beder, 2006).Because many patients arrive via paramedics and ambulances, the ED is usually on the ground floor of the hospital and is physically close to imaging and the lab. The ED staff consists of specially trained emergency physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, lab- and imaging- technicians, and social workers.The ED generally has dedicated admitting staff and unit clerks.Some EDs have attached or nearby or helicopter pads, and some rural hospitals have hospital-based helicopters.The ED that I am the most familiar with is in Kona Community Hospital in Kealakekua, HI.Kona Hospital’s ED is a level III trauma unit.This designation means that the hospital has dedicated and trained staff, including on-call surgical and orthopedic teams, an ICU, and that they can transfer patients to a higher level of care after they are stabilized (American Trauma Society, n. d.).

There is only one level I trauma center in Hawaii, on Oahu, about 200 miles (or 45 minutes by plane) from Kona.The hospital’s helicopter pad is not attached to the hospital, and there is no direct entry into the ambulance bay from the landing pad.To transport patients to or from the ED, the staff must call the local fire station to have an ambulance transport around the building.Because the hospital was built in the mid-1970s, the original architects did not plan on a helipad. When I began working there, in fact, whenever we had a county life-flight chopper land, the landing area was in the parking lot.We all had to run outside to move our cars when a chopper was inbound.When the administration planned the upgrade to the Level III status, they found the building itself was not structurally sound enough to put the landing pad on the roof.The staff joked that if the pilots tried to land on the roof, the patient would end up in surgery (on the third floor), then ICU (on the second floor), and then in the ED (in the basement/ground floor).

An ED serves many, if not all, members of a population.The ED is, as noted previously, the initial point of care for many of the patients in the hospital.The ED staff provides care to everyone who enters the doors. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) requires all hospital EDs in Medicare-participating hospitals to provide emergency treatment and stabilization of all patients, whether they can pay for services (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, 2012).Patients that seek care in the ED may be of any age and need care for all types of injuries, illnesses, substance use, or behavioral health issues.The patients may live in the surrounding community or from out of the area, state, or country.In Kona, the ED cared for people from around the world, with any number of medical issues.Some of the most memorable of my patients were involved in motor vehicle crashes, drowning or surf-accident injuries, and one death from a marlin. (The fisherman caught a marlin or billfish.These are deep water fish and can get very large.The person attached the fish to the side of the boat and returned to the harbor.Once there, he assumed that the fish was dead and went into the water to cut it loose and bring it to the dock to weigh and measure it.The fish was very much alive and used its 2-foot-long snout/bill to stab the fisherman through the heart, as it tried to escape.)

WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses
WU Psychology Medical Social Worker Roles Discussion Responses

An ED social worker must be able to change activity and focus very quickly. The ED generally is a very fast-paced and changeable environment.Since patients come in randomly, with many different issues, the social worker must be very flexible and able to multitask effectively.They need to be aware that the unit has particular and needful tasks to help patients, sometimes even before they arrive.There is always a medicom on, linking the ED with paramedics and police/fire.The social worker, along with the other ED staff, needs to be alert to the tones that indicate that there is an incoming call.The social worker should also be aware of incoming calls, primarily if the calls are related to trauma, code blue, or other situation with an increased risk of death or distress.If the call is for a trauma patient or a code-blue, the social worker needs to stand by, behind the medical team, but still available to pick up any ID, cell phone, or any other patient identifying information. While the physician, nurses, and RT assess the patient and begin treatment, the social worker needs to find the patient’s ID and give it to the unit clerk to see if they are a prior patient.If there is no ID, the social worker may need to go through the patient’s clothing/wallet or purse/cell phone to try and determine who they are. The next step is to call the person’s emergency contact to ask them to come to the hospital emergency department if they are not already there.If the patient’s family or friends are there with them, the social worker stays with them, often going in and out of the ED as the patient is receiving treatment.The social worker acts as an information broker at this point – giving pertinent information to the physician and letting the family know what is happening with the patient.One thing that is also important, especially during a code, is to determine the family’s wish to be in the ED.Ultimately, the decision is up to the physician, however.Some physicians want the family to be present during a code, while others do not.In Kona, most of the physicians were agreeable to family or friends in the room if I kept them back and out of the way and answered their questions, allowing the ED staff and physician to focus on the patient.These are only a few of the roles and tasks I completed in the ED. Each patient and family were unique, and each had specific needs during their time in the ED.

The ED, unlike most medical settings, requires that the social worker be able to work autonomously, part of the ED team, but focused on family or the psychosocial needs of the patient.This role is equally important, but parallel, to the medical team’s evaluation and treatment of the patient’s medical condition. The social worker must also be able to work in a loud and boisterous environment.Especially during a code blue or trauma activation, there is an increased level of noise as well as heightened physical energy in the area.The family and friends, and sometimes the patient themselves, may need the social worker to act as an interpreter of the situations/treatments or things happening in the ED. The social worker will need to be highly aware of medical terminology and be able to describe them in layman’s terms.As Beder (2012) indicated, the social worker may need to explain to the family what they will see when they enter the ED, or precisely what the medical team is doing to their loved one.This role is challenging when the staff is performing CPR or intubating the patient.In my experience, people tend to assume that CPR is like they have seen on TV or in the movies – a couple of thrusts and a few breaths, and the person is as good as new. That is rarely, if ever, the reality.CPR is brutal and may lead to broken ribs and increased recovery time if the person survives. About the only thing that is like on TV is that the person’s body does move when the team uses a defibrillator.

Another aspect that Beder (2006) did not touch on is the reality of seeing patients in extreme pain, who are crying out or screaming, often covered in blood or excrement, and who may have gunshot or other wounds, or open fractures, or who may have disfigurements.Some patients die in the ED.If a social worker is unprepared for this, it can be emotionally upsetting, especially as there is little or no time to manage their emotions.There are also challenges related to patients with active behavioral health symptoms or who are acutely intoxicated by substances.In the ED, there is always the risk that the patient or family may be highly upset or angry and become violent.Generally, security is in the ED as well, but there may still be a physical risk to the social worker or other staff.

To begin addressing the challenges above, the social worker must first determine their ability to work in a fast-paced, noisy, and confusing environment.As Beder indicates, a social worker who does not thrive in a chaotic work environment should not work in the ED.Also, the social worker should be prepared for an assault on their senses, seeing blood and injuries, smelling excrement and vomit, hearing moaning and screaming, and having to deal with their emotional reaction to these things – all while being a comforting, knowledgeable, and calm presence.Several of the social workers who came (and went) to Kona Hospital could not handle working in the ED.One of them completely lost their composure when the ED called a trauma activation because they were unable to tolerate the smell of the ED.

I would not recommend that a novice medical social worker works in the ED.It is all medical social work, from hospice through oncology to behavioral health, to OB, in one setting.The social worker in the ED must be able to act independently and simultaneously as a member of the team.They need a high level of skill and familiarity with medicine in general and emergency medicine in specific, coupled with strong evaluation skills.This last is essential because there is no time in the ED to complete an in-depth assessment.I conceptualize this as having a firm grounding in social work theory and assessment to be able to grok the situation quickly.This ability is critical, along with confidence in myself.There are times I needed to get the attention of (interrupt) highly trained, reactive, and focused professionals; and then to act upon my understanding in a chaotic and emotionally charged environment.

Despite the challenges inherent in working in an ED, I enjoyed my time there a great deal.I was unique in that I had little training or experience before I was quite literally thrown in the middle of a trauma code and had to figure my way through it.I learned a great deal about myself while working in the ED, especially that I can handle much more than I ever believed I could.

American Trauma Society. (n. d.). Trauma center levels explained: Designation vs verification. American Trauma Society. [webpage]. Retrieved 9/13/2020 from https://www.amtrauma.org/page/traumalevels#:~:text=Trauma%20Center%20designation%20is%20a%20process%20outlined%20anAd,are%20typically%20outlined%20through%20legislative%20or%20regulatory%20authority.

Beder, J. (2006). Social work in the emergency room. In Hospital social work: The interface of medicine and caring (pp. 135-142). Routledge.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. (March 2012). Emergency medical treatment & labor act (EMTALA). Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. [ webpage]. Retrieved 9/13/20 from https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EMTALA



The health care setting I selected is hospice. This service is that of specialized care for patients and their families to assist in transitioning from the present to the end of life process according to the patients and family’s needs (Beder, 2006).

The patient population served at the setting is those who are terminally ill. This could be children and adults (Beder, 2006).

The hospice social worker can function in the home care setting where the assessment of needs of the patient and family is taken to further understand the required services needed. The hospice social worker coordinates the needs of the patient and family with available community resources and is the continued liaison for such services for the continuity of care within the home environment setting.

In the hospital setting, the hospice social worker is part of an interdisciplinary team that works with the patient in accepting the terminal illness and working with the families through the caring process of what is to take place. They help the patient to understand the steps and advocate on the patient’s behalf to ensure the proper level of care. Hospice social workers counsel not only the patient and families but staff in dealing with emotional support of a terminal illness.

Identify factors about the health care setting that might challenge the medical social worker. Explain why. Explain ways you might address the challenges.

Cultural issues with different ethnic groups may pose a challenge. Depending on the culture, they may have a ritual or way they may deal with death of a loved one that a social worker may not fully understand or have been exposed to (Beder, 2006). According to (NASW, 2016), health care social workers must be culturally competent and knowledgeable of the client they are serving to provide effective service required for its specified culture. This can be accomplished through continual learning of the many diverse ethnic groups [standard 4].

Containing emotion when a patient you have been working with transitions. Sometimes you see yourself in the patient, especially if they are around the same age. A fear may set in with that possibility of dying. One way to address this being able to separate the job from the personal life (Beder, 2006).

Beder, J. (2006). About medical social work. In Hospital social work: The interface of medicine and caring. Routledge. Retrieved from Walden Database [Vital Source e-reader].

National Association for Social Workers. (2016). NASW standards for social work practice in health care settings. Retrieved from https://socialworkers.org

As we begin this session, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify my expectations for this course:

Please note that GCU Online weeks run from Thursday (Day 1) through Wednesday (Day 7).


Course Room Etiquette:

  • It is my expectation that all learners will respect the thoughts and ideas presented in the discussions.
  • All postings should be presented in a respectful, professional manner. Remember – different points of view add richness and depth to the course!


Office Hours:

  • My office hours vary so feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] or my office phone is 602.639.6517 and I will get back to you within one business day or as soon as possible.
  • Phone appointments can be scheduled as well. Send me an email and the best time to call you, along with your phone number to make an appointment.
  • I welcome all inquiries and questions as we spend this term together. My preference is that everyone utilizes the Questions to Instructor forum. In the event your question is of a personal nature, please feel free to post in the Individual Questions for Instructor forumI will respond to all posts or emails within 24 or sooner.


Late Policy and Grading Policy

Discussion questions:

  • I do not mark off for late DQ’s.
  • I would rather you take the time to read the materials and respond to the DQ’s in a scholarly way, demonstrating your understanding of the materials.
  • I will not accept any DQ submissions after day 7, 11:59 PM (AZ Time) of the week.
  • Individual written assignments – due by 11:59 PM AZ Time Zone on the due dates indicated for each class deliverable.


  • Assignments turned in after their specified due dates are subject to a late penalty of -10%, each day late, of the available credit. Please refer to the student academic handbook and GCU policy.
  • Any activity or assignment submitted after the due date will be subject to GCU’s late policy
  • Extenuating circumstances may justify exceptions, which are at my sole discretion. If an extenuating circumstance should arise, please contact me privately as soon as possible.
  • No assignments can be accepted for grading after midnight on the final day of class.
  • All assignments will be graded in accordance with the Assignment Grading Rubrics


  • Participation in each week’s Discussion Board forum accounts for a large percentage of your final grade in this course.
  • Please review the Course Syllabus for a comprehensive overview of course deliverables and the value associated with each.
  • It is my expectation that each of you will substantially contribute to the course discussion forums and respond to the posts of at least three other learners.
  • substantive post should be at least 200 words. Responses such as “great posts” or “I agree” do notmeet the active engagement expectation.
  • Please feel free to draw on personal examples as you develop your responses to the Discussion Questions but you do need to demonstrate your understanding of the materials.
  • I do expect outside sources as well as class materials to formulate your post.
  • APA format is not necessary for DQ responses, but I do expect a proper citation for references.
  • Please use peer-related journals found through the GCU library and/or class materials to formulate your answers. Do not try to “Google” DQ’s as I am looking for class materials and examples from the weekly materials.
  • will not accept responses that are from Wikipedia, Business com, or other popular business websites. You will not receive credit for generic web searches – this does not demonstrate graduate-level research.
  • Stay away from the use of personal pronouns when writing.As a graduate student, you are expected to write based on research and gathering of facts. Demonstrating your understanding of the materials is what you will be graded on. You will be marked down for lack of evidence to support your ideas.


  • Plagiarism is the act of claiming credit for another’s work, accomplishments, or ideas without appropriate acknowledgment of the source of the information by including in-text citations and references.
  • This course requires the utilization of APA format for all course deliverables as noted in the course syllabus.
  • Whether this happens deliberately or inadvertently, whenever plagiarism has occurred, you have committed a Code of Conduct violation.
  • Please review your LopesWrite report prior to final submission.
  • Every act of plagiarism, no matter the severity, must be reported to the GCU administration (this includes your DQ’s, posts to your peers, and your papers).

Plagiarism includes:

  • Representing the ideas, expressions, or materials of another without due credit.
  • Paraphrasing or condensing ideas from another person’s work without proper citation and referencing.
  • Failing to document direct quotations without proper citation and referencing.
  • Depending upon the amount, severity, and frequency of the plagiarism that is committed, students may receive in-class penalties that range from coaching (for a minor omission), -20% grade penalties for resubmission, or zero credit for a specific assignment. University-level penalties may also occur, including suspension or even expulsion from the University.
  • If you are at all uncertain about what constitutes plagiarism, you should review the resources available in the Student Success Center. Also, please review the University’s policies about plagiarism which are covered in more detail in the GCU Catalog and the Student Handbook.
  • We will be utilizing the GCU APA Style Guide 7th edition located in the Student Success Center > The Writing Center for all course deliverables.


  • All course assignments must be uploaded to the specific Module Assignment Drop Box, and also submitted to LopesWrite every week.
  • Please ensure that your assignment is uploaded to both locations under the Assignments DropBox. Detailed instructions for using LopesWrite are located in the Student Success Center.

Assignment Submissions

  • Please note that Microsoft Office is the software requirement at GCU.
  • I can open Word files or any file that is saved with a .rtf (Rich Text Format) extension. I am unable to open .wps files.
  • If you are using a “.wps” word processor, please save your files using the .rtf extension that is available from the drop-down box before uploading your files to the Assignment Drop Box.

Grade of Incomplete

  • The final grade of Incomplete is granted at the discretion of the instructor; however, students must meet certain specific criteria before this grade accommodation is even possible to consider.
  • The grade of Incomplete is reserved for times when students experience a serious extenuating circumstance or a crisis during the last week of class which prevents the completion of course requirements before the close of the grading period. Students also must pass the course at the time the request is made.
  • Please contact me personally if you are having difficulties in meeting course requirements or class deadlines during our time together. In addition, if you are experiencing personal challenges or difficulties, it is best to contact the Academic Counselor so that you can discuss the options that might be available to you, as well as each option’s academic and financial repercussions.

Grade Disputes

  • If you have any questions about a grade you have earned on an individual assignment or activity, please get in touch with mepersonally for further clarification.
  • While I have made every attempt to grade you fairly, on occasion a misunderstanding may occur, so please allow me the opportunity to learn your perspective if you believe this has occurred. Together, we should be able to resolve grading issues on individual assignments.
  • However, after we have discussed individual assignments’ point scores, if you still believe that the final grade you have earned at the end of the course is not commensurate with the quality of work you produced for this class, there is a formal Grade Grievance procedurewhich is outlined in the GCU Catalog and Student Handbook.