Which of the following is a general rule with regard to same-gender sexual behavior?

Which of the following is a general rule with regard to same-gender sexual behavior?

26) Which of the following is a general rule with regard to same-gender sexual behavior? A) Same-gender sexual behavior is now accepted by all the major world religions B) Same-gender sexual behavior is never the predominant form of sexual behavior for adults in any of the societies studied C) Across the world, there is little variation in attitudes toward same-gender sexual expression D) Same-gender sexual expression exists only in Western nations 27 27) According to a research based on social class variations and sexuality, which of the following women is most likely to terminate a pregnancy by abortion? A) Kelly, a master’s degree holder B) Sandra, a college sophomore C) Joan, a high school diploma holder D) Millie, a high school drop-out 28) Which of the following is one of the defining factors that makes the sexuality of Blacks 28) somewhat different from that of whites? A) the current economic and social conditions B) the cultural code of machismo C) the cultural code of marianismo D) the current trena bahali 29) 29) Which of the following is most likely to be the reason for lower marriage rates among African Americans? A) the higher rate of abortions than any other ethnic group B) the repressive culture as a legacy of the Victorian era C) the greater incidence of same-sex sexual behavior D) the unequal ratio of men to women 30) 30) According to the data published by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2000, which of the following groups has the lowest ratio of men to women in American society? A) Latinos B) whites C) African Americans D) Asian Americans in its extreme form means tolerating men’s 31) Among Latinos, the cultural code of sexual infidelities A) marianismo C) modern values 31) B) adultery D) machismo 32) 32) As part of a traditional Mexican family, Juanita knows that she must refrain from premarital sex. It would shame her family if she lost her virginity before she was married. This example illustrates the concept of in Latino culture. A) huo yin yang B) familismo C) marianismo D) machismo 5 V 14 10 prt % 5 6 & 7 8 9 3 33) Because of core values that include collectivism, conformity to norms, and emotional control, Asian Americans, as an ethnic group, tend to be the most of the various ethnic groups in America B) conservative C) progressive D) liberal 34 34) David Chang, an Asian American, always tries to put the needs of others-especially those of his family-before his own. This illustrates the core Asian value of A) collectivism B) romanticism C) liberalism D) hedonism 35) According to Laumann et al., which of the following groups has the lowest incidence f35 multiple sexual partners? A) whites B) Latinos C) African Americans D) Asian Americans 36) 36 are subtle insults directed at people of color, often done nonconsciously. A) Racial microagressions B) Microaggressions against trans people C) Gender microaggressions D) Sexual orientation microaggressions 37) 37) Which of the following statements is true of racial microaggressions in the United States? A) They have become rare, B) They are very obvious forms of prejudiced attitudes and behaviors. C) They are frequently experienced by members of ethnic minorities. D) They have been replaced by overt racism. 38) 38) Cross-cultural Studies of human sexual behavior show that A) there is no variation in behavior across cultures. B) variation in sexual behavior is completely dependent on drives and instincts. C) variation in behavior across cultures can be attributed to differences in biological makeup D) enormous variation in sexual behavior exists across cultures. 39) 39) Cross-cultural studies of human sexual behavior have shown that A) developed societies are regressing to a more conservative outlook on sexuality. B) culture has a profound impact upon sexual expression C) human sexual behavior is primarily determined by biological makeup D) different societies are no longer distinguished by their unique sexual practices. 40) A female “parades” in front of a group of males and then makes eye contact with one of 40) them. Which of the following best describes this behavior by the female? A) the “caution” look B) sexual signaling C) phallic aggression D) the “brush-off” ho prt se % 5 6 & 7 8 9 Which of the following statements is true of religious understandings of sexuality? A) Muslims have believed that sexual intercourse is one of the finest pleasures of life B) Fifteenth-century Christians believed that a person who had “wet dreams” had great spiritual powers C) Fifteenth-century Christians believed that “wet dreams” resulted from homosexual behavior. D) The ancient Greeks condemned homosexual behavior. 8) When the early sex researchers began their work in the Victorian Era, the late 1800s, the norms about sexuality were extraordinarily A) liberal B) similar to that of the ancient Greeks. C) hedonistic D) rigid and oppressive. 9) 9) Identify the Viennese physician who contributed to our understanding of the psychological aspects of human sexuality and who is also credited as the founder of psychiatry and psychoanalysis. A) Oskar Hertwig B) Sigmund Freud C) Anton van Leeuwenhoek D) Richard von Krafft-Ebing 10) 10) The Victorian era, from which Freud and Ellis emerged, was characterized by A) sexual repression. B) sexual fulfillment. C) sexual permissiveness for both sexas Duc …usually 11) 11) In the 20th century, investigations of sexual disorders and the physiology of sexual response were conducted by A) Richard von Krafft-Ebing and Gregor Mendel, B) Oskar Hertwig C) Anton van Leeuwenhoek. D) Masters and Johnson 12) Which of the following statements is true of the scientific study of sex? A) It tends to be an interdisciplinary effort among several scientific disciplines B) It has emerged as a separate, unified academic discipline. C) It is dominated primarily by religious views of sexuality. D) It is now a dying field of scientific study. 12) رد1 Un mat people begin w uma mai wat mney see on television and in other media really represents the mainstream of what happens in our culture A) Cultivation B) Agenda setting C) Ethnocentrism D) Collectivism 13) 2 1 to prt sc dele % & 14 14) In communications theory, refers to the idea that the media define what is important and what is not by which stories they cover. A) schematization B) agenda setting C) cultivation D) ethnocentrism is the idea that the media provide role models whom 15) 15) III ……vauons theory, we imitate A) cultivation C) social learning B) ethnocentrism D) agenda setting 16) 16) Fiona is a teenager in high school and a fan of a TV show that centers on the lives of a group of rich socialites. She emulates the characters so much that even her wardrobe resembles that of the female leads on the show. Which of the following types of media influence is best described in this scenario? A) social learning B) agenda setting C) indoctrination D) ethnocentrism 17) 1 17) Which of the following statements best defines culture? A) It refers to the traditional ideas and values passed down from generation to generation within a group and transmitted to members of the group by symbols. B) It refers to the idea that the media provide role models whom people imitate. C) It refers to the view that exposure to the mass media makes people think that what they see there represents the mainstream of what really occurs. D) It refers to the tendency to regard one’s own ethnic group and culture as superior to others and to believe that its customs and way of life are the standards by which other ethnic groups should be judged, 18) 18) In the American society, a woman with a slim figure is considered to be more attractive than a woman who is plump or overweight. However, for members of certain other cultures, the exact opposite might be true. This difference can be related to the concept of A) machismo B) familismo UYULUI D C 19) 19) Which of the following statements is true of sexual techniques? A) Inflicting pain on one’s partner during sexual intercourse is a strict taboo in most societies. B) Most commonly, both men and women in various societies mutually inflict pain on each other C) Cunnilingus is condemned in American culture. D) Incest is one of the most common sexual techniques in most cultures. 3 brist & 7 C 6 8. 9 0 20) Incest taboo is A) nearly universal. B) predominantly a Western concept, C) a regulation prohibiting extramarital affairs. D) weaker now than a century ago. 21) Which of the followmy statements is true of the frequency of intercourse for married couples? A) Most societies have restrictions that forbid intercourse at certain times or in certain situations. B) The frequency of intercourse for married couples is the same across all cultures. C) Surveys of U.S. sexuality in the 1990s indicated that frequency of intercourse in the American society was the highest compared to all other societies. D) Almost every society encourages sexual intercourse for a period of time after a woman has given birth. 22) Which of the following statements is true of attitudes toward masturbation? A) Almost all human societies have similar attitudes toward masturbation. B) Almost all human societies express some disapproval of adult masturbation C) All human societies condemn female masturbation D) All human societies discourage masturbation during childhood and adolescence. 2 23) Kescarchers nave found that on the island of Mangaia A) older women and men instruct young boys in sexual matters. B) older men instruct young girls in sexual matters. C) after their mid-forties, men and women abstain from sex. D) female orgasm is thought to be nonexistent or deviant. 24 24) When sexual behavior is examined across cultures, which of the following is the most strictly prohibited type of sexual contact? A) extramarital sex B) masturbation C) premarital sex D) incest 25 25) Even when extramarital sex is permitted, it is subjected to regulations. Identify the most common pattern of restriction in extramarital sex. A) to allow extramarital sex for wives in case they have no children B) to allow extramarital sex for middle-aged couples C) to allow extramarital sex for husbands but not wives D) to allow extramarital sex as long as the married individuals are discreet about their infidelities