What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response?

What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response?

What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response

DB Question: What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response? How is the response/recovery impacted by security concerns? First Post:waeeee What role does security play during post-disaster or humanitarian responses? Disaster and humanitarian responses are vital in daily life, where we encounter a lot of setbacks in modern life. Security personnel is always at the center stage of the disaster activities associated with emergencies. Security corpse works very closely with other organizations whenever crises involving the safety management and wellbeing of human beings. Security personnel always kept on alert in assessing the nature of the threat to be in a position to respond to maximize the safety and well be of the victims (Coverdel, 2011). They carry these activities by channeling every resource at their disposal to safeguard every individual’s well being by evacuating them to safer places. Secondly, communication plays a vital role in how security personnel responds to disaster and humanitarian response. Security personnel ensures they provide the required communication flow that eases the evacuation process. They have enhanced their communication medium by making sure each security personnel has access to communication devices, such as radio calls, that plays a vital role in channeling the information that easies the evacuation process. How do security concerns impact response/recovery? Response and recovery have impacted security concerns among security personnel by creating awareness on what should be done, during, and after the disaster. Due to these responses by security in dealing with disaster responses, security concerns have now centered on awareness. They believe creating awareness to the individuals plays a vital role in solving and addressing the issues of disaster during the humanitarian response. It has changed the perception among the security personnel as they focus on the need creating a sense of awareness since safety begins with you. Security concerns have shifted on the importance of understanding the environment in which one operates as one way of controlling and understanding the disaster preparedness among people. The need for personal conduct has impacted the concerns of security personnel. They have channeled their effort on building personal conduct before, during, and after disaster management (Coverdel, 2011). While security corpse is responsible for providing you with safety guidelines, they believe advising people on how they conduct themselves during the exercise plays a vital role in disaster management and will enhance their operation. References Peace Corps (2011, August). Safety and security highlights to help you prepare for Peace Corps service. Retrieved from https://files.peacecorps.gov/multimedia/pdf/documents/safety_and_security_highlights.pdf Second Post:Mnsourr Security is essential for ensuring effective humanitarian responses and coordination of disaster relief assistance. Humanitarian aid can be delivered effectively only if the disaster response team is operating in a safe environment. Essentially, safety is an integral part of the humanitarian response. In fact, the insecure nature of the environment may result in serious incidents that may cause harm to humanitarian personnel (Williamson, 2010). Traveling in an unfamiliar environment and having difficulties in understanding the language and coping with the culture of the new environment are considered as some of the factors that can limit the safety of the disaster response team (Peace Corps, 2011). This team may also be affected by other incidents such as theft, kidnap, injury or serious sickness, violent attack and sexual assault. Therefore, the role of security during these incidents is to ensure that the humanitarian response team is protected against these hazards. To achieve this, I believe that that the aid organizations should put policies and practices in place that stipulate what will happen during and after such serious incidents. I also think that the security officers should enhance safety by assessing the safety risks of operating in a particular area, managing the safety of team members, providing security briefings to the response team regularly and providing ongoing monitoring of risks. These roles help to ensure that the response team stays safe in any given environment. Response and recovery measures are often affected by several security concerns such as harassment, transportation accidents, kidnap, violent attack and sexual assault. These concerns can impact response by preventing the response team from providing immediate assistance to enhance the health and morale of the victims. In particular, security issues such as transport accidents will limit the provision of food and temporary shelters to the affected population (Peace Corps, 2011). In fact, security concerns will dictate where aid organizations will operate which results in inadequate coverage of needs (Stoddard, Jillani, Caccavale, Cooke, Guillemois, Klimentov, 2017). In other words, security concerns inhibit the realization of the response goal of meeting the basic needs of disaster victims. Also, security concerns can affect the recovery phase because it limits recovery measures such as counseling programs, provision of temporary housing as well as health and safety educations that often help in returning the situation of the victims to normal. In essence, Security concerns limit the smooth transition from response to recovery phases. To reduce these security concerns, I believe that countries with sufficient resources must lend a helping hand by ensuring that the security of all humanitarian aid workers is protected as much as possible. This will ensure that all the people in need will get the help they require. References Peace Corps. (2011). Safety and Security Highlight to Help You Prepare for Peace Corps Service [PDFfile]. Stoddard, A., Jillani, S., Caccavale, J., Cooke, P., Guillemois, D., & Klimentov, V. (2017). Out of Reach: How Insecurity Prevents Humanitarian Aid from Accessing the Neediest. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, , 6(1). doi: http://doi.org/10.5334/sta.506 Williamson, C. (2010). Personnel management and security. Retrieved from and-security/ https://odihpn.org/magazine/personnel-management-

What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response
What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response

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15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

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13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

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14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

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12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

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0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

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Total Points: 100