Week 10: Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders

Week 10: Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders

Week 10: Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders


Literature, cinema, and other cultural references have long examined differences between women and men. These observations extend well beyond obvious and even inconspicuous traits to include cultural, behavioral, and biological differences that can impact pathophysiological process and, ultimately, health.

Understanding these differences in traits and their impact on pathophysiology can better equip acute care nurses to communicate to patients of both sexes. Furthermore, APRNs who are able to communicate these differences can better guide care to patients, whatever their gender.

This week, you examine fundamental concepts of women’s and men’s health disorders. You also explore common infections and hematologic disorders, and you apply the key terms and concepts that help communicate the pathophysiological nature of these issues to patients.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze concepts and principles of pathophysiology across the life span
  • Analyze processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorders
  • Identify racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning
  • Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology

Learning Resources

Week 10 Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders
Week 10 Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

  •  Chapter 24: Structure and Function of the Reproductive Systems (stop at Tests of reproductive function); Summary Review
  • Chapter 25: Alterations of the Female Reproductive System (stop at Organ prolapse); pp. 787–788 (start at Impaired fertility) (stop at Disorders of the female breast); Summary Review
  •  Chapter 26: Alterations of the Male Reproductive System (stop at Hormone levels); Summary Review
  •  Chapter 27: Sexually Transmitted Infections, including Summary Review
  •   Chapter 28: Structure and Function of the Hematological System (stop at Clinical evaluation of the hematological system); Summary Review
  • Chapter 29: Alterations of Erythrocytes, Platelets, and Hemostatic Function, including Summary Review
  • Chapter 30: Alterations of Leukocyte and Lymphoid Function, including Summary Review

Low, N. & Broutet N. J. (2017). Sexually transmitted infections – Research priorities for new challenges. PLoS Medicine, (12), e1002481

Kessler, C. M. (2019). Immune thrombocytopenic purpura [LK1] (ITP). Retrieved from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/202158-overview

Nagalia, S. (2019). Pernicious anemia[LK1] . Retrieved from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/204930-overview#a3

Stauder, R., Valent, P., & Theurl, I. [LK1] (2019). Anemia at older age: Etiologies, clinical implications and management. Blood Journal, 131(5). Retrieved from http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/131/5/505?sso-checked=true

Credit Line: Anemia at older age: Etiologies, clinical implications and management by Stauder, R., Valent, P., & Theurl, I., in Blood Journal, Vol. 131/Issue 5. Copyright 2019 by American Society of Hematology. Reprinted by permission of American Society of Hematology via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Document: NURS 6501 Final Exam Review (PDF document) 


Note: Use this document to help you as you review for your Final Exam in Week 11.

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Module 7 Overview with Dr. Tara Harris 

Dr. Tara Harris reviews the structure of Module 7 as well as the expectations for the module. Consider how you will manage your time as you review your media and Learning Resources throughout the module to prepare for your Knowledge Check and your Assignment. (3m)

Khan Academy. (2019a). Chronic disease vs iron deficiency anemia[LK1] . Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/science/health-and-medicine/hematologic-system-diseases-2/iron-deficiency-anemia-and-anemia-of-chronic-disease/v/chronic-disease-vs-iron-deficiency-anemia

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 5 minutes.

Online Media from Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children

In addition to this week’s media, it is highly recommended that you access and view the resources included with the course text, Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Focus on the videos and animations in Chapters 24, 26, 28, and 30 that relate to the reproductive and hematological systems. Refer to the Learning Resources in Week 1 for registration instructions. If you have already registered, you may access the resources at https://evolve.elsevier.com/

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Week 10: Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders

Week 10: Concepts of Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections and Hematologic Disorders Rubric Detail

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Name: NURS_6501_Module7_Case Study_Assignment_Rubric






Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis, examining the patient symptoms presented in the case study. Be sure to address the following as it relates to the case you were assigned (omit section that does not pertain to your case, faculty will give full points for that section):

Explain the factors that affect fertility (STDs)

Points Range: 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

The response accurately and thoroughly describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate, clear, and detailed explanations of the processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorders and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

The response describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate, explanations of the processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorders and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 18 (18%) – 19 (19%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague or inaccurate.

The response includes explanations of the processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorders, with explanations that are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 17 (17%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague and inaccurate, or the description is missing.

The response does not include explanations of the processes related to women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorders, or the explanations are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Explain why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID

Points Range: 18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific analysis of the concepts and principles of pathophysiology across the life span and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The response includes an accurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient, with explanations that are based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient, with explanations that are based on inappropriate or missing evidence/research.

Explain why prostatitis and infection happen. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.

Points Range: 18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

The response includes an accurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient, with explanations that are based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient, with explanations that are based on inappropriate or missing evidence/research.

Explain why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 10 (10%)

The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

The response includes an accurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, and/or explanations are based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, or the explanations are based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.

Explain anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic).

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 10 (10%)

The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

The response includes an accurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, and/or explanations are based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, or the explanations are based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:

Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

The purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%-79% of the time.

The purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.

Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards:

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running heads, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct APA format with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.

Total Points: 100