Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question

Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question

Sample Answer for Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question Included After Question


Based on your literature review and problem statement, create a 5- to 7-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes that outline general criteria used to determine the following:

Proposed research methods

Criteria for using a qualitative or quantitative designs

Description of rationale used to select your target population

  • Proposed data collection
  • Description of how the method of data collection would be appropriate for your population
  • Description of ethical considerations

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question

Title: Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question

Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question Sarah Adjano HCS/ 542 Christie Artuso 12/19/2022 2 Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question Research question: Do substance addiction influence access and delivery of healthcare? The primary components of a research study are the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, research technique, findings, discussion, implications, conclusion, limitations, and future scope. The titles of each of the articles that were chosen clearly to describe what they are about. In addition, the titles of the selected articles are followed by an abstract or background information. By briefly describing the study’s objectives, research methodology, findings, and implications, the abstract for each article provides maximum information on the subject. The introduction is the next section of a research study after the abstract. The examination paper’s presentation lays out its underlying tone. Alhraiwil et al., for example (2019) begin their research by stating that drug abuse and addiction have a significant negative impact on society and come at a high cost. However, there are some useful indicators that can be used to understand the effects of substance abuse. The next section of the study is the literature review. The purpose of the literature review is to provide a summary of previous research on the topic of the paper. The essayists of the picked articles endeavor to distinguish research holes in view of earlier examinations to exhibit the 3 creativity of their work as it connects with substance misuse. After the literature review, the next step is the research methodology. When looking at the selected papers, the researchers used a variety of research methods. The selected articles employ qualitative descriptive studies, prospective longitudinal interventional studies, empirical studies, and quantitative approaches as research methods. In each article, the findings are presented chronologically in the results section after a comprehensive explanation of the research methodology. Degenhardt et al., for instance, state that 2018), alcoholism disorders were the most prevalent form of substance abuse. Components of a Research Study The discussion of findings follows the results section in all of the selected publications. Results are deciphered comparable to the paper’s exploration question. The implications of the study have been the subject of some of the articles, but not all of them have. The study’s final section is the conclusion. Each writer of every one of the picked articles gives the finish of their examination. Validity of Study A study’s findings can be evaluated using a variety of approaches. However, a researcher can select the measuring instruments that can assist in the analysis of research outcomes and align them with the research question to evaluate the study’s success or failure with the assistance of a comprehensive research approach. To achieve positive outcomes, the research approach’s measuring instruments must be adequate and reliable. Carusone and others 2019) used a 4 purposive sampling strategy to recruit participants who identified as drug users and had sought medical attention within the previous year to ensure the study’s validity. Alhraiwil et al. wanted to make sure their study was true. 2019) utilized stratified sampling to select participants at random. Lo et al. () tested the study’s validity by 2020) investigated substance abuse by employing diverse designs and methodologies in conjunction with cross-disciplinary research methods. Likewise, to gauge the effect of substance fixation as a gamble factor for other wellbeing results, Degenhardt et al. (2018) assessed the study’s validity using a comparative assessment method. Strengths and Weaknesses When it comes to answering the research question, each of the chosen articles has both advantages and disadvantages. One of their strengths is that the selected articles describe the negative effects of substance abuse and addiction on individuals, society, and healthcare. Shrivastava et al. claim that (2014), substance abuse has had a significant impact on social and health aspects of life, such as poor academic performance, an increase in school dropout rates, cardiovascular risks, instances of juvenile delinquency, and chronic illnesses like depression. Additionally, the articles discuss how the rise in direct, indirect, and non-medical spending caused by drug use puts a significant financial strain on nations’ healthcare systems (Degenhardt et al., 2018). Another quality of these publications is the fact that the selected articles collected data from research participants using a variety of tried-and-true methods. Carusone and others 2019) express that to more readily comprehend how and why certain parts of medical care capability, they led meets and used a subject investigation way to deal with investigate the medication clients’ points of view and encounters. 5 Additionally, the articles discuss a few of the risk factors that can lead to substance abuse. Unfortunately, excessive drug use can be caused by several risk factors, such as mental health issues and disorders as a potential way to cope with stress and anxiety (Lo et al., 2020). A family history of drug addiction, peer pressure, and a lack of family support are additional social variables. The cumulative effects of substance abuse significantly exacerbate social, physical, mental, and public health issues. The selected articles lacked some weaknesses despite these advantages. According to Carstone et al., it is difficult for both patients and healthcare providers to provide drug addicts with optimal or patient-centered care. 2019). Considering this difficulty, the articles do not specify which negative hospital care experiences drug users have. Consequently, only a small percentage of drug addicts receiving hospital care report difficulty obtaining appropriate healthcare. Because of this, it is challenging for medical professionals to keep track of their progress in addressing substance abuse and achieving improved health outcomes. The fact that the articles focused on different aspects of the study population’s demographics is another flaw. Because of this, it is difficult to apply the findings of all the studies to a larger context because what works for one demographic may not work for another. For instance, in Arab communities, shame and denial are among the greatest impediments to drug addicts gaining access to healthcare services and raising awareness of substance abuse (Alhraiwil et al., 2019). However, in some other demographics, drug users’ access to and utilization of healthcare are unaffected by shame and denial. In addition, even though the articles mention a variety of strategies that have been utilized in a variety of nations to address the issue of substance abuse, they do not provide additional information regarding the degree to which the interventions have been effective or whether the outcomes are favorable for all 6 Future Research Needs Substance abuse can become a long-term condition if it is not treated (Shrivastava et al., 2014). Thus, specialists and medical care experts should consider ways to not just reinforce society’s encouraging groups of people and the medical services framework by guaranteeing that everyone gets guiding and therapy for mental problems as a preventive measure, yet additionally to give drug clients admittance to therapy as the disgrace and victimization them can be destructive to both the individual and their relatives. As a result, we require a greater number of public health professionals who will implement interventions to improve society’s mental and physical health. In the future, healthcare providers and organizations must acknowledge the effort and strategies that patients require to navigate the system, as well as the stigma and difficulties with inconsistent access to care. Their most pressing concern may be the need for healthcare facilities to improve their consistency and approaches to addressing drug users’ issues, as well as their comprehension of the connections between substance addiction and healthcare access and delivery. With this knowledge, healthcare professionals can pay more attention to the many important steps that go into helping drug users get the right care in the future. To fully meet the needs of drug users and their families, it is essential to devise and implement an effective, communitybased, and all-encompassing strategy due to the detrimental effects of substance addiction on all social groups. A multi-model strategy with a stronger emphasis on the resources for drug addiction prevention may also be considered for future educational initiatives (Alhraiwil et al., 7 2019). In the future, research should look at the best ways to address drug-using patients’ concerns as well as the skills and attitudes of medical professionals. References N. J. Alhraiwil, R. A. AlYoussef, N. K. AlShlash, S. A. Amer, N. M. Radwan, A. M. Al Hazmi,…, and F. A. AlAmri The effect of an instructive program on upgrading information towards chronic drug use among medical services suppliers in Saudi Arabia. 6(3), 157-166, Athens Journal of Health and Medical Sciences. Carusone, S. C., Guta, A., Robinson, S., Tan, D. H., Cooper, C., O’Leary, B., … and Strike, C. (2019). ” “Maybe if I stopped taking the drugs, maybe they would care?” refers to drug users’ experiences in hospitals. The Journal of Harm Reduction, 16 Degenhardt, L., 8 Charlson, F., Ferrari, A., Santomauro, D., Erskine, H., Mantilla-Herrara, A.,…, and Vos, T. (2018). In 195 countries and territories, the global burden of disease caused by alcohol and drug use from 1990 to 2016: a methodical examination for the 2016 Global Burden of Disease Study The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(12), 987-1012. Lo, T. W., Yeung, J. W., and Tam, C. H. Public health and substance abuse: a perspective from multiple levels and multiple responses. 17(7), 2610, International journal of environmental and public health research. Shrivastava, S. R., Shrivastava, P. S., & Ramasamy, J. Drug abuse prevention efforts for the benefit of public health Care for the Whole Person: 4(2), pp. 1-3 of Open Access. doi: 10.4172/2167-1079.1000e110Summary of Articles that Support the Research Question

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35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

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Post is cited with two credible sources.


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0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

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15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.


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Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.


Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication.


Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.


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0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

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Second Response 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.


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Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.


Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.


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Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.


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Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.


Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.


Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.


Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication.


Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.


Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.


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No credible sources are cited.

Participation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

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Does not meet requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days.

Total Points: 100