NR 599 Week 2: Pre TANIC Self-Assessment and Reflection Post



Sample Answer for STARTING THE RESEARCH PROCESS NURS 8201 Included After Question

You are a pediatric nurse working with a facility to increase awareness and understanding concerning childhood immunizations. You notice there is a lack of understanding from parents about the benefit of these immunizations, and you begin to consider how you might research ways to improve immunization rates. You develop a research problem statement and begin to examine the research purpose for possible solutions.

As outlined in the scenario, a research problem statement identifies an area of need in which there is a gap in knowledge or practice, and interest by a nurse researcher. Either from a hypothetical or real-world experience, nursing research problem statements help to focus the research purpose and guide the study of the problem.

Photo Credit: [kaan tanman]/[E+]/Getty Images

For this Discussion, you will develop your own research problem statement on a topic of interest to you. Reflect on your personal and academic experiences to consider which research problem you might address.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources regarding research problem statements and consider how you might formulate a research problem statement.
  • Reflect on your personal, professional, and academic experiences to identify a topic of interest to focus on for developing a research problem statement
  • Consider what study variables and hypothesis would support your research problem statement.
  • Consider any ethical considerations that you should keep in mind in relation to your research problem statement.
  • Consider how the selected research problem might contribute to positive nurse practice changes.

By Day 3 of Week 2


Post a proposed research problem statement, including your study variables and hypothesis to make your problem statement clear. Explain any ethical considerations you should keep in mind in relation to your research problem statement. Then, explain how addressing this research problem may bring about positive nursing practice change. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 2

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by providing specific feedback and critiquing their problem statement using the following criteria (Gray & Grove, 2020):

  • Does the problem have professional significance?
  • Does the problem have potential or actual significance for society?
  • Does the problem have the potential to build or refine evidence-based practice?

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Discussion Rubric


A Sample Answer For the Assignment: STARTING THE RESEARCH PROCESS NURS 8201


A research problem statement succinctly outlines the specific issue that a research study aims to address. It defines the problem, sets the direction for the research, and may involve hypothetical or real-world scenarios to focus the research’s purpose (Gray & Grove, 2020). This statement identifies the area of concern and suggests potential solutions through research. In this discussion, I will present a research problem statement with study variables, a hypothesis, and an exploration of ethical considerations. Additionally, I will illustrate how addressing this research problem could foster positive changes in nursing practice.

The surge in social media use among adolescents has notably altered their perception of beauty, primarily influenced by the images of models, advertisement figures, and media personalities they encounter online (Paakkari et al., 2021; Çimke & Yıldırım, 2023). This evolving beauty standard generates dissatisfaction among adolescents regarding their appearance, fueling an unrealistic pursuit of idealized bodies. Consequently, adolescents often resort to harmful practices like excessive exercise, the use of cosmetics, and unhealthy dieting to mimic these idealized images (Çimke & Yıldırım, 2023). Despite recognizing the risks associated with social media usage, including extreme dieting and exercise, there remains a significant gap in understanding how social media specifically influences body image disturbances in adolescents. Current literature provides limited insights into this relationship (Revranche et al., 2022). This research explores the link between social media usage and body image disturbances in adolescents, considering various moderating factors and potential interventions. The outcomes of this study will be crucial for healthcare professionals, guiding them in educating adolescents to counteract the adverse effects of social media on body image perceptions.


Study variables and hypothesis

This research examines the relationship between social media use and body image disturbance, identifying key variables. The independent variables are the duration of social media use, the type of content viewed, and the diversity of social media platforms engaged with. The dependent variable is body image dissatisfaction, which encompasses a negative self-perception of one’s body, engagement in unhealthy behaviors, and adherence to societal beauty standards. A crucial mediating variable is the propensity of adolescents to compare their bodies to those of media personalities, advertisement figures, and models. The core hypothesis of this study posits a significant positive correlation between social media usage and body image disturbance, suggesting that extended exposure to social media heightens the risk of developing body image issues.

Ethical considerations

In research exploring the effects of social media on body image disturbance, several ethical considerations are paramount. Firstly, maintaining confidentiality is crucial; this involves safeguarding the identifiable information of participants to protect their privacy and trust (Nakalega et al., 2021). Secondly, informed consent is vital. This process ensures that participants are fully aware of the research’s aims, methods, and potential risks, allowing them to make well-informed decisions about their participation (Nakalega et al., 2021). Additionally, the principle of beneficence should guide the research approach, emphasizing the researcher’s responsibility to prioritize the welfare of participants and avoid causing harm (Nakalega et al., 2021). Finally, adherence to the principle of veracity is essential; researchers must commit to honesty and transparency in all interactions with participants, ensuring integrity and trustworthiness in the research process (Nakalega et al., 2021).

How this research problem statement may bring about positive nursing practice change.

Addressing this research problem could lead to multifaceted positive changes, particularly in the context of adolescent health and well-being. Firstly, the findings could significantly influence adolescents’ social media exposure policy-making. This would involve advocating for healthier advertising practices, notably by reducing the prevalence of unrealistic beauty standards in advertisements. Such a shift could contribute to a more positive social media environment for adolescents.

Furthermore, the research could play a crucial role in raising awareness about the effects of social media use on adolescent mental health (Revranche et al., 2022). Understanding these impacts is vital for developing effective strategies to mitigate negative consequences.

A key practical application of this research could be the development of targeted school-based programs. These programs aim to empower adolescents to foster a positive body image and embrace self-acceptance, helping them navigate the pressures of conforming to societal beauty ideals. Additionally, these programs could provide valuable education on how to engage with social media in ways that support mental wellness and academic achievement.

From a nursing perspective, the insights gained from this research would be instrumental in preparing nurses to provide more effective care for adolescents dealing with body image disturbances due to social media use. This enhanced understanding would enable nurses to offer more targeted and empathetic support, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of such disturbances.

In conclusion, the relationship between social media use and body image disturbance among adolescents is a critical area of concern. Social media platforms often expose young users to idealized and unattainable physical standards, fostering a deep desire to alter their appearance. This exposure not only distorts adolescents’ perceptions of beauty but also heightens the risk of engaging in detrimental behaviors and exacerbates mental health challenges. The focus of this research is to delve into the nexus between social media usage and body image issues in adolescents, exploring potential strategies for intervention and support. This investigation is essential in understanding the broader implications of social media on adolescent health and well-being and in developing effective measures to mitigate these negative impacts.


Çimke, S., & Yıldırım Gürkan, D. (2023). Factors affecting body image perception, social media addiction, and social media consciousness regarding physical appearance in adolescents. Journal of pediatric nursing, S0882-5963(23)00250-6. Advance online publication.

Gray, J. R., & Grove, S. K. (2020). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier.

Nakalega, R., Akello, C., Gati, B., Nakabiito, C., Nolan, M., Kamira, B., Etima, J., Nakyanzi, T., Kemigisha, D., Nanziri, S. C., Nanyonga, S., Nambusi, M. J., Mulumba, E., Biira, F., Nabunya, H. K., Akasiima, S. A., Nansimbe, J., Maena, J., Babirye, J. A., Ngure, K., … Mujugira, A. (2021). Ethical considerations for involving adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention research. BMC medical ethics22(1), 127. to an external site.

Revranche, M., Biscond, M., & Husky, M. M. (2022). Lien entre usage des réseaux sociaux et image corporelle chez les adolescents : une revue systématique de la littérature [Investigating the relationship between social media use and body image among adolescents: A systematic review]. L’Encephale48(2), 206–218.

Paakkari, L., Tynjälä, J., Lahti, H., Ojala, K., & Lyyra, N. (2021). Problematic Social Media Use and Health among Adolescents. International journal of environmental research and public health18(4), 1885.

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: STARTING THE RESEARCH PROCESS NURS 8201


Your research problem statement on the impact of social media use on adolescent body image is both comprehensive and well-articulated. You’ve effectively outlined the significance of the issue, the study variables, the hypothesis, and the ethical considerations involved. By focusing on how social media usage correlates with body image disturbances in adolescents, your research promises to provide invaluable insights into a pressing contemporary issue.

Your hypothesis, suggesting a positive correlation between social media usage and body image disturbances, is particularly intriguing. It has a solid foundation in a pressing societal issue and a clear identification of independent, dependent, and mediating variables. This clarity in defining variables will undoubtedly strengthen the research design and contribute to more robust findings.

The ethical considerations you’ve outlined demonstrate a thorough understanding of the importance of ethical compliance in research, especially when dealing with sensitive topics involving adolescents. Emphasizing confidentiality, informed consent, beneficence, and veracity ensures that your study upholds the highest ethical standards.

Regarding the potential positive impact of your research on nursing practice, your focus on adolescent health and well-being is commendable. The implementation of school-based programs and the preparation of nurses to address these issues more effectively are practical and necessary steps. Your research could indeed pave the way for significant policy changes and awareness campaigns that could positively impact adolescent mental health.

Follow-up Question: How do you plan to measure the variables, particularly the duration and type of social media use, and body image dissatisfaction? Also, have you considered any specific methodologies or tools for data collection and analysis to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your findings?

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: STARTING THE RESEARCH PROCESS NURS 8201


Thank you for your well thought out post. This is a topic that hits home for a mother of two girls. I respect and appreciate the angle you have taken with your problem statement. It is easy to understand and I learned a lot from it. The sentiment that stood out most to me is the ‘enhanced understanding’ that nurses would adopt is critical if this problem is to be addressed. That enhanced understanding needs to be fostered in our homes, schools, and societies. The adolescent population can be feared by society and healthcare workers due to exacerbated or immature behaviors. This is due to various chemical happenings in brain development such as the thinning of gray matter, white matter increases in volume, and changes in functional connections between regions (Abrams, 2022). I doubt that the ‘average joe’ even considers this, if it was then maybe more empathy would ensue. I have often witnessed negative dispositions and statements related to their behaviors such as, “all teens are lazy these days.” or “she cuts because she wants attention”. There is a major lack of empathy in our culture and your problem statement can lead to certain change. I hope that all of the DNP prepared nurses can take this responsibility seriously in order to enact a change in this negative attitude and culture of teens and help spark a more empathetic and positive view. Giardino & Hickey (2020) explain that DNP prepared nurses meet society needs for quality health care due to being innovators and change agents.


Abrams, Z. (2022, July 1). What Neuroscience Tells Us About the Teenage Brain.

‌Giardino, E. R., & Hickey, J. V. (2020). Doctor of nursing practice students’ perceptions of professional change through the DNP program. Journal of Professional Nursing36(6).


Post by Day 3 of Week 2 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 2

To Participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion

  • Grid View
  • List View








Main Posting:

Response to the Discussion question is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

Thoroughly responds to the Discussion question(s).

Is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

No less than 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three current credible sources.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

Responds to most of the Discussion question(s).

Is somewhat reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

50% of the post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three credible references.

31 (31%) – 34 (34%)

Responds to some of the Discussion question(s).

One to two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Cited with fewer than two credible references.

0 (0%) – 30 (30%)

Does not respond to the Discussion question(s).

Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.

Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Contains only one or no credible references.

Main Posting:


6 (6%) – 6 (6%)

Written clearly and concisely.

Contains no grammatical or spelling errors.

Adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Written concisely.

May contain one to two grammatical or spelling errors.

Adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Written somewhat concisely.

May contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Contains some APA formatting errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Not written clearly or concisely.

Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Main Posting:

Timely and full participation

9 (9%) – 10 (10%)

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts main Discussion by due date.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%)

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts main Discussion by due date.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%)

Posts main Discussion by due date.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%)

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post main Discussion by due date.

First Response:

Post to colleague’s main post that is reflective and justified with credible sources.

9 (9%) – 9 (9%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Responds to questions posed by faculty.

The use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%)

Response has some depth and may exhibit critical thinking or application to practice setting.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

First Response:


6 (6%) – 6 (6%)

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Communication is mostly professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are mostly answered, if posed.

Provides opinions and ideas that are supported by few credible sources.

Response is written in standard, edited English.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Response posed in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Response to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective communication.

Response to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

First Response:

Timely and full participation

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts by due date.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts by due date.

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

Posts by due date.

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post by due date.

Second Response:
Post to colleague’s main post that is reflective and justified with credible sources.
9 (9%) – 9 (9%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Responds to questions posed by faculty.

The use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%)

Response has some depth and may exhibit critical thinking or application to practice setting.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Second Response:
6 (6%) – 6 (6%)

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Communication is mostly professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are mostly answered, if posed.

Provides opinions and ideas that are supported by few credible sources.

Response is written in standard, edited English.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Response posed in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Response to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective communication.

Response to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

Second Response:
Timely and full participation
5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts by due date.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts by due date.

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

Posts by due date.

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post by due date.

Total Points: 100