Select a topic for your Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment NRS 451

Select a topic for your Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment NRS 451

Select a topic for your Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment NRS 451

Topic 2 DQ 3

Select a topic for your Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment. Post your idea and basic thoughts about the topic using the assignment details from Topic 3. You should provide thoughts to your peers about their topics and ideas that may assist them in completing their projects.



For my executive summary, my idea for quality improvement in my workplace is the reduction of conflicts in the workplace. I work in a skilled health care organization that involves several health care professionals that are often vulnerable to conflicts. Workplace conflicts refers to disagreements encountered in work area often caused by differences between professionals and even personal issues (Kalter et al., 2018). Personally, I think there are numerous ways to cut down workplace conflicts such as educating on team work and its importance in achieving the goals of an organization. Health care professionals should be engaged in educational programs on conflicts and anger management programs (Shakoor, 2020). Conflicts in the workplace area derail the efforts of attaining the goals, values, and mission of any given organization and thus should be addressed in a timely manner.


Kalter, M., Bollen, K., & Euwema, M. (2018). The Long-Term Effectiveness of Mediating Workplace Conflicts. Negotiation Journal34(3), 243-265.

Shakoor, R. (2020). Workplace Conflicts and its Effect on Employee Productivity: A Mediating Role of Workplace Politics. International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation24(3), 2774-2783.

I think that your idea for quality improvement is great! having a focus on how to prevent workplace conflicts can be really helpful in bringing the staff together. Preventing conflicts can also help nurses not have distractions in the workplace and allow them to put their focus on their patients. I read through the abstract of the articles you used and i found this interesting… “the researchers found a number of factors that affected the productivity of employees. One of the major factor contributing to the productivity of employees is workplace conflicts” (Shakoor, 2020). I know that when there are conflicts at work it is hard to focus on what is important and that my productivity does go down.



Shakoor, R. (2020). Workplace Conflicts and its Effect on Employee Productivity: A Mediating Role of Workplace Politics. International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation24(3), 2774-2783.

My topic will be on safe staffing ratios. This has been an issue across the country. I work in the emergency department and every shift we are short staffed. It has even come down to the point that the floors are also short, therefore those patients that are supposed to be admitted from the ED are being held in our emergency department. This causes an issue, because it uses our own department resources and removes emergency beds. “Getting staffing levels wrong in hospitals is linked to excess mortality and poor patient experiences but establishing the safe nurse staffing levels in the emergency department (ED) is challenging because patient demand is so variable” (Recio- Saucedo, nd). What if there is an emergency? How do we accommodate that patient when all of our department is at a standstill due to all beds being floor holds? It is not safe at all. Last shift 25 of our 30 beds were holds, therefore left us with five ER beds. Our triage nurse draws lab work, collects urine samples etc from the waiting room. This is a big issue in our department right now, it is causing burnout amongst my colleagues. “An increasing body of evidence shows appropriate nurse staffing contributes to improved patient outcomes and greater satisfaction for both patients and staff” (ANA, nd).


Nurse staffing. ANA. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2022, from


Recio-Saucedo A, (nd). Safe staffing for nursing in emergency departments: evidence reviewEmergency Medicine Journal 2015;32:888-894.

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“Staffing – This function includes the hiring and retaining of quality staff, which is vital for ensuring positive patient outcomes.”

Nurse Staffing Ratios. This topic hits home for nurses across the board. As a nurse coming into your shift with a full set of staff, immediately makes for better care for patients, and better care for the nurses themselves. Working in the ED, staffing is a major concern every shift. The turn over and amount of patients seen in a day is exhuming in itself, let alone when the staff ratios are low. Hospitals needs to take presence on this issue to ensure the staff and the patients are taken care of.

“Our health care system faces immense challenges. Staff shortages brought about by cost-cutting decisions, an aging population, increased patient complexity and need, and an aging workforce places stress on working conditions for nurses and affects patient care and overall outcomes.”

Replies to Allison Robillard

Hello Allison,

An increasing body of evidence shows appropriate nurse staffing contributes to improved patient outcomes and greater satisfaction for both patients and staff. However, the need remains for appropriate staffing in all health care settings. Staffing affects the ability of all nurses to deliver safe, quality care in all practice settings. By eliminating unsafe nurse staffing practices and policies, we can provide better health care for all.


Sara Habib

Jun 26, 2022, 12:26 PM

Replies to Elizabeth Mateo Gonzalez

Medication Reconciliation Interview

Home health care is a great tool to reduce hospital admissions and readmissions. One way to reduce hospital admissions is by possibly having a home health nurse do an in-depth medication reconciliation when she first meets a patient. To do a thorough medication reconciliation a nurse would need ample time during the first visit to assess all current prescription and nonprescription medications (Taylor, 2021). Accurate medication reconciliation is important to preserve a patient’s functionality and medication discrepancies are very common (Taylor, 2021). A lot of patients that use or need home health services have comorbidities and experience polypharmacy. The Agency for Health Care Quality and Research has a medication reconciliation toolkit to help health professionals assess their patients.  This includes obtaining a complete list of medication, reviewing it with the patient, comparing it to hospital discharge history, and also comparing it to a primary care’s medication list (Welch, 2018). In conclusion, I believe that home health care agencies should dedicate an entire visit to an in-depth medication reconciliation review and medication education upon meeting the patient for the first time. This in return would prove beneficial to patients and reduce hospital visits.


Taylor, K. (2021, July 29). Geriatric medication reconciliation in the home setting. American Nurse.


Welch, S. (2018, September 14). Improving Home Health CAHPS Results: Assessing Medications. AXXESS.


Breanna Jenkins

replied toSara Habib

Jun 26, 2022, 9:06 PM

  • Replies to Sara Habib

Very well stated Sara.

“Medication reconciliation is the process of comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking. This reconciliation is done to avoid medication errors such as omissions, duplications, dosing errors, or drug interactions.” (). Med recs are so important, because sometimes patients take daily medications that are needed. For example, a patient an antidepressant and if it is not put in their med rec and it is never mentioned and stopped abruptly, it can cause the symptoms to be stronger than before. This is a way to maintain patient safety and avoid medication errors.


Medication reconciliation – patient safety and quality – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). Retrieved June 27, 2022, from