Programm Research Paper

Programm Research Paper

Sample Answer for Programm Research Paper Included After Question


I want  program research and the subject of ((Health information system))

Program Project Introduction: This program project is a required component of the curriculum of any all model of care program. This project is going to be mainly in evidence-based medicine ❖ Module Location: Program project will be delivered using virtual methods that SCFHS use Makken platform. ❖ Module Objectives: On completion of this program project, learners should be 1- Discuss the process and methods for conducting research. 2- Describe the steps of conducting an effective and good literature review. 3- Discuss the steps in writing a literature review. ❖ Responsibility of the students • Arrange to meet with the supervisor at least twice. • Carry out an appropriate literature review around the topics to be covered. • Check work carefully to ensure no plagiarism. • Ensure timely submission. ❖ Responsibility of the supervisor • Support student to finalize the research topic. • Provide help to find relevant research literature. • Identify any ethical issue related to the study. • Monitor the progress of the student’s research. Outline Program Project Student Name: Student Number: Program Name: Proposed Supervisor: Proposed Title of Program Project: The title should be concise but should indicate the breadth and depth of the topic. Aims and Objectives: Include the research question Aims are general statements on the intent and direction of the research and it should be possible to state the aims of your research in two or three sentences. Your objectives should be clear and measurable statements of intended outcomes/products of the different parts of your research. Justification/Rationale for Proposed Study: Based on evidence from literature, the proposal should begin by explaining the context in which the research is to be located and provide an indication of the key theoretical, policy, or empirical debates it plans to address. The background should form a logical and critical argument that persuades the reader of the need for the proposed study and of the potential application of results based on the context of existing knowledge (or lack of it) and previous research. It should involve a succinct critical analysis of how previous research addresses (or fails to address) the problem, leading to a rationale for the question(s) that you intend to explore or investigate. There should be some indication of the extent of the search strategy employed, with an indication of inclusion/exclusion criteria provided. Background: This is where you explain why your research is necessary and how it relates to established research in your field. Your work might complement existing research, strengthen it, or even challenge it—no matter how your work will “play with” other researchers’ work, you need to express it in detail in your research proposal. This is also the section where you clearly define the existing problems your research will address. By doing this, you’re explaining why your work is necessary—in other words, this is where you answer the reader’s “so what?” In your background significance section, you’ll also outline how you’ll conduct your research. If necessary, note which related questions and issues you won’t be covering in your research. Self-assessment Student No: Date: Program: Program Project Title: Word count: Please note that appendices should not be included in the word count) (1000-1500) (4 – 6 pages) I feel the strengths of this program project are: I feel less confident about: Checklist Please confirm that this program project is: Word-processed with 2.0 (double) line spacing Numbered pages and section headings where appropriate Thoroughly checked for spelling, grammar, and typographical errors Accessible (e.g. Arial font, size 12, justified to the left) Referenced, using the APA Style Cover Page: Prefaced by a front page including: • Student registration number • Program project title • Word count (1000-1500) 4-6 pages Supervisor Meeting Requirements Week Topic to be introducing Learning objective Program project task First meeting: The Supervisor should explain the following to trainee First week Introduction to Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) 1. 2. 3. 4. Define EBM Explain the concepts behind EBM Identify the basic principles of EBM Identify search terms to use when searching the literature 5. Identify abbreviations a synonym for main terms 1- Start brain storming and choosing a topic for the project to be discussed at the next meeting 2- Complete a first draft of the proposal Second meeting: The supervisor should explain the following to trainee Second Apply EBM week 1. Describe the steps of EBM 2. Describe the general strategy for searching the literature 3. Formulate clinical question 4. Conduct a PubMed search using MeSH and/or keywords 1- Apply what they learned and finish the first draft. Third and fourth meetings: Discuss the topic Third and Fourth Weeks Discuss the topic 1. Choose a topic or area of concentration for your project 2. Discuss the topic with the trainer 3. Build outline for the project Start working on the first draft Submission Requirements First Submission Second Submission Final Submission Submission Due Date Week Six Week Ten Tow week before the end of program Submission Requirements First Draft Plagiarism Check (20%) Final submission Grade 5 5 10 Poster Presentation Awards At the end of the program trainee will have a chance to submit his/her project as poster presentation. At August a poster presentation conference will be held to expiate the trainees’ works. The winner will have a reward. Final Grading Rubric Component Excellent (E) (100-76%) Very good (VG) (75-61%) Good (G) (60-41%) Fail (40-0%) Title Concise and indicate the exact research question Aims/Objective s Clear and measurable statement about the outcome of the research Logical and critical argument about the background of the research Very limited indication to the research question Limited measurable research outcome is mentioned Limited statement about the background of the research Very week indication to the research question Unmeasurable research outcome is mentioned Background Has some indication of the research question Some measurable items of the research outcome Logical mentioning of the background of the research Previous Research/ Literature Evidence Details of the previous research/literature evidence Inclusion/Exclu sion Criteria Listing of inclusion and exclusion criteria Limited statements about previous research/literatu re evidence Very limited statement about inclusion and exclusion criteria Role clarification /impact on practice /transformatio n focused Demonstrate full knowledge of role and relevance to practice and transformation Some mentioning of the previous research/literat ure evidence Some mentioning of the inclusion and exclusion criteria Demonstrate knowledge of role and relevance to practice and transformation Total Score Demonstrate limited knowledge of role and relevance to practice and transformation Comments Very week statement about the background of the research Very week statement about previous research/literat ure evidence Lack of statement about inclusion and exclusion criteria Lack of the knowledge to demonstrate the role and relevance to practice and transformation 10/__ Post Capstone After Program This part is optional for the trainees to complete after graduate NOT REQUIRED Proposed Design & Methods: Include sampling method, sample size, methods of data collection, and methods of analysis. The purpose of this section is to critically select and justify your choice of methodological approach, including data collection, sampling, and data analysis techniques, and to consider any ethical issues that might arise with your proposed research. It should include a description of the methods and techniques you intend to use to address your research question, indicating that alternatives have been considered and ruled out on sound methodological or practicality grounds. The following areas must be considered in your proposal: a) Design of study – you need to describe your choice of design (e.g. survey, quasi-experimental) and justify it by providing the rationale. b) Method of sampling – you need to select and justify your sampling strategy and sampling frame, indicating and justifying the size of the sample. c) Methods of data collection – you need to select and provide justification for your choice of methods of data collection. You should consider feasibility of data collection given the timescale of Capstone project. d) Ethical issues – you need to critically analyze the ethical issues and problems likely to arise in your research as well as indicate which ethical committee you will submit your proposal to. e) Methods of data analysis – you need to select and justify the approach to data analysis you intend to take. Capstone Project Management Schedule: A timetable or research plan in the format of a Gantt chart should detail tasks and timescales in order to successfully complete the proposed project. Knowledge Transfer Plan: You also need to think about who will benefit from your research and how, including considering dissemination such as the timing and types of communication (e.g. conference presentations, posters, publications, social media, workshops & training). Ethical Considerations: You need to critically analyze the ethical issues and problems likely to arise in your research as well as indicate which ethical committee you will submit your proposal to, where appropriate.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Programm Research Paper

Title: Programm Research Paper