Sample Answer for NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES Included After Question

When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems. 

The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide your clinical inquiry and professional decisions. Developing a formula for an answerable, researchable question that addresses your need will make the search process much more effective. One such formula is the PICO(T) format. 

In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format, so you can search the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question and examine strategies you might use to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. 



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.  


To Prepare: 

  • Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. 
  • Review the materials offering guidance on using databases, performing keyword searches, and developing PICO(T) questions provided in the Resources. 
  • Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least two different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles. 
  • Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study. It is suggested that an Intervention-type PICOT question be developed as these seem to work best for this course.  

*Library tip:  

Walden Library recommends starting your search broadly with one concept or search word and adding more elements one at a time. Depending on your topic, the evidence will not necessarily address all the aspects of your PICO(T) question in one article. Select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available, even if that means assembling evidence from multiple articles. 

Quick Answers: 


Post a brief description of your clinical issue of interest. This clinical issue will remain the same for the entire course and will be the basis for the development of your PICOT question. Describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples. 


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days and provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES


The clinical issue of interest to me is mental health issues among adolescents due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This subject interested me because having worked as a Psych/behavioral health nurse for over 2 years, I witnessed firsthand how the number of adolescent patients increased at our hospital.  I worked at a 20-bed inpatient behavioral health/psych facility and within a matter of months after COVID, we were getting twice as many adolescent admission packets than adult admissions.  In six months, the hospital went from 20 adolescents to a 50-adolescent inpatient facility.   

I started my search using the Walden library resource.  I started with the broad subject of mental health.  I narrowed my search result to adding adolescents to the search criteria.  I selected “peer-reviewed articles” and changed the years to include searches between 2016 and 2022.  I also included COVID-19 in the search criteria as well.  This narrowed the search result down to 495 articles which is a lot more manageable to go through rather than going through thousands of articles.   

I found a great article on this topic titled “The impact of COVID-19 on adolescents’ mental health.”  In this article, the author discusses that several studies show that emergency department visits for peds patients increased after the first lockdown.  The author also talks about the underlying causes of pandemic-induced distress, with social isolation and loneliness due to social distancing being the main culprit in increased anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation among this population.   

I will continue to read through the list of articles on this subject matter and the COVID-19 timeframe of the last year will develop my PICOT question.  I will also research how this pandemic over the last year has increased substance abuse among adolescents.   


Malik, A. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on adolescents’ mental health. Current Psychiatry, 21(8), e1–e2. 

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES


I enjoyed reading your post. This topic of interest is near to my heart since I have three children of my own and I know first-hand how the pandemic affected them. My oldest is now 16 but 13 at the time of COVID-19 and I would say that was her hardest years of adolescence. According to the world health organization, social withdrawal can exacerbate isolation and loneliness and this can lead to depression (2021). The whole school year, of the pandemic, my school-aged children were isolated in our own home away from family and friends. The following year my oldest daughter was clinically diagnosed with anxiety and depression. We have endured an inpatient stay, outpatient therapy, and lots of prescription medications, but have finally turned the corner to a brighter future. Overall, the pandemic undoubtedly affected the mental health of everyone and especially children. On another note, I do think that utilizing the Boolean terms properly will help your research efforts. According to the clinical information access portal depending on what you want to research that will determine which term to utilize, AND is for narrowing your search, OR is for broadening, and NOT is for excluding certain items (1996). This website also had infographics that helped me understand how to utilize Boolean terms properly. I hope you find it as resourceful as I did. 


Clinical Information Access Portal. (1996). Combining terms with Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT). Combining terms with Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) – CIAP Clinical Information Access Portal. Retrieved December 20, 2022, from,search%20result%20will%20contain%20both%20the%20…%20Links to an external site. 

World Health Organization. (2021, November 17). Adolescent mental health. World Health Organization. Retrieved December 20, 2022, from,disorders%20can%20profoundly%20affect%20school%20attendance%20and%20schoolworkLinks to an external site.. 

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES


Ernest, what would your PICOT question be for your topic of interest? Covid-19 affected many children and adults both physically and mentally. In your literature research were you able to fine any articles that provided clarity as to the why behind the changes in adolescent mental health? 

I will do some more research and figure out how to develop the PICOT question.  Many articles and my experience working with adolescents pointed to social isolation and lockdowns having a negative effect on adolescents.   Not being able to socialize and always being home with their parents, many kids started having negative behavioral issues of defiance, self-harm, and suicidal and homicidal ideation toward their family.   

I will continue to search more and develop the PICOT question 

Patient Outcomes Effected by Nursing Burnout 

Patient outcomes are at the forefront of all healthcare organizations. We want the best for our patients and their families. As healthcare workers, this can be a challenge. With staffing shortages, and constantly changing work requirements, burnout is becoming more and more prominent. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic nursing burnout is a challenge we must overcome. Decreased work-related stressors such as workload, and time pressures, and increasing communication, and interpersonal relationships by having a more conducive work environment can minimize burnout in nursing (Afriyie, 2020).   This clinical issue must be addressed to prevent further deterioration of staff and patient outcomes (Canadas-DelaFuente et al., 2015). Overall, nursing burnout has negative implications for patient outcomes and healthcare organizations (Peirson, 2021). 

Research Strategies 

 I first had to develop a strategy for researching to find articles that did not include systematic reviews, this week’s resource section provided excellent explanations of the different types of research and where to go to find them. I did find that while searching different databases having fewer words helped with the search results. My original search term Nursing Burnout resulted in 45 articles to choose from, alternatively when using the term Patient Outcomes over 1600 articles populated. This made searching for my specific topic more challenging since there were only a few articles that had both specifications addressed. Some way to overcome these challenges is to speak the research engine’s “language” so to speak. I researched the topic of interest and utilized the word AND in addition to the second word in my topic of interest which narrowed down the amount articles to 40, which resulted in the best articles that addressed the complete topic in its entirety. 


Afriyie, D. (2020). Reducing work-related stress to minimize emotional labour and burn-out syndrome in nurses. Evidence-Based Nursing, 24(4), 141–141. to an external site. 

Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., García, I., Cañadas, G. R., & De la Fuente, E. I. (2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 240–249. to an external site. 

Peirson, J. (2021). Staff burn-out has implications for organizational and patient outcomes: Would an open culture of support with structures in place prevent burn-out? Evidence-Based Nursing, 25(3), 99–99. to an external site. 

A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES


Kristi, what would your PICOT question be as asked in the last part of the directions? You are correct when you narrow your search terms you also can narrow your number of articles available for review. Health care burn out is a growing problem. The issue of burnout started before the COVID 19 pandemic and grew exponentially since then. 

The PICOT question that I have developed for this class to address the clinical issue at hand and to help me research this specific topic is as follows: (Problem) Nurses in acute care settings who (Intervention) build self-resilience, and develop a better work environment related to evidence-based practices and better staffing (Compared) to a lack of self-resilience, lack of ideal work environment related to by understaffing and lack of evidence-based practices (Outcome) will improve patient outcome measures (Timeframe) within the 6-month survey period. According to Davies, the first step to formulating an adequate evidenced based question is using well defined structured format (2011). Overall, the development of a PICOT question can help research efforts and can help identify a problem that can be studied and resolved in many areas of healthcare (Riva et al., 2012).   


Davies, K. S. (2011). Formulating the evidence-based practice question: A review of the frameworks. Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice, 6(2), 75–80. to an external site. 

Riva, J. J., Malik, K. M., Burnie, S. J., Endicott, A. R., & Busse, J. W. (2012). What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 56(3), 167–171. 

A Sample Answer 5 For the Assignment: NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES


Dementia can be very stressful once a person gets it, and this happens mostly to the person suffering from it and their family members (McBride & Tietze, 2023). It is true, and I totally agree with the idea of providing and supporting families with adequate information about everyday technology tools that can alleviate the burden that goes with the care of older adults with dementia. It should not be taken for granted since this information can be used in determining strategies to improve quality of life and care in terms of promoting safety and reducing the cost of living in nursing homes where the best possible care is not guaranteed (Davies, 2011). Having a PICOT format to help acquire information concerning dementia is a good idea and I totally support it, since it will help acquire relevant information, thus providing an optimal solution for providing quality of life at home for everyone including the person who has dementia (Kim & Park, 2017).


Davies, K. S. (2011). Formulating the evidence based practice question: A review of the frameworksLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.Links to an external site. for LIS professionals. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(2), 75–80.

Kim, S. K., & Park, M. (2017). Effectiveness of person-centered care on people with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical interventions in aging, 381-397. to an external site.

McBride,S., & Tietze, M. (2023). Nursing Informatics for the Advanced Practice Nurse. (3rd ed.). [Kindle ed]. Retrieved from to an external site.

A Sample Answer 6 For the Assignment: NURS 6052 SEARCHING DATABASES


I enjoyed reading your post. addressing the topic of providing quality care for individuals with dementia at home while also considering the impact on family caregivers is incredibly significant and timely. According to Nichols et al. (2022), dementia is a widespread and challenging health concern, affecting millions of individuals and their families worldwide. The progressive nature of this condition often requires specialized care and support, making it essential to explore innovative ways to maintain the quality of life for those affected. Home-based care, facilitated by technology, represents a potential solution that aligns with the preferences of many families and promotes a sense of familiarity and comfort for individuals with dementia. Furthermore, leveraging technology in caregiving can potentially reduce the burden on family members and healthcare systems while enhancing the overall quality of care and safety for the elderly in their familiar living environment. This topic holds great promise for positively influencing the lives of both dementia patients and their caregivers, making it an important area for research and exploration. To enhance your search for relevant information, I recommend delving deeper into the concept of “aging in place.” This idea revolves around enabling older adults, including those with dementia, to live independently in their homes for as long as possible. Exploring how technology can facilitate this aspect of care might yield more targeted results, aligning well with our objective of home-based care. Second, consider refining your search terms to be more technology-specific (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023). You might try using terms like “assistive technology for dementia,” “smart home solutions for elderly,” or “telehealth for dementia care.” These terms can help narrow down your search to articles directly addressing the role of technology in dementia care at home.


Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2023). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Nichols, E., Steinmetz, J. D., Vollset, S. E., Fukutaki, K., Chalek, J., Abd-Allah, F., … & Liu, X. (2022). Estimation of the global prevalence of dementia in 2019 and forecasted prevalence in 2050: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Public Health7(2), e105-e125.