Sample Answer for NURS 6051 HEALTHCARE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRENDS Included After Question

Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment. But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informatics often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes. 

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment. 


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To Prepare: 

  • Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies. 
  • Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information. 
  • Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery. 


Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.



Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering additional/alternative ideas regarding opportunities and risks related to the observations shared. 

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues. 


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A general healthcare technology trend related to information that I have observed in my nursing practice is the increasing use of electronic health records (EHRs). EHRs allow multiple healthcare providers to access and update a patient’s information digitally, as opposed to relying on locating or faxing over paper records (, 2018). When I worked in an outpatient office that did not use an EHR, I saw how this slowed down patient care. We wanted to avoid repeating tests a patient had already gotten and wanted to fully understand the patient’s history, but it could mean hours of waiting for the patient’s record to be faxed over from the other office. Sometimes we would finally get a record, but a crucial page would be missing, or an important page would have handwriting from the provider that was barely legible, which further delayed patient care and could have caused patient harm. This shows how a benefit of EHRs is the improvement in patient care outcomes by giving providers complete and up-to-date information about their patients immediately. This allows more accurate diagnosis, quicker treatment, and the ability to communicate with other healthcare providers in the team. 

EHRs help avoid many of the problems of paper records, but also come with their own set of risks. For example, security and confidentiality of patient information that is now visible by possibly hundreds of healthcare providers is a concern, as well as the risk of data loss or system outages. My current hospital uses an EHR, and the system shut down during shift change one Sunday morning. This caused a lot of confusion and risk for patient harm, as we could not access the patient’s information needed to give report to the oncoming nurse, hand off critical medications, give medication, and more.  There is also a risk of data breaches with EHRs, which could lead to patient information being disclosed without their consent to unauthorized parties. This risk can be mitigated by having strong security measures, such as two-factor authentication that my hospital uses, and regularly training staff on how to protect patient data (Abouelmehdi et al., 2018). 

 A healthcare technology trend that I believe is promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice is telehealth. I believe it will help patient care outcomes and efficiencies. Telehealth allows healthcare providers to deliver care remotely, using video conferencing and other digital tools (Skiba, 2017). This is especially useful in areas that do not have nearby access to healthcare providers, such as rural or underserved areas. For patients that have chronic conditions or who cannot easily travel to a healthcare facility, telehealth is also valuable. During the beginning of the covid pandemic when social distancing was paramount for everyone’s safety, I met with my healthcare provider through telehealth. 

 A potential risk of telehealth is thinking that it is suitable for all types of care, as a physical exam is a key to diagnosing and treating most conditions; a provider may not be able to safely diagnose a condition with only a history and your description of your symptoms. Another risk is the quality of the technology being used, as a zoom meeting with choppy audio or internet outages will not allow you to have a productive telehealth visit. There is also a risk of a lack of confidentiality of patient data. However, overall, both EHRs and telehealth can improve patient care outcomes, efficiencies, and data management for nursing practice, as long as we consider the risks associated with these technologies and take steps to mitigate them. 


References: (2018c). What is an electronic health record (EHR)?  Retrieved from to an external site. 

Abouelmehdi, K., Beni-Hessane, A. & Khaloufi, H. (2018) Big healthcare data: preserving security and privacy. J Big Data5, 1. to an external site. 

Skiba, D. (2017). Evaluation tools to appraise social media and mobile applications Links to an external site.. Informatics, 4(3), 32–40.  



Indeed most healthcare organizations are shifting from paperwork to electronic health records and electronic medical records. Electronic medical records to document medication dosages, administration, and other treatments help nurses avoid medical errors and confusion during practice. The electronic systems keep the patient information safe and confidential. Patient safety is also increased due to minimal errors during treatment and care management. I am sure there are organizations using cradle for recording patient information and this has improved nursing care and reduced medical errors because there is no misleading information about drug administration and care planning (Agbo et al., 2019). Communication has also been enhanced by applying new technology. Clinicians are not being trained fast enough to keep pace with the rate of service demand. In addition, given the rising cost of care, new models for reimbursing hospitals and other providers have begun to emphasize quality and efficiency rather than units of delivered services. 


Agbo, C. C., Mahmoud, Q. H., & Eklund, J. M. (2019). Blockchain technology in healthcare: a systematic review. In Healthcare (Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 56). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. 



Clinical Decision-Making 

The burden of a wrong diagnosis can be significant for the patient and the healthcare system. If misdiagnosed, patients may experience unnecessary suffering, prolonged treatment, and even death (Elliott et al., 2020). The healthcare system also bears the burden of these mistakes, as they can lead to increased healthcare costs, legal consequences, and damage to the healthcare provider’s reputation (Elliott et al., 2020). In addition, wrong diagnoses can have far-reaching consequences, as they can delay the correct diagnosis and treatment of the patient’s condition. This can hurt the patient’s prognosis and overall health. In clinical decision-making, it is crucial to consider the potential consequences of a wrong diagnosis and to take steps to minimize the risk of misdiagnosis (Elliott et al., 2020). This may involve seeking additional opinions, using diagnostic tools, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals. 

The healthcare industry has used technology to attempt to breach the gap between excellent clinical outcomes. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning utilization in many clinical settings needing healthcare data analysis have indicated the stages towards achieving the goal. We have also seen big data paving its way into consolidating the large data sets generated by healthcare processes (Pramanik et al., 2020). Electronic health records are probably the oldest steps in the right direction, combined with adjacent supportive digital tools to improve the accuracy and completeness of patient information, which can help prevent errors in diagnosis (Wass & Vimarlund, 2018). Increased collaboration and information sharing among healthcare providers have the potential to help reduce the risk of the wrong diagnosis, and efforts towards the same have been made. Clinical decision support technologies, which give doctors real-time notifications about potential diagnostic errors or other potential safety hazards, have been a major step toward clearer clinical diagnosis. 

Clinical Decision Support Systems 

Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are computerized tools that provide healthcare professionals with evidence-based information and support for clinical decision-making (Souza-Pereira et al., 2021). They are designed to help healthcare providers make more informed and accurate decisions about patients’ diagnoses, treatment, and management. CDSS can be implemented in various forms, such as electronic health records (EHRs), alerts, and clinical guidelines, and can be accessed through various platforms, such as computers, tablets, and mobile devices. Some common features of CDSS include evidence-based recommendations for diagnosing, treating, and managing patients, which can help improve the quality and safety of care (Taheri Moghadam et al., 2021). They also provide personalized recommendations based on the patient’s needs and medical history. Sometimes, they can provide alerts and reminders to healthcare providers about important clinical information, such as test results, drug interactions, and follow-up care (Taheri Moghadam et al., 2021). The systems avail access to clinical guidelines and best practices to help healthcare providers make informed decisions. CDSS can also provide decision support to help healthcare providers weigh the risks and benefits of different treatment options and make informed decisions about the most appropriate course of action. 

Benefits And Risks 

One potential benefit of CDSS in data safety, legislation, and patient care is that it can help reduce the risk of medical errors and improve patient outcomes (Souza-Pereira et al., 2021). By providing healthcare providers with real-time access to relevant patient information and clinical guidelines, the systems can help facilitate more accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions. A wrong diagnosis can lead to misdirected treatment, unnecessary testing and procedures, and increased healthcare costs (Souza-Pereira et al., 2021). The systems can help mitigate these issues by providing healthcare providers with access to the latest evidence-based guidelines and recommendations and patient-specific information (Taheri Moghadam et al., 2021). This can ultimately lead to improved patient safety and satisfaction and cost savings for the healthcare system. 

However, there are also potential risks associated with the use of CDSS. One risk is that the system may not accurately interpret or incorporate all relevant patient information, leading to incorrect or incomplete clinical recommendations, especially when not programmed intently (Wang et al., 2021). In addition, there is a risk that CDSS may be misused or relied upon too heavily, leading to over- or under-treatment of patients (Wang et al., 2021). There is also the potential for data privacy and security breaches, as CDSS typically involves collecting and sharing sensitive patient information. It is important for healthcare providers to carefully consider these potential risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them when implementing CDSS in their practice. 

Impact on Nursing Practice 

Most trends hold promise in driving technological advancements to bridge inefficiency gaps. Of all the trends, there is a common endpoint: ensuring the process of making a diagnosis to intervening is as seamless, accurate and cost-effective as possible. The drawbacks levied against artificial intelligence and machine learning in patient data analysis, big data in handling large amounts of data, and electronic health records centre around whether the correct data is being used, the technology can handle it correctly and effectively, and whether the output is accurate and useful (Wass & Vimarlund, 2018). Improving on these drawbacks means CDSS has the most potential to ensure efficiencies in the delivery of healthcare, as all of them arrive at immensely sharpening the systems supporting healthcare providers in decision-making. 

Excellent decision-making in healthcare can have a significant impact on patient care outcomes. Well-informed decisions can lead to more accurate diagnoses and more targeted and effective treatment plans (Taheri Moghadam et al., 2021). This can lead to improved patient outcomes and a reduction in the length of hospital stays. In terms of efficiency, good decision-making can help healthcare providers to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively, leading to a more streamlined and efficient healthcare system. Excellent decision-making can also lead to better data management, as accurate and thorough documentation is crucial for making informed decisions and tracking patient progress (Souza-Pereira et al., 2021). By constantly improving on the trends, capitalizing on mistakes made and streamlining them, the technological tools will be more focused in their data collection process, taking care to pick up on relevant information only in the shortest time, banking on the least resources as possible. For example, diabetes care can be mapped out from the health-seeking behaviour trends, diagnosis to follow-up, with the least resources utilized (Jeffrey et al., 2019). Data synthesis will also be robust, and the output will more likely abide by evidence-based guidelines coupled with the potential for the data to guide other research endeavours. 


Elliott, R. A., Camacho, E., Jankovic, D., Sculpher, M. J., & Faria, R. (2020). Economic Analysis of the Prevalence and Clinical and Economic Burden of Medication Error in England. BMJ Quality & Safety, 30(2), bmjqs-2019-010206. 

Jeffrey, B., Bagala, M., Creighton, A., Leavey, T., Nicholls, S., Wood, C., Longman, J., Barker, J., & Pit, S. (2019). Mobile phone applications and their use in the self-management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a qualitative study among app users and non-app users. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 11(1), 1–17. 

Pramanik, I., Lau, R. Y. K., Azad, A. K., Hossain, S., Hossain, K., & Karmaker, B. K. (2020). Healthcare Informatics and Analytics in Big Data. Expert Systems with Applications, 152, 113388. 

Souza-Pereira, L., Ouhbi, S., & Pombo, N. (2021). Quality-in-use characteristics for clinical decision support system assessment. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 207, 106169. 

Taheri Moghadam, S., Sadoughi, F., Velayati, F., Ehsanzadeh, S. J., & Poursharif, S. (2021). The effects of clinical decision support system for prescribing medication on patient outcomes and physician practice performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1). 

Wang, D., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, D., Zhu, H., Gao, Y., Fan, X., & Tian, F. (2021). “Brilliant AI Doctor” in Rural Clinics: Challenges in AI-Powered Clinical Decision Support System Deployment. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 

Wass, S., & Vimarlund, V. (2018). Same, same but different: Perceptions of patients’ online access to electronic health records among healthcare professionals. Health Informatics Journal, 146045821877910. 



I appreciate your response to this discussion question. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a significant instrument in healthcare through use with time-saving administrative tasks, assisting with the analysis of diagnostic tests such as imaging, and through data analysis and the ability to improve diagnostic decision-making. It is great that we have such a booming field of information technology. Do you have any examples of AI technology in your workplace?  Thanks in advance, Dr. Howe 

Technology is improving safety and boosting our productivity in the healthcare industry. A general healthcare technology trend observed in healthcare is patient portals. One of its benefits is that the patient portal allows patients to communicate directly with their providers. They can see their medical history, test results, and prescription, make changes to personal information, and more. Pt can stay involved in their treatment (MedlinePlus, 2020). One risk with the patient portal is the complexities of the portal, meaning its needs to be user’s friendly. It becomes useless if the patient does not navigate the portal. 

 One of the technology trends to be most promising for impacting healthcare technology is the use of electronic prescribing. E-prescribing refers to the use of medical technology to boost patient safety, decrease expenses, and improve prescription accuracy while enabling secure, real-time, bi-directional electronic interaction between doctors and pharmacies (AMCP, 2019). For example, providers can view generic drugs, which are usually less expensive and cut costs for the patient. 

Using e-prescribing will improve patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. According to (Porterfield et al., 2014) The amount spent on prescription medications in the US in 2011 was $263 billion, up 2.9% from 2010. E-prescribing is anticipated to improve the communication of patient prescription information among numerous organizations, including physician offices, pharmacies in retail locations, prescription benefit management businesses, and insurance carriers, as the prescribing of pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals increases. For example, patients do not have to worry about losing their paper prescriptions or recalling their allergy information to the pharmacist. E-prescribing improves medication compliance and patient safety because the medications are well-written and sent directly from the patient’s EHR. This procedure has reduced drug and prescription errors and reduced the number of times pharmacies have called doctors back for clarification (Porterfield et al., 2014). 



AMCP. (2019, July 18). Electronic Prescribing | 

Medlineplus. (2020, August 13). Patient portals – an online tool for your health: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. 

Porterfield, A., Engelbert, K., & Coustasse, A. (2014). Electronic prescribing: improving the efficiency and accuracy of prescribing in the ambulatory care setting. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 11(Spring), 1g. 



I enjoyed your post, and I, too, used the patient portal for myself and my family. When my doctor introduced me to the patient portal and gave me access to my chart, labs, and results. Being involved was the best thing that could happen to a patient, in my opinion. As soon as the patient is admitted, they have access to the portal. I encourage my PT to use the portal and educate patients as soon as possible, even before they are discharged. It will be yet another teaching opportunity for us as well as a learning experience for the patients, both of which will significantly improve their outcomes. The portal’s challenge would be for our older adult population, who are very independent or do not have family members to assist them with technology. As a result, unique support and teaching methods are necessary to facilitate learning for our senior population (Son & Nahm, 2019). 

To be useful, patient portals must be designed to be user-friendly, available in a variety of languages both online and in printed materials, there must be adequate time for in-person or online training for navigating the portal, and healthcare providers must engage family members or caregivers in the portal’s use as well (Lyles et al., 2017). Patient portals are a significant benefit of extending the EHR to patients’ homes. Patients have control over and the right to know their medical record through patient portals, which allow them to schedule appointments, view laboratory values, message doctors for simple questions, and even find out why they were hospitalized. It would be preferable if billing information could be integrated into the portal in the future, as patients frequently have questions about why they were billed for a specific intervention during their hospitalization. 


Lyles, C. R., Fruchterman, J., Youdelman, M., & Schillinger, D. (2017). Legal, Practical, and                                                                                                 Ethical Considerations for Making Online Patient Portals Accessible for All. American 

            Journal Of Public Health, 107(10), 1608-1611.  


Son, H., & Nahm, E.-S. (2019). Older Adults’ Experience Using Patient Portals in Communities: 

           Challenges and Opportunities. Computers, Informatics, Nursing: CIN, 37(1), 4-10. 

  to an external site. 

Medlineplus. (2020, August 13). Patient portals – an online tool for your health: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. 




There are several healthcare technology trends that have been observed in the healthcare industry in recent years. These include the use of electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and wearable technology. 

One trend that has been widely adopted in healthcare organizations is the use of EHRs. These systems allow healthcare providers to access patient medical history, diagnoses, treatments, and test results in a single, digital location. While EHRs can improve the efficiency of care and coordination between healthcare providers, there are potential challenges and risks associated with their use. One challenge is the high cost of implementing EHR systems, which can be a barrier for smaller organizations. Another risk is the potential for data breaches, which can compromise patient privacy. 

One potential benefit of EHRs is the ability to improve patient care outcomes using data analytics. By analyzing patient data, healthcare providers can identify trends and patterns that can inform treatment decisions and help predict patient outcomes. However, there is also a risk that the use of data analytics could lead to biased decision-making if the data is not properly analyzed or if the algorithms used to analyze the data are biased. 

Telemedicine is another healthcare technology trend that has gained traction in recent years after the start of the pandemic. One potential benefit of telemedicine is the ability to improve access to care for patients in underserved or rural areas. However, there are also risks associated with telemedicine, such as the potential for data breaches or the possibility that patients may receive inadequate care if the technology is not used correctly. 

Wearable technology, such as fitness trackers and smart watches, is another trend that has gained popularity in healthcare. These devices allow patients to track their health and wellness data, such as steps taken and sleep patterns, and share that information with their healthcare providers 

“Marketers should communicate the effectiveness of healthcare wearable technology in improving consumers’ health, whilst addressing health concerns. This can contribute to improved user understanding of health, and potential usefulness of healthcare wearable technology.” (Chau, et al, 2019). One potential benefit of wearable technology is the ability to improve patient engagement and self-management of chronic conditions. However, there are also risks associated with wearable technology, such as the possibility of data breaches or the potential for the data to be used for non-medical purposes. 

One healthcare technology trend that I believe has the most promise for impacting nursing practice is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. AI and machine learning have the potential to improve patient care outcomes by enabling healthcare providers to analyze large amounts of data and make more accurate diagnoses and treatment recommendations. For example, AI algorithms could be used to analyze medical images and detect abnormalities that may not be visible to the human eye. This could lead to earlier diagnoses and more targeted treatment plans, improving patient outcomes “These technologies have the potential to transform many aspects of patient care, as well as administrative processes within provider, payer and pharmaceutical organizations” (Davenport, Kalakota, 2019). AI and machine learning could also be used to improve efficiencies in healthcare organizations by automating tasks such as data entry and scheduling. 

Overall, while there are potential risks and challenges associated with healthcare technology trends, there are also many potential benefits that can improve patient care outcomes, efficiencies, and data management. The healthcare technology trends that are most promising for impacting nursing practice are those that leverage data analytics, AI, and machine learning to improve patient care and increase efficiencies in healthcare organizations. 



Chau, K. Y., Lam, M. H. S., Cheung, M. L., Tso, E. K. H., Flint, S. W., Broom, D. R., Tse, G., & Lee, K. Y. (2019). Smart technology for healthcare: Exploring the 

antecedents of adoption intention of healthcare wearable technology. Health psychology research, 7(1), 8099. to an external site. 

 Davenport, T., & Kalakota, R. (2019). The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare. Future healthcare journal, 6(2), 94–98. Links to an external site.2-94 




Technology Trends in Healthcare  

Electronic health records have been one of the biggest advancements in technology in healthcare. An EHR is the digital version of a patient’s paper chart and make patient information instantly available while remaining secure to authorized users (What Is an Electronic Health Record (EHR)? |, n.d.). I have seen the benefits of EHRs from a provider and patient perspective in the healthcare setting. From a provider perspective, having access to an EHR at all times creates a seamless patient care environment. There have been multiple times where I am in a patient room and able to review their chart while answering patient’s questions that they may have. This creates a unique opportunity to constantly have the patient resources that I need and makes me feel more confident in the care that I am providing. From a patient perspective, I have also seen the benefits of EHRs in the medical setting. Many times patients forget what medications they are taking or forget what procedures or care they may have gotten recently. With patient access to EHRs, patients are able to quickly look up what medications they are taking as well as recent care or lab work they have gotten done which provides us with more accurate information on how to care for these patients. On top of this, one major benefit with EHRs is that it reduces errors in the hospital setting. In the US, medical errors caused an estimated 250,000 deaths each year (Medical Error Statistics, n.d.). The use of digital patient records allows providers to track and standardize patient interactions providing the potential of reduced error (7 Benefits of EHR for Hospitals | the Univ. Of Scranton, 2022). Digital paper trails are created allowing there to be minimal confusion in orders and the ability to easily track down the ordering provider to ask clarifying questions. This also creates the ability for orders to be checked by multiple participating providers in the patients care and patient information to be constantly reviewed, reducing errors and improving patient care experiences.  

There are also risks associated with electronic health records. One major risk is patient information security and protecting against data theft. Healthcare has historically lacked behind when it comes to cybersecurity and EHRs are no different (Boyles, 2019). One attack has compromised 78.8 million patient records in the past and every year health organizations fall prey to hackers (Boyles, 2019). Hospital employees tend to be the biggest risk factor when it comes to exposure of patient data which is why cybersecurity training is essential for all employees (Boyles, 2019). On top of this, any out of date software can also create vulnerabilities that can be exploited (Boyles, 2019). When trying to secure patient data and keep it safe, EHRs may not be the best option as attacks and breaches are seen often.  

Telehealth is one aspect of technology in healthcare that has advanced and will continue to advance in the future. Telehealth allows providers to visit with patients over a video chat which means that the patient and provider do not need to be in the same place at the time of the visit (Alu, 2022). There are many benefits and aspects to Telehealth that I believe will grow and change healthcare in the future. Telehealth will increase access with patients who live in rural areas or patients with decreased mobility (Alu, 2022). This is beneficial as practitioners can foster a healthy relationship and encourage healthy lifestyles for patients that may not have easy access to a physicians office (Alu, 2022). This will also allow healthcare providers to follow up with their patients in a more efficient and timely manner and continue to check on their patients through video chat or messaging (Alu, 2022). Telehealth became popular with the start of the pandemic, but I believe it will continue to trend upward in popularity as healthcare continues to evolve.  

I believe that Telehealth will continue to improve patient care and patient outcomes because of the availability of its service to patients. It it normally very quick to schedule and set up a Telehealth visit with a provider which allows patients to receive timely care. It also allows providers to easily follow up with their patients which can ensure that patients are compliant with care. A risk with Telehealth is that a provider is not able to examine the patient. They are not able to monitor vital signs or listen to a patients heart or lungs which is why Telehealth can never replace in person physician appointments. Telehealth will serve as a great tool in addition to physician appointments for patients to ensure that their care is up to date and no changes need to be made between visits.  


7 Benefits Of EHR For Hospitals | The Univ. of Scranton. (2022, May 12). The University of Scranton. 

Alu, A. (2022, September 15). The Future of Telehealth. School of Public Health. 

Boyles, O. (2019). What You Need to Know About EHRs and Patient Privacy.,security.%20. . .%203%203.%20Failure%20to%20Audit%20Activity 

Medical Error Statistics. (n.d.). MyMedicalScore.,9%2C000%20patients%20die%20every%20year%20from%20medication%20errors. 

What is an electronic health record (EHR)? | (n.d.). 



I cannot agree more that electronic health records are considered the biggest advancement in medicine. Advancements in technology have been essential in facilitating this change. Today, both the physician and patients enjoy the benefits of EHR (Boyles, 2019). Another benefit that EHR is adding from a physician’s perspective is the facilitation of interdisciplinary collaboration which is an important component of providing care. Data recorded on EHR systems can be accessed by all members of the interdisciplinary team, making it easy for them to collaborate from one department to another. Also, from a patient’s perspective, EHR is important for keeping them up to date on previous hospitalization incidences, hence, improving satisfaction (Walker, Meltsner & Delbanco, 2015). A major drawback that I can add to your discussion is the issue of interoperability since the majority of health facilities do not allow open communication of patient information. Telehealth will automatically be a game-changer in the future for changing physician-patient interaction. Generally, you provided a substantial discussion that is informative. 



Boyles, O. (2019). What You Need to Know About EHRs and Patient Privacy.,security.%20. . .%203%203.%20Failure%20to%20Audit%20Activity 

Walker, J., Meltsner, M., & Delbanco, T. (2015). US experience with doctors and patients sharing clinical notes. BMJ, 350(feb 12 14), g7785-g7785. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.g7785  



Healthcare Information Technology Trends 

In my current organization, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has been utilized to remotely track patients in long-term care. For instance, a patient living with diabetes mellitus is assigned a remotely connected glucometer, which reads blood glucose levels, and the reading is sent in real time for review, storage, and decision-making. Besides, the hospital uses Telemedicine to review patients with stable chronic conditions. For example, a physician can hold a zoom meeting with the patient to review progress and modify treatment (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). The meeting is recorded and transcribed for medical records updating. 

Potential Challenges 

First, patients’ lack of technical skills can make both IoMT and Telemedicine difficult to accomplish. The patient should be able to operate technological devices and follow instructions accurately (Srivastava et al., 2022). For instance, if a patient incorrectly places blood on a glucometer strip, a wrong reading will be sent for review and subsequently, a wrong decision will be made. Next, continuity of care can be compromised if poor integration of records from both IoMT and Telemedicine is done (Chaet et al., 2017). There must be a competent system to combine information from the internet with the existing medical records to ease physician and nursing workflows. 

Data Safety, Legislation, and Patient Care 

Information obtained from IoMT, and Telemedicine is digitized records, which can be easily encrypted and stored for retrieval. This benefit improves data safety and rapidity of decision-making relating to patient care (Srivastava et al., 2022). Conversely, information obtained via the internet is prone to eavesdropping, espionage, hacking, and theft. All identifying information, voice, and videos need consent from the patient before they can be stored for use (Chaet et al., 2017). Breaching patient privacy and commercializing patient data may lead to litigation. 

Promising Health Technologies 

Both IoMT and Telemedicine are very promising in nursing practice because they ease nursing care. Information obtained remotely with patient parameters from IoMT devices can be used to adjust nursing management and patient education on health improvement and promotion (Srivastava et al., 2022). In addition, Telemedicine enables the nurse to remotely follow up with the patient, provide education, and modify current nursing management. 

Contribution to Outcomes 

Both IoMT and Telemedicine have been demonstrated to improve patient care outcomes. First, these technologies improve patient adherence to medications and treatment plans (Nelson, 2017). Since the patient is monitored remotely, it is an efficient and cost-effective approach since the patient saves costs related to transport and utilization of hospital facilities. Besides, both IoMT and Telemedicine decongest hospitals, which reduces long queues that delay the delivery of services (Nelson, 2017). Lastly, data management is easy because the data obtained is digitized and it can be recorded in health records in real time without having to manually type it or transcribe it from other records (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2022). 



Chaet, D., Clearfield, R., Sabin, J. E., Skimming, K., & Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs American Medical Association (2017). Ethical practice in Telehealth and Telemedicine. Journal of general internal medicine, 32(10), 1136–1140. 

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2022). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

Nelson R. (2017). Telemedicine and Telehealth: The Potential to Improve Rural Access to Care. The American journal of nursing, 117(6), 17–18. to an external site. 

Srivastava, J., Routray, S., Ahmad, S., & Waris, M. M. (2022). Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)-Based Smart Healthcare System: Trends and Progress. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2022, 7218113. 

Thanks for your comments in this discussion. I think one of the most promising healthcare technology trends are the use of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). IoMT will transform the accessibility of healthcare for people around the world by providing access to medical professionals without the physical challenges of location (ReferralMD, 2019).  In the future, medical assistance will be virtually everywhere through the use of IoMT technology. This will contribute to improvements in efficiencies by allowing healthcare professionals to see patients that aren’t able to physically come to their office. Yet, as noted, the vulnerability of this technology is potential data breeches. What data safeguards do we need to put in place? Thanks, Dr. Howe 


ReferralMD. (2019). Top 13 Healthcare Technology Innovations of 2018. Links to an external site.   



Trends in modern healthcare point towards the increasing use of information technology to transform healthcare. The EHR is a device that is seen as the first step in the process of transforming healthcare to improve patient outcomes and efficiencies (, 2018). Other health technologies can be made to interface with the EHR for real-time data sharing and improved efficiency. In my facility, the current trend involves the use of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) to improve care decisions. CDSS tools analyze data within the EHR and provide alerts or updates. Taheri Moghadam et al. (2021) noted that clinical decision support systems provide clinicians with patient-specific information and evidence-based recommendations that enhance the quality of care for patients. This makes CDSS an integral part of modern healthcare. A benefit of using CDSS tools is that they help clinicians make the best decision that will provide the best outcomes for the patient. This is done through real-time analysis of available patient data and evidence-based guidelines. On the other hand, CDSS tools can give wrong recommendations if the wrong data is entered or the system interprets it wrongly. Hence, clinicians should not depend solely on CDSS for guidance. A challenge encountered in the use of CDSS is the lack of proper training on the use of advanced features of the EHR leading to the underutilization of CDSS tools (Adler-Milstein et al., 2017). 

A promising trend in healthcare technology is the use of wearable devices to monitor patients and deliver treatments remotely. These devices use actuators, electronic patches, and sensors in contact with the patient’s body to take readings of the patient’s condition or deliver treatment (Joo et al., 2021). The benefits of having mobile versions of healthcare technologies are obvious. Wearable devices reduce hospital visits and serve as early warning detection and intervention systems. Studies have shown that such devices can effectively monitor patient vitals remotely. This enables caregivers to detect anomalies in a patient’s vitals and intervene in a timely manner. Joo et al. (2021) also demonstrated the use of wearable technology to deliver life-saving medication for severe seizures. This technology has several applications that can be explored to improve patient outcomes and efficiencies.    



Adler-Milstein, J., Holmgren, A. J., Kralovec, P., Worzala, C., Searcy, T., & Patel, V. (2017). Electronic health record adoption in US hospitals: the emergence of a digital “advanced use” divide. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 24(6), 1142-1148. (2018). What is an electronic health record (EHR)? to an external site. 

Joo, H., Lee, Y., Kim, J., Yoo, J. S., Yoo, S., Kim, S., … & Kim, D. H. (2021). Soft implantable drug delivery device integrated wirelessly with wearable devices to treat fatal seizures. Science advances, 7(1), eabd4639. 

Taheri Moghadam, S., Sadoughi, F., Velayati, F., Ehsanzadeh, S. J., & Poursharif, S. (2021). The effects of clinical decision support system for prescribing medication on patient outcomes and physician practice performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1). 



The use of information technology in health care is an inevitable trend that cannot be ignored any longer. With improvements in technology, several systems that are applied in health care such as electronic health records are expected to improve in efficiency and capabilities. The clinical decision support system is part of the EHR that is being implemented in the contemporary healthcare setting. Additional use of CDSS is improving patient safety since physicians can access real-time data which is critical for medication accuracy and preventing errors which in return improves patient safety (Moghadam et al., 2021). These systems work almost the same as wearable devices since they can alert physicians about any potential changes in patients’ vitals, thus, preventing adverse drug reactions and errors. I second that wearable devices will change the industry entirely (Joo et al., 2021). For instance, the use of devices fitted with radio frequency technology can be a game-changer since they will provide real-time data and the exact locations of patients. 



Joo, H., Lee, Y., Kim, J., Yoo, J. S., Yoo, S., Kim, S., … & Kim, D. H. (2021). Soft implantable drug delivery device integrated wirelessly with wearable devices to treat fatal seizures. Science advances, 7(1), eabd4639. 

Taheri Moghadam, S., Sadoughi, F., Velayati, F., Ehsanzadeh, S. J., & Poursharif, S. (2021). The effects of clinical decision support system for prescribing medication on patient outcomes and physician practice performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(1). to an external site. 



Health information technology is an important asset for reducing patient harm with the reduction of medication errors, easily access of computerized records and the elimination of poor penmanship in the medical record. (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017). Electronic health record systems has transformed transitioning from a paper based system to one that provides clinical data and information to assist providers in delivering high quality care. One trend that I have come to appreciate is the Computerized physician order entry system.  COPE allows providers to enter orders for medications, laboratory test, and radiology imaging. This health technology trend eliminates potentially dangerous medical errors caused by poor penmanship while aiding in making the process more efficient for pharmacy and nursing staff while alleviating the need to seek clarification or to solicit missing information from illegible or insufficient orders(Alotaibi & Federico, 2017).  Another health care technology trend is the bar code administration system. This particular component aids in prevention medication administration errors. By ensuring each patient receives the right medication at the right time and offering clinical advisories when needed (Pearce & Whyte, 2018).  

A few of the drawbacks that I’ve observed at our facility is the in ability to provide updates to our health information technology system in a timely manner, while paying for the ongoing of maintenance cost. The upgrades, maintenance of an electronic heath record, replacement of hardware, and ongoing training of training and support can be costly.  An additional risk to health care technology is patient confidentiality related to the increasing amount of health information that is being exchanged. To aid in alleviating some of the concerns’ policymakers have provided measures to ensure safety while maintaining privacy of patient data.  


Telehealth has allowed the patients to become empowered while allow nursing professional the ability to create a new way of interacting with patients while providing care (Wu, 2021) 


Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal, 38(12), 1173–1180.  Links to an external site. to an external site. 

Anderson, J., Bouchacourt, L. M., Sussman, K. L., Bright, L. F., & Wilcox, G. B. (2022). Telehealth adoption during the covid-19 pandemic: A social media textual and network analysis. DIGITAL HEALTH, 8, 205520762210900.  Links to an external site. to an external site. 

Menachemi, N., & Collum. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 47.  Links to an external site. to an external site. 

Pearce, R., & Whyte, I. (2018). Electronic medication management: Is it a silver bullet? Australian Prescriber, 41(2), 32–33.  Links to an external site. to an external site. 

Wu, Y. (2021). Utilization of telehealth and the advancement of nursing informatics during covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(4), 367–369.  Links to an external site. to an external site. 



 I agree that technology has been used to reduce errors and reduce patient harm. Electronic health record (EHR) is not a new concept in health care although it is considered as one of the most revolutionary technologies. Facilities that implement the use of EHR are likely to report improved patient care, quality of care delivery, and patient safety (Alghamdi et al., 2017). This technology mainly involves the monitoring and recording of data that is critical in care provision. Another example is the use of radio frequency identification technology which is being used in contemporary medicine to communicate and track patient progress in real-time (Aggarwal, 2017). One of the opportunities provided by EHR technology is increased adherence to industry guidelines as well as the implementation of evidence-based practice. On the other hand, a major drawback of this technology is the issue of privacy and confidentiality breach since such systems are prone to hacking. Overall, your post is very informative on the topic of EHR. 



Aggarwal, L. M. (2017). Advances in medical technology and its impact on health care in developing countries. International Journal of Radiology & Radiation Therapy, 2(2), 569-576. DOI: 10.15406/ijrrt.2017.02.00022 

Alghamdi, M., Alomari, S., Althubaiti, M., & Aziz, A. (2017). A Review of TQM and EHR Focused Quality. IARJSET, 4(5), 100-104. DOI: 10.17148/iarjset.2017.4519