NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project  

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project  

Sample Answer for NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project   Included After Question

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project


Create a poster in which you present your topic. Below is a link to a sample poster and template.

Sample and Template

The poster must include a synopsis of all of the above work you’ve done, neatly and creatively arranged in the order of the template. If you were able to instruct, implement, or otherwise present your ideas to the target audience, be sure to have a detailed evaluation. Was the goal achieved? You may submit the poster to your clinical instructor or photograph it and submit the photos to the drop box below.

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A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project  

Title: NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project  

NUR 2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Final Exam Study Guide 1. A family is keeping vigil at a critically ill patient’s bedside. Other, distant family members, not yet able to come, call the unit continuously, asking for updates and wanting to express concern. You speak with the distant family members and suggest that you are going to refer them to the hospital social worker, whose role is to work with such situations. What role are you assuming through this action? a. manager b. leader c. follower d. Laissez faire 2. Which statement by a nurse manager during a staff meeting best demonstrates use of an assertive style of communication? a. I am the manager, and we will do it my way b. I’m sorry, but your suggestion was useless to solving the problem c. I really don’t care; do it the way you think best d.

You have made some good points, but I have another suggestion 3. what is the primary concern that some healthcare providers have in the use of computers in client care? a. the ability to maintain privacy and confidentiality b. the training and knowledge required by nurses to use the system effectively c. the ability to provide quality care when the computers malfunction d. the legal implications of

having a computerized record of every aspect of client care 4. Identify the health care area in which the use of computers has improved the efficiency of care a. documentation b. interdepartmental communication c. administration d. physician record keeping 5. Identify the underlying premise for evidence-based practice a. practice based on research produces better client outcomes b. nurses need

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project
NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 10 Project

strong rationales for all their interventions c. nurses who use research to guide practice advance further in their careers d. evidence for practice is accumulated over the years when nurses perform the same skills repeatedly 6. What is a type of nursing education program that is conducted in junior and community colleges that is typically 2 years in length? a. diploma program b. baccalaureate program c. associate degree program d. professional nursing program 7. which contribution of Florence nightingale had the greatest impact on nursing education? a. recognizing that formal, systematic education in both theory and practice was essential for the preparation of high-quality nurses. b. advocating that all nurses be educated in universities so that nursing care

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would meet the standards established by the government c. forcing physicians and hospitals to recognize that clinical practice was not as important as the theory-based learning obtained in the classroom d. enforcing the requirement that all nursing instructors 8. Identify the primary position advocated by the 1965 ANA position paper on education for nurses? a. any nursing education program is acceptable as long as the graduates take and pass the NCLEX examination b. baccalaureate education should be the basic level of preparation for professional nurses c. associate degree education should be the basic level of preparation for professional nurses d. only nurses educated at the master degree or higher level should be considered professional nurses 9. What is the first step in the process of critical thinking? a. identify the underlying beliefs b. identify the problem c. identify the value systems conflicts d. identify the best solution to the conflict 10. What is an important role that the nursing process fulfills in professional nursing? a. identifying specific nursing actions for which nurses can be held accountable b. distinguishing nursing care from medical care c. preventing nurses from making errors in care that can lead to malpractice suits d. forming the ethical basis for nursing practice 11. Which step of the nursing process identifies the success or failure of the plan of care developed by a nurse? a. assessment b. evaluation c. analysis d. implementation 12. Identify the term defined as systems of valued behaviors and beliefs a. morals b. values c. laws d. ethics 13. What are rules of conduct that protect the community and society overall? a. morals b. values c. laws d. ethics 14. As nurses achieve increased professional autonomy, what must they also accept? a. legal immunity b. decrease in workload c. ethical accountability d. ethical freedom 15. What is the most common emotion experienced by nurses who are developing burnout? a. eagerness b. powerlessness c. compassion d. sympathy 16. Which personality characteristics would make a person more susceptible to burnout? a. average intelligence, procrastinator, poor health b. above average intelligence, idealistic, perfectionist c. below average intelligence, procrastinator, excellent health d. average motivation level, high income, idealistic 17. Why do many nurses ignore the signs of burnout? a. they’re embarrassed to have little experience b. they’re frightened of being fired c. they’re worried that they spent time, money and energy on a career they no longer want. d. they feel they can improve their skills with more time, which will stop the symptoms. 18. Which activity tends to increase nurses’ satisfaction during work? a. multitasking to complete all assigned work b. taking time to talk with clients about their needs c. doing all important tasks themselves to make sure they are done correctly d. putting off difficult activities until the end of the shift 19. Identify the most appropriate political activities for nurses at the state level. a. suggest legislation and seek sponsors b. vote in the legislature for or against a bill c. make large monetary contributions to candidates who support health care reform d. keep quiet and let the system work without interference. 20. Why is the input of nurses vital to legislators? a. most of the bill’s legislators pass are not related to health care b. voters can be easily misled by special interest groups c. the majority of legislators do not have health care backgrounds d. legislators need to be aware of the important part nurses play in health care 21. Why is the term healing preferred to medicine when referring to alternative and complementary methods of care? a. medicine implies that only physicians can carry out the treatment b. the treatments are based on holistic philosophies that go beyond physical treatment or cure c. clients might associate alternative treatments with hospital or physician-based care d. nurses have had a strong influence in naming this modality 22. Identify the outcome that best demonstrates a critical care nurse’s successful application of the ethical principle of veracity to the care of a client who was diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer. a. the client is aware of his or her diagnosis despite attempts of the family to withhold that information b. the client is beginning to be able to use simple words to express his or her needs c. the family has been taught the necessary skills to care for the client at home with the supervision of a home health care nurse. d. there is no evidence of skin breakdown on bony pressure points, and the client’s shoulder and hip on the affected side remain intact. 23. select an important principle that guides managers who use a democratic leadership style. a. the leader performs the same tasks as the rest of the members of the group b. each member of the group respects all the other members as unique and valuable. c. the members of the group must carry out decisions of the leader without question. d. the leader must be methodical and able to sift through complicated information 24. a leader with a low relationship/low task orientation presents a leadership style that is most similar to which leadership approach? a. democratic b. laissez-faire c. authoritarian d. benevolent 25. During a staff meeting, an elderly physician is very negative about recent changes on the unit. He indicates that the nurses are not working hard enough. How can the unit manager most appropriately deal with this situation? a. ask the physician to leave the meeting before proceeding b. reply to the physician with equally belittling remarks c. allow the physician to express his or her opinions and then ask for input from others at the meeting d. walk out of the room and report the physician to the hospital’s chief of medicine 26. Identify the characteristics required in a person who is able to resolve difficult crises a. has decreased self-esteem and motivation. b. uses newly developed coping skills to resolve future crises c. views the experience as personally destructive d. avoids all difficult situations in the future 27. What may cause some people to make responses that seem inappropriate or overemotional? a. the lack of an opportunity to develop coping skills b. the successful resolution of a crisis situation c. a group response to a minor situation d. a mature attitude developed by resolving past crises. 28. What role does anger play in communication? a. it is always negative and destructive b. it can be used positively to produce change c. it should be held in as a controlled rage. d. it needs to be expressed immediately 29. As the head of a nursing program, you always invite the ideas of your team about innovations in teaching and curriculum design, and invite participation in decisions. Many of these ideas have been implemented, and your staff members are keen to try other new ideas. You are employing _______ leadership. a. situational b. trait based c. contingency based d. transformational 30. the director of nursing has been observing staff interactions in a 20-bed coronary care unit. Based on her observations, which of the following staff members is an obvious leader? a. the unit secretary who knows everyone’s business b. the chief nursing officer who is in charge and is responsible for nursing services c. the chief cardiologist who admits the largest number of patients and brings in more revenue than any other physician d. the staff nurse who persuades other staff members to practice by making evidence-based decisions. 31. After being interviewed for the unit manager position, the staff nurse reflects on the interview process. The staff nurse is aware that leadership begins: a. within b. through a relationship with a mentor c. with the job description d. with the chief nursing operation (CNO) 32. The nurse manager decides to involve those to be affected by change early in the change management process. This can positively result in: a. participation b. resistance c. coordination d. conflict 33. The CEO asks the nurse manager of the telemetry unit to justify the disproportionately high number of registered nurses on the telemetry unit. The nurse manager explains that nursing research has validated which statement about a low nurse-to-patient ratio? It: a. promotes teamwork among nurses b. increases adverse effects c. improves patient outcomes d. contributes to duplication of services 34. Identify the primary position advocated by the 1965 ANA position Paper on Education for Nurses a. any nursing education program is acceptable as long as the graduates take and pass the NCLEX examination. b. baccalaureate education should be the basic level of preparation for professional nurse. c. Associate degree education should be the basic level of preparation for professional nurses. d. Only nurses educated at the master degree or higher level should be considered professional nurses 35. Identify the primary purpose for the development of the QSEN project. a. increase the number of students in nursing programs b. shift nursing education to a more medical model due to the increased client acuity c. focus nursing education on competencies to reduce the number of medical errors d. decrease the number of associate degree nursing programs 36. Which of the following elements from the list below are not QSEN competencies? a. quality improvement b. outcome-based education c. teamwork and collaboration d. informatics 37. Which is a joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations (JCAHO) requirement for client education? a. nursing staff must provide and document client education b. all clients must receive some type of education during their care c. physicians are primarily responsible for client education d. documentation of client education must use a flow sheet 38. Statistically, which of the following factors is most likely to increase a client’s motivation to learn? a. a severe illness with the potential to be fatal b. the presence of the client’s significant other during teaching session c. a college education d. a high socioeconomic level 39. What is the primary reason a nurse should develop learning objectives for all client teaching? a. the nurse can clarify with the client what actions or behaviors are expected b. it is a requirement by the joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations c. Learning objectives help the nurse to organize the teaching materials. d. clients who do not have learning objectives will learn material poorly 40. Identify what a new graduate nurse who is having unresolved role conflicts may experience. a. pleasure in the work setting b. cooperation with fellow employees c. fulfillment of basic needs d. high levels of anxiety 41. Identify the most important element in nursing’s attempt to gain full autonomy of practice a. economic exploitation of nurses b. maintaining the education system for nurses as it is now c. gaining and maintaining control of nursing practice by nurses d. restricting the latitude of decisions made by nurses 42. Identify the element that is the best indicator of increasing accountability in the profession of nursing. a. increasing pay scale for staff nurses b. improved public image of nurses on television and in movies c. demonstration of competency and high-quality care through peer review d. taking care of larger numbers of clients with the help of unlicensed assistive personnel 43. What is the recommended method for nurses to prepare for future professional practice? a. take additional courses in the use of computers b. understand and explore the issues involved in professionalism as nurses c. accept that nursing is a profession d. cross-train with other health-care providers, such s physical therapists, lab techs, and radiologists 44. After her first week working on a busy medical/surgical unit, a new charge nurse notes that the nurses, although highly competent, are unable to function productively as a team. What can she do to facilitate team-building on her unit? a. Provide an opportunity for the nurses to express their feelings and emotions b. hire more staff members to reduce stress and fatigue from understaffing c. allow the staff more input into important policy decision-making d. give the staff members more time to adjust to the change in charge nurses 45. The oxygen saturation for a client with acute infective bronchitis drops to 84% and the client develops severe dyspnea. there is a standing order for a handheld nebulizer treatment PRN for SOB. the respiratory therapy department is designated to give all respiratory treatments in the facility. when the nurse calls the RT, he states that he has several more treatments to give but he should be there in 10 or 15 minutes. which action by the nurse is most appropriate at this time? a. increase the flow rate of the client’s oxygen until the RT can arrive b. call the respiratory therapist back and insist that he come NOW. c. do not wait for the respiratory therapist, give the HHN treatment himself or herself d. give the client a prescribed PRN sedative to reduce anxiety. 46. Identify the two most important ethical issues surrounding organ transplantation a. beneficence and nonmaleficence b. autonomy and justice c. veracity and informed consent d. fidelity and option rights 47. Provision number 1 of 2001 Code of Ethics for Nurses states: “the nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect or the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health-care problems.” On which ethical principle is this statement primarily based? a. right to privacy b. justice c. fidelity d. veracity 48. Provision number 7 of the 2001 code of ethics for nurses’ states: “the nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration and knowledge development.” On which ethical principle is this statement primarily based? a. veracity b. autonomy c. accountability d. beneficence 49. the manager of a surgical area has a vision for the future that requires the addition of RN assistants or unlicensed persons to feed, bathe, and walk patients. The RNs on the staff have always practiced in a primary nursing-delivery system and are very resistant to this idea. the best initial strategy in this situation would include: a. examining the reasons for resistance and the values of the RN group in relationship to this change b. leaving the RNs alone for a time so they can think about the change before they are approached again c. dropping the idea for now and trying for the change in another year or so d. hiring the assistants anyway and allowing the RNs to see what good additions they are. 50. You overhear a newly graduated RN telling one of your colleagues that leadership and management belong to the unit manager and not to her. as a nursing colleague, your response demonstrates understanding that the perception of the new graduate: a. is correct. leadership is not the role of the staff nurse. b. would benefit from further understanding of her role as a professional, whose influence may affect the decision making of patient and colleagues c. has been influenced by nurse leaders and managers who leave for other positions d. is related to the general perception that nurse leaders and managers are not satisfied in their jobs 51. After assessing an older adult patient in long term care who has been slowly deteriorating for weeks, the nurse manager calls the family and asks them to come in, as the patient is dying. The nurse manager’s decision and actions are based on: a. an established clinical pathway b. tacit knowledge and clinical judgement c. unit protocol d. confirmatory scientific evidence.