NSG 6999 Week 4 Discussion Literature Evaluation Table

NSG 6999 Week 4 Discussion Literature Evaluation Table

NSG 6999 Week 4 Discussion Literature Evaluation Table

PICOT Question

For adult patients aged (state an age range) who have been diagnosed with major depression (P) will exercise therapy (I) compared to pharmacological treatment with antidepressants alone (C) decrease symptoms of depression (O) over a period of 3 months (T).

There are ethical issues about this particular project, however; therefore, I would suggest adding exercise to current treatment vs current treatment alone.

Using the following table—search the 5 databases based on your PICOT Question—under findings note the number of relevant articles found—you may not find something in every database. Under features discuss what you liked about that database. ON the discussion board summarize your search—attach your chart. You may not find what you are looking for in every search—and that is OK—but you must search every database to see what may be out there.

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Exploring the Literature

Picot Question: 

 Research Tool  Search Tips  Search Terms &  Limits  Findings  Features

CINAHL is an SU subscription-only resource that offers full text access to 336 scholarly journals and indexes over 3,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous

  • Look at the Major Subject Heading in the Full Record
  • Use the Limits Feature:
    • Example: Publication Type=Systematic Review
  • Try the CINAHL Heading search:


Keyword search: Adult major depression; Exercise therapy; Pharmacological intervention: Antidepressants treatment

Limits: Full Text; Research Articles: Evidence Based Studies: Publication Date = 2015-2019

CINAHL Heading search: Major depression: Adults with major depression: major depression exercise therapy; major depression antidepressant therapy.

Limits: Evidence-Based Practice:  Full-text; Peer-Reviewed

 No articles were found with the specific features listed.  The CINAHL database is one that gives a student varieties. If you are looking for an article or articles in a topic, it gives the option to decide what you want through the filters.

PubMed is a free health science citation & abstracts index from the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


  • Look at MeSH Terms in Full Record
  • Use the Limits Feature:
    • Examples: Article Type=Meta-Analysis; Age=All Adult
  • Look for the open access Free articles!


Keyword search: major depressive disorder exercise therapy

Limits: Review: Free Full Text: Publication date =5 years; Age=All Adult: Open Access Free Articles


MESH search: major depressive disorder: major depressive disorder adults: exercise therapy

Limits: All fields: Open Access:


 This search yielded 882 articles.







This search yielded zero results

 The fact that the database allows one to pull up articles that are related to a topic is impressive. Even more impressive is the fact that it allows one to decide the age group of various participants in the articles that they are interested in.
Cochrane Library

Cochrane Library provides access to the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews. Full text of reviews are subscription only. Index summaries are a public resource. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous

  • Use the Simple Search and the Advance Search Features
  • Allows you to search with MeSH Terms
  • Check out the New Reviews

 Browse reviews by topic

Keyword search: major depressive disorders; major depressive disorders adults: exercise therapy


Limits: Cochrane Reviews: Cochrane Protocols; Publication dates= 2015-2019

MESH search: major depressive disorder:

Limits: therapy (TH); Explode all trees; With Qualifier therapy.


 Zero full-text articles from the Cochrane search.









1316 articles

 Cochrane library is one of the foremost libraries in the academic world. It allows one to access rigorous, peer-reviewed articles through its subscription access feature.












The articles were found on MeSH descriptor Depressive Disorder, Major; with all trees exploded. The article’s qualifiers was therapy while 1310 of the articles were Trials and 6 were Cochrane Reviews.



  • Use the Simple Search and the Advance Search Features
  • Allows you to search with MeSH Terms
  • Check out the New Reviews

Browse reviews by topic

Keyword search: depressive disorders;


Also browse by: major depressive disorders


 100 articles found for the keywords  Dynamed is easy to use. It does not have advanced search features that can discombobulate one.
TRIP Database

TRIP is a clinical search engine to locate publicly available clinical evidence.


  • Limit to:
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Guidelines-US


Keyword search: (adult patients aged 30-50 with major depression)(exercise therapy )(pharmacological treatment with antidepressants )(decreased symptoms of depression)


Limits: Systematic Reviews, Guidelines- USA

 61 results were found with this search.  This one gives one the option to determine which country’s guideline they would like to use. It also has a variety of features that enable one to find the absolutely correct articles.
SU Library Search
  • Library Search is setup just like an EBSCO
  • The Library even has a specialized PICOT search setup in Library Search—must go to Advance search to get to PICOT option
Keyword search: Major Depressive Disorder; Major Depression Adults; Exercise Therapy

Limits: It was limited to systematic reviews that were published from 2015 onwards.

300 articles were discovered in this search using the above keywords. The fact that you can search for your entire PICOT using the SU Library database makes it impressive. It eliminates the need to manipulate the keywords using various combinations.
Other Databases:



The search undertaking reveals that whereas there is a wealth of information out there regarding the PICO question, not all data bases have the necessary articles. The CINAHL database did not yield any search results. This search used the following keywords:  Adult major depression; Exercise therapy; Pharmacological intervention: Antidepressants treatment. Moreover, the search was limited to Full Text; Research Articles: Evidence Based Studies: Publication Date = 2015-2019. In addition, even the CINHAL Heading search did not yield any results after using the above keywords and limiting it to Evidence-Based Practice:  Full-text; Peer-Reviewed.

The PubMed Database search was a more fruitful as it yielded 882 articles using major depressive disorder exercise therapy as its

NSG 6999 Week 4 Discussion Literature Evaluation Table
NSG 6999 Week 4 Discussion Literature Evaluation Table

keyword search. The search for relevant articles was limited to: Review, Free Full Text, and Publication date =5 years; Age=All Adult: Open Access Free Articles. These Limiters were important as they enabled me to filter only the articles that are relevant to this study. Moreover, the PubMed also allowed me to use the MESH search whose keywords were major depressive disorder: major depressive disorder adults: exercise therapy. However, it produced zero articles.

The Cochrane Library used the Keyword search for major depressive disorders; major depressive disorders adults: exercise therapy. The search was limited to Cochrane Reviews: Cochrane Protocols; Publication dates= 2015-2019. However, none of the search yielded any results. However, its MESH search using major depressive disorder keyword and therapy (TH); Explode all trees; With Qualifier therapy limiters produced 1316 articles.

In addition, the Dynamed database was also scoured for relevant articles. It produced 100 articles using depressive disorders and major depressive disorders as keywords. Further, the articles were produced as a result of both Basic and Advanced searches.

On the other hand, the TRIP Database produced 61 articles that were limited to Systematic Reviews and US Guidelines regarding the management of depression in adults. The search used the PICOT format wherein all the PICOT aspects of the project were used as the keywords.

Lastly, the SU Library had various features. It allowed for one to either use conventional search or use the PCIOT format. I employed the conventional format using the following keywords: Major Depressive Disorder; Major Depression Adults; Exercise Therapy. As a consequence, around 300 articles were found.