NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan

NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan

Title: NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan

NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan

A patient care plan is key in ensuring that a proposed care initiative or strategy has various concise activities to undertake and a timeline to follow. In addition, the formulated care plan needs to be implemented to realize the projected benefits. As such, it is vital to plan for the implementation effort to ensure that the implementation is successful and the patients benefit (Melnyk& Tim Raderstorf, 2019). In the previous weeks, a care plan for an aggregate of three women patients with different levels of depressive symptoms was formulated. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a plan for implementing the patient care proposed earlier.

The Selected Group and Why the Group Was Selected

The group selected is an aggregate of three women 35-44 years working at the Fort Pierce, Florida Advanced Eye Care Center. This group of women was revealed to be having symptoms of anxiety and depression, which worsened with the coming of the covid-19 pandemic. The coming of pandemic complicated the patient care environment, which was already facing patient burnout and stress. This group was selected because their health concern (depression and anxiety) can be solved through the use of a nursing intervention for better outcomes.

The Intervention and the Health Risk to Be Addressed by the Intervention

As earlier indicated, the three patients were diagnosed with moderately severe, moderate, and mild depression according to the GAD-7 and PHQ assessment. The proposed intervention is to use psychotherapy and lifestyle changes involving self-management and self-control initiatives (Cuijpers et al., 2020). The intervention seeks to address the different levels of depression associated with the patient. Therefore, the risks to be addressed by the intervention include the risk of the condition advancing to severe depression, which could lead to other conditions like heart disease, obesity, and osteoporosis.

The Expected Results and the Plan of Implementation

Upon the implementation of the intervention, the patients are expected to have improved scores on both the GAD-7 and PHQ assessment scales. The implication is that every patient is expected to have reduced depressive symptoms (Cuijpers et al., 2020). The symptoms after implementation will be compared with those at baseline to evaluate the impact. This intervention is to be implemented through the organization a group psychotherapy session with the patients for general psychotherapy activities. Thereafter, individual psychotherapy will be held with each patient to help them develop the targeted behaviors problem solving and help them improve their self-management or self-control skills. The targeted strategy is to use interactive and open sessions that can help the patients to grasp the therapy session activities more easily.

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The Resources Needed and the Time Taken for Results to be Seen

Various resources will be needed for the implementation of the proposed intervention. Human resources in the form of psychotherapists will be needed (Tegeler et al., 2020). Since they are three patients, one psychotherapy intervention will be enough. Other resources include educational materials that will be used to educate the patient on self-management and self-control skills. Pamphlets will also be needed, which will have to be given to patients explaining further on depression and its management. The results are expected to be seen within the first five weeks. Within this duration, the patients shall have attended sufficient psychotherapy sessions and training to have an impact on their depression symptoms.

NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan Conclusion

The three identified patients with different scores in the GAD-7 and PHQ assessment scales can have better patient outcomes through the implementation of the proposed intervention. Therefore, it is important to implement the intervention effectively to eliminate the chances of failing. This write-up has detailed an implementation plan for the proposed intervention.


NSG 4076 Week 8 Implementation of the plan References

Cuijpers, P., Karyotaki, E., Eckshtain, D., Ng, M. Y., Corteselli, K. A., Noma, H., … & Weisz, J. R. (2020). Psychotherapy for depression across different age groups: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry77(7), 694-702. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.0164

Melnyk, B. M., & Tim Raderstorf, D. N. P. (Eds.). (2019). Evidence-based leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship in nursing and healthcare: A practical guide to success. Springer Publishing Company.

Tegeler, C., Beyer, A. K., Hoppmann, F., Ludwig, V., & Kessler, E. M. (2020). Current state of research on psychotherapy for home-living vulnerable older adults with depression. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie53(8), 721-727. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00391-020-01805-3