NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project

NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project

Sample Answer for NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project Included After Question

NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project


You are the nurse manager of a satellite home care facility. In preparation for speaking to the national home care convention, your new chief executive officer (CEO) has requested that you do the following:

  • Read 2 current (from within the last 5 years) research studies from peer-reviewed journals related to innovation in health care delivery so that you can speak to the national home care convention regarding your findings.
    • One must be related to research and development innovation in health care.
    • One must be related to customer-based innovation in health care.
  • Develop a report of your findings to hand out to your audience that includes the following:
    • Introduction that is thorough, clear, and concise
    • Summary of your findings from both research articles
    • Findings organized into bullet points
    • Conclusion that compares and contrasts the 2 types of home health care innovations

Please click on this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided)—not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project

Title: NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project

NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project

Innovation is a core aspect of healthcare service; especially amidst a growing demand for care from all areas and across the life continuum. For instance, the number of people, especially young people struggling with mental illness and older people experiencing chronic illnesses, means the need for increased care delivery through research and development innovation and customer-based innovation. Innovations in health care are a critical way of improving access to services and developing interventions that will help different populations meet their care needs and requirements (Miraldo et al., 2021). Creating customer-based innovation implores providers and organizations to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions that leverage patients’ characteristics and are user-friendly. On its part, research and development innovations focus on enhancing more findings and better ways of delivering care to patients in different care settings to meet their needs (Salman et al., 2021). For instance, telehealth as an innovative service delivery model is customer-focused or based as it allows providers to integrate different telecommunication components to offer care to patients, particularly those in remote locations and rural areas with limited access to care facilities (Time Staff, 2019). The purpose of this paper is to provide a report about the use of customer-based innovations and research and development innovations in healthcare delivery.

Summary of the Research Findings

a). Research and Development Innovations

Research and development (R&) innovations in healthcare are essential and offer stakeholders; from government agencies and

NRSG 413 Unit 3 - Individual Project
NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project

regulators to providers and patients new approaches and innovative devices that improve care provision as well as further studies. In their paper, Salama et al. (2018) asserts that innovations in healthcare delivery can be enhanced through the identification and understanding the unmet needs among patients and providers. Through a systematic review of literature, the article opines that these unmet needs of patients and providers provide the ground for different conflicts that can be addressed through increased research and development as captured in the article by Kpokiri et al. (2021) who describe the use of social innovation for health research to improve the use of new ideas in care delivery.

  • In their article, Kpokiri et al. (2021) demonstrate that research and development in health care innovation is a critical way to understand the different approaches that individual providers can use to attain better interactions with patients and their healthcare systems.
  • The article asserts that social innovation entail solutions aimed at addressing the healthcare delivery gaps to meet the needs of end users using a multi-stakeholder and community-based process. The article advances that increased research and development in social innovations to improve healthcare delivery is critical to empowering providers and patients to share and interact conveniently and easily as it reduces the cost of care.
  • By developing a research checklist, the researchers used a three-step community-based process that entail an international call for ideas, a scoping review of literature and a 3-round modified Delphi process. The developed checklist based on the three rounds of Delphi surveys shows the need for increased transparent reporting, a rise in end-user engagement and assistance in the assessment of innovative projects in the healthcare landscape to improve delivery of services.
  • The researchers observe that the development of the checklist tool is essential in reporting of social innovations that require more health research and development to improve care delivery and quality. The authors’ findings suggest that increased research in healthcare innovation is important to understand the emerging trends and their effects on overall care provision; for both patients and providers.
  • The study developed the 17-item Social Innovation For Health Research (SIFHR) checklist as a comprehensive model based on the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist. The article’s findings are emphatic that the checklist will be critical in democratization of social innovation in health and improve the rigor of research on social innovation. The article asserts that the tool is intended for research on social innovation in an increasingly diverse global healthcare environment.
  • Through the checklist, individual researchers and organizations can structure their research on health innovations, standardize their reporting on research findings and offer guidelines on routine monitoring and evaluation associated with social innovations in health and health care delivery.
  • The study also concludes that its checklist will be effective in enhancing end-user and the engagement of stakeholders while also help to determine social and health effects of social innovation among healthcare providers and organizations.

b). Summary of Findings on Customer-Based Innovations

An innovative approach to customers in healthcare provision is critical because of the increased care demand. The United States continues to have the highest per capita expenditure in the world yet its costs continue to skyrocket. However, leaders are seeking ways to develop more effective and efficient healthcare delivery models with the post-COVID-19 healthcare setting being the biggest catalyst. Studies show that the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects are driving critical trends in areas like telehealth, telemedicine and remote monitoring to enhance care delivery for population, especially those with chronic conditions and in rural or remote areas. In their paper, Flessa et al. (2021) observe that innovations are a source of all human development and improvement in the quality of life. Innovations pose challenges to existing standards, solution and social patterns. The implication is that in the post-COVID-19 health care settings, consumers are accustomed to services that offer convenience, are intelligent and readily available. Therefore, patients are turning attention to healthcare delivery models that are smooth and leverage virtual capacities and experience. For instance, in their study, Shah et al. (2020) observe that over 50 million Americans are willing to switch their family practice providers so that they can have access to video visits. The study also asserts that 93% of patients want to use more digital solutions in their engagement with providers. These trends mirror the findings of the research on consumer-based innovation by Lakomaa et al. (2021). The study makes profound findings that include;

  • Need for use of collective approaches to consumer innovation as a subset of household innovation that have been ignored yet play a fundamental role in care delivery. Based on the concept of collective consumer innovation, the article is categorical that novel health care models should leverage the benefits derived from such innovative approaches to help patients interact better with their providers and their health systems.
  • The authors also find that stricter regulations are necessary and formal for such innovations to protect consumers and ensure that they get value for their money while providers have returns on investment when investing in such platforms.
  • The findings also show that consumer-based innovation have reduced fixed costs and lower coordination costs with increased level of non-pecuniary utility based on engagement and self-production of information, especially through patient feedback.
  • The article also finds that the use of collective consumer-based innovative solutions offers a medium group one-size-fits-all and moderated technological shifts that have limited negative effects on the overall wellbeing of the end-users.
  • The article also agrees that many cases are bound where collective consumer innovation in the form of novel health services, policies and governance systems are effective in delivering quality care to patients upon their adoption by providers and other stakeholders. The implication is that these innovations are essential to driving the cost of care down, enhancing engagement among various stakeholders, and improving the overall efficacy of care based on the needs and requirements of patients in their diverse areas or homes.
  • The article also asserts that user-developed innovations are essential in health and are becoming more prevalent because of the roles that they play in enhancing care delivery. These innovations are valuable based on the heterogeneous nature of consumer needs and demands, and there is a robust demand for them, especially in niche markets where producers do not consider worth the pursuit (Islam et al., 2022). The article is also categorical that such innovations will open the interactions with consumers and allow providers to develop interventions that meet the stated needs and preferences.

Comparison of the Articles and their Findings

The findings by the two main research articles; Kpokiri et al. (2021) and Lakomaa et al. (2021) show the significant role of innovation in healthcare. These two articles agree that both providers and patients can leverage innovative approaches to enhance interactions and feedback, develop better communication protocols, and increase the quality of care delivered. For instance, according to Kpokiri et al. (2021), research on social innovations in healthcare should focus on the enhancing the end-user experience. The article is also emphatic that social innovation research in healthcare provides the foundation for better interventions that leverage consumer knowledge and stimulates their logic in a manner that allows them to develop better interactions with providers.

Similarly, Lakomaa et al. (2021) argue that consumer-based innovation should integrate aspects that allow consumers to leverage their enhanced understanding of the healthcare delivery. The article emphasizes the increasingly important role of healthcare innovations to address patient care problems; particularly the need for increased access and demand levels. The implication is that consumers want innovations that will capture the diversity in preferences, needs, and geographical locations (Tonjang et al., 2021). As such, all the articles agree that innovation is now driving healthcare delivery with increased research and application of consumer-based interventions to improve overall care delivery.

Conclusively, while the articles agree on the need for technological approaches and expansion, they take a different approach. Kpokir et al. (2021) focus on social innovation research and the protocols that people should follow to implement such activities. The article emphasizes the critical role that producers play in such settings. Conversely, Lakomaa et al. (2021) argue that consumer-based innovations are better placed to show the diverse care demands and needs of end-users in such settings. The implication is that innovations in healthcare, especially home health, are important because they allow all stakeholders to understand their roles and implement interventions that offer beneficial effects to all involved, from patients to providers. The implication is that innovations will continue to define healthcare offering and all providers and organizations should leverage them to increase and expand accessibility, quality of care, and lower the overall cost of care.

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NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project References

Flessa, S., & Huebner, C. (2021). Innovations in health care—a conceptual framework.

International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(19), 10026. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph181910026

Islam, S., Joseph, O., Chaudry, A., Forde, D., Keane, A., Wilson, C., … & Starling, B. (2021).

We are not hard to reach, but we may find it hard to trust. Involving and engaging ‘seldom listened to community voices in clinical translational health research: a social innovation approach. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7(1), 46.

Kpokiri, E. E., Chen, E., Li, J., Payne, S., Shrestha, P., Afsana, K., … & Tucker, J. D. (2021).

Social innovation for health research: development of the SIFHR checklist. PLoS medicine, 18(9), e1003788.

Lakomaa, E., & Sanandaji, T. (2021). Exploring collective consumer innovation in health care:

Cases and formal modeling. Research Policy, 50(8), 104210.

Miraldo, C., Monken, S. F., Motta, L., & Ribeiro, A. F. (2019). Innovation in health-care

companies: a strategy to increase customer service productivity. Innovation & Management Review, 16(4), 357-374.

Salama, J. S., Lee, A., & Afshin, A. (2019). Innovating in healthcare delivery: a systematic

review and a preference-based framework of patient and provider needs. BMJ Innovations, 5(2-3).

Salman, A., Fakhraldeen, S. A., Chun, S., Jamil, K., Gasana, J., & Al-Hunayan, A. (2020,

August). Enhancing research and development in the health sciences as a strategy to establish a knowledge-based economy in the State of Kuwait: a call for action. Healthcare, 8(3): 264). DOI: 10.3390/healthcare8030264

Shah, M. & Huang, D. (2021). Telehealth: A journey to becoming the next disrupter in


Time Staff (2019 October 25). 12 Innovations That Will Change Health Care and Medicine in

            the 2020s.

Tonjang, S., & Thawesaengskulthai, N. (2022). Total Quality and Innovation Management in

Healthcare (TQIM-H) for an Effective Innovation Development: A Conceptual Framework and Exploratory Study. Applied System Innovation, 5(4), 70.


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NRSG 413 Unit 3 – Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric i

Assignment : NRSG413-U3IP- Task 2_Home Health Technology
Level of Achievement   Exemplary – exceeds expectations Proficient – meets expectations Fair – needs improvement Poor – does not meet expectations Score:
Total points possible: 175 90-100% 80-89% 73-79% 72 or less%  
Criteria percent of score          
Identify two recent research studies from peer-reviewed journals related to innovation I health care delivery. One related to research and development, and the other related to customer-based innovations in health care.    (Max 35 points) 20% Clearly provides an introductory paragraph describing the purpose of this document. (31.5-35 points) Clarity is lacking in  introductory paragraph describing the purpose of this document. (28-31.15 points) One of the criteria is not addressed:  introductory paragraph describing the purpose of this document. (25.55-27.65 points) More than one criteria is not addressed:   introductory paragraph describing the purpose of this document.  (25.2 points or less)
Develop a report of your findings to hand out to  the audience including a thorough, clear and concise introduction.  (Max 35 points) 20% Clearly describes a report of your findings to hand out to  the audience including a thorough, clear and concise introduction. (31.5-35 points) Clarity is lacking in describing a report of your findings to hand out to  the audience including a thorough, clear and concise introduction. (28-31.15 points) One of the criteria is not addressed: Develop a report of your findings to hand out to  the audience including a thorough, clear and concise introduction. (25.55-27.65 points) More than one of the criteria is not addressed: Develop a report of your findings to hand out to  the audience including a thorough, clear and concise introduction. (25.2 points or less)
Summarize findings from both research articles in a concise manner. Organize findings into bullet points.   (Max 52.5 points) 30% Clearly summarizes findings from both research articles in a concise manner. Organize findings into bullet points.    (47.25-52.5 points) Clarity is lacking in summarizing findings from both research articles in a concise manner. Organize findings into bullet points.   (42-46.73 points) One of the criteria is not addressed: Summarize findings from both research articles in a concise manner. Organize findings into bullet points.  (38.33-41.48 points) More than one criteria is not addressed: Summarize findings from both research articles in a concise manner. Organize findings into bullet points.  (37.8 points or less)
Provide a conclusion that compares and contrasts the two types of home health care innovations.  (Max 35 points) 20% Clearly provides a conclusion that compares and contrasts the two types of home health care innovations. (31.5-35 points) Clarity is lacking in  providing a conclusion that compares and contrasts the two types of home health care innovations.  (28-31.15 points) One of the criteria is not addressed: Provide a conclusion that compares and contrasts the two types of home health care innovations. (25.55-27.65 points) More than one of the criteria is not addressed: Provide a conclusion that compares and contrasts the two types of home health care innovations.(25.2 points or less)
Spelling, Grammar, APA format;  2-3 pages  excluding title page and reference page. (Max 17.5points) 10% No spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 2 errors in APA formatting.  (15.75-17.5 points) 1-2  spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 4 errors in APA formatting. (14-15.58 points) 4-5  spelling or grammatical errors.  4-6 errors in APA formatting. (12.78-13.83 points) More than 5 spelling or grammatical errors. More than 6 errors in APA formatting. (12.6 points or less)
100% Total score: 0

s divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It is the road map that can help you in the development of your IP. Individual Project Grading Rubric