NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2

NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2

Sample Answer for NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2 Included

NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2

Title: NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2

Innovation in health care is essential for different reasons or purposes. Innovation on health care helps decision-makers to deliver quality care through resource optimization. Issues like an aging population, the increasing need for long term care due to chronic conditions and aging, increased patient expectations and demand and the rise in emerging and reemerging infectious diseases like the Coronavirus of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are some of the reasons for the need to deliver quality care to patients and health population (Flessa et al., 2021).

Innovation is also critical to healthcare providers and organizations because of the need to reduce the cost of care and expand reach, especially the provision of primary care interventions to reduce the prevalence of diseases in community settings (Nolte, 2018). Again, the resource shortage, both human and monetary as well as equipment, has led to limited access to quality care for different health populations, communities and individuals like those living with disabilities and LGBTQ communities. Therefore, groundbreaking innovation technologies and the ever-rising digitization of healthcare offers interventions like telehealth, wearable devices and telemedicine for providers to reach more people and alleviate the issue of shortage in resources and care providers.

Health care providers like nurse managers can create innovation in nursing practices by leveraging their experience and expertise to

NRSG 413 Unit 1 - Discussion Board 2
NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2

develop interventions aimed at increasing access to care for all patients. The first strategy to create innovation is implementation of patient-centered process innovations that include having interactive devices and technologies that allow patents and providers to have enhanced interactions (Syeed et al., 2022). The next one is having effective clinical leadership attributes with change champions who focus on the transformation of the healthcare service delivery (Van den Hoed et al., 2022). The implication is that leadership strategies and effective use of resources can transform nursing and ensure that innovation takes root for better care delivery.

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NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2 References

Flessa, S., & Huebner, C. (2021). Innovations in health care—a conceptual framework.

International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(19), 10026.

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph181910026

Nolte, E. (2018). Policy Brief: How do we ensure that innovation in health service delivery and

organization is implemented, sustained and spread? Health Systems for Prosperity and Solidarity. file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/Policy-brief-3-1997-8073-2018-eng.pdf

Syeed, M. S., Poudel, N., Ngorsuraches, S., Veettil, S. K., & Chaiyakunapruk, N. (2022).

Characterizing attributes of innovation of technologies for healthcare: a systematic review. Journal of Medical Economics, 25(1), 1158-1166.

Van den Hoed, M. W., Backhaus, R., de Vries, E., Hamers, J. P., & Daniëls, R. (2022). Factors

contributing to innovation readiness in health care organizations: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 997. DOI:

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

You are the manager of a nursing department. A new chief executive officer (CEO) has taken over the top leadership position and is requiring every nurse manager to develop at least one innovative strategy to promote quality patient care. You are participating in a meeting with your peers (10 nurse managers for your organization) to discuss the strategic use of innovation in patient care delivery in your department. Address the following:

  • Explain at least 2 strategic uses of innovation in health care.
  • Using at least 2 current (within the last 5 years), peer-reviewed journals, describe at least 2 ways to create innovation in nursing practices.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.


NRSG 413 Unit 1 – Discussion Board 2 Rubric

The Discussion Board Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the discussion. This Discussion Board Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the discussion. It is the road map that can help lead your discussion. Discussion Board Grading Rubric