NRSG 314 Unit 1 Discussion Board

NRSG 314 Unit 1 Discussion Board

NRSG 314 Unit 1 Discussion Board

Introduction Post

I am Chukwudi Declan Onyekwere by name and my friends do call me Chucks. I am RN with over three years of clinical experience here in America, which has allowed me to understand patient care and its critical success factors. It will be a thing of joy and happiness for me, my family and friends to be decorated in that graduation gown on that faithful day as BSN holder- that is why I am here. As a Nurse with BSN, it will open a new chapter in my life and also more opportunities to be a better person and advance in the world of academics, as it has been my dream to be called a PhD holder.  Archiving this goal which i just started with you today will be a steppingstone and a strong foundation to greatness. I look forward to cooperation, support, and healthy communication.

Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central).

This is a terrific time to meet your fellow classmates, to learn a little bit about them, and for them to learn about you. Please introduce

NRSG 314 Unit 1 Discussion Board
NRSG 314 Unit 1 Discussion Board

yourself in the Introductory Discussion Board that can be accessed via the Discussion Board link to the left. If you are not sure how to get started, begin by discussing your background and why you are in school. Feel free to mention your proudest accomplishments, and offer advice to others. Say something unique or fun about yourself!

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You may upload a picture by clicking “Post File” when you respond to the Discussion Board. Images in JPEG form work well, but the Discussion Board will accept other formats, too.

Get started today. For purposes of your attendance, please post your introduction into this discussion by Thursday.

You are encouraged to participate in this thread throughout the term.