NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

Title:  NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a condition that impacts how much blood leaves the heart to perfuse the organs. Due to this poor ejection, blood that is going back to the heart by means of veins backs up, causing congestion in body tissues that can lead to swelling and edema in other body parts, including the lungs. Due to the building of fluids in the lungs, respiratory signs and symptoms can be seen such as shortness of breath. Lower perfusion, causes a decrease in renal perfusion thus leading to kidney problems. Coronary artery disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, heart valve disease, myocarditis, and arrhythmias are some causes of CHF (Vuckovic, et al., 2020). Primary prevention and health promotion play an essential part in preventing CHF. A well-balanced diet, regular exercise, originating an active lifestyle, avoiding smoking, consuming less alcohol, losing weight, engaging in stress-relieving exercises, implementing stress management techniques, maintenance of healthy weight, and taking medications as prescribed can all help in the prevention of heart failure (Vuckovic, et al., 2020). Patients may find it challenging to adapt after receiving a heart failure diagnosis, but it is possible to manage the symptoms and lead a full life. Patients with CHF will be advised to follow their medication plan strictly. Patients must be educated on making lifestyle changes such as avoiding smoking, assessing their extremities for swelling, weighing themselves daily, weight management, consuming a healthy diet, decreasing salt intake, following fluid intake restrictions, limiting their consumption of alcohol, moderate exercise, decreasing stress through following stress management techniques, and promotion of better sleep (Jaarsma et al., 2021). These educational points must be educated to patients with CHF.  



Jaarsma, T., Hill, L., Bayes-Genis, A., La Rocca, H.-P.B., Castiello, T., Čelutkienė, J., Marques-Sule, E., Plymen, C.M., Piper, S.E., Riegel, B., Rutten, F.H., Ben Gal, T., Bauersachs, J., Coats, A.J.S., Chioncel, O., Lopatin, Y., Lund, L.H., Lainscak, M., Moura, B., Mullens, W., Piepoli, M.F., Rosano, G., Seferovic, P. and Strömberg, A. (2021). Self-care of heart failure patients: Practical management recommendations from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Heart Fail, 23: 157-174. 

 Vuckovic, K. M., Bierle, R. (Schuetz), & Ryan, C. J. (2020). Navigating symptom management in heart failure: The crucial role of the critical care nurse. Critical Care Nurse, 40(2), 55–63. 

NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1
NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

Title:  NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle becomes hypertrophied. The thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood.  

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often goes undiagnosed because many people with the disease have few symptoms or none. However, in a small number of people with HCM, the thickened heart muscle can cause shortness of breath, chest pain or changes in the heart’s electrical system, resulting in life-threatening arrhythmias or sudden death. Sometimes, dilated cardiomyopathy that comes on suddenly may go away on its own.  Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common type, occurring mostly in adults younger than 50. It affects the heart’s ventricles and atria, the lower and upper chambers of the heart. Frequently, the disease starts in the left ventricle, the heart’s main pumping chamber. The heart muscle begins to dilate, stretching and becoming thinner. As a result, the inside of the chamber enlarges. The problem often spreads to the right ventricle and then to the atria. As the heart chambers dilate, the heart muscle doesn’t contract normally and can’t pump blood very well. As the heart becomes weaker, heart failure can occur.  People who have cardiomyopathy, but no signs or symptoms, may not need treatment. In other instances, treatment is needed. Treatment hinges on a few factors: the type of cardiomyopathy, the severity of your symptoms and complications as well as your age and overall health.   

 Necessary lifestyle changes which may help manage a condition that’s causing cardiomyopathy. Healthy diet and physical activity, quitting smoking, losing excess weight, avoiding alcohol and illegal drugs, getting enough sleep. Many medications are used to treat cardiomyopathy.   Medications used to reduce inflammation include corticosteroids. Diuretics, antiplatelets, beta blockers, antiarrhythmics ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers.   Electrolytes also help muscle and nerve tissues work properly. Medicines used to balance electrolytes include aldosterone blockers.  



A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

Title: NRS 455 Topic 1 DQ 1

One common cardiac dysfunction is coronary artery disease (CAD), which occurs due to the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle. The primary cause of CAD is plaque (atherosclerosis) buildup within the arteries, which reduces blood flow to the heart (Johnson, 2022). 

To prevent CAD and improve health status, the following key steps are necessary: 

  1. Healthy Lifestyle Modifications: Encourage a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit intake of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Promote regular physical activity, such as aerobic exercise, to maintain a healthy weight and improve cardiovascular fitness(Rppe, 2018). 
  1. Smoking Cessation: Support smoking cessation efforts, as smoking is a significant risk factor for CAD. Offer counseling, nicotine replacement therapy, or pharmacotherapy to help individuals quit smoking(Rippe, 2018). 
  1. Blood Pressure Management: Monitor blood pressure regularly and provide education on the importance of controlling hypertension. Lifestyle modifications are recommended, such as reducing salt intake, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and adhering to prescribed medications if necessary(Rippe, 2018). 
  1. Cholesterol Control: Monitor lipid levels and provide guidance on managing cholesterol levels through dietary changes, exercise, and medication if needed. Encourage the consumption of heart-healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, and the avoidance of trans fats(Rippe, 2018). 
  1. Diabetes Management: For individuals with diabetes, emphasize the importance of glycemic control through diet, exercise, medication adherence, and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels. Diabetes management is crucial in reducing the risk of CAD complications(Rippe, 2018). 
  1. Stress Reduction: Encourage stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, to help reduce psychological stress, which can contribute to CAD risk (Chen et al., 2022). 
  1. Medication Adherence: Ensure compliance with prescribed medications, such as antiplatelet agents, statins, beta-blockers, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, to manage CAD risk factors and prevent disease progression (Chen et al., 2022). 
  1. Regular Health Screenings: Advocate for routine health screenings to assess cardiovascular risk factors, such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood glucose, and body mass index (BMI). Early detection and intervention are essential for preventing CAD complications (Chen et al., 2022). 

By implementing these preventive measures, individuals can reduce their risk of developing CAD, improve overall cardiovascular health, and enhance their quality of life. Additionally, healthcare providers are crucial in educating patients about these strategies and providing ongoing support to promote adherence to healthy lifestyle behaviors. 


Chen, C., Li, X., Su, Y., You, Z., Wan, R., & Hong, K. (2022). Adherence with cardiovascular medications and the outcomes in patients with coronary arterial disease: “Realworld” evidence. Clinical Cardiology, 45(12), 1220–1228. 

Johnson, A. (2022). Cardiorespiratory complexities. In Pathophysiology: Clinical Applications for Client Health (2nd ed., p. 10). Grand Canyon University. 

Rippe, J. M. (2018). Lifestyle strategies for risk factor reduction, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 13(2), 204–212.