NRS 451 Resume and Cover Letter GCU

NRS 451 Resume and Cover Letter GCU

NRS 451 Resume and Cover Letter GCU

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Assessment Description

An applicant’s professional history and qualifications are outlined in a resume. A cover letter is a way for the applicant to make a professional introduction to the hiring manager and demonstrate an interest in the company.

Develop a current resume and create a formal cover letter for a position for which you would like to apply. Create both the cover letter and resume using a professionally accepted format provided on the Resume-Resources website, located in the topic Resources.

Include the following:

  1. Resume: Detail your overall education, credentials, and professional experience, such as licenses, earned degrees, certifications, professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills.
  2. Write a one-page double spaced introductory cover letter in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant.
  3. Prior to submission, share your resume with a colleague and obtain feedback. Revise your resume as needed

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Rubric Criteria

Total 74 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less than Satisfactory 3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent
Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.)

Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.)

0 points

Inappropriate word choice and lack of variety in language use are evident. Writer appears to be unaware of audience. Use of primer prose indicates writer either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately.

5.55 points

Some distracting inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. The writer exhibits some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately.

5.85 points

Language is appropriate to the targeted audience for the most part.

6.59 points

The writer is clearly aware of audience, uses a variety of appropriate vocabulary for the targeted audience, and uses figures of speech to communicate clearly.

7.4 points

The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.

5.55 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present.

5.85 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

6.59 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

7.4 points

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Resume is formally written using a professionally accepted format.

Resume is formally written using a professionally accepted format.

0 points

No resume is provided, or resume is missing more than one of the components as indicated by the assignment instructions.

22.2 points

The resume is missing one of the components indicated by the assignment instructions, including the detailing license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills.

23.38 points

The resume includes all components as indicated by the assignment instructions, detailing license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills.

26.34 points

The resume includes all components as indicated by the assignment instructions detailing license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills. Resume is offered in a detailed yet concise manner.

29.6 points

The resume includes all components as indicated by the assignment instructions detailing license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills. Resume is offered in a detailed yet concise manner. The resume has a professional appearance.

Introductory Cover Letter

Introductory cover letter of no more than one-page double spaced explaining professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths of the applicant. Cover letter is formally written using a professionally accepted format.

0 points

No cover letter is provided or is missing more than one of the components as indicated by the assignment instructions.

22.2 points

The cover letter is missing one of the components indicated by the assignment instructions, including no more than one-page double spaced explaining professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths of the applicant; or letter is not in a professionally accepted format.

23.38 points

The cover letter includes all components as indicated by the assignment instructions, including no more than one-page double spaced professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths of the applicant.

26.34 points

The cover letter includes all components as indicated by the assignment instructions, including no more than one-page double spaced professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths of the applicant.

29.6 points

The cover letter includes all components as indicated by the assignment instructions. Explanation of professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths of the applicant is written in a clear and concise manner. Cover letter has a professional appearance.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NRS 451 Resume and Cover Letter GCU

NRS 451 Resume and Cover Letter GCU
NRS 451 Resume and Cover Letter GCU

Grading Rubric

Performance Category 100% or highest level of performance


16 points

Very good or high level of performance


14 points

Acceptable level of performance


13 points

Inadequate demonstration of expectations


11 points

Deficient level of performance


9 points


Failing level

of performance

55% or less

0 points

 Total Points Possible= 50           16 Points    14 Points 13 Points        11 Points           9 Points          0 Points

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic topics.

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information
 16 Points  14 Points  13 Points 11 Points 9 Points  0 Points
Application of Course Knowledge

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply principles, knowledge and information learned in the outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from and scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three of the following elements

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information and scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
   10 Points 9 Points  6 Points  0 Points
Interactive Dialogue

Initial post should be a minimum of 300 words (references do not count toward word count)

The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each (references do not count toward word count)

Responses are substantive and relate to the topic.

Demonstrated all of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 3 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 2 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 1 or less of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
  8 Points 7 Points  6 Points         5 Points          4 Points  0 Points
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

Error is defined to be a unique APA error. Same type of error is only counted as one error.

The following was present:

  • 0-3 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 0-3 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is generally clear, focused on topic,and facilitates communication.
The following was present:

  • 4-6 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is somewhat focused on topic.
The following was present:

  • 7-9 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is slightly focused on topic making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 10- 12 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-9 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 13 – 15 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.


  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor.
The following was present:

  • 16 to greater errors in APA format.


  • Responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  • Writing style does not facilitate communication
  0 Points Deducted 5 Points Lost


Demonstrated the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
Failed to demonstrate the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
  0 Points Lost 5 Points Lost
Due Date Requirements Demonstrated all of the following:

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

Demonstrates one or less of the following.

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

Also Read: NRS-451 Benchmark – Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management GCU