NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2 Health Care Delivery Models
Sample Answer for NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models Included After Question
Topic 2 DQ 2
Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.
A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Title: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
A current nursing model of nursing care delivery is case management, which relies on clinical pathways to evaluate care (Masters, 2017). Case management is a system of coordinating health care services to ensure cost-effectiveness, accountability, and quality care (Hinkle & Cheever, 2014). Case managers may be nurses or may have backgrounds in other health professions, such as social work. The clinical pathway refers to expected outcomes and interventions established by the collaborative practice team (Masters, 2017). To manage the cases of a group of patients, a team is selected that includes clinical experts from the disciplines needed such as nursing, medicine, or physical therapy. Coordination of care beginning from admission up to discharge is vital to ensure that clinical pathway and benchmark are recognized, and care plan is updated according to the current patient status and needs. Care coordination failure results when a patient is readmitted within thirty days with the same readmission diagnosis. Case management is beneficial to patients as there is a follow through and continuity of care from admission up to the point of discharge to home where the case management team do wellness check and sets up home health care when deemed necessary to prevent re-hospitalization.
Masters, K. (2017). Role development in professional nursing practice. Fourth edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2014). Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (Edition 13.). Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Title: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Case management has shown improvements in some health outcomes. Case management is “a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective outcomes” (Jerez-Barranco et al., 2022). Case management is a huge help in the hospitals I work at. The case managers help set up care for patients weather it be at home or in a nursing home. The case managers work hand in hand with the patient, their families, the nurses, and other health organizations. Case mangers don’t receive enough credit for all they do.
Jerez-Barranco, D., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, L., Morilla-Herrera, C., Cuevas Fernandez-Gallego, M., Rojano-Perez, R., Camuñez-Gomez, D., Sanchez-Del Campo, L., & García-Mayor, S. (2022). Components of case management in caring for patients with dementia: a mixed-methods study. BMC Nursing, 21(1), 1–9.

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Title: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Nice information on this weeks discussion. I agree that case management has help with so much of patient care. For my hospital when I worked on the emergency department the workload that was placed on case managers was almost infinite. We relied on them to be able to set up transportation for patients going to different care facilities or going to a different hospital. They would also help with patients who come in to the unit without insurances be able to apply for emergency insurance. The case management would also help with the grieving process of the family when their loved one would pass away. They would supply the information they needed for the loved one that passes away.
With the emergence of the Affordable Care Act and the shift towards pay per performance payment model, new and innovative healthcare delivery systems must be implemented in order to provide quality and cost-effective care. One healthcare delivery system that involves an interdisciplinary team is the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model. PCMH involves a community based health team that supports primary care practices (Haas, 2011) . Each PCMH is made up of a primary physician that develops an ongoing relationship for comprehensive care. This practice arranges for all the patients needs, including coordinating with other specialty providers, hospitals, home health agencies, and nursing homes. This model takes into account the whole person, and also includes the patients family and community services (O’Dell, 2016). In this model, rather than the patient coordinating care between all the different providers and services they need, the primary care practice takes on that coordination to alleviate gaps in communication and understanding.
This model is adventitious for patient outcomes because the patient is treated holistically and ideally all of their needs are addressed. Because there is one primary provider who coordinates with other providers and services, there is less passing of the patient back and forth which leaves less room for communication gaps, medication interactions and duplications, and unnecessary medical costs. Patient-centered medical homes have been shown to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction (O’Dell, 2016).
Haas, S. A. (2011). Health reform act: new models of care and delivery systems. AAACN Viewpoint, 33(2), 11–12.
O’Dell, M. (2016). What is a Patient-Centered Medical Home? Mo Med.
A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Title: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Thank you for your post! I agree that the PCMH model is a good plan for patient’s care. What I like about medical homes is the power that RNs and NPs have when delivering care for their patients. Nurses are taught in school that we must deliver holistic care to patients, and by allowing nurses to take control over patient’s plan of care, this can be passed to clinicians that might not be as aware of the term “holistic” as nurses are (Haney, 2010). Therefore, this model allows for a complete patient-centered care that is led by nurses, but collaborating with members of the health care teams.
Haney, C. (2010). ANA Issue Brief. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from—final—haney—6-9-10-1532.pdf
A Sample Answer 5 For the Assignment: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Title: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
You made some good points on this week’s discussion. It was interesting to read about what you wrote on the Patient-Centered Medical Home. Looking it up with the website you provided I read that originally it was developed for specialty of pediatrics. Which was called Medical Home for children with special health care needs (CSHCN). As you previously mentioned in your discussion the CSHCN was developed in a way to coordinate care for pediatric patients that had multiple providers that were not always from the same group. It first published and used in 1967 from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ2: Health Care Delivery Models
O’Dell, M. (2016). What is a Patient-Centered Medical Home? Mo Med.
A Sample Answer 6 For the Assignment: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
Title: NRS 440VN Topic 2 DQ 2: Health Care Delivery Models
I agree this model would be very considerate to patient outcomes. Patients who can continue to count on their PCP throughout multiple years or their health care journey, is so important. Having a trusting bond with your PCP is essential for improved patient outcomes and patient satisfaction. Considering the patient care journey as a whole and having a holistic treatment plan promotes wellness and less need for disease management. When preventative care is accessible and with a trusted professional, patients and their families can feel more comfortable in their lifestyles.
Nurses would work side by side with these providers will also promote positive patient outcomes and develop trusting bonds with their patients.
Broadly, health care outcomes depend on the approach that health care providers use in everyday practice. These models may be hospital-initiated or based on individual needs. However, in most cases, the models are practice-based and integrated into the care process after intensive research validates their effectiveness. In the present day, telemedicine is among the most innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team.
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In practice, telemedicine is a form of care where the distance between care providers and patients does not hamper care. As a model advancing at a tremendous rate, telemedicine incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team given that coordination between care providers is high to provide patients the best they deserve. After a patient diagnosis a patient, they prescribe medications depending on a patient’s condition, and the patient buys the drugs from a pharmacist. Suppose some laboratory testing or consultation is required. In that case, a laboratory technician informs the patient about their blood conditions, among other statuses, and the patient goes ahead to seek health advice from a qualified practitioner to commence the recovery process.
Concerning telemedicine benefits, this model extends the concept of virtual care to provide health care services. One of the leading advantages of the collaboration visible in telemedicine is improved patient care. According to Aghdam et al. (2019), telemedicine allows a patient to access different health specialists who might not be readily accessible through the primary model (ordinary/physical nurse-patient interaction]. Transportation time and associated costs are eliminated too. Besides convenience, telemedicine improves preventive care, improving long-term health. Zughni et al. (2020) noted that telemedicine keeps people away from others who might be sick, an intervention critically necessary for patients with chronic illnesses. Overall, people access coordinated care comfortably through telemedicine. It also saves them the cost of commuting while keeping them away from infections picked at the doctor’s office.
Aghdam, M., Vodovnik, A., & Hameed, R. A. (2019). Role of Telemedicine in Multidisciplinary Team Meetings. Journal of pathology informatics, 10, 35.
Zughni, L. A., Gillespie, A. I., Hatcher, J. L., Rubin, A. D., & Giliberto, J. P. (2020). Telemedicine and the Interdisciplinary Clinic Model: During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 0194599820932167.