NRS-420 Topic 1 DQ 2

NRS-420 Topic 1 DQ 2

You are a nurse at the Community Health Center. Based on the first letter of your first name, you are assigned the following age groups: 

A-F: 0-3 months 

G-L: 4-6 months 

M-S: 7-9 months 

T-Z: 10-12 months 

A parent/caregiver has brought their infant to your Community Health Center. Based on your assigned age group, what will you assess to determine health and development status of the infant? Describe the normal findings you would anticipate for each area assessed. Select one area that could be a “red flag” finding. Discuss the recommendations that you would give the parent/caregiver supported by evidence-based practice to address this “red flag” finding.  

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN DQ Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.  

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education 

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 2.5, 2.9, 1.3. 


Sample Answer for NRS-420 Topic 1 DQ 2

It is always heart breaking to see failure to thrive in infants.  Over my years in practice, I’ve seen congenital heart disease as a reason an infant failed to thrive.  In Pakistan, back in 2023 there was a successful hybrid device closure of a mid-muscular Ventricular Septal Defect on a 3-month-old (Akhtar et al., 2023). The infant had a very severe case of failure to thrive. Once the procedure was successful and started on a high calorie formula, on top of breast milk the baby successfully recovered.  Failure to thrive is devastating to see in neglect, but equally well when it is a medical condition causing it.  


Akhtar, K., Imtiaz, S., Rafique, S., Kamal, D., Ahmad, K., Ara, A., Sadiq, N., & Rehman, M. U. (2023). Hybrid Perventricular Ventricular Septal Defect Device Closure in a 3-Months Old Infant with Severe Failure to Thrive. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 73, S590. 

Sample Answer for NRS-420 Topic 1 DQ 2


It’s always heartbreaking to hear about children who suffer from failure to thrive. Some can be a result of an underlying medical condition which is known as organic FTT. This is a condition that interfer with the normal intake and digestion of food and affect the weight of the child. One of the reasons is a lack of baby formula or decent enviromental conditions. The best way to diagnose FTT is weighing the baby every visit. By 6 months the baby’s weight gain will inform doctors of the issue. Intestinal issues are also a factor in these children. Special diets are  given to these children(Nationwidechildren,2024). 
