Evidence-Based Nursing,

NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

Sample Answer for NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions Included After Question

NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions



This week’s lesson and graded assignment are opportunities for you to evaluate your own competencies in order to better understand nursing informatics and enhance your knowledge and skills. Competency assessment is an on-going process. You might be quick to assume that your competencies will always increase. Be mindful of barriers and challenges as you reflect on this topic. As you progress in this course, in the program, and beyond, how might you expect your competencies to evolve? Provide a brief response (100 words or less)

As you progress in this course, in the program, and beyond, how might you expect your competencies to evolve?

Competence is a skill, and we acquire it through learning and experience (Fukada, 2018). As we learn more and gain experience with informatics in our fields, we progress through stages with the goal of becoming experts. But I do not think we are all meant to be “experts” in informatics. As I progress through this course and then my career, I hope to gain better understanding in the areas of informatics where I have less competence. If we seek out opportunities to learn, then it is relevant to say our competency levels should increase with each new opportunity.

Fukada, M. (2018). Nursing competency: definition, structure and development. Journal of Medical Sciences, 61(1), 1-7. Doi: 10.33160/yam.2018.03.001. Retrieved on 03/11/2023 from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871720/Links to an external site.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

Title: NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

NR 599 Week 2 Midweek Comprehension Questions
NR 599 Week 2 Midweek Comprehension Questions

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on competencies. Nurses need basic computer skills to assist patients. Nurses also need communication skills and comprehension of information literacy. The American Library Association (ALA) defines information literacy as the ability to recognize when information is needed and to be able to locate, evaluate and use the information as necessary. Information literacy will be a main concept covered in this course. Keep reflecting on this and keep up the good work!

As I progress in the course and in the program I expect my competencies levels to improve. Although I don’t expect to learn everything there is to know about informatics during this course I expect to learn how to gain the knowledge when needed. I expect the class and program to give me the resources needed to help improve all my competency levels throughout my career. o

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. According to NONPF (2017), two core competencies for all NPs are “integrate appropriate technologies for knowledge management to improve health care” and “demonstrate information literacy skills in complex decision making”. These topics are covered in this course. However, mastery of competency mastery requires concerted effort beyond the scope of this course. Continue to reflect on developing an improvement strategy to enhance your competencies. Keep working on it!

There are many areas of Nursing informatics that I am looking to progress throughout this course and as I advance in my carrier. Understanding advanced systems like clinical decision-making systems, requesting, and sending reports, all while protecting private health information is a critical competency that I will have to learn. Communication

technologies is also an area of nursing informatics that has grown that I am hoping to improve upon. Lastly, I also expect to learn about my role in an interdisciplinary team to promote improvement processes while using Evidence Based Practices and Quality improvement approaches. ·NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

Our nursing profession is constant change or evolving. Therefore, learning should never end; it is a lifelong process. Competency is the heart of the nursing profession. Therefore, competency assessment is an ongoing process for each nurse. This process is vital for patient safety, satisfaction, and clinical outcomes in the healthcare system. As I progress in this course, I have a basic understanding of informatics & technology. With each week, continue to build on the learning process. So each week is imperative to understand the concepts. Today, information technology is part of everyday care and requires nurses to have essential computer competencies and information literacy. Due to the integration of health information technology in the nursing profession, self-assessment will help me determine my weaknesses and strengths. For this reason, learning and working on my weakness will benefit the patients and me.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on competencies. Several nursing informatics competency lists are available, and despite some variations in domains of nursing informatics competency and indicator statements, they mostly share common themes. A consensus on all competencies is unlikely. Regardless, your individual improvement goals should be deliberate, reflect your professional endeavors, and be forward focused on your future role as a provider. In this course, we will focus on NI competencies that are most appropriate to advanced nursing practice. Keep looking forward and finding ways to improve your skills!

Based off what I’ve read so far in this class, I believe my informatics competency is on point to where it should be. I expect throughout the course that my competency will greatly improve. I have used multiple different EHRs and medical equipment in my career and with each one I learn a bit more about the tech aspect of nursing, and this class is already greatly opening my eyes to just how much really goes into building the EHRs and other medical technologies for the greater good of patient care. oNR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Information management is the process of collecting, processing, presenting and communicating data as knowledge or information. TIGER said information management competencies for nurses should focus on understanding and verbalizing the importance of various types of systems used to manage healthcare data in clinical practice, using due care to protect patient privacy and the security of health information systems, understanding the principles, policies, and procedure that health information systems use to manage data. All of which are major concepts we will cover in this course. Keep up the good work.

As I personally progress in this course and program, I expect my competencies to shift perspectives from a RN to an NP role. The way my brain currently operates is based on a RN outlook on nursing. I am beginning to see the differences in the APN role compared to the role that I am in now. While I do believe a lot of my competency that I learned from being a nurse will translate over to my new role as a NP my mind will shift towards the provider role to better assist my patients needs as a NP. ·

I expect to gain knowledge and experience, as well as build upon the knowledge I currently possess. Healthcare is continuously evolving which means I must be dedicated to lifelong learning remain current with technologies. I have already learned about technologies that I did not know existed and have yet to encounter and know I have much more to learn about NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

what is already out there, let alone what the future will bring. Time for learning will be one barrier for me, however, I understand that learning is a part of the role and am committed to continuing my education. o

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on competencies. Several nursing informatics competency lists are available, and despite some variations in domains of nursing informatics competency and indicator statements, they mostly share common themes. A consensus on all competencies is unlikely. Regardless, your individual improvement goals should be deliberate, reflect your professional endeavors, and be forward focused on your future role as a provider. In this course, we will focus on NI competencies that are most appropriate to advanced nursing practice. Keep looking forward and finding ways to improve your skills!

This week reading shared a lot of light of what the focus of NI entails at the APN role. At the BSN role, we learn basic NI competencies such as; information literacy and information management. As future APN’s, the scope of practice changes making the APN a member of the inter-professional team. At the APN role, competencies will evolve from basic computer knowledge to leadership development, quality improvement, and integrating EB into practice. ·

As I progress through this course, I expect my competencies to evolve from general knowledge of nursing informatics to a more in depth understanding of the course curriculum and how it applies to advanced nursing practice. However, one of the barriers that may affect my competency process is the restricted time frame. In order to overcome the barrier caused by the restricted time frame of the course, I plan to allow for adequate time each day to complete assignments and review the curriculum to help solidify my understanding of the course work. ·

As I continue through the FNP course I expect my competencies to increase in the areas of advanced practice nursing knowledge, leadership, pharmaceuticals and a more critical problem solving approach to acute and long-term patient care outcomes. I do feel that I have some barriers and challenges with bedside care in hospital settings as my experience in more critical and acute settings is limited. I have mostly been in home healthcare, community based nursing and hospice home care which has a very different approach to health outcomes and comes with limitations of intensive treatments available for more intensive measures.NR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions

As far as informatics I feel that I have again knowledge of main information systems and records on the epic system, however in home care setting and my current position electronic tracking is not present and everything is still on paper. I am able to appreciate good informatics systems that are in place and how it can improve a persons overall health/wellness outcomes and can assist with advocacy to improving systems that are not up to par. o

Clinical decision-making support systems consist of order sets, assessment forms and other informatics that consist of patient centered interventions to help providers target key areas which need to be addressed (Kawamoto et al., 2018). Clinical decision-making support systems would be a good resource to start with, CDS is an important resource to be familiar with as a team leader within a practice or medical setting. CDS resources such as order sets and which documentation forms for targeted patient assessments are going to be important as a nurse practitioner.

Kawamoto K, Houlihan C , Balas A, Lobach F. (2018). Improving clinical practice using clinical decision support systems: a systematic review of trials to identify features critical to success BMJ; 330 :765 doi:10.1136/bmj.38398.500764.8F ·

Through the competency assessment, I believe the area I need to focNR 599 Week 2: Midweek Comprehension Questions us on more is the research aspect. At times I do struggle with finding adequate sources for research assignments. I will have multiple scholarly sources but only use a small amount from each source. I hope that with additional education, I can expand my knowledge and advance my level of competency. I do understand that everything cannot be learned at once. A lot of competencies will be learned with time and experience. ·

As the course progresses I hope my competencies in informatics continue to improve. This course can provide information regarding different technologies useful for nurse practitioners. I am sure I am unaware of a lot of technological health resources available for patients and providers. I am interested in learning about these resources and my role in optimizing the patient’s ability to utilize these resources. I am able to adapt relatively quickly to new technologies as I have grown up with changing technology as a child. I hope to increase my competencies as I progress through the program and have new nursing jobs. o