NR 506 Week 3 Discussion:

NR 599 Week 1: Introductions

NR 599 Week 1: Introductions

NR 599 Week 1: Introductions

Week 1: Introductions 



In the discussion below, write a few sentences introducing yourself to your colleagues and the course faculty. Tell us a little about your nursing background, why you chose to become a nurse practitioner, your aspirations in this role, and anything else you would like to share! 

Online courses can seem impersonal. One way to build community is to get to know one another. We are going to use an introduction discussion forum to start building our course community. 

Course Outcomes 

This assignment is guided by the following Course Outcome (CO): 

CO 4: Exemplify professional values and scholarship to support professional and personal development. 


Online courses can seem impersonal. One way to build community is to get to know one another. We are going to use an introduction forum to start building our course community.  

Activity Learning Outcomes  

Through this reflection, the student will demonstrate the ability to: 

  1. Introduce yourself to your peers and faculty (CO4) 
  1. Establish a personal baseline assessment of your informatics knowledge and goals (CO4) 

 Due Date:   

This assignment is due no later than the Sunday of Week 1 by 11:59 PM MT 

Total Points Possible: 50 points NR 599 Week 1: Introductions

Preparing the Discussion  

  1. Post a written response in the forum to EACH question. Each response should be substantive and provide enough detail to answer the question comprehensively. This assignment DOES NOT require citation or references.  
  1. During what month were you born?  
  1. What does informatics mean to you? Provide one detailed example.  
  1. What specifically about informatics do you want to learn in this course?  
  1. Select one personal photograph which has significant meaning to you. Attach the photograph in JPEG or PDF format to the discussion forum AND provide a caption. The following hyperlink includes instructions for uploading an image: to an external site. 

NOTE: Cross-posting to peers or faculty are not required for this discussion post.  


Category  Points  %  Description 
Reflection Questions and Personal Photograph  50  100  The quality of this criterion is evaluated based upon the student’s detailed response to all 3 reflection questions, discussion and example of the meaning of informatics as well as expectations of this course, and the ability to post a personal photograph in the discussion thread 
      Total CONTENT Points = 50 Points 

Manage Discussion Entry 

I will start the introductions 

 In clinical settings and teaching online. Her first degree was her Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). She then attended Chamberlain for her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Her Masters in Science of Nursing with a concentration of Nursing Education, as well as Post-Master’s in Leadership & Management – all in an online environment. She then completed her Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) in a hybrid environment with synchronous and asynchronous classes from Georgia College & State University. Her research/dissertation was on teaching caregivers the importance of “Language Nutrition” to combat the 30-million-word gap that exists among children of the world in relation to literacy.

She remained in ICU for several years. She managed an ICU/Acute Care at the local VA Hospital where she really delved into informatics. Dr. Clemons lead and changed the VA units including TeleHealth, Conversion of their paper charting system to computer charting. She was a Super User during an EPIC conversion at a long term hospital. Informatics has always been a love for her as she converted and changed many systems, including teaching informatics, to several unit nurses, managers, students, etc. She did partake in Dialysis and Long term care for short stents and had to learn/teach new computer software programs, technology to her co-workers.

She lives in a very small town in Georgia and enjoys traveling, RV’ing, sewing, reading, and crocheting.

The best way to contact me is through my Chamberlain email, you may call between the hours of 8am -5 pm

Good Evening Fellow Classmates 

I moved to Clayton, North Carolina in 2015, but my hometown is New York. I am currently employed as an Appeals & Grievances Clinical Nurse Specialist for a Managed Care Health Insurance Company. I have been a nurse since 2010, working previously as a CHHA Home Care Nurse, Wound Care Nurse, and Home IV Infusion Nurse. I chose to become a mental health nurse practitioner and work with children and teens with special needs and other developmental and mental illnesses.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NR 599 Week 1: Introductions 

My aspiration as a mental health practitioner is to help those with mental health needs overcome any mental health distress and the ability to be able to maintain a livelihood within their mental capacity. One, of the reasons I chose to pursue this area of practice, is because my 4-year-old, who was born prematurely at 28 weeks old, was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2, and I already knew he had Autism due to him showing signs at 6 months years old. His diagnosis has inspired me to learn more about his diagnosis, other developmental disorders, and mental health illnesses of children and teens; and also with meeting several other families of children in the NICU with other diagnoses has eager me aware and intuitive into learning more and striving to care for those in need. 

 During what month were you born?  

I was born on January 2nd. 

 What does informatics mean to you? Provide one detailed example.  

            My thoughts on informatics are based on the perspectives of nursing and providing nursing care within the realms of the advanced infrastructure of the 21st century, thus utilizing the advanced technological systems, devices, health programs, and privacy laws for the purposes of assessing, diagnosing and providing safe, effective, collaborative and holistic care to patients and their families. 

 What specifically about informatics do you want to learn in this course?  

            What I specifically would like to learn about this course is the importance and key elements of informatics within my future practice as a mental health nurse practitioner, and how to apply informatics within my clinical profession. 

Read Also: NR 439 Week 2 Discussion Search for Significant Clinical Issue in a Research Database