NR 561 Chamberlain Collaboration Café Healthcare Interprofessional Paper

NR 561 Chamberlain Collaboration Café Healthcare Interprofessional Paper

Chamberlain University Collaboration Café Rubric Collaboration Café Guidelines and Grading Rubric Purpose In specific weeks of the course, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with your classmates in the Collaboration Café for a graded assignment. The point value of the weekly assignment can be worth either 30 or 50 points, and the point value will be identified on each assignment. The Collaboration Café is an interactive process among the students. Faculty participation will be minimal; however, faculty will monitor this section for compliance and clarification. Due Date • The suggested due date for the primary and responsive postings is Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT of the week that corresponds with the module (e.g., Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 2 for the Collaboration Café in Module 2). • All Collaboration Cafés must be submitted by Monday, 11:59 p.m. MT of Module 8 with the exception of the Module 8 Collaboration Café. The due date for Module 8 is Saturday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Total Points Possible: 50 points (30 points for some instances) Requirements In the graded Collaboration Café, students are expected to post their initial response and then interact with at least two different classmates during that module for a total of three postings per Collaboration Café worth 50 points, and two postings per Collaboration Café worth 30 points. MSN AT Track Collaboration Café_Rubric_2/7/2023 Chamberlain University Collaboration Café Rubric Scholarly references are not required in the Collaboration Café discussions; however, if the student chooses to submit a reference, APA format must be followed. There may also be times when faculty will have you review a website or article. In cases like these, you must properly cite and reference according to APA to avoid plagiarism. In addition, proper grammar is expected. Faculty may submit the discussion to Turnitin in order to verify originality of work. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the week. Uncivil comments toward peers or faculty, in any of the posts, will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the week. A substantive post will include the following. • Addresses the Collaboration Café question in a thorough, substantive manner • Demonstrates application of course concepts • Discusses implications to advanced nursing practice • Responds to classmates with an extended description instead of merely agreeing GRADING RUBRIC Category Points % Description Discussion content • 25 (12)* 25% Response to peers 15 (8)* 15% MSN AT Track Collaboration Café_Rubric_2/7/2023 • • Addresses the Collaboration Café question in a thorough, substantive manner Demonstrates application of course concepts Discusses implications to advanced nursing practice • • • Includes substantive content that poses new ideas Asks questions that prompt additional dialogue Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner Chamberlain University APA, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organizational flow Collaboration Café Rubric 5 5% Participation requirement 5 Total 50 (30)* 5% 100% • APA, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organizational flow of the content reflects professional standards • • Primary posting in response to the questions posed is present Minimum of two responsive posts to peers. When the Collaboration Café is worth 30 points, only one responsive post to a peer is required. A quality assignment will meet all of the above requirements. *A score in parenthesis represents the 30 point scale. GRADING RUBRIC Assignment Criteria Outstanding level of performance 100% Satisfactory level of performance 86% Deficient level of performance 68% Unsatisfactory level of performance 0% 50-Point Scale 30-Point Scale 25 12 22 10 17 8 0 Discussion content Presentation of information includes all of the following. • Addresses the Collaboration Café question in a thorough, substantive manner Presentation of information includes two of the following. • Addresses the Collaboration Café question in a thorough, substantive manner MSN AT Track Collaboration Café_Rubric_2/7/2023 Presentation of information includes one of the following. • Addresses the Collaboration Café question in a thorough, substantive manner Presentation of information includes none of the following. • Addresses the Collaboration Café question in a thorough, substantive manner Chamberlain University • • Collaboration Café Rubric • Explains opinion thoroughly about the required topic Applies the concepts of the topic to a specific practice area • Explains opinion thoroughly about the required topic Applies the concepts of the topic to a specific practice area • • Explains opinion thoroughly about the required topic Applies the concepts of the topic to a specific practice area • • Explains opinion thoroughly about the required topic Applies the concepts of the topic to a specific practice area 50-Point Scale 30-Point Scale 15 8 13 7 8 5 0 Response to peers Presentation of information includes all of the following. • Includes substantive content that poses new ideas • Asks questions that prompt additional dialogue • Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner Presentation of information includes at least two of the following. • Includes substantive content that poses new ideas • Asks questions that prompt additional dialogue • Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner Presentation of information includes at least one of the following. • Includes substantive content that poses new ideas • Asks questions that prompt additional dialogue • Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner Presentation of information includes none of the following. • Includes substantive content that poses new ideas • Asks questions that prompt additional dialogue • Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner 50-Point Scale 30-Point Scale 5 4 3 0 APA, grammar, and syntax There are no errors in the posts. There are 1-2 errors in the posts. There are 3-4 errors in the posts. There are 5 or more errors in the posts. MSN AT Track Collaboration Café_Rubric_2/7/2023 Chamberlain University 50-Point Scale 30-Point Scale 5 Student answers the question or topic on one day and interacts with at least two other classmates in a particular module for the week. In the 30-point rubric, the student interacts with at least one other classmate in a particular module for the week. MSN AT Track Collaboration Café_Rubric_2/7/2023 Collaboration Café Rubric 0 Student did not meet this requirement. NR561 Module 5 Due 02/10 Collaboration Café Efforts to promote global health require interprofessional, intersectoral, and international collaboration. As you prepare for this module’s Collaboration Café, select an interprofessional, intersectoral, or international colleague to interview. Ask your interviewee: How is global health viewed within your profession? Within your professional practice or global region, what global health concerns are of the highest priority? What efforts are underway to address that issue? • From your perspective, how might interprofessional, intersectoral, and international colleagues collaborate to address non-communicable health concerns worldwide? • • After conducting your interview, share your findings in the Collaboration Café and compare/contrast the insights gained with information shared by your classmates. How are the findings similar and different, and why? NR561 Module 5 Reflection 2 Due 02/10/2023 Based on your response to Reflection: Part 1, state one insight that you gained regarding the concepts in this module. Connect learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed during this module. Course Outcomes CO 1: Analyze the relationships among access, affordability, and availability of services within complex healthcare-delivery systems. (PO 1) • CO 3: Determine strategies to support efficiency and the responsible use of healthcare resources within a caring environment. (PO 2) • CO 4: Develop problem-solution strategies for a selected issues within the healthcare environment. (PO 5) • Module Objectives Discuss the impact of avoidable use and misuse of resources on healthcare delivery systems. (COs 1 and 3) • Propose solutions to promote safety, quality, and efficient use of healthcare resources. (CO 4) • This is what I put for part 1: In this module, I hope to learn: How to describe the relationship between globalization, health status, and healthcare delivery. • Analyze the diverse variables that shape global health and their impact on health disparity worldwide. • How to propose strategies to support health equity and improve health outcomes from a global perspective. • Consider professional opportunities to serve, advocate for, and contribute to the advancement of global health. • Module Reflective Discussion Guidelines and Rubric PURPOSE The purpose of this reflective discussion is to encourage student reflection upon concepts learned during the module and their contribution to professional growth. Students will reflect upon learning within each module and connect insights gained with course-specific outcomes. DUE DATE • • Reflection 1 is due by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday during Modules 1–8 of the session. Reflection 2 is due by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Modules 1–7 of the session and due 11:59 p.m. MT Saturday at the end of Module 8 of the session. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 15 POINTS REFLECTION OVERVIEW This course includes eight weekly modules of content. During each of the eight modules within this course session, please respond to the following reflective questions, beginning with Module 1 (the first week of the session) and continuing in consecutive order throughout the eight modules of the course session. For each module, consider the course concepts and topics addressed during the respective module, and respond to the following questions. Reflection 1: Review the course outcomes and consider the module objectives. What do you hope to learn during this module of study? Reflection 2: Based on your response to Reflection 1, state one insight that you gained regarding the concepts in this module. Connect learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed during this module. REFLECTION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy. 2. Read the two reflective questions and respond within the following timeframes noted above. MSN-AT Reflection Guidelines and Rubric_January 2019 1 3. Follow the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structures. 4. The use of first person tense is acceptable in the reflective discussions. REFLECTION CRITERIA Category Points % Description Reflection 1 6 40% Reflective posting is submitted and describes what the student hopes to learn during this module. Reflection 2 6 40% Reflective posting is submitted and • describes one insight gained regarding the concepts in this module; and • connects learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed in this module. Timeliness of Postings 3 20% During Modules 1–8: Posting in response to Reflection 1 is made before Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT. AND During Modules 1–7: Posting in response to Reflection 2 is made between Thursday 12:00 a.m. MT and Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. OR During Module 8: Posting in response to Reflection 2 is made between Thursday 12:00 a.m. MT and Saturday 11:59 p.m. MT. Graduatelevel Writing Style It is an expectation that graduate-level writing style is used, evidenced by correct: • Grammar • Spelling • Word usage • Punctuation • Sentence structure • Paragraph structure If the above expectation is not met, 3 points shall be deducted. Total 15 100% A quality reflective discussion will meet or exceed all the above requirements. MSN-AT Reflection Guidelines and Rubric_January 2019 2 GRADING RUBRIC Reflection Criteria Met Not Met Reflection 1 6 Points 0 Points Reflective posting is submitted and describes what the student hopes to learn during this module. Reflective posting is submitted but fails to clearly describe what the student hopes to learn during this module. OR No posting is submitted in response to Reflection 1. Reflection 2 6 Points 0 Points Reflective posting is submitted and • describes one insight gained regarding the concepts in this module; and • connects learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed in this module. Reflective posting is submitted but fails to meet one or both of the following criteria. • Describes one insight gained regarding the concepts in this module. • Connects learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed in this module. OR No posting is submitted in response to Reflection 2. Timeliness of Postings 3 Points 0 Points The following expectations for timely postings are met: One or more of the following expectations for timely postings are not met: During Modules 1–8: Posting in response to Reflection 1 is made before Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT. During Modules 1–8: Posting in response to Reflection 1 is made before Wednesday 11:59 p.m. MT. AND AND During Modules 1–7: Posting in response to Reflection 2 is made between Thursday 12:00 a.m. MT and Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. During Modules 1–7: Posting in response to Reflection 2 is made between Thursday 12:00 a.m. MT and Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT. MSN-AT Reflection Guidelines and Rubric_January 2019 3 Graduatelevel Writing Style OR OR During Module 8: Posting in response to Reflection 2 is made between Thursday 12:00 a.m. MT and Saturday 11:59 p.m. MT. During Module 8: Posting in response to Reflection 2 is made between Thursday 12:00 a.m. MT and Saturday 11:59 p.m. MT. 0 Points Deducted 3 Points Deducted Graduate-level writing style is used, evidenced by correct: • Grammar • Spelling • Word usage • Punctuation • Sentence structure • Paragraph structure MSN-AT Reflection Guidelines and Rubric_January 2019 One or more errors is present in any of the following areas. • • • • • • Grammar Spelling Word usage Punctuation Sentence structure Paragraph structure 4