NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent

Sample Answer for NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent Included After Question

NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent

NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent

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Involvement in interdisciplinary coalitions allows the healthcare leader to gain an understanding regarding navigating socio-political environments as well as providing macro leadership within a broader community setting. The purpose of this project is to build and provide leadership to a coalition that addresses a healthcare concern. Leadership skills at the macro-level will be applied.

Course Outcomes:

CO #1: Analyze leadership qualities that facilitate collaboration and cooperation at the individual, team, community, and organizational levels within diverse healthcare settings to foster human health. (MPH PO #1, MSN PO # 1, 7)

CO #5: Incorporate ongoing leadership character development, values and ethical principles into a living leader role that collaborates with and engages individuals, teams, agencies, and organizations locally as well as globally. (MPH PO #8, MSN PO #5)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points Possible: 125 Points

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent

Title: NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent


Description of the Identified Healthcare Concern

You are the Vice-President of Nursing Services at a 500 bed facility that provides healthcare to a 6 county region that occurs in two different but adjoining states. Recently you attended a national conference regarding infectious diseases and the potential for their spread with our current global environment. Upon return from the conference, you have a conversation with a local public health official who identifies that there is no regional plan to combat an infectious disease outbreak. In addition, the official noted the presence of several barriers which will make the development of a plan more of a challenge. These include, but are not limited to:

Identification of a plan that would cover a large region and a diverse population of approximately one million people
Identification of a plan that could be coordinated from one facility, but interact successfully with 6 different counties and two different state governments
The presence of a regional airport which increases the opportunity for introducing an infectious disease to the region
From the conversation, you realize that a coalition will be needed and that macro leadership skills are required for the coalition to be successful. You now accept the challenge to build a coalition within the region to develop a plan that would resist a sudden outbreak of an infectious illness.

Description of the Assignment

The purpose of this project will be to address a healthcare concern occurring within a community by providing macro level leadership needed to build a coalition. The identified coalition will seek to resolve the healthcare concern.

This assignment will be presented via PowerPoint and will include 15 – 20 slides (excluding title and references slides).
Introduction provides information regarding:
o Introductory slide(s) provided ALL of the following:

o Definition of macro-leadership

o Definition of coalitions

o Explanation why a coalition would be helpful in resolving this identified healthcare concern.

Section One identifies macro-leadership skills and requires information related to each of the following areas:
o Explain the difference between micro and macro leadership.

o Explain how a macro leader demonstrates:

? Mastery of self

? Mastery of communication

? Mastery of relationships

o Explain how a macro-leader can overcome one disadvantage to using coalitions

Section Two discusses the coalitions in general by including the following information:
o How will you pool available local and state resources?

o How will you foster communication with individuals living in the region as well as local and state governments?

o How will you maintain the energy of the coalition members?

o How will you convince members to work together and avoid turf issues?

Section Three presents the specific coalition that you will suggest in order to resolve the identified healthcare concern. The following information is required:
o What will be your vision statement for the coalition?

o How many individuals will you have on the steering committee for the coalition?

o What type of individuals would you recruit for steering committee membership?

o How will the coalition interact with local and state governments to develop an acceptable plan?

o How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the coalition?

Conclusion provides a summary of the key points from the presentation as well as of insights gained (what was learned) regarding macro leadership.
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

The PowerPoint Presentation (excluding the Title slide and References slide) should equal 15–20 PowerPoint slides. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.
Speaker notes are required. These notes should expand the information found on the slide.
References are to be cited in the Speaker notes
This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as required by the TurnItIn™ policy.
A Similarity Index of “blue” or “green” must be obtained. A score in the blue or green range indicates a similarity of less than 24% which is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing students. Any other level of similarity index level requires the student to revise the assignment before the due date and time.

To allow sufficient time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is highly encouraged. The final submission will be graded by faculty. If a Turnitin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic Integrity policy will be followed.

The textbooks required and lesson information for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
A minimum of 5 (five) scholarly references must be used. Scholarly references need to be current, 5 years or less (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable).
Must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent

NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent
NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent

NR 504 Week 7 Professional Coalition Project Recent  Grading Rubric

Performance Category 100% or highest level of performance


16 points

Very good or high level of performance


14 points

Acceptable level of performance


13 points

Inadequate demonstration of expectations


11 points

Deficient level of performance


9 points


Failing level

of performance

55% or less

0 points

 Total Points Possible= 50           16 Points    14 Points 13 Points        11 Points           9 Points          0 Points

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic topics.

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information
 16 Points  14 Points  13 Points 11 Points 9 Points  0 Points
Application of Course Knowledge

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply principles, knowledge and information learned in the outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from and scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three of the following elements

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information and scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
   10 Points 9 Points  6 Points  0 Points
Interactive Dialogue

Initial post should be a minimum of 300 words (references do not count toward word count)

The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each (references do not count toward word count)

Responses are substantive and relate to the topic.

Demonstrated all of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 3 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 2 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 1 or less of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
  8 Points 7 Points  6 Points         5 Points          4 Points  0 Points
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

Error is defined to be a unique APA error. Same type of error is only counted as one error.

The following was present:

  • 0-3 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 0-3 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is generally clear, focused on topic,and facilitates communication.
The following was present:

  • 4-6 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is somewhat focused on topic.
The following was present:

  • 7-9 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is slightly focused on topic making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 10- 12 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-9 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 13 – 15 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.


  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor.
The following was present:

  • 16 to greater errors in APA format.


  • Responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  • Writing style does not facilitate communication
  0 Points Deducted 5 Points Lost


Demonstrated the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
Failed to demonstrate the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
  0 Points Lost 5 Points Lost
Due Date Requirements Demonstrated all of the following:

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

Demonstrates one or less of the following.

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

Also Read: NR 504 Week 7 Discussion Identifying and Associating With Professional Coalitions Recent