NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing

NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing

Sample Answer for NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing Included After Question

NR 500 Week 2 Caring Concepts in Nursing

This week’s topic is centered on the concept of caring in contemporary nursing practice. In your initial response, provide a definition of caring that aligns with your perspective on the concept of caring. Identify your selected program of study specialty track (Executive, Education, FNP, Healthcare Policy, or Nursing Informatics). Describe how you will apply the principles of caring and holistic nursing in your future professional practice. Use at least one outside scholarly article to support your position. Provide an example to illustrate an application to professional practice.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing

Title: NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing

Caring is a human way of interacting with patients that demonstrates sincere care and concern for patients simply because they are human beings (Paulson DS 2004). Caring can be to make somebody entrusted to you feel happy. This is different from taking care of patient which is emphasizes objective, professional care, such as the medical and psychological aspects of nursing. According to Adams, caring reflects a high regard for them as a human being one worthy of utmost respect and dignity. Caring is perceived as a necessity in how nurses assist patients on the continuum of illness to wellness, it become woven together theme and even same with nursing itself (Adams 2016)

I will like to define holistic nursing as i have defined caring in nursing above before i continue.  Holistic nursing is caring for the person as a whole not just the patient sickness. I will apply the principles of caring and holistic nursing in my future professional practice as FNP by dealing with my patients as human, without bias in cultural, race, social status, and gender.

I will like to address and apply physical pain and exhaustion of the condition and its treatment of my patient. does the patient have family member/friend who can provide emotional support and day-to-day help such as performing important task as cooking, shopping, bathing. Do they have transportation to medical appointments, pharmacies or other health services. Financial problems, from health insurance to payments for medications, or paying household bills, do they have a place to live when discharged. How are the loved ones and family are coping with the situation. Behavioural change to minimize the progression on the disease like exercise, proper diet, and smoking (Carolyn 2014).

Caring is a human way of interacting with patients that demonstrates sincere care and concern for patients simply because they are human beings. As an FNP, I will care for my patients by seeing them as human without bias. Approach my patients treating the whole body and not just the diagnosis.

NR 500 Week 2 Caring Concepts in Nursing
NR 500 Week 2 Caring Concepts in Nursing

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Adams, L. Y. (2016). The conundrum of caring in nursing. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 9(1), 1-8.

Carolyn Thomas. (2014). Caring for the Whole Patient. 2014/caring-for-the-whole-patient.

Paulson DS. (2004). Taking care of patients and caring for patients are not the same. AORN J ;79(2):359-62, 365-6. PMID: 15002832.

The concept of caring in contemporary nursing practice has evolved greatly in this postmodern era of nursing. Caring can be viewed in grammar as a noun, adjective, or verb. I prefer the verb because the action form of caring is the form that will produce results. Caring in nursing are the actions taken whether verbally or nonverbally by the nurse as caregiver that encourages the healing of a patient by conveying the value in the individual person and enhancing their whole well-being. Caring is exemplified in often the intangible, unseen, and unpaid works of nurses and advanced practice nurses (Hines, M., & Gaughan, J. 2017).  Nursing by nature is a nurturing profession. The overwhelming majority of nurses entered into nursing school with an innate desire to care for others and in return contribute to something greater than themselves.

The act of caring by nurses involves establishing trust in often a short amount of time. Being present, incorporating family centered care with patient centered care, establishing a sense of normalcy in an abnormal environment are just some of the ways that nurses are able to display caring towards their patients and are what often sets apart this profession from others in the healthcare community (Hines, M., & Gaughan, J. 2017).  Attention to basic needs and approach to patients and families in a non-judgmental, sincere way helps initiate the healing process both physically and mentally. Caring can at times be interrupted by the advancement of science, technology, work load, and a demanding environment often displayed in health care institutions of today. When a nurse is rushed to complete the assigned tasks of extensive documentation, rapid discharges so that the room can open for the next admission, heavy assignments in a department with staffing shortages, the nurse’s own ability to draw from his/her inner resources that allow the compassion to be authentically displayed to the individual in need becomes deterred. Enhancing the caring environment should be a forerunner in nurse education and leadership goals for the workplace for nurses and their patients.

My specialty track in this Master’s of Science in Nursing program is that of Nurse Educator.  I chose this specialty after much consideration because I believe that by educating our ‘young’ whether it be those new to nursing or those new to a different specialty will benefit and maintain the future of the nursing profession for generations to come. As I have grown in my experiences as an RN from BSN graduation in 1998, NICU nursing for 10 years, followed by pediatric perioperative nursing for the last decade to present day, I have been blessed to have encountered mentors who have encouraged me so much along the way to achieve more than I ever dreamed of achieving in this profession.

At the heart of my practice is caring and compassion. It is the empathy displayed for the scared child being taken into surgery and the separation from their parents. It is the gentle touch and reassurance to the post-partum mother who is told her baby will need specialized NICU care. My goal as a nurse educator is to pass on the necessity of providing authentic, person-centered care to my fellow nurses entering the pediatric perioperative nursing specialty. As a perioperative nurse, our interactions carry great weight in a short amount of time as pre-operative interviews and introductions are often efficient due to the nature of the surgical environment. It is those first few crucial moments where the establishment of trust from the patient and parent is crucial.

As a nurse educator, I believe in supporting the team by offering in-services or continued education on the effectiveness of caring, keeping the concept front and center as a reminder of a core component to their nursing practice. Nurse educators are in a good position to partner with nurses in their caring endeavors (McClendon, P. 2017). Caring language and support in nursing workplaces should be modeled by nursing leadership. Nursing staff, feeling the support of their leadership, will be happier and more willing to share their caring consciousness with others.

NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing References:

Hines, M., & Gaughan, J. (2017). Advanced holistic nursing practice narratives: A view

of caring praxis. Journal of Holistic Nursing. (35)4, 1-20.


McClendon, P. (2017). Authentic caring: Rediscovering the essence of nursing.

                   Nursing Management. (48)10, 36-41.


Also Read: SOC 120 Week 5 DQ 1 Consumerism and Planned Obsolescence

NR 500 Week 2: Caring Concepts in Nursing Grading Rubric Guidelines

Performance Category 10 9 8 4 0

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic decisions.

  • Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry clearly stating how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions
  • Evaluates literature resources to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis.
  • Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion
  • Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry but does not clearly state how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Evaluates information from source(s) to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
  • Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.
  • Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is taken from source(s) with some interpretation/evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
  • Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion.
  • Demonstrates little or no understanding of the topic.
  • Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/evaluation.
  • The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, or reliable
  • No evidence of the use of scholarly inquiry to inform or change professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is not valid, relevant, or reliable
Performance Category  10 9 8 4 0
Application of Course Knowledge –

Demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lesson and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

  • Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources;
  • Applies concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life.
  • Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources.
  • Applies concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Interactions with classmates are relevant to the discussion topic but do not make direct reference to lesson content
  • Posts are generally on topic but do not build knowledge by incorporating concepts and principles from the lesson.
  • Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Does not demonstrate a solid understanding of the principles and concepts presented in the lesson
  • Posts do not adequately address the question posed either by the discussion prompt or the instructor’s launch post.
  • Posts are superficial and do not reflect an understanding of the lesson content
  • Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Posts are not related to the topics provided by the discussion prompt or by the instructor; attempts by the instructor to redirect the student are ignored
  • No discussion of lesson concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life
Performance Category  5 4 3 2 0
Interactive Dialogue

Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days.

(5 points possible per graded thread)

  • Exceeds minimum post requirements
  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts three or more times in each graded thread, over three separate days.
  • Replies to a post posed by faculty and to a peer
  • Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.
  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days
  • Replies to a question posed by a peer

Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.

  • Meets expectations of 2 posts on 2 different days.
  • The main post is not made by the Wednesday deadline
  • Does not reply to a question posed by a peer or faculty
  • Has only one post for the week
  • Discussion posts contain few, if any, new ideas or applications; often are a rehashing or summary of other students’ comments
  • Does not post to the thread
  • No connections are made to the topic
  Minus 1 Point Minus 2 Point Minus 3 Point Minus 4 Point Minus 5 Point
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Note: if there are only a few errors in these criteria, please note this for the student in as an area for improvement. If the student does not make the needed corrections in upcoming weeks, then points should be deducted.

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

  • 2-3 errors in APA format.
  • Written responses have 2-3 grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is generally clear, focused, and facilitates communication.
  • 4-5 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is somewhat focused.
  • 6-7 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is slightly focused making discussion difficult to understand.
  • 8-10 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is not focused, making discussion difficult to understand.
  • Post contains greater than 10 errors in APA format.
  • Written responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style does not facilitate communication.
  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor
0 points lost       -5 points lost
Total Participation Requirements

per discussion thread

The student answers the threaded discussion question or topic on one day and posts a second response on another day. The student does not meet the minimum requirement of two postings on two different days
Early Participation Requirement

per discussion thread

The student must provide a substantive answer to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course instructor (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week. The student does not meet the requirement of a substantive response to the stated question or topic by Wednesday at 11:59 pm MT.