NR 439 Week 8: Where Do You Go From Here?

NR 439 Week 8: Where Do You Go From Here?

NR 439 Week 8 Where Do You Go From Here

Over the past 8 weeks, we have been looking at how to improve our clinical practice with decisions based upon evidence. Resistance to change is often a common barrier to implementing EBP practice. Do you see yourself as a facilitator or barrier to implementing EBP? Has this course changed how you view EBP? Often I see early adopters to technology or practice changes as cheerleaders to implementing EBP. Early adopter often creates positive energy to motivate the middle adopter (Kaminski, 2011). This brings along the late adopter because they don’t want to be left behind.

This week we will focus on course outcome 5, recognizing the role of research findings in EBP.

Please share if your feelings or beliefs in nursing research and EBP have changed as a result of this course and if so, please share how they have changed.  I am looking forward to seeing how you have grown into your baccalaureate role 🙂  Remember, you use research every day, in all aspects of your life. You use research to buy a car, buy a phone or pick a service provider for your phone. That is all research….you are comparing findings and picking the best option. It is the same for nursing research. So…what have you learned and how will you apply to change patient outcomes.  Dr Joy

Kaminski, J. (Winter, 2011). Theory applied to informatics – Lewin’s Change Theory.CJNI: Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 6 (1), Editorial.

The past 7 weeks have been very busy. Combining family, work and studies have not been easy. I can proudly state that I have learned a lot in this class. The discussion topics, assignments were great. The feedbacks from Dr. Joyce and contributions from my peers have been wonderful. I think my feelings and believes in nursing research and evidence-based practice have changed after this course. I knew about evidenced-based practice but had no in-depth knowledge about its application in my practice. I have gained a better understanding of how to conduct research, and how to evaluate an article. Through this class, I have learned the first step in evidence-based practice which is to ask a clinical question. I have learned that in researching interventions, the PICO allows me to ask questions that are intervention focused. Through this course, I have learned that even when the best available evidence is being used in patient care, application and outcomes will differ based on patient’s value and preference. As a BSN prepared nurse, I am now able to rely on research evidence when providing patient care. Through this course, I am now able to read an article beyond the abstract and critique the article. I can read an article and determine if the researcher’s point of view can be applied to nursing practice or not. My critical thinking skills have also improved due to this course. I can sit with other healthcare providers and brainstorm a topic using evidence-based practice. Through this course, I am able to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative nursing research. I am now aware of the fact that a qualitative nursing research is the study of phenomena that are difficult to quantify such as a patient’s illness, while a quantitative research involves quantifying data and generalizing results from a sample to the population of interest. I have also learned that no research study can totally exclude bias. This course has taught me many things when it comes to research and evidenced based practice, and I look forward to implementing what I have learned in this class in my nursing practice. The class has really improved my critical thinking skills and has taught me the importance of evidenced-based practice in providing safe and quality patient care. This course has taught me how to read research reports and select research-based evidence that can be applied in my clinical practice

NR 439 Week 8 Where Do You Go From Here
NR 439 Week 8 Where Do You Go From Here

Through this course, I have learned that barriers could be encountered when implementing evidence-based practice at my workplace. I have learned ways to recognize the barriers and how to manage and overcome them. As a BSN prepared nurse, I can create a climate to support change by being proactive in education and actively involved in research committees in my facility. Thank you, Dr. Joyce, for impacting us with the knowledge, it is our duty to implement what we have learned. This is my last class, and I can proudly state that I am a BSN prepared nurse, and I look forward to furthering my education. Best of luck to everyone.

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CCN. (2017). NR-439 RN Evidence-Based Practice. Week 8 Lesson. Downers Grove, IL. Online Publication.  DeVry Education

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.).Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

I have expanded my knowledge of providing quality care for my patients by taking this class. Working as a nurse, I often question a nursing practice that could be improved. Even though an organization’s policies and procedures are designed to provide quality care and good patient outcome, sometimes there is still room for improvement. EBP can provide valuable information that can result in quality care and good patient outcome.

Understanding the importance of EPB, knowing the research process and benefits of EBP can be a valuable asset to my organization. The facility I work is a small outpatient facility owned by a large dialysis company. The policies and procedures we follow are guidelines to give excellent nursing care to patients, however, there is always a need to improve in certain areas of nursing as we care for our patients.

I have learned from this course that I can enhance quality care for my patients by using EBP in my clinic. The initial step would be to introduce EBP to my clinic and encourage my manager to organize a committee of nurses to promote EBP. The process will be identifying a problem, key words, and PICOT, based on the change needed to improve patients’ outcome.The sources we search have to be credible and not bias. We have to examine barriers that could affect the outcome. Also, we have to assure that the research process provides a result that is reliable and valid.

EBP is a good practice for nurses. Taking this course has given me a new outlook on actively implementing measures to contribute to quality patient care and good outcome of patients.