NR 439 Week 5: Data Collection and Measurement

NR 439 Week 5: Data Collection and Measurement

NR 439 Week 5: Data Collection and Measurement

Class, the tools that we use to collect data need to be reliable and valid. Define these terms with respect to research and explain why they are important.

We will be working on the following: 2 Course OutComes:

CO(s) to which it is mapped:

CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO: 4, 8)

CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based practice. (PO: 4, 8)

Consider data collection and measure methods as you read the following online or after you download it.

American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. Retrieved from

1. Review these facts and describe what the results say about this sample of the nursing workforce.
2.What do you believe was the intent of the researcher who designed the survey?

  1. Define these terms with respect to research, and explain why they are important.

4.Consider data collection and measurement methods for your nursing clinical issue. Explain how you would collect data and what measurement methods you would use.

When doing research and presenting information, it is always imperative to use data that is considered valid and reliable. The term valid is defined as “well-grounded or justifiable: being at once relevant and meaningful” (, 2017). Information that is considered valid, is information believed to be precise and accurate. When information is considered to be reliable, it is known to be true/ factual with data to prove so. If there is ever any doubt I the validity and reliability in the information being presented, the confidence in the study is devalued.

After reviewing the designated study, the intent of the researcher seems to be to give information on the nursing profession using data from actual nurses highlighting both positive and negative data. The data collection method used in this study was psychometric which uses scales and survey. According to this week’s lesson, “Variables must be expressed as numbers in order to analyze them statistically, but different types of numbers have different levels of measurement” (Chamberlain, 2017). The measurement method used is the nominal level of measurement presenting categorized data such as age, gender, salaries, etc.

When collecting data for my nursing clinical issue, I would also use the psychometric method by evaluating the number of readmissions in relation to patients that receive 48- hour post discharge calls. The measurement method I would use is ratio showing a decrease in readmissions of newly diagnosed HF patients with 48-hour post discharge phone calls. I would collect data by locating newly diagnosed HF patients, administer 48-hour post discharge call, and monitor readmission rates of designated patients within a 30-day period for 3 months at a time. I would then compare the data against HF patients that never received 48-hour post discharge calls and the rate of readmission.

Thank you,

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Chamberlain College of Nursing (CCN). (2017). NR-439- Week 5 Lecture: Reading Research Implementing the Study, Data Collection Methods [Online lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group


Valid. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2017, from

You made good points! Thanks for explaining the types of data and giving facts when you had a disagreement and also for sharing how to check to see if the research is reliable and valid! According to ,”: to an external site.

Reliability The test must produce consistent results, and not be significantly influenced by outside factors. For instance, if you’re feeling stressed when you take the test, the test results shouldn’t be overly different from times when you were excited or relaxed.

Validity This is perhaps the most important quality of a test. A valid test has to measure what it’s intended to measure. If a test is supposed to measure a person’s interests, then it must clearly demonstrate that it does actually measure interests, and not something else that’s just related to interests. to an external site.

Hello, DR Joy and class. Based on the ANA (2014) report, the nursing workforce is highly concentrated in the south, which has the lowest average(mean) in the nursing occupation. However, the west has a high annual growth with highest salaries for nurses. Nursing demand has increased because of the need for more new nurses and replacement of nurses leaving the occupation. Even though the percentage of male nurses has increased, there is still a low percentage of male nurses compared to female nurses. Working nurses over 50 years old carry a high concentration of nurses in the work force, however, the percentage of nurses under 40 years old declined over a five-years period, according to ANA (2014).

I believe the Researcher’s intent in designing this survey was to give a quantitive design, an empirical design research report that shows statistical result and comparison of nurses based on education, age, demographics, and salary, giving nurses a clearer picture of the areas of nursing demands(shortages) and surpluses. The researcher also base this report on the economy when he mentioned annual growth rate. Nurses retained employment status when the economy is in a recession. Because at this time, employment rate decreases and unemployment rate increases.

I would consider my nursing clinical issue to be tardiness in the workplace. Data collection would be of the mixed method, qualitative and quantitative design. measurement would involve collecting and using “qualatitive data to explore quantitative findings”, Wisdom & Creswell (2013). My sample will be employees. I will obtain permission for my data collection. I will ask open ended questions and use statistical measurements. Data collection could also be done by a survey. The information obtained has to be proven reliable and valid.



American Nurses Association. (2014). Fast facts: The nursing workforce 2014: Growth, salaries, education, demographics & trends. Retrieved from to an external site.

Wisdom; J., Creswell; J., W. (2013). Mixed Methos. Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis While Studying Patient-Centered Medical Home Models. Evidence od Evaluation. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850, to an external site.