NR 439 Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues

NR 439 Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues

NR 439 Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues

Read oneof the following. 

Stefaniak, M., & Mazurkiewicz, B. (2017). The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas. YC: Young Children, 71(1), 86. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Questions for first article: 

  1. Describe one reason for adhering to high standards in ethics. 
  1. What are the dangers of conflict of interest? 

Questions for second article: 

  1. Discuss the difference between ethical responsibility and ethical dilemma. 
  1. Share an experience of ethical dilemma or moral distress in nursing today. 

Looking forward to an exciting week in the Discussion. Please read one of the following articles and then address questions dependent on the article chosen, make sure you address both questions. 

Stefaniak, M., & Mazurkiewicz, B. (2017). The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62. Retrieve the article: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas. YC: Young Children, 71(1), 86. Retrieve the article: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Questions for the first article: 

  • Describe one reason for adhering to high standards in ethics. 
  • What are the dangers of conflict of interest? 

Questions for the second article: 

  • Discuss the difference between ethical responsibility and ethical dilemma. 
  • Share an experience of ethical dilemma or moral distress in nursing today. 

Please make it clear, which article you chose. You may begin posting in this TD on Sunday, July 23rd, 2017 for credit. 

The article I chose is “The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics”.  There are a few reasons that are necessary to adhere to high standards of ethics, but one important reason is to keep patients safe and protect their rights. 

This can be done by following the guidelines of the Commission on Ethics in Science, 2012, according to Stefaniak & Mazurkiewicz(2017), which can be beneficial to researchers by preventing misconduct, falsification, and plagiarism. ” Doing the right thing from the beginning of a study is the best way to avoid legal and ethical accusations” according to Houser (p.68, 2018). The high standard of care starts when the researcher develops a design for the research. The researcher has to adhere to the laws related to research when designing the research and during the research. 

Dangers of conflict of interest can cause bias to be introduced to the research. Dangers of conflict of interest would be getting financial benefit from the research or trying to achieve the best result in the shortest time possible, according to Stefaniak & Mazurkiewicz(2017). Abiding by the law and ethical standards can prevent a researcher from being in a conflict of interest situation with the research. NR 439 Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues

An example of bias in a research is nurse researcher should not do a research with a group that includes a subject that is under the primary nursing care of the nurse researcher. This can cause bias to be maximized, which can occur in the design of the research or during a research. 

 Houser, J. (2015). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett 

Stefaniak, M., & Mazurkiewicz, B. (2017). The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62. Retrieve the article: to an external site. 

to  which can be beneficial to researchers by preventing misconduct, falsification, and plagiarism ” Doing the right thing from the beginning of a study is the best way to avoid legal and ethical accusations” according to Houser (p.68, 2018). The high standard of care starts when the researcher develops a design for the research. The researcher has to adhere to the laws related to research when designing the research and during the research. 

 The dangers of conflict of interest would be bias introduced to the research. Others would be getting financial benefit from the research or acceleration the time of the research to achieve the best result, according to Stefaniak & Mazurkiewicz(2017). Abiding by the law and ethical standards can prevent a researcher from being in a conflict of interest situation with the research. Example, nurse researcher should not do a research with a randomized group that includes a subject that is under the primary nursing care of the nurse researcher. This can cause bias to be maximized, which can occur in the design or during the reasearch. 

 Houser, J. (2015). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett 

Stefaniak, M., & Mazurkiewicz, B. (2017). The importance of adhering to high standards of research ethics. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62. Retrieve the article: to an external site. 
Do you think a researcher would have a conflict of interest if they had influenced the results of a study by closing a particular population sample that they knew would influence the research one way or another?

In response to your question “Do you think a researcher would have a conflict of interest if they had influenced the results of a study by closing a particular population sample that they knew would influence the research one way or another?”, it could be a conflict of interest. If the reason for choosing a particular population sample that the researcher knew would influence the research one way or other, was based on the intent to get personal gain, personal recognition, advancement or financial gain, then it would be a conflict of interest. 

     Great post and I couldn’t agree more.  If you do the right thing from the beginning is the best way not only in research but life.  As nurses patient safety must always be at the fore front of our practice.  

I agree with you when you said, “Abiding by the law and ethical standards can prevent a researcher from being in a conflict of interest situation with the research.”(Jackson, M.,2017)This prevent tainted research, which is a waste of time. 


Jackson, M.(2017) CCN week 4 ethical and legal issues discussion. NR 439 Evidence based practice. 

I read the second article: Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas. YC: Young Children, 71(1), 86. NR 439 Week 4: Ethical and Legal Issues 

Questions for the second article: 

Discuss the difference between ethical responsibility and ethical dilemma: 

Ethics is the study of right and wrong. It teaches what one might do when faced with issues where values, rights, personal beliefs, or societal norms may be in conflict (Houser, 2015).The first thing we need to do is determine whether it is an ethical issue when faced with a challenging situation, especially in the workplace. The first question we must ask ourselves if the situation concerns right and wrong, rights and responsibilities, human welfare, or individuals best interest. If the answer to each of these question is “no”, then the situation is not an ethical issue, but if any of the questions is yes, then the situation becomes an ethical issue. (Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). 

Ethical responsibilities are mandates that are clearly spelled out in the NAEYC code of ethical conduct. It describes what one must do and must not do. It is similar to legal responsibilities in that they require or forbid a particular action. 

According to (Houser, 2015), anytime someone determines that a situation involves ethics and does not think it is a responsibility, it is likely to be a dilemma. A dilemma is a situation for which there are two possible resolutions, each of which can be justified in moral terms. In a dilemma, a person is obligated to choose between two actions. Ethical dilemma s are sometimes known as situations that involve two rights. 

Share an experience of ethical dilemma or moral distress in nursing today: 

I work in a nursing home, and often times I see families making decisions for their own interest instead of the best interest of the patient. I had a patient with End Liver disease. The advance directives stated Full Code.  We organized a care plan meeting because the patient’s prognosis was very poor. The interdisciplinary team together with the Physician suggested to the family to change the code status because the patient was in and out of the hospital. The hospital had recommended hospice, but the family was adamant. The family wanted tube feeding to be inserted so their mother can be fed via tube despite the fact that the physicians have clearly stated the patient will not benefit from any artificial nutrition.

In this situation, the family members were making the decisions not in the best interest of their mother but for fear of losing her. The family thought, they could prolong her life instead of thinking of the quality of her life at that particular time. The issue of respecting the patient’s advance directives during end of life is always an ethical dilemma that nurses are confronted with, as families always try to go against the wishes of their loved ones by trying to change the advance directives.  


Feeney, S., & Freeman, N. K. (2016). Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas. YC: Young Children, 71(1), 86. Retrieve the article: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: reading, using, and creating evidence (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.