Module 5 Critique of population health and reflection part 2

Module 5 Critique of population health and reflection part 2

NR518 Module 5 Critique of Population Health DUE 08/05/2022 Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes. • CO 2: Investigate initiatives and regulations to promote population health and their related ethical and legal considerations (PO 4, 5) • CO 4: Articulate advanced nursing practice roles and competencies to support population health (PO 3, 4) Suggested Due Date This assignment has a suggested due date of Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Module 5. The final due date is Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Module 7. Total Points Possible: 150 Points Assignment Overview Consider the population-focused interventions that are present within a selected community. Identify one specific population health intervention and investigate that intervention to determine accessibility, levels of prevention, and social determinants of health that are addressed. Identify one gap that is present and propose one recommendation to enhance population health outcomes. In a 2–4 page paper, address the elements listed below. Include a minimum of 3 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See the rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the paper. 1. Provide an introduction to the paper. 2. Present a succinct synopsis of the population health intervention that was selected, and the specific population health risks and disparities that are addressed through that intervention. 3. Describe the accessibility, levels of prevention, and social determinants of health that are addressed through the identified strategy. 4. Consider one gap that is present and include one recommendation for change to enhance health outcomes. 5. Provide a conclusion to the paper. Assignment Instructions 1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy. 2. Sources older than 5 years may not be used without the permission of the class instructor. 3. Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition of the manual. 4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual. 5. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment. 6. First person may not be used in the assignment. 7. Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper; rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Week 7 at 11:59 p.m. MT (You cannot revise your graduate-level writing style for a higher grade in that category.). Assignment Criteria Assessment Criteria Points % Description Introduction 21 14% This section includes the following. • General statements regarding the importance of populationfocused interventions • Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued • Identification of the sections of the paper • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Overview of Population Health Intervention 30 Critique of Selected Population Health Intervention 33 20% This section includes the following. • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community • Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 22% This section includes the following. • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served • Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention • Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Recommendation for Enhancement 30 20% This section includes the following. • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes • Rationale for the recommended enhancement • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Conclusion 21 14% Conclusion includes the following. • Concluding statements regarding the importance of population health interventions • Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes Graduate-level Writing Style 15 10% • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Quality of Literature Support Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) It is an expectation that a minimum of 3 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment. If the above expectation is not met, 3 points shall be deducted. Assignment Length Criteria It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of 2 pages in length, and a maximum of 4 pages (not including the title or reference pages). If the above expectation is not met, 3 points shall be deducted. Total 150 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements. Rubric Module 5 Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric Module 5 Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction 21 pts Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions • Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued • Identification of the sections of the paper • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 19 pts Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions • Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued • Identification of the sections of the paper • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 17 pts Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions • Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued • Identification of the sections of the paper • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 0 pts Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: • General statements regarding the importance 21 pt of population-focused s interventions • Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued • Identification of the sections of the paper • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Module 5 Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverview of Population Health Intervention 30 pts Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community • Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 27 pts Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community • Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 25 pts Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community • Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 0 pts Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content 30 pt areas: • Succinct synopsis of ones population health intervention within the community • Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritique of Population Health Intervention 33 pts Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served • Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention • Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 30 pts Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served • Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention • Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 27 pts Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served • Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention • Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 0 pts Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: • Appraisal of the accessibility of the 33 pt intervention to the population served • s Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention • Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Module 5 Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendatio n for Enhancement 30 pts Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes • Rationale for the recommended enhancement • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 27 pts Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes • Rationale for the recommended enhancement • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 25 pts Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes • Rationale for the recommended enhancement • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 0 pts Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: 30 pt • Recommendation for s one enhancement to improve population health outcomes • Rationale for the recommended enhancement • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Module 5 Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion 21 pts Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • Concluding statements regarding the importance of population health interventions • Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes 19 pts Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • Concluding statements regarding the importance of population health interventions • Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes 17 pts Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • Concluding statements regarding the importance of population health interventions • Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes 0 pts Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: 21 pt • Concluding statements regarding the importance s of population health interventions • Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraduate-level Writing Style 15 pts Distinguished graduatelevel writing style is evidenced by meeting all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) 13 pts Graduate-level writing style exceeds expectations as evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 2-4 errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) 12 pts Proficient graduatelevel writing style is evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 5-7 errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) 0 pts Graduate-level writing style needs improvement as evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 8 or more errors total: • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone 15 pt with no use of first persons • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) • Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) Module 5 Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Literature Support This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Length Expectations Total Points: 150 Ratings 0 pts 0 Points Deducted A minimum of three peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment. Pts 0 pts 3 Points Deducted The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support. 0 pts 0 Points Deducted The length of the assignment meets the criteria: Minimum of 2 pages in length; maximum of 4 pages in length (not including title or reference pages). 0 pts 0 pts 3 Points Deducted 0 pts The assignment fails to meet the requirement for length. NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE Module 5 Assignment: Critique of Population Health Intervention Guidelines and Rubric PURPOSE Population-level interventions include strategies aimed at the promotion of health and prevention of disease that target a specific group of people. Population-focused interventions can be designed to reach atrisk populations, reducing health risks and disparities. However, population-focused interventions may also be effective in reaching geographic populations. The purpose of this assignment is to identify and critique an existing population health intervention within a selected community. The impact of the intervention will be discussed, and a recommendation for enhancement will be proposed. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes. • CO 2: Investigate initiatives and regulations to promote population health and their related ethical and legal considerations (PO 4, 5) • CO 4: Articulate advanced nursing practice roles and competencies to support population health (PO 3, 4) • CO 6: Examine evidence-based practice and trends impacting the future of population health nursing. (PO 5) SUGGESTED DUE DATE This assignment has a suggested due date of Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Module 5. The final due date is Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Module 7. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 150 POINTS ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Consider the population-focused interventions that are present within a selected community. Identify one specific population health intervention and investigate that intervention to determine accessibility, levels of prevention, and social determinants of health that are addressed. Identify one gap that is present and propose one recommendation to enhance population health outcomes. NR 518 3/8/19 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE In a 2-4 page paper, address the elements listed below. Include a minimum of 3 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See the rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the paper. 1. Provide an introduction to the paper. 2. Present a succinct synopsis of the population health intervention that was selected, and the specific population health risks and disparities that are addressed through that intervention. 3. Describe the accessibility, levels of prevention, and social determinants of health that are addressed through the identified strategy. 4. Consider one gap that is present and include one recommendation for change to enhance health outcomes. 5. Provide a conclusion to the paper. ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy. 2. Sources older than 5 years may not be used without the permission of the class instructor. 3. Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition of the manual. 4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual. 5. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment. 6. First person may not be used in the assignment. 7. Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can resubmit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper; rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Week 7 at 11:59 p.m. MT (You cannot revise your graduate-level writing style for a higher grade in that category.). NR 518 3/8/19 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA Assessment Criteria Points % Description Introduction 21 14% This section includes the following. • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions • Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued • Identification of the sections of the paper • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Overview of Population Health Intervention 30 20% This section includes the following. • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community • Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention Critique of Selected Population Health Intervention 33 22% This section includes the following. • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served • Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention • Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Recommendation for Enhancement 30 20% This section includes the following. • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes • Rationale for the recommended enhancement • Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Conclusion 21 14% Conclusion includes the following. NR 518 3/8/19 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE • • Graduate-level Writing Style 15 10% • • • • • Quality of Literature Support Concluding statements regarding the importance of population health interventions Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) It is an expectation that a minimum of 3 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment. If the above expectation is not met, 3 points shall be deducted. Assignment Length Criteria It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of 2 pages in length, and a maximum of 4 pages (not including the title or reference pages). If the above expectation is not met, 3 points shall be deducted. Total NR 518 3/8/19 150 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements. NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE GRADING RUBRIC Assessment Criteria Distinguished (100%) Exceeds (92%) Proficient (84%) Needs Improvement (0%) Introduction 21 Points 19 Points 17 Points 0 Points Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • • • • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued Identification of the sections of the paper Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • • • • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued Identification of the sections of the paper Sufficient integration of scholarly literature • • • • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued Identification of the sections of the paper Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented • • • • General statements regarding the importance of population-focused interventions Identification of one population health intervention to be critiqued Identification of the sections of the paper Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 5 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE to support information presented Overview of Population Health Intervention 30 Points Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • • Critique of Population Health Intervention Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 33 Points Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all 27 Points Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 30 Points Presentation of information exceeds 25 Points 0 Points Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: • • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention • • Succinct synopsis of one population health intervention within the community Discussion regarding the specific population health risks and/or disparities addressed through the intervention 27 Points 0 Points Proficient presentation of information evidenced by Presentation of information needs improvement as 6 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • • • • Recommendation for Enhancement Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 30 Points Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • • • • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 27 Points Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • • • • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: • • • • Appraisal of the accessibility of the intervention to the population served Appraisal of the levels of prevention addressed through the intervention Appraisal of the social determinants of health that are addressed through the intervention Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 25 Points 0 Points Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is 7 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • • • Conclusion Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes Rationale for the recommended enhancement Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 21 Points Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner: • Concluding statements regarding the importance of by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: • • • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes Rationale for the recommended enhancement Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: • • • 19 Points Presentation of information exceeds expectations evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial: Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes Rationale for the recommended enhancement Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: • • • Recommendation for one enhancement to improve population health outcomes Rationale for the recommended enhancement Sufficient integration of scholarly literature to support information presented 17 Points 0 Points Proficient presentation of information evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas: Presentation of information needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsatisfactory in one or more of the content areas: • Concluding statements regarding the importance of • Concluding statements regarding the importance of 8 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE • Graduate-level Writing Style • population health interventions Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes • 15 Points Distinguished graduate-level writing style is evidenced by meeting all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total: • • • • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person Synthesis of information is present with no more than Concluding statements regarding the importance of population health interventions Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes • 13 Points population health interventions Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes • population health interventions Implications for advanced nursing practice to support population health outcomes 12 Points 0 Points Graduate-level writing style exceeds expectations as evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 2-4 errors total: Proficient graduate-level writing style is evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 5-7 errors total: Graduate-level writing style needs improvement as evidenced by meeting the following criteria with 8 or more errors total: • • • • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person • • • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person 9 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE • Quality of Literature Support Assignment Length Expectations one short direct quote (15 words or less) Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) 0 Points Deducted A minimum of three peerreviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment. • • Synthesis of information is • present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) Correct APA format for the • following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) Synthesis of information is • present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) Correct APA format for • the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) Correct APA format for the following. o Page numbering o Font style and size o Margins and spacing o Headings; subheadings o Citation and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) 3 Points Deducted The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support. 0 Points Deducted 3 Points Deducted The length of the assignment meets the criteria: The assignment fails to meet the requirement for length. 10 NR 518: POPULATION HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN NURSING PRACTICE Minimum of 2 pages in length; maximum of 4 pages in length (not including title or reference pages). 11