MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation

MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation

Sample Answer for MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation Included After Question


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MAPP Model Needs Assessment and Identification of an FOA Presentation In this assignment, you will complete a public health needs assessment MAPP matrix template. Next, you will utilize the FOA that addresses the public health intervention that addresses your chosen topic. You will then create a PowerPoint presentation that demonstrates your chosen public health intervention and provides information about your MAPP matrix and the pertinent FOA.

Part I: Conduct an MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment

Conduct a public health needs assessment using the MAPP model. It will result in a MAPP matrix, which identifies a public health need in which you are personally interested.

All MAPP information can be obtained from the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) Web site at the following:

Four assessments of the MAPP model and the issues they address are described below:

  • Community Themes and Strengths Assessments: This assessment results in a deeper understanding of the issues that residents feel are important by answering the questions:

    MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation
    MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation

a. What is important to our community?

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b. How is quality of life perceived in our community?

c. What assets do we have that can be used to improve community health?

  • Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA): This assessment focuses on all the organizations and entities that contribute to the public’s health. The LPHSA answers the questions:
    1. What are the components, activities, competencies, and capacities of our local public health system?
    2. How are the essential services being provided to our community?
  • Community Health Status Assessment: This assessment identifies priority community health and quality-of-life issues. Questions answered include:

a. How healthy are our residents?

b. What does the health status of our community look like?

  • Forces of Change Assessment: This assessment focuses on identifying forces such as legislation, technology, and other impending changes that affect the context in which the community and its public health system operate. This answers the questions:

a. What is occurring or might occur that affects the health of our community or the local public health system?

b. What specific threats or opportunities are generated by these occurrences?

Part II: Identify Funding Opportunity

After you have completed your public health needs assessment matrix template, you will create a presentation that addresses the following:

  • Identify your chosen public health intervention that relates to your MPH coursework.
  • Explain how (using the MAPP Model) you completed the matrix template to identify your chosen public health intervention.
  • Explain why the intervention is an important initiative.
  • Identify whom the intervention will assist (target audience).
  • Explain the general requirements of the FOA.
  • Describe, at a high-level, your intended approach in response to your chosen public health intervention, if awarded this grant.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation

Title: MAPP Matrix Needs Assessment Paper and Presentation

Running Head: DISCUSSION 1 Discussion: Identifying the Approach Name Institutional Affiliation DISCUSSION 2 Introduction Unplanned pregnancies and teenagers engaging in early sexual activities is one of the major serious issues experienced in modern society, and especially in developing nations. Studies have shown that unintended pregnancy makes 33 percent to 82 percent of the teenage pregnancies globally (Vázquez-Nava et al., 2013). The negative impacts of unplanned pregnancies among teenagers include girls getting married at an early age, dropping out of school to take care of their newborns, practicing unsafe abortions, and being exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and HPV. The proposed remedy for this issue is increasing sexual health awareness and offering contraceptives among youths (Oringanje et al., 2016). Studies have shown that a combination of sexual health education and providing contraceptives reduced unplanned pregnancies among teenagers significantly. Plan A holistic approach is used when planning for the strategy. After familiarizing ourselves with the three stages of the grant’s lifecycle, the next step is to write a letter of commitment (LOC) and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that includes the roles of each partner in addressing the issue of unplanned pregnancies (Gemayel & Martin, 2017). After completing the LOC and MOA, the next step is to review notice of funding opportunity (NOFOs) to establish eligibility. The step is developing the internal strategy. The internal strategy constitutes the organization’s structure, program, expertise, history, project fit for mission, target audience, special needs of audience, activities, staff, and board. Preparation DISCUSSION 3 After collecting all the necessary information including grant application requirements and guidelines, the “cause-effect scenario” is used when preparing the necessary elements of a grant application. This involves identifying the affected population (teenagers, girls), factors contributing to unplanned pregnancies, and offering suggestions (Gemayel & Martin, 2017). After identifying the “cause-effect”, the next step is working with partners to highlight the “grey areas” that need immediate interventions. Finally, the partners would work together to ensure that necessary elements of the grant application (introduction, institution background, program objectives and goals, methods, evaluation, future funding and sustainability, and budget) are incorporated in the plan. Partners The key partners to work together when developing this grant application include physicians, social workers, two nurses, and a financial assistant. The social workers offer strategies on how counseling and education of teenagers in school should be conducted. The financial assistant creates and guides on the budget needed to support the process. The physicians offer suggestions on medicinal management or the quantity and types of contraceptives needed (Fox & Barfield, 2016). Nurses offer suggestions on how to monitor changes after contraceptives have been administered. The interdisciplinary partnerships are critical in ensuring that all the key areas are considered when developing grant application. All partners would be encouraged to exercise due diligence and dedicate themselves fully to the process. Conclusion DISCUSSION 4 A holistic approach is critical when designing a grant application process to be used to address the issue of unplanned pregnancies and teenagers engaging in early sexual activities. A holistic approach is essential because it factors in the major variables such as eligibility, requirements, the role of each partner, and internal strategy. The approach offers an opportunity to prudently and diligently examine whether the organization will meet the grant application guidelines. It brings various stakeholders together and considers all their inputs. Through the use of a holistic approach, it is undeniable that a combination of interventions (education and contraceptives) will reduce unintended teenage pregnancies. Overall, the success of this approach depends on the willingness and abilities of the partners. DISCUSSION 5 References Gemayel, R., & Martin, S. J. (2017). Writing a successful fellowship or grant application. The FEBS journal, 284(22), 3771-3777. Fox, J., & Barfield, W. (2016). Decreasing Unintended Pregnancy. JAMA, 316(8), 815. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.8800 Oringanje, C., Meremikwu, M., Eko, H., Esu, E., Meremikwu, A., & Ehiri, J. (2016). Interventions for preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd005215.pub3 Vázquez-Nava, F., Vázquez-Rodriguez, C., Saldívar-González, A., Vázquez-Rodríguez, E., Córdova-Fernández, J., Felizardo-Ávalos, J., & Sánchez-Márquez, W. (2013). Unplanned Pregnancy in Adolescents: Association with Family Structure, Employed Mother, and Female Friends with Health-Risk Habits and Behaviors. Journal of Urban Health, 91(1), 176-185. doi: 10.1007/s11524-013-9819-6 Running head: GRANT PROPOSAL 1 A Grant Proposal to the Federal Government on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health GRANT PROPOSAL 2 A Grant Proposal to the Federal Government on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health Introduction There are approximately 1 billion individuals between 10 and 19 years living the world today. Nearly 70 per cent of them are living in developing countries under different conditions from the previous generations. They have greater access to formal education, technology and social media, which exposes them to more exposure to new ideas at a young age. A combination of these factors results in engagement in sexual activity at a young age, causing early marriages or even unplanned pregnancies. The dangers of engaging in early sexual activities could also have health concerns in the era of HIV/AIDS. The government should be at the forefront of promoting health education to reduce the impacts of sexual activity among adolescents. Background Adolescent sexual and reproductive health involves the development of initiative that educate individuals on the benefits of abstinence as a method of birth control. Nevertheless, those who cannot abstain should be taught the various family planning techniques available so that they can prevent unplanned pregnancies. Vázquez-Nava et al. (2014), estimate that unplanned pregnancy constitutes between 33 and 82% of the adolescent pregnancies across the world. The impacts of unplanned pregnancy vary depending on the family support of the individual with a majority of the students dropping out of school to take care of their newborns. This is common for students from low-income families and they are more likely to transfer poverty to future generations. A significant portion of the adolescents who get pregnant end up getting married. According to the Science Daily (2017), some of the adverse effects of early marriages include pregnancy-related complications associated with the young body. Adolescents engaging in early marriages may also be susceptible to malnutrition, poor mental health and GRANT PROPOSAL 3 domestic violence. They may also have limited access to contraception and therefore having many children which increases poverty levels. Even worse is the fact that the trend may follow for their daughters, who may also marry young resultantly expanding the level of poverty along the family line. Adolescents who find themselves pregnant may end up aborting their unborn children. While most states in the United States have legalized abortion, many developing nations continue to term abortion as illegal. This often sees pregnant teens resulting in unsafe mechanisms to abort their unborn children. A study conducted by Ushie, Izugbara, Mutua and Kabiru (2018), reveals that the complications associated with unsafe abortions are some of the leading causes of mortality in mothers in sub-Saharan Africa. The research utilized a sample of 1145 adolescents with a diagnosis of incomplete, missed, inevitable, complete or septic abortion for the past one month. The results revealed that eight per cent of the participants had a previous induced abortion. 46% of the participants sought abortion at an advanced age, and this contributed to a high rate of post-abortion complications. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (2018), acknowledges that youths between the ages of 15 and 24 years are at a high risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and HPV for females. Despite these high rates of STDs among the youths, it remains difficult for them to receive STD prevention services due to long waiting lines, inadequate funds for the services, method of specimen collection, embarrassment associated with seeking treatment for STDs and the conflict between the clinic and school hours. Strategic activities The factors discussed above reveal that there is an urgent need to develop strategies directed towards the promotion of adolescent sexual and reproductive health. The government GRANT PROPOSAL 4 should offer resources geared towards the promotion of sexual education in schools to ensure that adolescents understand the risks associated with early sexual activity so that they can change their behavior to avert these risks (World Health Organization, 2009). Health and reproductive education should also focus on the various contraceptives available so that girls can protect themselves from unplanned pregnancies. The government could even distribute free condoms to students so that they can adopt responsible sexual behavior. The government should also collaborate with the health sector for the development of friendly health services for adolescents. These could include interventions to reach the marginalized, responses to generate community acceptance, and facility and out of facility-based interventions (Denno, Hoopes and ChandraMouli, 2015). Positive Youth Development programs are also necessary for increasing the awareness of the youths of the dangers associated with irresponsible sexual activity. Gavin, Catalano and Markham (2010), acknowledge that the introduction of such strategies in schools will help students to apply the knowledge acquired in sex education programmes. Positive Youth Development programs also encourage youths to have a positive approach towards the developmental challenges other than engaging in irresponsible sexual activity. Conclusion Advancements in technology have enabled youths to access new ideas and eventually engaging in early sexual activity. The implication is that there is an increase in adolescent pregnancy, and this affects their academic performance. Most of the students from low-income families are forced to drop out of school for the lack of family or financial support. Others result in early marriages that subject them to a myriad of problems including mental disorders, violence and a lack of access to contraceptives. Some of the youths may seek unsafe abortion practices that may result in death or complications during subsequent pregnancies. The government should GRANT PROPOSAL 5 intervene in the development of public education programs geared towards addressing the problem of irresponsible sexual activity among youths. Collaboration with the health sector is also necessary in the development of safe mechanisms for accessing reproductive healthcare among adolescents. GRANT PROPOSAL 6 References Centers for Disease and Prevention Control. (2018). STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults. Retrieved from Denno, D. M., Hoopes, A. J., & Chandra-Mouli, V. (2015). Effective strategies to provide adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and to increase demand and community support. Journal of adolescent health, 56(1), S22-S41. Gavin, L. E., Catalano, R. F., & Markham, C. M. (2010). Positive youth development as a strategy to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(3), S1-S6. Science Daily. (2017, December 11). Multiple health implications of women’s early marriage go beyond early childbearing. Retrieved from Ushie, B. A., Izugbara, C. O., Mutua, M. M., & Kabiru, C. W. (2018). Timing of abortion among adolescent and young women presenting for post-abortion care in Kenya: a crosssectional analysis of nationally-representative data. BMC women’s health, 18(1), 41. Vázquez-Nava, F., Vázquez-Rodriguez, C. F., Saldívar-González, A. H., Vázquez-Rodríguez, E. M., Córdova-Fernández, J. A., Felizardo-Ávalos, J., & Sánchez-Márquez, W. (2014). Unplanned pregnancy in adolescents: Association with family structure, employed mother, and female friends with health-risk habits and behaviors. Journal of Urban Health, 91(1), 176-185. GRANT PROPOSAL World Health Organization. (2009). Promoting adolescent sexual and reproductive health through schools in low income countries: an information brief (No. WHO/FCH/CAH/ADH/09.03). World Health Organization. 7 Running head: HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE Health Grant Outline: A Grant Proposal to the Federal Government on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health 1 HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE 2 Executive Summary ➢ Problem-The impact of unplanned pregnancies among teenagers varies, with the majority of girls dropping out of school to take care of their newborns, getting married at an early age, practicing unsafe abortions, and being exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV and chlamydia (Science Daily, 2017). ➢ Solution- Resources should be directed towards the advancement of sexual education in schools to make sure that teenagers understand the dangers associated with early intercourse so that they can modify their behavior to avoid these risks. The government should collaborate with positive youth development programs to increase awareness of the dangers of unplanned pregnancies as well as advocate for the use of contraceptives. ➢ Funding Requirements- Positive Youth Development Network (PYDN) requests $635,472 for eight months-sexual health education program for teenagers in southwestern Minnesota. Sexual health education will be offered in schools. It will include promoting the need to abstain, increasing awareness of the dangers associated with irresponsible sexual activities, and advocating for the use of contraceptives. ➢ Organization and its expertise- Positive Youth Development Network is a not for profit organization based in Minnesota that empowers youth as well as addresses youth concerns in areas of reproductive health services and education. Statement of Need ➢ A study by Vázquez-Nava et al. (2013) indicated that unintended pregnancy makes 33% to 82% of adolescent pregnancies globally. ➢ The impact of unplanned pregnancies among adolescents includes girls dropping out of school to take care of their newborns, getting married at an early age, practicing unsafe HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE 3 abortions, and being exposed to sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV and chlamydia. ➢ In nations that abortion is not legalized, teenagers are at risk of practicing unsafe abortions that are increasing mortality. Other complications associated with unsafe abortions include long-term damage and injury to internal organs, infections, bleeding, and incomplete abortions. ➢ Unplanned participation in sexual activities among teenagers exposes them to sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia. ➢ However, increasing sexual health awareness and providing contraceptives among teenagers is likely to reduce the impact of early and unintended pregnancies among teenagers. ➢ A study by Oringanje et al. (2016) demonstrated that interventions comprising a combination of sexual health education and contraception reduced unplanned pregnancies among teenagers significantly. The study also showed that behavioral outcomes had gaps across trials. ➢ Fox and Barfield (2016) also revealed that since the Affordable Care Act has increased teenage access to contraceptive methods to reduce unintended pregnancies, public health workers and healthcare professionals need to educate women about the availability and use of these methods. Project Descriptions ➢ Objectives- Fox and Barfield (2016) indicate that women of all ages are likely to use contraceptive methods when these methods are accompanied by patient education and counselling. HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE 4 ➢ A committee report by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG) (2017) revealed that pregnancies in adolescents have been reducing the past years because adolescents are using contraceptives effectively. Data gathered from 201 to 2013 demonstrated that more teenagers used contraceptives at the time of their first intercourse compared to females before 1985. As a result, the birth rate among adolescents in the United States reached a historic low of 22.3 per 1,000 in 2015. Data collected from 20072015 showed that unintended pregnancies in females aged 15-17 years fell by 54% while in women aged 18-19 years, unplanned pregnancies fell by 43% (Adolescent Pregnancy, Contraception, and Sexual Activity – ACOG, 2017). ➢ Methods- The methods used to achieve the goals of the project include providing increasing sexual health education as well as providing contraceptives. A study by the World Health Organization (2011) on interventions to reducing unplanned pregnancies among teenagers revealed that a combination of interventions (contraceptive and education) reduced the impact of unintended pregnancies. ➢ Staffing/Administration- This project will involve 10 healthcare staff (two physicians, six social workers, and two nurses). The role of physicians and nurses will include supporting social workers in providing education about positive sexual health. While social workers will focus on counselling and providing education to teenagers in schools, physicians and nurses will recommend treatment to students who are already affected. ➢ Evaluation- The success of the project will be measured by a quantitative measure that will reveal a statistical analysis of the project. The expected results include a drop in the number of pregnancies among teenagers. The evaluation process will consist of conducting studies among targeted populations and publishing the evidence involved. HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE ➢ Sustainability- After the success of the first project, the organization will solicit other funds from the state government and other foundations that empower youth. Budget ➢ Expenses will be divided into two sections: personal expenses and direct project expenses. ➢ Personal expenses are costs for staff who will work on the project. Since the project will take eight months, expenses of staff will include: For 6 social workers working on the project for eight months: $3,400*8*6= $163,200 For two nurses working on the project for eight months: 4,100*2*8=$65,600 For the two doctors working on the project for eight months: $6,667*8*2=$106,672 ➢ Direct project expenses are non-personal expenses that the team will incur, and they include travel costs, supplies, insurance, equipment/rental costs, and meeting expenses. The projected direct project costs are $300,000. ➢ Therefore, the total budget of the project is $635,472 Organizational Information ➢ This will include structure, program, expertise, history, project fit for mission, target audience, special needs of audience, activities, staff, and board. Conclusion ➢ A combination of interventions (education and contraceptives) will reduce unintended teenage pregnancies. A standard Proposal Letter ➢ Ask for funding request ➢ Outline the need 5 HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE ➢ Explain the methods used to achieve objectives ➢ Budget data ➢ Appendices 6 HEALTH GRANT OUTLINE 7 References Adolescent Pregnancy, Contraception, and Sexual Activity – ACOG. (2017). Retrieved 14 December 2019, from Fox, J., & Barfield, W. (2016). Decreasing Unintended Pregnancy. JAMA, 316(8), 815. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.8800 Interventions for preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents | RHL. (2011). Retrieved 14 December 2019, from Oringanje, C., Meremikwu, M., Eko, H., Esu, E., Meremikwu, A., & Ehiri, J. (2016). Interventions for preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd005215.pub3 Science Daily. (2017, December 11). Multiple health implications of women’s early marriage go beyond early childbearing. Retrieved from Vázquez-Nava, F., Vázquez-Rodriguez, C., Saldívar-González, A., Vázquez-Rodríguez, E., Córdova-Fernández, J., Felizardo-Ávalos, J., & Sánchez-Márquez, W. (2013). Unplanned Pregnancy in Adolescents: Association with Family Structure, Employed Mother, and Female Friends with Health-Risk Habits and Behaviors. Journal of Urban Health, 91(1), 176-185. doi: 10.1007/s11524-013-9819-6