IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions

IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions

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IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions

College of Computing and Informatics Assignment 1 Deadline: Day 03/01/2023 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8] Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format. • It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files. • Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation). • Email submission will not be accepted. • You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page. • You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark. • You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question. • Late submission will result in ZERO mark. • The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark. • Use Times New Roman font for all your answers. Question One Pg. 01 Learning Outcome(s): CLO2 – Illustrate how business requirements drive the information and knowledge needs of an organization for competitive advantage. Question One 2 Marks Explain how Information technology can be used by a business to increase switching costs that lock in its customers or suppliers? Use business examples to support your answers. Question Two Pg. 02 Learning Outcome(s): CLO4 Demonstrate the use of emerging technology drivers such as Electronic Business, Data Mining and Networking solutions. Question Two 2 Marks Explain how a process in one of the functions of business can be improved via utilizing Internet technologies? Choose one example and evaluate its business value. Question Three Pg. 03 Learning Outcome(s): CLO1 – Explain Question Three Using your own words, give a brief summary of the article in the following link. (500 word maximum) the significance of information technology and its applications in professional life. 4 Marks Click here to read the article See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS Article · June 2022 CITATIONS READS 0 1,608 3 authors, including: Kanahaiya Lal Ambashtha Gopal Narayan Singh University,Jamuhar Dr Rajeev Kumar 15 PUBLICATIONS 77 CITATIONS 9 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Kanahaiya Lal Ambashtha on 23 July 2022. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS Satish Kumar Gupta Faculty of Information Technology Gopal Narayan Singh University, Jamuhar, [email protected] Kanhaiya Lal Ambashtha Faculty of Information Technology Gopal Narayan Singh University, Jamuhar, [email protected] Rajeev Kumar Faculty of Information Technology Gopal Narayan Singh University, Jamuhar [email protected] Abstract: The importance Management Information Systems is highly dedicated to taking accurate decisions for any type of organization. The process of decision-making and its impact on top-level management in a business organization is explained with an emphasis on automated decision-making. Management Information System (MIS) is concerned with data and after processing data into information which is then communicated/ shared to the various users of different Departments in an organization for appropriate/effective decision-making. Management Information System provides information about those person/departments which is needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively. It involves five primary resources: people, Hardware, Software, Data, and Procedure. Management information systems are distinct from other information systems because they are used to analyze operational activities in the organization. Academically, the term commonly refers to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. expert systems, decision information system, and executive information systems. Organizations still need different types of MIS serving various organizational levels, functions, and business processes. Management Information System creates various opportunities for the different types of the organization but still have some challenges to manage. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the role of MIS and opportunity and challenges in business. Keywords: Information System, MIS, IT. I. INTRODUCTION The notion of management information systems (MIS) is a systematic and scientific way of compiling internal and external data into integrated and effective business data. Large corporations are not unfamiliar with MIS. Its only novel feature is its computerization. MIS techniques existed before the use of computers to provide managers with the information they needed to plan and control their business operations. The computer has added new aspects to decision-making, such as speed, precision, and larger data volumes, allowing for the consideration of more valuable choices [1] [2] [3]. It’s a collection of integrated technology that gathers, processes, classifies, stores, and distributes data to aid decisionmaking and control. This system stores data about important people, places, and objects within the organization and institution, as well as the environment around it. Information regarding the business’s true economic value is provided via MIS. Investment in information systems, like other assets such as buildings, machinery, land, and other assets, will be a better investment [4] [5]. It is formally associated NIU International Journal of Human Rights ISSN: 2394 – 0298 Volume 9, June (I) 2022 22 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS with the transformation of data into information. The gathering, analysis, and processing of raw data into meaningful information, as well as its allocation to the user in the needed format, are all examples of management information systems. Information Technology (IT), which includes computers and telecommunications networks, is used to collect data [6] [7] [8]. As a result, it is a system that produces information that can be used to efficiently and successfully manage businesses and institutions. The three primary resources occupied by management information systems are technology, information, and the public. It assists management in resolving issues connected to business decision-making. Management information systems are a subset of a company’s total internal controls procedures, which encompass the value of people, documents, technology, and procedures used by management accountants to address business challenges like costing a product, service, or a company’s overall strategy [9] [10]. It is made up of data that allows management to sense the pulse of the firm and make choices accordingly. In essence, a complete MIS includes all of the systems that the company employs to generate the data that guides management’s choices and actions. Regular information systems, which include other information systems used in operational activities in the organization, are not the same as management information systems. The importance of the computer as a source of management data has recently been recognized [11] [12]. To reflect this new era of computer applications, the term MIS was coined. MIS was soon accepted by the business sector, despite some controversy [13] [14]. Fig. 1 represents the general concept of MIS. Fig. 1: General concept of MIS There’s a lot of debate regarding what it signifies. Originally, the phrase referred to systems that generated data for business management. The phrase is now commonly used to denote a company’s total computer system. It views the business organization as a scientifically organized mechanism for the flow of business information [15] [16]. A. Management Information System Concepts MIS has been defined and explained in a variety of ways. It’s also known as the Computer-based Information System, Information and Decision System, and Information System [17]. There are several definitions in the MIS, some of which are listed below: • A management information system (MIS) is a system that delivers information to help organizational decision-making. • The MIS is defined as an integrated man-machine system for providing information to assist the organization’s operations, management, and decision-making functions. • The MIS is defined as a system that has emerged from an organization’s database intending to give NIU International Journal of Human Rights ISSN: 2394 – 0298 Volume 9, June (I) 2022 23 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS information to its employees. The MIS is defined as a Computer-based Information System. • B. Information Requirements for modern business The information system generates data to meet the needs of the management and operations subsystems, as well as those of parties outside the organization. This data reflects the organization’s internal operations, competitive actions, environmental and sociological concerns, as well as political and financial trends. It must reflect what has occurred, what is currently occurring, and, perhaps most importantly, what will occur. In private enterprises, educational institutions, governmental organizations, and other organizations, this information requirement is equally important. The expansion of data and information processing is directly tied to the expansion of the organizations that make up society in general. As a result, it became critical for the company to effectively manage or handle its data. MIS enables a business to have access to crucial data [18]. C. Objectives of MIS The followings are the objectives of the MIS: • • • • II. To provide an overview of organizations’ information requirements. To examine management’s function and its reliance on the information. To discuss the importance of information in decision-making. To identify the requirement for information in an organization’s day-to-day activities. TYPES OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS There are many types of information management systems in the market that provide a wide range of benefits for companies. Transaction processing systems (TPS) collect and record an organization’s day-to-day transactions. This approach is primarily employed at the lowest management levels. Management information systems (MIS) generate fixed, regularly scheduled reports based on data retrieved and summarized from the firm’s underlying transaction processing systems (TPS), assisting middle and operational level managers with structured and semi-structured decision problems. • Decision-support systems (DSS) are mostly computer programs that are used by middle management to compile data from a variety of sources to solve problems and make choices. Top-level management leaders make these judgments. • Executive support systems (ESS) is a reporting tool that gives you instant access to summarized data from all levels of your company and departments including accounting, human resources, and operations. This system displays essential information from a variety of internal and external sources in an easy-to-understand style for managers and executives. • A knowledge management system (KMS) is a knowledge-based information system that helps employees and managers throughout the company create, organize, and disseminate business knowledge. • The strategic information system (SIS) integrates information technology (IT) with a company’s product, service, and business processes to assist the company to obtain a competitive advantage. • It focuses on operational and administrative applications in support of corporate functions such as accounting and marketing, among others. • NIU International Journal of Human Rights ISSN: 2394 – 0298 Volume 9, June (I) 2022 24 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS III. ROLE OF MIS IN IMPROVING DECISION MAKING Making decisions is an important aspect of every business. This is because the majority of an organization’s operations revolve around managerial decisions. Because judgments are based on information available, having a robust management information system is critical for making more successful decisions [18]. Every business Information’s effectiveness is determined by the timing and content of the information supplied, as well as management actions. The necessity for a management information system arises when managers must make sound business decisions. Fig. 2 shows the types of MIS. Fig. 2: Types of MIS While the manager must rely on his judgment, he must also have access to information on which to base his judgments. Making decisions is an important aspect of every business. This is because the majority of an organization’s operations revolve around managerial decisions. Because judgments are based on information available, having a robust management information system is critical for making more successful decisions. The business information’s effectiveness is determined by the timing and content of the information supplied, as well as management actions. The necessity for a management information system arises when managers must make sound business decisions. While the manager must rely on his judgment, he must also have access to information on which to base his judgments. Management information systems provide managers with quick access to data. Interaction with other decision support systems, information evaluation, external information cross-referencing, and data removal strategies are all included. These systems combine data and strategic strategy with practical judgments. Finally, Management Information Systems are critical in that they provide a diverse set of options from which decision-makers can select their preferred option. This is critical for businesses in today’s world because even tiny errors in decision-making can result in massive losses [19]. A. Opportunities for implementation of Management Information System Without the capabilities of management information systems, modern firms simply cannot compete. The dynamic nature of our present corporate climate necessitates the use of information technology in many aspects of business, including accounting, finance, management, and human resources. As a result, in most organizations, the ability to properly design and deploy management information systems has NIU International Journal of Human Rights ISSN: 2394 – 0298 Volume 9, June (I) 2022 25 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS become a cornerstone. As a result of the integration of people, processes, and information technology, MIS plays a critical strategic role in all enterprises [1]. This characteristic gives management information systems a distinct advantage. A business can attain the following advantages with the implementation of MIS [20]. Economy of scales: In general, economies of scale refer to the notion that the total cost of numerous 1) integrated processes may be less than the sum of the individual expenses. All business operations can be combined with the help of MIS, and information can be sent from one department to another at a very quick rate [11]. Getting more information from the same amount of data. The basic purpose of a management information system (MIS) is to convert data into information. Even though all of the information the manager required for decision-making was in unstructured formats. MIS organizes data in such a way that it becomes information for managers, who can utilize it to make important business decisions. Sharing of data: Data can be exchanged among authorized users through MIS, giving them access 2) to more information. Multiple users may have access to the same piece of information. New data can be quickly contributed to the old, and merged findings can be easily discovered. Balancing conflicting requirements: To ensure that management duties run smoothly, personal 3) conflicts must be resolved. With the help of MIS, a united data set is created and sent to all departments according to their needs. As a result, one department does not have to rely on another for crucial and critical information. In their department, they have access to the same information. Interpersonal disputes between departments will be eliminated. Enforcement of Standards: MIS aids the organization in enforcing data standards. It ensures that 4) standards for data names, usages, and formats are followed consistently across the company. Control Redundancy: There is no longer a need for several copies of the same data because data 5) in file-oriented systems are now merged into a single database. Because there is no need to examine data over and again, data repetition and control redundancy will be reduced. Integrity: One of the advantages of implementing a management information system is that it 6) integrates data from many locations and departments as a whole while also maintaining independent records. Managers now have quick access to all of the organization’s data. Consistency: Data consistency and accuracy are improved via MIS. Data with similar alphabets 7) and confusion cannot be recorded incorrectly since MIS detects these problems while putting the data into the system. Security of information: With the usage of MIS in the business, security refers to preventing 8) unauthorized users from accessing data. Because MIS has control over operational data, it can establish permission procedures to guarantee that only authorized people have access. Flexibility and Responsiveness: Since the data that was previously kept in several different files 9) by several different user areas is now in the same database, it is possible to respond to a request for data from multiple areas in a much easier and more flexible way. B. Challenges for implementation of MIS Organizations continue to require a variety of information systems to support various organizational levels, functions, and business processes, and they are increasingly requiring systems that provide enterprise-wide integration. These requirements present both opportunities and difficulties. After implementing an information system, a corporation may encounter a variety of issues. 1) The cost of developing a new computerized based information system is a concern for the company, NIU International Journal of Human Rights ISSN: 2394 – 0298 Volume 9, June (I) 2022 26 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS and it causes problems since the information system must be kept up to date as time passes. Employees should also be aware of any modifications to the company’s website. 2) Employees should be able to learn new information systems as the competitive and business environment changes; otherwise, it would be difficult for the company to stay competitive. 3) Server crashes and website crashes might cause problems. It can sometimes result in data loss and other complications. Employee aversion to using the information system is another issue. Employees oppose new technology because they do not want to go with the new system; instead, they want to continue in the old pattern that they have mastered over many years. 4) The cost of implementing the information system in the organization and ensuring its consistency across departments. The life of a software system is also a difficulty for the organization in terms of determining which system would best meet the organization’s requirements because each system has a limited scope and new technological breakthroughs occur all the time. They must deploy new technology, which will increase the cost of the information system. IV. CONCLUSIONS It can be concluded that a management information system is an important part of the business which provides timely and accurate information to the business managers and helps them in taking appropriate decisions. With the change in technology management, new software is now used in information systems which lead to a fast and timely supply of information. But information systems have to face the challenges like implementation costs, employees’ resistance to change, server crash problems and learning of new system problems and up-to-date information, etc. For the success of an information system, it is suggested that proper planning is very important in any information system because without planning nothing possible. Project harmony is necessary and uniformity in the organization is also required. REFERENCES [1] N. B. Hussin, A. S. Othman, and A. Jamaludin, “Determinants of strategic information management (sim): A case study in a malaysia bank,” Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 679–692, 2017. [2] R. Kumar, M. Kumar, and J. 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IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions
IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions

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A Sample Answer For the Assignment: IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions

Title: IT 231 SEU Business Functions Can Be Improved via Internet Technologies Questions