In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Sample Answer for In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493 Included After Question

In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Topic 7 DQ 2

In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Title: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

My evidence base practices proposal is on shortage of nursing in long term care. After meeting with staff and administration it was determined that the facility nurses were very upset due to contracted 90 days nurses receiving a higher pay rate and less required work than the staff nurses. Most facilities are offering incentives for their employees. It was discovered that this facility is offering outside help an increase incentive. The staff and administration must address the issue to come to a resolution to provide a medium to ensure that employees are benefited as well.  In Doing research for this project, I have found several discoveries and one that I have chosen to weigh in on is. The owner of the Aperion chain of nursing homes must evaluate the risk and benefits of loosing values employers who have dedicated their talent, time, and hearts to this establishment. Most Business owners weigh in on the financial aspect of their establishment occasionally forgetting about the staff that is employed that is the reason behind the business thriving. In providing my change proposal I must provide information’s to how the employees are feeling and the progress they have provide to the facility to make it strive.  While providing this information I am in hopes that my proposal will assist in providing information to the owner of the establishment that will assist in not preserving quality of care to his establishment. Establishing an administrative atmosphere that is committed to the preservation of capable employees is the initial move in decreasing workers turn over. The facility uses a tool called Relias learning for education purpose in training staff. It offers a guide for retention of staff this is something that needs to be presented to administration to review.

Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493
Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493



Hunt SR, Probst JC, Haddock KS, Moran R, Baker SL, Anderson RA, Corazzini K. Registered nurse retention strategies in nursing homes: a two-factor perspective. Health Care Manage Rev. 2012 Jul-Sep;37(3):246-56. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0b013e3182352425. PMID: 22037647.·


A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Title: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Unfortunately, the issue of nursing staff shortages has been an ever-present issue for healthcare organizations although this was brought to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic when the number of sick individuals requiring care greatly outnumbered the available staff and resources. Our health care system faces immense challenges. History shows staff shortages are often brought about by cost-cutting decisions, an aging population, increased patient complexity and need, and an aging workforce. An increasing body of evidence shows appropriate nurse staffing contributes to improved patient outcomes, greater satisfaction among patients and staff, and improved cost containment. The American Nurses Association continues to advocate for appropriate staff ratios to reduce mortality rates, decrease length of stay, and reduce the number of preventable events. They have suggested adoption of the IOM nursing report which states:

      • Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education, training and licensure.
      • Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.
      • Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States.
      • Effective workforce planning and policymaking require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure.


Nurse Staffing Crisis. ANA. (n.d.). Retrieved June 5, 2022, from

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS:In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Title: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Initiating an evidence-based practice can be a challenging process for nurses since it’s difficult to ensure that the PICOT problem is addressed according to plan. However, nurses must be knowledgeable about change proposal implementation and the importance of assessing if the expected outcome was achieved (Ginex, 2018). One final important step in the implementation of an evidence-based project is to monitor and analyze the results. This will identify crucial areas that need adjustment for a successful outcome.  Evaluating the outcomes of an evidence-based project can be done through feedback or audit assessments as well as patient outcomes (American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology, n.d.).

This writer will use a premortem to determine the project outcome to ensure the successful implementation of the change project with the use of the SBAR tool to improve communication through a standardization process. One meaningful way of evaluating a change project outcome is through a premortem (Ginex, 2018). Using a premortem evaluation tool, the writer will be able to identify outcomes, barriers, and risks associated with the successful implementation of an SBAR evidence-based project. This premortem tool will also provide insight into the evidence-based intervention to determine if using a standardized communication tool improve communication and collaboration of patient care information during handoff.  Some stakeholders including the preceptor will be allowed to view the project and identify all possible reasons for failure. The writer will also use supporting feedback to modify the change project to improve user satisfaction.



American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology, . (n.d.). Step 5 – Evaluate the Outcomes. In American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology. Retrieved from—evaluate-the-outcomes

Ginex, P. (2018, April 19). Use These Methods to Evaluate EBP Outcomes and Disseminate Results. In ONS Voice. Retrieved from

A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Title: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Using a premortem is indeed one of the ways through which you can develop outcomes of the project by working backwards from the failures of the organization. Through a pre-mortem the project initiated begins exploring where the organization has failed, and ten uses this data to develop potential goals and outcomes for the change project. Thanks to the pre-mortem, you have the opportunity to capture challenges before they become much bigger than they are. However, one of the issues is that the use of a premortem leaves out the opportunity to gather baselines (Mills & McKimm, 2017). Baselines play an important role in ensuring that we have a statistical or measured snapshot of the status quo. This will facilitate better intervention and this is because in assessing or evaluating the success of the project, all you have to do is compare the outcomes to the baseline in order to ascertain processes. To aid in this, one of the solutions that I propose is the use of continuous quality improvement strategies. This ensures that the change begins from a known statistical point and thus, you have the opportunity to deliberately make some changes to improve on the situation.


Mills, J. K., & McKimm, J. (2017). Pre-empting project failure by using a pre-mortem. British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005)78(10), 584–585.

A Sample Answer 5 For the Assignment: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

Title: In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice NRS 493

The purpose of an evidence-based change proposal is to address the needs of a facility and to introduce evidence-based solutions aimed at improving the quality of care offered to patients, optimizing treatment outcomes, and minimizing financial burden. The goals of my change proposal focused of Urine Culture Stewardship, is to Decrease in the number of urine cultures ordered, decrease the number of Asymptomatic-Bacteriuria cases treated inappropriately, decrease the costs associated with the overtreatment of ASB. In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine its effectiveness. To evaluate the effectiveness of change, it is important to apply an evaluation method to measure the change.

A summative evaluation involves making judgments about the efficacy of a program or course at its conclusion. In addition, summative evaluations, or assessment of learning is the assessment of participants where the focus is on the outcome of a program. A summative evaluation involves collecting and analyzing data with the intention of identifying the effects and outcomes of an intervention (Bin Mubayrik, 2020). By utilizing a summative evaluation, I will be able to determine if my change proposal was successful in achieving the intended objectives.



Preventing CAUTI: Focus on Culturing Stewardship. (2022, May 29). Retrieved from

Bin Mubayrik, H. F. (2020). New Trends in Formative-Summative Evaluations for Adult Education.