NR 506 Week 3 Discussion:

HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal

HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal

Sample Answer for HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal Included After Question

HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity: 

Initial Post Instructions:

For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following (any program and/or act of the New Deal): 

Programs  Acts 
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) 

Public Works Administration (PWA) 

Civil Works Administration (CWA) 

Works Progress Administration (WPA) 

Farm Security Administration (FSA) 

Emergency Banking Relief Act 

Economy Act 

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) 

Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA) 

National Employment System Act (Wagner-Peyser Act) 

Home Owners Loan Act 

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIA) 

Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act) 

Securities & Exchange Act 

Emergency Relief Appropriation Act 

Resettlement Administration (RA) 

Rural Electrification Administration (REA) 

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) 

Social Security Act 

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 

Reflecting over the weekly reading and lesson video The New Deal Coalition (also linked in the Required Resources), address the following for your selections: 

  • Consider workers, immigrants, and African Americans. Explain how minorities were represented by the New Deal. 
  • Analyze to what extent you think that the New Deal effectively ended the Great Depression and restored the economy. 

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Compare your selections and analysis of selections with those of your peers. If they chose different events, examine how yours are similar and/or different. If they chose the same events, build on their posts by providing additional information about the events that you have not already noted in your own post. 

Writing Requirements 

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) 
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references 

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This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link: 

Course Outcomes (CO): 3, 5, 6 

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday
Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday 


Dyer, J. (Director), & Dyer, J. (Producer). (2005). A new deal: Part 5 [Video]. Dallas County Community College District. Academic Video Online. 

Library of Congress. (2011, July 29). New Deal programs: Selected Library of Congress resources: Digitized materials. 

Library of Congress. (2010, July 30). New Deal programs: Selected Library of Congress resources: Introduction. 

Library of Congress. (2015, September 25). New Deal programs: Selected Library of Congress resources. 

Library of Congress. (n.d.). President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1933-1945. 

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Hello Class, 

Welcome to Week 6!  

This week, we will be discussing how Americans were affected by the Great Depression and the New Deal. 

Along with your textbook reading for the week, here’s some additional reading to consider about target audiences. 

Great Depression 

Leuchtenburg, William E., McElvaine, Robert S, 1993, The Great Depression (1929-1939), retrieved from 

Remember to use an outside resource in the main post, which needs to be on or before Wednesday. 

Don’t forget to look over the discussion rubric as a reference when you are writing your discussion posts. If you have any questions, please post in the Q&A forum or email me: 

Now, let’s get busy….   Prof. King  

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal

Title: HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal

Hello Class and Professor, 

The New Deal and the Second New Deal were programs that were enacted to help provide relief from the depression and get Americans working again. Programs were focused on both skilled and unskilled works and included public works and projects such as bridge building and services that help protect the land and even included funding for the arts and theater. While not eliminating the depression, the Deal did provide relief to many.  

Under the first New Deal, the Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA) focused on providing relief to a specific region. It was designed to enhance regional economic growth and started by gaining hydroelectric power from the Tennessee river providing water and electricity for the region and allowing Industries such as the textile to bring their manufacturing plants to the area. (Corbett et. al., 2014) 

During the Second New Deal, some felt that the government was not doing enough for the underprivileged. This led to the passing of the Social Security Act which is still enacted today. I aided with the needs of the underprivileged, the elderly, disabled, and unemployed. HIST 405N Week 6 Discussion 1: The New Deal

These two acts did not have the same impact on women and African Americans, however. The TVA Act did not meet the needs of women early on as many of the jobs required significant labor, but once the Industries began to arrive, it did open the door for more female jobs. 

The Social Security Act, while providing for those in need, especially excluded benefits for the domestic worker, primarily underprivileged and American women as well as farmers which at that time had a significant number of African Americans working the land.               

We did see the emergence of a new movement for women and African Americans in Eleanor Roosevelt during this time. She actively reached out to both of these groups and south to bring them together and be united in the cause of improving the standard of living and having a stronger voice in government programs. (Dryer, 2005).   


Corbett, P.S., Janssen, V., Lund V., Pfannestiel, T., Waskiew, S, V., (2014) U.S. History. 


Dyer, J. (2005). Lesson 12, Part 5, A New Deal: Part 5.  Transforming U.S. History Since 1877. Dallas County Community College District. 


Hi, thanks for sharing this weeks discussion. I liked how you brought up Eleanor R in your post. I actually have a friend who’s related to her. We’ve had conversations related about it and it’s so interesting. I’ve actually read personal journals during this time of her thoughts during the era and it’s so interesting to read the words from somebody like that. I always wondered what would happen if she wasn’t that median during that time. Who would have been the person to be it if it wasn’t her? Thanks for sharing! 



HI  that is so neat !  I think she was amazing and it was her husbands illness that gave her the ability to take the first lady responsibilities to the next level and set her own agenda to help others.   

Great post! I think the establishment of the Social Security system was one of the greatest accomplishment of the new deal. There are so many vulnerable elderly people around the United States who rely directly on the Social Security system to keep them afloat. One of the main reasons for the improvement in the poverty rate among the elderly can be attributed to the social security system. Therefore, it is critical that it continues being efficiently maintained for future generations. 

Hello Everyone, 

No other group in the United States suffered as devastating consequences of the Great Depression as African Americans. While overall unemployment reached approximately a quarter of the labor force, for black workers, the rate was well over 5o%. Those who were able to find employment were excluded from better paying and more stable professions and usually held menial jobs, for which they were paid lower wages than their white fellow workers. The crisis in agriculture that began long before the onset of the Great Depression also greatly affected African Americans, many of whom still lived off the land, more often as sharecroppers and other tenants than landowners. Segregation was rampant, racial violence common (particularly in the South), and at the time when many white Americans struggled for survival, the struggled of black Americans only intensified (OpenStax. (2019). 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s legacy in respect to black Americans remains ambiguous at best. As the 1932 presidential candidate, he embraced the segregationist stand of the Democratic party. Already as president, Roosevelt’s many critical decisions were driven by his need to please white Southerners, who held substantial power in Congress. He repeatedly refused to support of black communities were often influenced by Eleanor Roosevelt’s, who continued to push her husband to pay more attention to black leaders and needs of African Americans (OpenStax. (2019). 

While the New deals was formally designed to benefit African Americans, some of its flagship programs, particularly those proposed during the first New Deal, either excluded African Americans or even hurt them. For example, the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) drove many black farmers from the land. As subsidies were paid to (usually white) landlords for not growing certain crops on a part of their land. Black (and white) sharecroppers and other tenants were the first victims of the policy (Fishback. (2016) The evicted farmers were often forced to migrate to northern cities as the southern countryside had no alternative to offer.

The 1033 National Recovery Administration, the main First New Deal agency responsible for industrial recovery, had hardly anything to offer to African Americans as the National Industrial Recovery Act’s (NIRA) provisions covered the industries from which black workers were usually excluded. Neither farm nor domestic labor, two sectors where African Americans constituted substantial labor force, were covered under NIRA. Similarly, the original version (later amended) of the 1935 Social Security Act did not provide old-age pensions for farm and domestic workers, which automatically excluded a substantial number of senior African Americans.