HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project

HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project

Sample Answer for HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project Included After Question


Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer (COO), is part of the task force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers.

You have been tasked with providing this information for Ms. Woods in a 1-2-page paper that discusses the similarities and differences between academic medical centers and acute care community hospitals. Your paper should address each of the following prompts below:

  • Explain the similarities and differences between the mission of an academic medical center versus the mission of an acute community hospital.
  • Discuss the similarities and differences in the staffing and management structure of an academic medical center versus an acute community hospital.  Note: You will want to consider what type of staff an academic medical center would have that a community hospital may not have.
  • Explain the similarities and differences in the Reimbursement model(s) that are used in academic medical centers versus an acute community hospital.

Be sure to document your references using APA format.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project

Title:  HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project

Individual Project

The promotion of the optimum health and outcomes of all the Americans is a crucial role of the government. The government has structured the healthcare system in a manner that promotes efficiency to achieve this outcome. The populations in need of healthcare services can access care from different service providers such as the academic medical center and acute community hospitals. Despite offering almost the same types of healthcare services, academic medical centers and acute community hospitals differ. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to explore the evident differences between the two.

Similarities and Differences Between Missions

An academic medical center is an institution that provides both specialized and basic care services to their target communities. Besides, they exist to offer graduate-level education for medical students and create evidence through cutting-edge studies. The centers are affiliates of medical schools. The centers rely on public funded programs to support its activities such as paying for healthcare services and research initiatives. Besides offering clinical care, research and education, academic medical centers complement the provision of healthcare in most communities.  Acute community medical centers are non-academic institutions that provide aa range of services to their populations. They do not engage in any federally funded studies. They have different patient population as seen from most of them being privately insured people (DeNisco, 2023; Henderson, 2022). The community medical centers focus largely on efficiency more than academic medical centers.

Similarities and Differences in Staffing and Management Structure

Staffing and management structures differ between academic medical centers and acute community hospitals. The

HCM 307 Unit 2 - Individual Project
HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project

management structure of academic medical centers depends on how they are connected to the health system or a teaching hospital. For example, a university may operate an academic medical center as its extension if it owns or governs it. The medical center may be run by the board of directors of the university, representing a simple model of running academic medical centers. Dualistic management structure may be evident in medical centers that perform clinical care and research or education. Pluralism management structure may be evident in academic medical centers that makes it hard for the institutions to run as an integrated institution. The consumers, stakeholders, and the broader public must act in ways that depict institution as a unified entity with the community and affiliated universities in this management model. The staffing structure in academic medical centers focus on independence. The employees in these centers are independent from those in their affiliated universities. However, they act in ways that complement the realization of the overall goals of the institutions. The management structure of a community hospital focuses on ensuring the hospitals satisfy consumer needs for profitability while addressing the concerns of their staff (McKee, 2023). The staff provide the needed patient care and do not extend to other roles such as the supervision of graduate students, which is evident in academic medical centers.

Similarities and Differences in the Reimbursement Models

Academic medical centers rely on publicly funded programs for its activities such as clinical care and research. Federal funding for its programs is the leading source of financing for these institutions. The government pays these institutions through funding programs such as Medicaid and Medicare for the services rendered to the population. Community hospitals receive their funding through multiple sources such as private insurance for patients, Medicare and Medicaid (Park et al., 2019; Raj et al., 2020). They have independent financing models that increase their profitability unlike the unstainable ones used by most of the academic medical centers.


In conclusion, academic medical centers and community hospitals improve service delivery to the populations in need. They share common visions of ensuring the realization of the public health needs. However, they differ in terms of management and staffing structures and reimbursement models. Community hospitals tend to be more autonomous and independent that academic medical centers.

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HCM 307 Unit 2 – Individual Project  References

DeNisco, S. M. (2023). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Henderson, J. W. (2022). Health Economics and Policy. Cengage Learning.

McKee, G. A. (2023). Hospital City, Health Care Nation: Race, Capital, and the Costs of American Health Care. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Park, B., Frank, B., Likumahuwa-Ackman, S., Brodt, E., Gibbs, B. K., Hofkamp, H., & DeVoe, J. (2019). Health Equity and the Tripartite Mission: Moving From Academic Health Centers to Academic–Community Health Systems. Academic Medicine, 94(9), 1276. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000002833

Raj, S., Charlie, H., Isabell, S., Roshini, & Adam, G. (2020). Evaluating Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare Reform. IGI Global.


Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer (COO), is part of the task force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers.

You have been tasked with providing this information for Ms. Woods in a 1-2-page paper that discusses the similarities and differences between academic medical centers and acute care community hospitals. Your paper should address each of the following prompts below:

  • Explain the similarities and differences between the mission of an academic medical center versus the mission of an acute community hospital.
  • Discuss the similarities and differences in the staffing and management structure of an academic medical center versus an acute community hospital.  Note: You will want to consider what type of staff an academic medical center would have that a community hospital may not have.
  • Explain the similarities and differences in the Reimbursement model(s) that are used in academic medical centers versus an acute community hospital.

Be sure to document your references using APA format.


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