GOV 230 Unit 1 – Discussion Board

GOV 230 Unit 1 – Discussion Board

GOV 230 Unit 1 – Discussion Board

My name is Declan and I am a registered nurse. I have been working in the healthcare field for a number of years and have gained a wealth of experience in caring for patients and working with other healthcare professionals. I am now looking to further my education by pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. My position is a Registered Nurse (RN) is my proudest accomplishment in the career journey. My advice to the entire class is that nursing is an interesting field that require both the theoretical and practical knowledge. Besides nursing, my dream vacation is going to Cappadocia and riding in a hot air balloon.

I believe that this degree will help me to strengthen my relationship with people and professionals in the healthcare field. As a nurse, I am committed to providing the best possible care for my patients and I believe that a BSN will give me the knowledge and skills I need to do this even more effectively (Davis et al., 2018). By studying advanced nursing concepts, evidence-based practice, and leadership, I will be better equipped to understand the needs of my patients and to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care.

In addition to helping me to provide better care for my patients, I believe that a BSN will also help me to develop stronger relationships with my colleagues. By studying alongside other nurses and healthcare professionals, I will have the opportunity to learn from their experiences and to share my own. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with other nurses and healthcare professionals to improve patient care and to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

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Overall, I am deeply committed to the field of nursing and I believe that pursuing a BSN will help me to achieve my goals of

GOV 230 Unit 1 - Discussion Board
GOV 230 Unit 1 – Discussion Board

providing the best possible care for my patients and building strong relationships with other healthcare professionals. One of the areas that I am willing to focus on in this course is the application of nursing theories. I am excited to begin this journey and look forward to the challenges and rewards that lie ahead.

GOV 230 Unit 1 – Discussion Board Reference

Davis, D., Koppelman, D., Gordon, J., Coleman, S. V., Heitzler, E. T., & Fall-Dickson, J. M. (2018). Effect of an academic–community partnership simulation education program on quality and safety education for nurses competency domains for bachelor of science in nursing students. Clinical Simulation in Nursing18, 56-63.

This is a terrific time to meet your fellow classmates, to learn a little bit about them, and for them to learn about you. Please introduce yourself in the Introductory Discussion Board that can be accessed via the Discussion Board link to the left. If you are not sure how to get started, begin by discussing your background and why you are in school. Feel free to mention your proudest accomplishments, and offer advice to others. Say something unique or fun about yourself! Additionally, please review the course outline and share with your fellow classmates at least one area that you are looking forward to learning more about.

You may upload a picture by clicking “Post File” when you respond to the Discussion Board. Images in JPEG form work well, but the Discussion Board will accept other formats, too.

Get started today. For purposes of your attendance, please post your introduction into this discussion on Thursday.

You are encouraged to participate in this thread throughout the term.