Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

Title: Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description


Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

Effective implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) projects in nursing practice is associated with positive impacts on patient care and population health. Successful EBP implementation is critical in ensuring adoption of new approaches in nursing practice that have the potential to improve the patient outcomes (Dang & Dearholt, 2017). It is always imperative to ensure that EBP solutions are in line with the organizational goals and missions relevant to health care setting. Consequently, this section seeks to delve into the proposed project solution by determining how the proposed solution align with the different facets of the organizational culture, anticipated outcomes, how to realize the anticipated outcomes, and the impact of the outcomes on the project.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section C: Solution Description
Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description


The Proposed Solution

The proposed solution for this project was training on mindfulness meditation in nursing. The technologically advanced, intricate, and stressful nature of health care has greatly compromised the ability of nurses to diligently discharge their duties due to risks of burnout and stress. Stress and burnout in nurses are contributed by various factors such as overwhelming work burden, complex interpersonal relationships, poor shift rotation, evolving nature of nursing practice that need continuous education to stay abreast with current practices, and failure to reward or acknowledge the efforts by nurses. In turn, the ability of nurses to diligently provide care during patient interactions is significantly compromised as a result of these stress-related factors (Kriakous et al., 2020). As a result, nurses tend to portray mindlessness by losing attention to patient care provision leading to various risks such as medical errors and failure to make informed and conscious nursing decision. Therefore, this project proposed implementation of mindfulness mediation among nurse to help in improving overall attention, empathy, and presence of nurses with patients and their families.

This proposed solution is consistent with earlier studies done on the topic. New Jersey State Nurses Association (2021) found that mindful mediation is a big way of engaging in peaceful balance and self-care among nurses and it is associated with improved problem-solving and planned action since it strengthens brain region responsible for attention. Mindful mediation also enhances coping skills, reduces burnout, reduces stress, improves self-understanding, enhances compassionate care, improves relationships with colleagues, and increases relaxation. Zeller et al. (2021) affirms that comparison of mindfulness and control groups after mindful training indicates difference in clinical performance with mindfulness indicating high performance and improved listening skills. Kriakous et al. (2020) also found that Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) greatly minimized the incidences of stress, depression, and anxiety among clinicians and improved their self-compassion and mindfulness levels. Lin et al.  (2019) also affirmed that MBSR lowered stress, enhances positive affect, and increased levels of resilience.

Essentially, the proposed solution of mindfulness meditation in nursing is practical in the VA Healthcare System since it strives to introduce solutions that strive to improve attention, empathy, resilience, and stress among nurses while providing care. Although the project may require substantial financial resources to be implemented, it can still be considered cost effective to health care system because of benefits associated with such as reduction in medical errors and the associated effects and as cost of damages for medical malpractices and improving care delivery and patient outcomes. Moreover, the organization tends to set supplementary budgets to cater for emerging issues such as the implementation of quality improvement initiatives such as the current project. Therefore, the organization has the capacity to implement the project.

Organizational Culture

It is critical for the proposed solution to be in line with the organizational culture (Ariza Aguilera, 2018). One of the outstanding organizational cultures of VA Healthcare System is supporting of change initiatives and innovations. As such, the organization is likely to support this change initiative. Moreover, the proposed imitative seeks to facilitate EBP in implementation of mindfulness mediation, thus, consistent with organizational culture of using EBP interventions.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of the mindfulness mediation training include helping nurses to improve their skills to control clinical stress and enhance their health, improve overall attention, experience with work satisfaction, enhance empathy, increase presence with patients and their families, reduce burnout, enhance serenity, reduce incidental overtime, and improve mental health.

Method to Achieve Outcomes

Training on mindfulness mediation will be conducted among all nurses in the organization. Nurse educators will be asked to act as the agents to promote the proposed intervention among nurses. Nurse educators will also be required to conduct follow-ups to establish whether or not the nurses adhere to intervention. Potential barriers include different literacy levels among nurses, resistance to change, and abandoning of the project by the nurses. However, these barriers can be addressed through creation of awareness, open communication, and active engagement of nurses. The basic assumption is that the project will lead to positive outcomes.

Outcome Impact

The proposed solution will impact the relationship between nurses in the organization by ensuring collaboration with relevant stakeholders such as the management to effect the proposed solution. The intervention will also impact the patient health outcomes since the intervention to enhance mindfulness levels will improve emotional states of nurses and put them in a position to provide best nursing care.


The proposed intervention on training on mindfulness meditation in nursing is expected to improve overall attention, empathy, and presence of nurses with patients and their families, thus, improving patient outcomes.




Ariza Aguilera, D. A. (2018). Designing an Organizational Culture Model in the Projects Environment: a Constructivist Approach. CES Psicología, 11(1), 118-133. https://doi.org/10.21615/cesp.11.1.9

Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. L. (2017). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

Kriakous, S. A., Elliott, K. A., Lamers, C., & Owen, R. (2020). The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on the Psychological Functioning of Healthcare Professionals: a Systematic Review. Mindfulness, 1–28. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01500-9

Lin, L., He, G., Yan, J., Gu, C., &Xie, J. (2019). The effects of a modified mindfulness-based stress reduction program for nurses: A randomized controlled trial. Workplace health & safety67(3), 111-122.

New Jersey State Nurses Association. (2021). Mindfulness: Meditation. Retrieved from https://njsna.org/mindfulness-meditation/

Zeller, J. M., Johnson, A. M., Hoffman, A., Hoyem, R. L., Alexander, M. B., Yudkowsky, R., & Hicks, F. D. (2021). Mindfulness Training to Improve Nurse Clinical Performance: A Pilot Study. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 43(3), 250-260. https://doi.org/10.1177/0193945920964938