ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board

ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board

Sample Answer for ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board Included 

ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board

Introductory Written Communication

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board

Title: ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board

My name is Declan Chukwudi Onyekere. My friends call me Chucks. I am a registered nurse and possess experience spanning over three years in clinical practice. Getting the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) would be my greatest happiness and joy. My friends and family will be excited by this accomplishment and I believe that the pursuit of this program will open new avenues in my life while offering me more opportunities to be an effective healthcare provider. Having this degree will allow to advance my nursing education and have a specialty in a certain area like being a family nurse practitioner so that I can provide care to patients across their lifespan (Jolley, 2020). Having a baccalaureate qualification as an RN will be the beginning point and stepping stone to a robust foundation for greater achievements in the future. My goal is to get a terminal nursing degree in nursing practice, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).

My proudest accomplishment is becoming a registered nurse in my home country before moving to the United States. This accomplishment allowed me to offer care to different patient populations in our community with various healthcare issues. I believe that all nursing students in this program have a formidable background about their choice of nursing as a career. My advice is that they focus on their dreams and aspirations of excelling in their selected career paths and specialties. What’s unique about me is that I like exploring new knowledge and getting novel perspectives about life and the nursing career (Squires & Dorsen, 2018). That’s why I love nursing as my profession.

The course outline is exciting and I believe that covering it would be good and fun. One area that I look forward to learning more about is the application of evidence-based practice to improve care provision in different areas like telehealth and value-based care (Chien, 2019; Groot et al., 2022). The need to improve care provision to diverse patient population across the United States implores providers to leverage evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions and technology to attain quality outcomes to patients and communities (Bashir & Bastola, 2018).

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ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board References

Bashir, A., & Bastola, D. R. (2018). Perspectives of nurses toward telehealth efficacy and quality

ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board
ENG 104 Unit 1 Discussion Board

of health care: pilot study. JMIR medical informatics, 6(2), e9080.

DOI: 10.2196/medinform.9080

Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing

            Research, 27(4), e29. DOI: 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000346

Groot, B., Haveman, A., & Abma, T. (2022). Relational, ethically sound co-production in mental

health care research: epistemic injustice and the need for an ethics of care. Critical Public Health, 32(2), 230-240. https://doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2020.1770694

Jolley, J. (2020). Introducing research and evidence-based practice for nursing and healthcare

            professionals. Routledge.

Squires, A., & Dorsen, C. (2018). Qualitative research in nursing and health professions

regulation. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 9(3), 15-26.


Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Reminder: Primary Response posts due by Thursday.

Students will be expected to post their primary Discussion Board posting by Thursday of each week. Discussion posts will be graded and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the Late Penalty Policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

This is a terrific time to meet your fellow classmates, to learn a little bit about them, and for them to learn about you. Please introduce

yourself in the Introductory Discussion Board that can be accessed via the Discussion Board link to the left. If you are not sure how to get started, begin by discussing your background and why you are in school. Feel free to mention your proudest accomplishments, and offer advice to others. Say something unique or fun about yourself! Additionally, please review the course outline and share with your fellow classmates at least one area that you are looking forward to learning more about.

Your introduction should be a minimum of 100 words.

You may also upload a picture by clicking on “Post File” when you respond to the Discussion Board. JPEG images work well, but it will accept other formats, too.

Get started today.  For purposes of your attendance, please post your introduction into this discussion by Thursday.

You are encouraged to participate in this thread throughout the term.