ECE 102- Child Growth and Development

ECE 102- Child Growth and Development

Quinsigamond Community College Assignment Packet ECE 102- Child Growth and Development Instructor’s Information Faith Nickolas Email: [email protected] General Guidelines for Assignments • All assignments are to be doubled spaced typed in size 12 font. (Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial are acceptable). Include a cover page with your name, the class and the title of the assignment. • Assignments are due on the dates outlined for the course. Below you will see each assignment with details and an aligned rubric. Context of Development Project Presentation and Reflection Paper Rubric for Context of Development assignment Infant Observation (or choose toddler) instructions Rubric for Infant Observation assignment Toddler Observation (or choose infant) Rubric for Toddler Observation assignment Preschool Observation Rubric for Preschool Observation Assignment details for Context of Development Project Presentation and Reflection Paper The goal and instructions for this two-part assignment are as follows: The goal of this assignment is to describe the influences on your own child development. Today, researchers view influence of external forces on an individual’s development through historical, social, cultural, and socioeconomic contexts. Address all of the subtopics as they relate to your development as a child. Part 1 of 2: Create a pictorial project that has a mix of pics and written context of your development as a child. It is imperative that development be understood in contexts; therefore, be certain to represent all of the context subtopics in your pictorial project. Instructions for Part 1: Create a slide deck OR a poster board OR Let me know another method possible: • The pictorial is multiple images, photos, pictures that represent each subtopic • Below or next to each pic, write a short statement of how the context influenced your childhood development Part 2 of 2: Reflect on the following two questions. Based on examining context of development, write this 2-page Reflective Paper to submit along with the project. You may include further description connecting your pics to these answers. 1. What did this assignment cause you to consider (in relationship to development) that you might not have paid as much attention to, before doing this project? 2. As you study human development, what will you keep in mind as you a result of this project? Subtopics: Historical Context • How has your cohort experienced the history of your childhood? • Think of how historical influences of your childhood have impacted your perspectives on life. • Pictorially represent two examples of different historical events you/your cohort have experienced and specify how those have influenced your child development. Consider public events, technology, popular trends. • State how these two events influenced your childhood development, shaped your world view, family, or society. Social Influences • Think about what social constructions [concepts, ideas, and feelings] that are different from your grandparent’s. Examples might be divorce, use of social media, watching tv during dinner – or not. • Pictorially represent two examples of social constructs that differ from that of your grandparent(s) or your grandparent(s) cohort, consider both your view their view – comparing the two different views. • State how these social constructs differed in your childhood and influence on your development as a child. Cultural Context • Consider the values, assumptions and customs (behaviors and attitudes) that were and are a part of your own life. • Think how everyday popular culture (food, clothes, home, technology, the arts) impacted your childhood. • Think of family culture aspects that influenced your childhood development. • Pictorially represent one aspect of family culture and one popular culture that influenced your child development. • State how these cultural constructs influenced your childhood development. Socioeconomic Context • Consider the variables in determining one’s socioeconomic status such as, family income, education, place of residence and occupation. Think of how these factors influence your childhood development. Revised Spring 2021 • • Pictorially represent one aspect of family income/education and one aspect of family residence/occupation that influenced your childhood development. State how these two socioeconomic constructs influenced your childhood development. Check that you have both the pictorial and the paper done. You can follow through the Rubric score sheet to check that all of the components being graded are included in your completed work. Rubric Score Sheet for Context of Development Project and Paper CRITERIA Point value Project Pictures/images are clear and are distinctly linked to the posed context. 4 Presentation was articulate and clear. Reflective Paper Mechanics Paper is formatted as instructed. Paper adheres to rules of grammar usage and punctuation including paragraphs, proper quotations and citations. Spelling is correct. Sentences are well constructed, clear and concise. 4 4 4 4 4 Historical Context: Identified cohort’s historical influences and impact on your life. Provided two examples. 4 4 Social Influences: Clearly stated differences held between generations, addressing why they were different? 4 Provided two examples. 4 Cultural Context: Identified aspects of family culture. Identified aspects of popular culture. 4 4 Provided two examples. 4 Socioeconomic Context: Influence of family income and family members’ education Influence of family residence and occupations 4 4 Reflection What are some developmental considerations you did not pay attention to before? 6 What you will keep in mind as you study human development as a result of this project. 6 Points Received Points deducted for a late submission TOTAL POINTS RECEIVED/ ASSIGNMENT GRADE 76 5 pts/day 76 Revised Spring 2021 Points Assignment guidelines for Infant Observation Choose observation of either Infant OR Toddler, and follow the guidelines for your choice. The purpose of this observation is to learn more about Infant characteristics and emerging skills by using a method of observation known as the “running record”. Your “running record” write-up will be about 4-6 pages. This is submitted along with your typed final observation report paper. This report is double-spaced, and a size 12 font. The specific focus of this observation will be on Infant biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial development. Pay particular attention to the way the infant moves, note reflexes and when they are used, also note how they manipulate toys and objects, and eat. In addition, focus on social/emotional behaviors such as smiling, vocalizing, touching and ability to come in close contact with others, as well as play interactions. Before observing: 1. Infants are age 8 weeks to 12 months. Watch the videos provided. Observe Infants and write the running record. 2. You’ll watch the provided videos to observe and write the “running record”. 3. IF you already work in an Infant room or already are a caregiver for an Infant, get permission from the parents or center director to observe this child. As a professional you are to keep all information confidential. 4. Identifying a child in a video can be a description of their clothing. IF in-person, only identify their first name Observation Technique: You will be recording a “running record”. You will write down WHAT you SEE happening and WHAT you HEAR (not what you think about it, only what you see and hear). The more detailed the better. Write with no opinion only write what happened. Be sure to give details and be exact. Do not generalize. You may need to observe more than once to get everything necessary. See the rubric score sheet to help guide you while you watch and write. You’ll write the “running record” while you watch. Then type it up. Submit both. Read through the whole guideline section below to see what you’ll be looking for. Guidelines for Report: 1. Introduction Write an introduction stating why you selected this child. 2. Findings Review the text to become familiar with the developmental milestones of Biosocial, Cognitive/Language, and Psychosocial domains. Then write evidence of the following based on your observation. You may have to adjust this because most of you will be observing the provided videos, however some may be observing a child in-person ONLY IF already in a classroom or caregiving. Biosocial Developmental Evidence: • Describe the infant’s sleeping patterns if you see that, or as told to you by the caregiver. • Describe the infant’s nutritional patterns if you see that, or as told to you by the caregiver. Review the textbook for guidance on biosocial development and wording that is unfamiliar [and cite page numbers when you use text to support your answers] • What evidence did you observe regarding social and cultural factors affecting biological growth? • Give at least two examples of observed fine motor skills. Describe these in detail. Were the skills within typical Infant range? Why or why not? Use text from the book to support your ideas [cite pages]. • Give at least two examples of observed gross motor skills. Describe these in detail. Were the skills within typical Infant range? Why or why not? Use text from the book to support your ideas [cite pages]. Revised Spring 2021 Cognitive Developmental Evidence: • Describe Piaget’s sensory motor sub-stage of cognitive development that you saw during your observation. If you did not see it, view the provided videos to be able to answer this. • Give two examples of observed behaviors and place them in the appropriate sub-stage. Is this typical behavior for this age? Use information from your text to support your statements. [cite page numbers for these references] Language: • • • Using the table (The Development of Spoken Language in the First Two Years) in your book identify the observed infants mean of communication. Give two examples of observed communication – verbal or nonverbal. Relate what you observed to the text. Is communication age appropriate? Use information from your text to support your statements. [cite page numbers for these references] Psychosocial Developmental Evidence: • Look for evidence of the following and provide an example of each: 1. Erikson’s Trust vs. Mistrust. Give example. 2. Freud’s Oral Stage. Give example. 3. Synchrony. Give example. 4. Emotional milestone of stranger anxiety and/or stranger wariness. 5. Temperament: give some indication of the child’s observed temperament. • Are your observations this typical for this age? Use text from the book to support your idea [then cite the page numbers] 3. Conclusion: Assignment Reflection In conclusion, demonstrate a clear level of reflection and self-assessment through the following questions. Think about how you feel about the experience. What was it like to observe an infant? How is the evidence related to your teaching and learning? How will you use the knowledge gained in your professional life, teaching, or personal life? 4. Attach the running record. Be sure to check the Rubric Score Sheet Rubric Score Sheet for Infant Observation Graded Criteria (Infant) Point value Revised Spring 2021 Points MECHANICS (NAEYC skill, 3.1 and 4.2) Paper is formatted as instructed. 4 Paper adheres to rules of grammar usage and punctuation including paragraphs. 4 Spelling is correct. 4 Sentences are well constructed, clear and concise. 4 Citations are correct in-text and with page number. 4 Content (NAEYC Standards 1.2 and 3 Skills 3.1 and 4.2 Answered all questions posed for the observation, including reason for selection of this child 4 Physical Development (provide support for information described) Detailed description of Infant’s sleeping patterns 4 Detailed description of infant’s eating patterns 4 Evidence of social and cultural factors affecting physical growth 4 Definition of fine and gross motor skills. 4 Correctly identified two examples of gross motor skills 4 Correctly identified two examples of fine motor skills 4 Are these examples typical or not typical? Explain using support from your text. 4 Cognitive Development Correct identification of Piaget’s sensory motor sub-stage(s) 4 Give 2 examples of sensory motor sub-stage(s) 4 Are the examples typical or not typical? Explain 4 Give 2 examples of language. 4 Are the examples typical for Infants? Explain 4 Psychosocial Development Example of Erikson’s: Trust /mistrust 4 Example of Freud’s: Oral stage 4 Evidence of Synchrony 4 Indicators of emotional milestone of stranger wariness/anxiety. 4 Description and explanation of the child’s temperament 4 Are your observations typical for Infants (use textbook to support answer [cite page number(s)]. 4 Reflection Shared reaction to the interview and reaction to observing an infant. 4 TOTAL POINTS RECEIVED/ ASSIGNMENT GRADE (-8 pts per day, including weekends for a late submission.) 100 Revised Spring 2021 Assignment guidelines for Toddler Observation (13 months – 2.9 years) Choose observation of either Toddler OR Infant, and follow the guidelines for your choice. The purpose of the toddler observation is to learn more about toddler characteristics and emerging skills by using a method of observation known as the “running record”. Your “running record” write-up will be about 4-6 pages. This is submitted along with your typed final observation report paper. This report is double-spaced, and a size 12 font. The specific focus of this observation will be on the toddler’s motor skills, cognitive skills and social/emotional skills. You must pay particular attention to the way the toddler moves, uses his/her body, manipulates toys and objects and eats. In addition, focus on social/emotional behaviors such as smiling, vocalizing, touching and ability to come in close contact with others. Study playful interactions. Before observing: 1. Toddlers are age 13 months to 2 years + 9 months. Watch the videos provided. 2. You’ll watch the provided videos to observe and write the “running record”. 3. IF you already work in a Toddler room or already are a caregiver for a Toddler, get permission from the parents or center director to observe this child. As a professional you are to keep all information confidential. 4. Identifying a child in a video can be a description of their clothing. IF in-person, only identify their first name Observation Technique: You will be recording a “running record”. You will write down WHAT you SEE happening and WHAT you HEAR (not what you think about it, only what you see and hear). The more detailed the better. Write with no opinion only write what happened. Be sure to give details and be exact. Do not generalize. You may need to observe more than once to get everything necessary. See the rubric score sheet to help guide you while you watch and write. You’ll write the “running record” while you watch. Then type it up. Submit both. Read through the whole guideline section below to see what you’ll be looking for. Guidelines for Writing the Report: 1. Introduction Write an introduction stating why you selected this child. 2. Findings Review the text to become familiar with the developmental milestones of Biosocial, Cognitive/Language, and Psychosocial domains. Then write evidence of each domain based on your observation to answer the questions below. You may have to adjust this because most of you will be observing the provided videos, however some may be observing a child in-person ONLY IF already in a classroom or caregiving. Biosocial Evidence: • Describe 2 examples you observed of fine motor skills. Were these skills typical for Toddlers? Support your answer with information from the text and/or developmental chart in the book. • Describe 2 examples of gross motor skills. Were these skills typical for Toddlers? Support your answer with information from the text and/or developmental chart in the book. • Describe what sensory experiences you saw the toddler involved with during the observation? [Cite page numbers for these references] Cognitive Evidence: • Describe Piaget’s sensory motor sub-stage of cognitive development you observed. Give one example of this sub-stage. • Give an example of symbolic thought you observed. Revised Spring 2021 • • Give an example of object permanence you observed. Are these observed examples typical for Toddlers? Use information from your text to support your findings. [Cite page numbers for these references] Language Development: • Give two examples of the child’s language. • Where does the toddler’s language development fall according to your text? Clearly make the connection between your examples and the information contained the text. [Cite page numbers]. Psychosocial Evidence: • Give one example of Erikson’s autonomy observed. Make a clear connection between your example and theory explained in our textbook [Cite pages]. • Give one example of Freud’s anal stage observed. Make a clear connection between your example and theory explained in our textbook [Cite pages]. • Give one example of other observed development of conscience, attachment and negativism [use your textbook for understanding these terms]. • Give a clear explanation of whether the examples you’ve provided are typical of Toddlers or not [use the textbook and cite pages]. 3. Conclusions: Assignment Reflection In conclusion, demonstrate a clear level of reflection and self-assessment through answers to the following questions. Think about how you feel about the experience, your perceptions and expectations. • How is the evidence related to your teaching and learning? • What are some alternative viewpoints or perspectives about what you observed? • How will you use the knowledge gained in your professional life, teaching, or personal life? 4. Attach the running record. Be sure to check the Score Sheet Rubric Score Sheet for Toddler Observation Revised Spring 2021 Student Name: CRITERIA (Toddler) Toddler Observation Point value Points MECHANICS (NAEYC Criteria skill 3.1 and 4.2) FACTORS CONSIDERED INCLUDE: Paper is formatted as instructed. Paper adheres to rules of grammar usage, punctuation and paragraph. 4 4 Spelling is correct. 4 Sentences are well constructed, clear and concise. 4 Citations are correctly noted and used. 4 Content (NAEYC Criteria Standards 1.2 and 3 skills 3.1 and 4.2) FACTORS CONSIDERED INCLUDE: Introduction Provided reason for selecting this child. Physical Development Identified two examples of fine motor skills [cite page number from the text] 4 4 Identified two examples of gross motor skills [cite page number from the text] 4 Described sensory experiences observed Cognitive Development Correct description of sensory motor sub-stage and an example of this sub-stage. 4 Example of symbolic thought. 4 Example of object permanence. 4 Are these observed examples typical for Toddlers? And textbook info to support [cite pages] 4 Language Development Examples of child’s language 4 Identified development and connected observed examples with text information. 4 4 Psychosocial Development Example of Erikson’s: Autonomy observed and connection to theory [cited pages] 4 Example of Freud’s: Anal stage and connection to theory [cited pages] 4 Additional example of other observed indicators [cited pages] 4 Clear explanation of whether examples are typical or not typical. 4 Reflection Reflection of toddler observation. 4 100 TOTAL POINTS RECEIVED/ ASSIGNMENT GRADE Assignment guidelines for Preschool Observation (Age 2.9-5 yrs.) All students will make a Preschool observation. Revised Spring 2021 The purpose of this observation is to learn more about the preschool child and their emerging skills by using a method of observation known as the “running record”. Your “running record” write-up will be about 4-6 pages. This is submitted along with your typed final observation report paper. This report is double-spaced, and a size 12 font. Before observing: 1. Preschoolers are 2 years + 9 months of age up through 5 years old. 2. You’ll watch the provided videos to observe and write the “running record”. 3. IF you already work in a Preschool classroom or are a caregiver for a Preschooler, get permission from the parents or center director to observe this child. As a professional you are to keep all information confidential. Identifying a child in a video can be a describing their clothing. IF in-person, only identify their first name. Observation Technique: You will be recording a “running record”. You will write down WHAT you SEE happening and WHAT you HEAR (not what you think about it, only what you see and hear). The more detailed the better. Write with no opinion only write what happened. Be sure to give details and be exact. Do not generalize. You may need to observe more than once to get everything necessary. See the rubric score sheet to help guide you while you watch and write. You’ll write the “running record” while you watch. Then type it up. Submit both. Read through the whole guideline section below to see what you’ll be looking for. Look through the rubric to guide your writing. Guidelines for Writing Report: 1. Introduction – Write an introduction stating why you selected this child. 2. Findings – Review the text to become familiar with the developmental milestones of biosocial, cognitive/language, and psychosocial domains. Then write evidence of each domain based on your observation to answer the questions below. You may have to adjust this because most of you will be observing the provided videos, however some may be observing a child in-person ONLY IF if already in classroom or caregiving. 3. Body of paper – The body of the paper will have three sections. Be sure they can be clearly identified (use headings for each section, which are Biophysical, Cognitive, Psychosocial). Be sure that you address all questions in each section. I. Biophysical Development: • • • • • In your own words, briefly describe biosocial development as it relates to the preschool age group. Cite text for ideas and concepts, but do not copy what the text states, use your own words. Give two examples of gross motor skills. Are the skills demonstrated in these examples typical for Preschoolers? Explain using support from your text. [cite page numbers] Give two examples of fine motor skills. Are the skills demonstrated in these examples typical for Preschoolers? Explain using support from your text. [cite page numbers] II. Cognitive Development: Piaget: • Briefly introduce Piaget’s preoperational stage stating his beliefs on how preschool children think and the obstacles to their thinking. • In the book you will find a chart of conservation tasks. Select one and do it with your child. Describe what happened in detail (using direct quotes.) • Relate the experience of the conservation task to Piaget’s explanation of cognitive development for the preoperational child. • Describe one observed example of Piaget’s preoperational development such as centration, focus on appearance, static reasoning, irreversibility or egocentrism. Explain the connection between your observation and the theory. Revised Spring 2021 Vygotsky: • Briefly introduce Vygotsky’s key concepts of how children learn. • Give an observed example of one of the following: apprentice in learning, Zone of Proximal Development, or language as a tool for learning • Clearly connect your example to Vygotsky’s theory. Language: • Give a brief introduction to preschool children’s language development. • Describe one example you observed of a child using over regularization (see textbook for this term). Or • Share an example of when a child tried to use “logic” to figure out something and came up with the wrong conclusion, as adults know it. For example, butter is used to make butterflies (page 263). • Clearly state how your example is developmentally significant in the child’s language development. In other words, “What does it tell us about the child’s language development? III. Psychosocial Development: Erikson • Give a brief introduction to Erikson’s Initiative versus Guilt. • What evidence did you observe of Erikson’s initiative versus guilt stage? Give a clear example using direct quotes from your observations as needed. • Explain your answer in detail and connect it clearly to Erickson’s third stage of development. Use data from your text for support but state this in your own words (cite your text for the concepts). Gender Identity and Freud’s Theory • Briefly describe how Freud thinks we acquire our gender identity. • What evidence do you see to support or negate Freud’s theory? • Now consider the environment and indicate what you see in the environment that may contribute to the child’s gender identity and attitudes. • Is this typical? Explain. Prosocial Behavior: • Briefly define prosocial behavior and its relationship to the preschool child. • What evidence do you see of your selected child’s prosocial behavior or lack of it? Give one clear exact example. Is this typical? Explain. Mildred Parten: Social Play • Review Mildred Parten’s stages of social play in your text. • Give two examples of Mildred Parten’s stages of play. Identify the stage. Give the observed example with an explanation of why your example fits that stage. Be sure to give enough information from your observation to make the stage of play obvious to someone who did not see it. Contextual Influences on Play • Did you observe any indicators of the influence of television on your child? Describe what you saw and explain it. If you did not see any indicators, why do you think you didn’t see any? Be specific. IV. Conclusion: Assignment Reflection Answers demonstrate a clear level of reflection and self-assessment. Reflection is an expression of your expectations, perceptions, and feelings of the experience represented by the evidence you present in the paper. Think about how you feel about this experience. Revised Spring 2021 • • • How is this experience related to your teaching and learning practice? What did you learn that you were not expecting to discover? How will you use the knowledge gained from this observation of a preschool child in your profession and /or personal life? V. Attach the running record. Be sure to check the Score Sheet Rubric Score Sheet for Preschool Observation Student Name: Pre-school Observation CRITERIA (Pre-school Child) Point value MECHANICS (NAEYC Skill 3) Paper is formatted as directed in instructions. 4 Revised Spring 2021 Points Observation notes, and copies of the thank you notes are attached 4 Paper adheres to rules of grammar, usage, capitalization and punctuation. 4 Spelling is correct. 4 Sentences are well constructed, clear and concise. 4 Citations are used correctly 4 CONTENT (NAEYC Standard 1a, 1b, 3b, 4a, 4c, 5c) Introduction Physical Description: age (in years and months and state birth date) height, weight, eye color, hair color, race. Family Members: who live in the house with the preschool child? 4 Body of the Paper Physical Development / Biosocial Development Introduce the section with a brief description of biosocial development related to preschool children. 4 4 Example 1: describe a large/ gross motor skill. Is the skill typical according to the text? (cite text page) 4 4 Example 2: describe a large/gross motor skill. Is the skill typical according to the text? (cite text page) 4 4 Example 1: describe a fine motor skill. Is the skill typical according to the text? (cite text page) 4 4 Example 2: describe a fine motor skill. Is the skill typical according to the text? (cite text page) 4 4 Cognitive Development Piaget: Give a brief description of Piaget’s Theory: how children think and obstacles to thinking. Identified and describe in detail chosen conservation task. 4 4 Describe child’s reaction to the task using direct quotes 4 Explain and connect your observation to Piaget’s theory. 4 VYGOTSKY: Give a brief explanation of Vygotsky’s theory. 4 Give an example of Vygotsky’s Theory that you observed during your observation. Explain your observation and the connection with Vygotsky’s Theory. 4 4 Describe at least one of Vygotsky’s terms you observed during this assignment. (mentors, scaffolding, over-imitation are examples) 4 Give an example from your observation to support the term you described regarding Vygotsky’s Theory. 4 Describe the connection to Vygotsky’s Theory 4 Language: Briefly describe language development in the preschool child. 4 Description (use direct quotes) of observed language. 4 Give an example of overregulation; or where the child uses preoperational “logic” to understand a word; or the use of “logic” to understand something but came to the wrong conclusion. Significance of example: What does this tell us about the child’s language development? 4 Psychosocial Development ERIKSON: Explain Erikson’s Initiative vs. Guilt. 4 4 Revised Spring 2021 Give an example of observed evidence of Initiative vs. Guilt (direct quotes). 4 Provide and explanation of your example and connection to theory. 4 Freud and Gender Identity: How does Freud think we acquire gender identity? 4 Observed example of gender identity. How does the environment contribute to the child’s gender identity? 4 4 Is this gender identity evidence typical? Explain using support from text and cite text and page number. 4 Prosocial Behavior Brief definition of prosocial behavior as it relates to the preschool child. 4 Example of prosocial behavior or lack of it. 4 Is your example typical, why or why not? 4 PARTEN: Give a brief overview of Mildred Parten’s theory and two examples you observed during your observation. (*) Example 1(*) 4 Example 2 (*) Explanation and connections to Parten’s theory. Contextual Influences on Play Example of contextual influences on play. Explanation of influence or non-influence. Reflection: NAEYC Skill 1 How has this experience supported your learning? 4 4 What did you learn that you were not expecting to discover? 4 How will you use the knowledge you gained in your profession/personal life? 4 POINTS RECEIVED/ASSIGNMENT GRADE: Points deducted for Late Submission [- 10 pts per day including weekends] Total Points Received/ Grade 200 4 4 4 4 Revised Spring 2021 200