DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

Sample Answer for DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding Included After Question

Reflect on your different experiences in this course, from learning new tools to having to think critically to learning how to accept feedback. Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding. Based on your experience, what doctoral strategies helped you navigate these new experiences successfully (or could help you in the future)? How could you use these strategies as a leader at a local level or within the broader health care system to advocate for change?

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

Title:  DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

Reflect on your different experiences in this course, from learning new tools to having to think critically to learning how to accept feedback. Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding. Based on your experience, what doctoral strategies helped you navigate these new experiences successfully (or could help you in the future)? How could you use these strategies as a leader at a local level or within the broader health care system to advocate for change?

Reflecting on my experience with this course is the fact that it appears that I have taken on too much in my plate. I am finishing up my school nursing certificate when I joined this program. I feel that I have wasted enough time in my life so that I need to start and just do it especially knowing that I am only taking one class at a time. Life and other things get in the way. I entered this program because it has always been my desire to reach the pinnacle of learning and knowledge of any career that I choose, not for title but for knowledge. It may not have been as stressful if I did not have life to contend with such as personal life, family life, spiritual life and work life.

One of the greatest challenges I have and still have with this course, is the challenge of understanding the navigations with technology. Go there, go here, click on this, click on that. I understand things but I learn slow, life is so fast paced and apparently learning that if you do not get it quickly, you are left behind so you are continuously struggling to catch up. I find that that has happened to me with learning computer technology. With this program, I believe that it was quite confusing and still is, the various information and sites that we had to click into and navigate to get to information and because of the pressure of lack of time and the due dates coupled with our other life plans, and our fear of starting something new, it made it difficult to understand. I hope that I will understand it better as I settle into this program. If and when I pass this class.

My second challenge with this course is the instructions given. No offense to Dr. Etheridge because it is not her fault, but the faculty that has set this program. The instructions are quite voluminous and not so easy to understand and there are several places you have to go to get information. Maybe that is the way it works with other school’s programs. I do not know, but must it be so confusing. I know that I wanted to drop out that first week and many of my classmates too, but we kept at it with a lot of stress. I wish that the faculty would make the instructions a little simpler especially since this is the first class. I was talking to a friend and she said that this is why she prefers in person classes. It appears that online students are inundated with so much information that we have to figure out for ourselves. Though, I tried to reach out to Dr. Etheridge and she explained them, thank you but because of my lack of time, I did not always reach out to her on time and I felt self-conscious to keep asking her questions which is the problem that students have. We do not want to keep asking for clarification because it makes us look, one stupid and two, we feel like we are bothering the professor.

My third challenge that is based on technology is my difficulty with finding articles especially recent articles. I could not find recent articles within the five years limit. Most times, when I find the best article, it is several years old. I was so frustrated one time that I finally called the Librarian and the young man that helped me also had difficulty finding recent articles on the topic I was using. The librarian taught me one or two things on how to find articles and I have used it but it does not always work but I need more training, to learn the proper skills needed on how to find articles. I don’t even mind paying for the training but the other issue is my lack of time. I cannot add another stressor to my plate at this time in my life.

All the new navigation tools that I have learned have been helpful but I need to understand how to maneuver them well. I am still learning how to think critically in terms of research and the DPI projects. How to pick the right topic that does not involve starting new research and how to pick the right question, learning PICOT-D is new to me. Also, finding the literature and learning to differentiate the levels of evidence of different articles is great but I still need to understand it better. This doctoral learning process is profitable because no knowledge is a waste. It will help me in future as a leader at a local level to be able to identify issues and work on finding evidence-based solutions for them and when they are implemented at a local level and it works, then it can be advocated for a broader level of change. As a student, knowing and understanding the seven steps for EBP- cultivation of a spirit of enquiry, asking questions, acquiring information, appraising the information, applying the knowledge and assessing the implementation of the knowledge will improve my ability to find solutions to issues in the health care profession. This requires a positive attitude, skills of research and support from health professionals and the organization (Mena-Tudela, González-Chordá, Cervera-Gasch, Maciá-Soler, & Orts-Cortés, 2018).

Also, as a doctoral student, it will be great to master the concepts that are specific to the research for one to be an independent researcher or nurse scientist. If these concepts are not mastered, the student may be ‘stuck’ in the learning process journey which would place the student in a state of liminality, a transition space of uncertainty. Therefore, there is a need for educational policies that support strategies with time to develop student writing, community building for the students and cultivates faculty-student relationships (Tyndall, Firnhaber, & Kistler, 2021).

References: DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

Mena-Tudela, D., González-Chordá, V. M., Cervera-Gasch, A., Maciá-Soler, M. L., & Orts-Cortés, M. I. (2018). Effectiveness of an evidence-based practice educational intervention with second-year nursing students. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem26(0).

Tyndall, D. E., Firnhaber, G. C., & Kistler, K. B. (2021). An integrative review of threshold concepts in doctoral education: Implications for PhD nursing programs. Nurse Education Today99, 104786.

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

Title:  DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

My most challenging aspect in this course was that of searching for literature. Literature forms an integral component of all evidence-based projects by; helping a researcher and the audience to comprehend the complexity surrounding a clinical issue, providing insights on the scope of a clinical issue, and the best, most recent, evidence-based intervention strategies for the issue (Bramer et al., 2018). Without proper literature, a learner’s evidence-based practice project cannot progress. However, since there is a lot of published literature in this digital age, it calls for good skills to search for the most relevant literature to a clinical issue. If not done in a stepwise approach, the process can be tiring, time consuming, and easily result in disinterest or abandonment of the search. When a learner successfully accomplishes the step on literature search, the step on analysis and integration is easy.

The most rewarding aspect was learning how to formulate clinical questions using the PICOT-D tool. According to Eriksen & Frandsen (2018), allowing nurses to formulate interventions based on the clinical issues they identify from their areas of practice provides a good foundation for evidence-based practice they can relate with. Another rewarding aspect was learning more about plagiarism, referencing, and citation that purpose to acknowledge one’s dependence on another researcher’s work and to differentiate it from that of sources used by a researcher (Kumar, 2021).

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The doctoral strategy that helped navigate this experience was obtaining knowledge on how to conduct a successful literature search; developing the PICOT clinical question, identifying databases and criteria to search for literature, conducting the search, selecting relevant articles, and organizing the findings in a literature evaluation table. Advocating for change is one of the roles of nurse leaders in practice and encompasses  processes such as identifying an issue to address, developing goals, and strategies to address the issue (Eriksen & Frandsen, 2018).  I will utilize the knowledge obtained in this course in such instances to search for literature for potential evidence-based solutions to address issues at community and population level for health promotion and disease prevention.

DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding
DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

References DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding

Bramer, W. M., de Jonge, G. B., Rethlefsen, M. L., Mast, F., & Kleijnen, J. (2018). A systematic approach to searching: an efficient and complete method to develop literature searches. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA106(4), 531.

Eriksen, M. B., & Frandsen, T. F. (2018). The impact of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) as a search strategy tool on literature search quality: a systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA106(4), 420.

Kumar, A. (2021). Plagiarism: Injurious to the academic health of the researcher and research!(Part-II). Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology25(3), 183.

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DNP 801 Topic 8 DQ 1 Discuss which aspects were most challenging and most rewarding Grading Rubric Guidelines

Performance Category 10 9 8 4 0

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic decisions.

  • Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry clearly stating how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions
  • Evaluates literature resources to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis.
  • Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion
  • Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry but does not clearly state how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Evaluates information from source(s) to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
  • Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.
  • Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is taken from source(s) with some interpretation/evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
  • Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion.
  • Demonstrates little or no understanding of the topic.
  • Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/evaluation.
  • The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, or reliable
  • No evidence of the use of scholarly inquiry to inform or change professional or academic decisions.
  • Information is not valid, relevant, or reliable
Performance Category  10 9 8 4 0
Application of Course Knowledge –

Demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lesson and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

  • Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources;
  • Applies concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life.
  • Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources.
  • Applies concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Interactions with classmates are relevant to the discussion topic but do not make direct reference to lesson content
  • Posts are generally on topic but do not build knowledge by incorporating concepts and principles from the lesson.
  • Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Does not demonstrate a solid understanding of the principles and concepts presented in the lesson
  • Posts do not adequately address the question posed either by the discussion prompt or the instructor’s launch post.
  • Posts are superficial and do not reflect an understanding of the lesson content
  • Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
  • Posts are not related to the topics provided by the discussion prompt or by the instructor; attempts by the instructor to redirect the student are ignored
  • No discussion of lesson concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life
Performance Category  5 4 3 2 0
Interactive Dialogue

Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days.

(5 points possible per graded thread)

  • Exceeds minimum post requirements
  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts three or more times in each graded thread, over three separate days.
  • Replies to a post posed by faculty and to a peer
  • Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.
  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days
  • Replies to a question posed by a peer

Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.

  • Meets expectations of 2 posts on 2 different days.
  • The main post is not made by the Wednesday deadline
  • Does not reply to a question posed by a peer or faculty
  • Has only one post for the week
  • Discussion posts contain few, if any, new ideas or applications; often are a rehashing or summary of other students’ comments
  • Does not post to the thread
  • No connections are made to the topic
  Minus 1 Point Minus 2 Point Minus 3 Point Minus 4 Point Minus 5 Point
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Note: if there are only a few errors in these criteria, please note this for the student in as an area for improvement. If the student does not make the needed corrections in upcoming weeks, then points should be deducted.

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

  • 2-3 errors in APA format.
  • Written responses have 2-3 grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is generally clear, focused, and facilitates communication.
  • 4-5 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is somewhat focused.
  • 6-7 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is slightly focused making discussion difficult to understand.
  • 8-10 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is not focused, making discussion difficult to understand.
  • Post contains greater than 10 errors in APA format.
  • Written responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style does not facilitate communication.
  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor
0 points lost       -5 points lost
Total Participation Requirements

per discussion thread

The student answers the threaded discussion question or topic on one day and posts a second response on another day. The student does not meet the minimum requirement of two postings on two different days
Early Participation Requirement

per discussion thread

The student must provide a substantive answer to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course instructor (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week. The student does not meet the requirement of a substantive response to the stated question or topic by Wednesday at 11:59 pm MT.

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